"Longcheng...isn't it..."


"I hope you can forgive me for what happened just now. The purpose of Gaia and I is to extend the world, so if there is any problem, we will eliminate it as soon as possible."

"So you two will attack me without any explanation?"

"This is because once you descend to the inner side of the world, no one can stop you anymore. That's why we seem anxious."

"Okay, so now you should stop fighting against me, right?"

"Of course. After all... Alaya and I are no match for that one at all."

Gaia said with lingering fear, it seems that the power displayed by Cang Yue frightened the two restraining forces.The power to freeze an entire root has completely surpassed the cognition of the three of them.

"Since you won't prevent me from comprehending the law of this root, then let's write off the previous things.

Of course, I won't take your things for nothing, and I will help you if you have any difficulties. "

Seeing that the two little lolita were obviously much easier to talk to, Long Cheng was not aggressive either.

"In this case, we just have one thing that needs your help."


Late November 1986, Germany.

The windows were filled with snow blown by the cold wind.A cold night in the frozen forest.

In an ancient castle built on permafrost, a small room is surrounded by the heat of a slowly burning furnace.

In that warm room, a man in a black suit embraced a new little life.

With a firm grip, the body that even makes people feel a little illusory, doesn't even have the expected weight.

It's like the first snow picked up with your hands, and it will shatter with just a slight shake. This delicate touch is so delicate that it even makes people feel a little dangerous.

Even though it was very weak, he still tried his best to keep breathing while sleeping. With the slow breathing, the small mouth was gently vibrating.Her small chest was also beating weakly, and to her, that was already trying her best.

"The child seems to be sleeping peacefully."

The baby's mother leaned on the bed and smiled, watching the man's posture of holding the baby.

It seemed that she hadn't recovered from the postpartum haggardness, her complexion was not very good, and she lost some blood, but it didn't damage her jewel-like noble appearance at all.

Because her face was brimming with happiness, which completely concealed the haggard look caused by fatigue, and her gentle eyes and smile were shining brightly.

"Even a mother who is already familiar with her, this child will keep crying. It is the first time to be hugged obediently like this. She must know. I know that you are a very gentle person, so I can feel at ease."

The man had nothing to say, but blankly glanced back and forth between the baby in his hand and the mother on the bed.

He had never seen such a beautiful smile from Irisviel.

She was originally a woman who had nothing to do with happiness.No one had ever thought of giving her the feeling of happiness.She is not a creation of God, but an artificial object created by human hands. For a woman born as a Homunculus, this is a matter of course.

Irisviel never expected it either.She was created as a doll and raised as a doll, maybe she didn't even understand the meaning of the word happiness before.But now she was smiling brightly.

"It's great to have this baby."

Irisviel von Einzbern said quietly with affection while looking at the sleeping baby.

Henceforth the child will live as an imitation of humanity.Maybe it will be painful, maybe it will resent the mother who gave birth to him who is not really human.Even so, Alice Feier is still very happy now, and feels that this child is very cute and proud.

Although there is nothing special in appearance, just like an ordinary and cute baby, but——

The body that had been magically cast several times in the mother's body has been replaced by tissues that are more separated from human beings than the mother.It can be said to be the body of magical crystallization that has been limited in its use since birth.That is the real body of Irisviel's beloved daughter, Iliasviel von Einsbern. .

Despite such a cruel birth, Irisviel still said that it was good to be born, affirming herself who gave birth to a child, affirming her newborn daughter, cherishing life, and taking pride in it with a smile.

That kind of strength, that kind of noble heart, there is no doubt that this is the quality that only belongs to mothers.

387. The System Defrauded the Corpse

"Don't worry, Kirito is fine. It's just that he can't wake up now."

After comforting Ronnie, Long Cheng and Eugeo Alice walked aside.

"Long Cheng-jun, why did you bring Kirito here? You must know that after the East Gate decays, what we will face is the endless army of the Dark Continent. Eugeo and I have no energy to protect Kirito at all."

"Don't worry, someone will come to protect him when the time comes.

When the East Gate disappears, you two should hurry to the altar at the end of the world.As long as you, who have broken through the seal of the right eye, go to the real world, then it will be a victory for the human world. "

"I refuse, since I have obtained too much power, as a member of the integrity knight, I have the obligation to protect the human world!

I can't just watch everyone fighting with the army of the Dark Continent, but I want to run away! "

"I'm...with Alice."

Regarding Eugeo's and Alice's answers, Longcheng didn't make any comments. Everyone has their own ideas, as long as they don't regret it.

"Whatever you want, I'm just making a suggestion.

That being the case, I left. "

A blue-silver light flickered behind Long Cheng, and then a pair of pure white wings appeared.

"Long Cheng-jun, where are you going?" Eugeo asked.

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