"No... ah ah ah... my destiny... my destiny is passing!!!"

Humber screamed, he untied the rope from Tijie's body, bound the broken arm that was thawing, and then picked up his broken arm by crawling.


After the severed hand was picked up by Humbert, cracks suddenly appeared, and then, like shattered glass, it turned into blood-colored crystals all over the place.

"No...my hand...my hand!!!"

Seeing the severed hand shattered into pieces, Humbert screamed again.

The extreme excitement accelerated Humbert's blood circulation, the frozen wound quickly thawed, and drops of blood sprayed outward.

"My destiny... Lord Laos, please give me my destiny!"

Facing Humbert's request, Laos turned his head and ignored it, and then looked at Eugeo with great interest while maintaining his sword-stretching posture.

"Don't worry, Humbert, this damage to your destiny won't consume all of it."

"Why, why is this..."

"Compared to this..." Laos looked at Eugeo, stuck out his tongue and licked the extremely twisted lips several times.

"The one that cut off your hand was this country bumpkin's sword. It's amazing... It's the first time I've seen a human being committing such a big taboo.

I was just expecting some disrespectful behavior from him, but I didn't expect him to be able to violate the taboo list, which is really great. "

Laos turned and walked towards the wall opposite the bed, from which he took down a sword in a red leather scabbard.

"In principle, the aristocratic jurisdiction is limited to lower-ranking nobles and civilians in private lands... But there is no such restriction on criminals who have committed taboos."

Laos pulled the sword out of the scabbard, and the silvery blade was lifted high. .

"Hehehehe... What a pity, Swordsman-in-training Eugeo, I was looking forward to fighting you in the strength evaluation next month, but I didn't expect to bid farewell to you in this way."

Crazy joy could be heard in Laos' voice, and he walked towards Eugeo step by step with his sword in hand.

368. The Death of Laos

Facing Laos who was walking towards him step by step, Eugeo did not react at all.

Forcibly breaking through the seal of the right eye, although his eyes are still there due to the Blue Rose Sword, but the mental exhaustion has not diminished in the slightest.

Eugeo looked at the sword raised high by Laos with blurred vision.

"Hehehe... Even for me, this is the first time to cut off a human head with a real sword. No, even my father and uncle have not done this. In this way, I can become stronger... than that superior The heir of the Lifanding family is much stronger!"

After all, with a twisted smile on the corner of his mouth, Laos swung the sword in his hand.

'I'm so tired...Is this the end...'

Seeing the other party's bloodthirsty smile, Eugeo involuntarily closed his heavy eyelids.

"...It's three days early, but Eugeo, happy birthday to you..."

For some reason, the image of childhood came to mind, the blonde girl inserted the wooden sword carved by the black-haired boy into the leather scabbard in her hand, and handed it to Eugeo.

"Open your eyes... Eugeo..."

Two years ago, the voice I heard in the northern cave resounded again.

'I... can't die! '


The wall of the dormitory was roughly broken with a hole the size of a bowl. A slightly old wooden sword wrapped in golden excess light bounced the sword swung by Laos, and then flew in front of Eugeo. .

"What, what!?"

Laos and Humbert were taken aback by the sudden situation.

"I...can't...die here!!!"

Eugeo grasped the hilt of the wooden sword, the ice blue and golden excess light blended, and the wooden sword began to change.

The wooden sword, which could only be used as a toy, began to become slender and sharp, and the material of wood could not be seen at all. The sharp sword exuding a faint golden light looked more like it was cast from gold.

The end of the hilt and the two ends of the gauntlet are engraved with golden osmanthus-like patterns, adding a touch of sacred beauty to the golden sword.


Top of San Torral Cassedoral

Huge murals depicting the creation of the gods are displayed here.

There are no lights on the huge dome, but the beautiful crystals inlaid and perfectly integrated with the murals on the dome illuminate everything.

In the mural, there is a little bird with ears of wheat in its mouth, and the crystal inlaid in its eyes emits a golden light.


Congregational Church

Integrity Knight No. 30 who was resting suddenly covered his forehead.

One picture after another began to flash in my mind.

"This is... a memory!? But why is it completely different from the memory I know?"

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