Purple triangular prism crystals protrude from the forehead.


The crystals melted into the forehead again, and all the images quickly disappeared without a trace.

Integrity Knight——Alice Synthesis Satie shook her head, regaining her composure, but a gray-brown-haired boy vaguely appeared in her mind.


Laos slowly picked up the real sword that fell on the ground. Although the shock on his face was still there, the distorted smile became even bigger!

At this time, Humbert also removed his sword from the wall with his left hand, and a cruel smile appeared on his face again.

Although his right hand was cut off, he was still able to invite a senior priest who could restore his arm by virtue of his family relationship.

"Swordsman-in-training Eugeo, no, the great sinner Eugeo! I, the eldest son of the third-class knight, Laios Antinos, will execute you with the right of noble judgment at this moment! Dedicate all your destiny to God...pay for your sins!"

"I, the eldest son of the fourth-class jazz, Humbert Jizek, will execute you as well!"

After all, the bloodthirsty red light shone in the eyes of the two, and the sharp sword in their hands shone with light unique to sword skills, and chopped off Eugeo's head.

"Be careful! Eugeo-senpai!"

Tijie and Ronye, ​​who came back to their senses, couldn't help shouting.

'What should I do...the sword skills coming from both sides...ordinary parrying can't stop it at all...

correct!Two swords use sword skills to block at the same time...'

"Aincrad-style secret method o-kai-double fan-shaped slash!!!"

The two divine swords in his hands shone with golden and blue sword skills at the same time, and slashed at the sharp swords of Laos and Humbert!


The four swords collided at the same moment, and Laos's sword couldn't resist the golden sword at all, and was directly split in two.

Since Humbert held the sword in his left hand, he lacked strength, and was sent flying by Eugeo's Blue Rose Sword.

The golden Excalibur changed back to the original old wooden sword in the next second and turned into a golden light that merged into the Blue Rose Sword. Eugeo could no longer support it and fell to the ground powerlessly.

"Humber...the great sinner Eugeo dared to defy us to execute the judgment, the crime will be aggravated...hahahaha..."

"Master Laos... My destiny has been reduced too much, and now I have no strength... So, although it is a pity, I entrust you with the task of executing Eugeo the Great Sinner."

Sitting on the bed, Humbert said helplessly, regret could be clearly seen on his face.

"Hehehe...then I'll go."

Laos picked up Humbert's sword and walked slowly towards Eugeo who was lying on the ground.

"Eugeo the Great Sinner...Accept my verdict!!!"

Wielding the sharp sword with a missing corner, Laos radiated a faint red light.

"Ding!!! Click!!!"

There was a violent impact sound in the room, followed by the sound of something breaking.

Eugeo raised his head with difficulty, and what he saw——was a figure in a black uniform from the back.

The pitch-black long sword was in a slashing posture, and the half-broken point of the sword was stuck on the floor beside Eugeo.



In the next second, a line of blood appeared from Laos' arms, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the mirror-smooth section!

"Help me!!! Humbert, give me your rope to stop the bleeding!!!"

Laos ignored the others, but looked at Humbert on the bed with a grim expression.

"No, in this case, my destiny will also be reduced. This is a violation of the taboo list."

Humbert tremblingly rejected Laos' request for help.His wound had already thawed, and if he gave Laos the rope to stop the bleeding at this time, his destiny would most likely be exhausted before the wound healed.

"Destiny...but my blood...destiny...blood...taboo..."

Laos seemed to be in a strange state of dilemma, he could only watch blood dripping from his arms, and he kept repeating words in his mouth.

Kirito looked at Laos and frowned. He walked to the bed and untied the rope that bound Ronye.

"Use this to stop the bleeding."

Kirito threw the rope in front of Laos, but the other party didn't respond at all.

"Blood... Taboo... Destiny... Forbidden... Heaven... Blood... Fate... Didi...Zizizizi..."

Laos' face was dull, and a strange sound like electronic noise came out of his mouth.

"Dididi... Dididi——".

The noise suddenly stopped, and Laos just fell straight to the ground.

His arms were still bleeding, and it seemed that he still had his destiny left, but everyone present could feel that the existence named Laos Antinos was dead!

369. Transition

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