Hearing Eugeo's question, Long Cheng pointed to the sun hanging above his head.

"The opposite side of Solus, then I probably won't come back."

Without stopping any longer, Long Cheng turned into a stream of silver light and disappeared before everyone's eyes.


adomina star

Returning to the cave where he retreated before, this time Long Cheng didn't release the blade and Bing Ji, but directly sat down cross-legged.

Consciousness came to the opposite side of the black hole, in the space shrouded by the God Extinguisher and the soul ring.

The golden haze became thicker, almost catching up with the total amount of blue-silver airflow.

At the very center of the space, a group of white fluorescent lights flickered slightly.

"Draig...is this?"

"I'm also... not too sure. It seems to be the product of absorbing and transforming the power of the outside world."

He didn't care about Draig's hesitation, Long Cheng just assumed that the other party didn't know too well, so he gave a guess.

Long Cheng came to the side of the light group, and touched the light group with his left hand covered with gauntlet.

[Ding!The substance of the same property is detected, is it absorbed? ]

The prompt sound that suddenly appeared in his consciousness made Long Cheng startled suddenly.

My own system will take the initiative to issue a prompt!

You must know that if it wasn't for the gauntlet in his hand and the world travel that reminded Long Cheng that he still has such a system, Long Cheng himself would have almost forgotten this Akalin attribute cheat.

[Ding!The substance of the same property is detected, is it absorbed? ]

"System, what will happen if it is absorbed?"

[Ding!This substance is the basic substance that constitutes the system. After absorption, it can greatly increase the energy storage of the system, that is, the integral of the host. ]


A few short prompts let Longcheng know a lot of important information.

First of all, the quality of this white light group is at the same level as that of the system. You must know that even if Long Cheng has reached the current level, regarding the system... he still cannot perceive the power of the system.

Secondly, according to the system, the white light cluster is the basic substance of the system, and the white light cluster appeared in Longcheng's black hole space, so does this mean that as long as Long Cheng continues to become stronger, the white light cluster will continue to accumulate? The substance, I will be able to rub the system with my hands one day?

Exchange such an important material for the points that he does not lack at all, this is simply an act of paying back the pearls.

"System, can you explain the origin of this mass?"

[Ding!This substance is the concentrated energy of the source. ]

"No, I have entered and exited the Almighty Root once, why can't I perceive it?"

[Ding!This is the energy emitted by the countless omnipotent roots that are attracted by the host's godhead and condensed. The host has not reached other omnipotent roots, nor has the body reached the hyperspace, so it cannot perceive it. ]

"So, why did this thing form here?"

[Ding!Insufficient host authority! ]

"Insufficient permissions? Why?"

The system's answer made Long Cheng feel a little on guard.

[Ding!There are three creators of this system, and now two creators are against informing the host, and one is in favor.

Therefore, the system cannot inform the host. ]

"So, how do I collect this substance?"

[Ding!The stronger the strength of the host, the faster the collection speed. ]

"Then how should I increase my strength quickly?"

At Longcheng's level, wanting to increase his strength quickly is almost wishful thinking. Which one of the others didn't spend endless years accumulating in order to go further?

[Ding!The host can grow rapidly by analyzing the laws and roots of each world. ]

With just this sentence, Long Cheng already understood the meaning of the system.

This is actually the same as what Longcheng did before. As long as he can successfully analyze the laws and roots of a world, Longcheng's strength will increase.

Consciousness returned to the black hole space, and Long Cheng and Draig started their respective cultivation.

The space once again fell into silence, and the wet feather-colored crystal with several cracks hovered around Long Cheng, emitting a faint light.

As Long Cheng fell into cultivation, the space resources of Adomina star once again rioted.

The gods and beasts sensed the familiar aura, and couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness.


Human Calendar [-] November [-]th

On this day, Long Cheng who was practicing in the cave suddenly opened his eyes.

The Star Breaking Sword and Star Piercing Gun in his body suddenly emitted an astonishing light, and some knowledge then appeared in Long Cheng's mind.Orpheus' godhead has also been repaired a little again.

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