Whether as a teacher or a Valkyrie, she is impeccable, but she is too cruel in some aspects.

"——Please keep the above in mind. Then after returning to the room and putting away your luggage, you are free to move around until 05:30 in the afternoon, but please don't go too far. The range is limited to the vicinity of Kyoto Station. 05:30 You must go back to your room before."

"Okay!" All the students replied excitedly.

"Yicheng, and Mr. Longcheng, you have these two keys." Asachel handed the two keys to the two. Longcheng's was a golden key with SVIP on it. It is a rusty key.

The hotel room where the students of Kuou Academy live is a spacious Western-style double room.

Walking into the room, you can see two large beds, and you can also overlook the surrounding scenery of Kyoto Station from the window.


"It's great to make you feel like you're studying at Kuou Gakuen again."

Matsuda yelled loudly, while Yuan Bin was moved quietly.

This is the room of Matsuda and Motohama.

Then they followed Long Cheng to the top floor.

"Crack." Long Cheng opened his room.

"This, this is—!"

What catches the eye is a luxurious room that is not decent. It is said that there are only two such rooms in this hotel.

There are several small rooms in the room, like a large apartment, and the furniture looks very gorgeous.

Although Long Cheng and the others didn't understand these things, they still felt the aura coming towards them.

"Crack." At this moment, the door of the room rang again. Orpheus, Rias, Kitten, and Great Red walked in one by one.

"Ah, you are Long Cheng's friends, right? I remember..." Lias looked at several people and said.

"Yes, yes—! We are good friends of Long Chengjun, Yuan Bin (Matsuda)!" The two said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let's go and see Yicheng's room first." After speaking, Longcheng pulled a few people out of the room.

Then several people came to the third floor. This is the room where Hyoudou Issei's room is located. There is a room in the corner here that is obviously different from the others. It is a Japanese-style sliding door.

"There is... an ominous premonition..."

After opening the door——

"This...here is my room...?"

What caught my eye was a four-square-meter Japanese room, and the corners of Hyoudou Issei's eyes couldn't help twitching.

The furniture inside is only the bare minimum of old TVs, round dining tables, etc., and all of them are old!

"Hahahahahahaha! It's true! Only this room is a Japanese-style room! And it's only about four pings? Oh, it really is for Ise's exclusive use!"

"It's not a bed, but a quilt. And it's just you. Could it be that...the impact of the travel funds adjustment appears in this kind of place?"

Matsuda laughed out loud, while Yuan Bin held back his smile and analyzed calmly, Long Cheng couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Issei-san? Are you in there?" Roseweather walked in wearing a tracksuit.

Hyoudou Issei pulled Rossweisse and whispered to her.

"Rossweisse-chan! It's too much for me to sleep in this kind of room..."

"Please bear with me. In principle, this room is where Rias is going to discuss things with us."

"Eh? What about the master's room?"

"That one is purely for Lord Longcheng and Orpheus."

"By the way, are we discussing things here? Ah—about the devil?"

"Well, that's what happened. It's always beneficial to reserve a place where you can talk, in case something happens in Kyoto. There are always advantages and disadvantages. And this room is allocated to Yicheng who happens to be alone."

"Because of this meaning, only this room is like an isolated Japanese room. But don't use it as my exclusive room!

...I want my room to be a luxurious western-style room like everyone else's when I go on a teaching trip! "

"Sorry, the room was full due to the addition of third graders, and now there is only this one.

Please bear with me. "

Then Roseweather said to the crowd: "That's the thing, I still have a meeting with other teachers, you can deal with the rest on your own...

Even though it's free time in the afternoon, don't play too crazy... Don't cause trouble for the people in Kyoto? "


261. Play

"Then I have to start by finding Teacher Asachel.

That person... just disappeared without a trace after the assembly in the banquet hall was confirmed...

That's why I said that the governor of the Son of God Watcher..." Roseweather closed the door and left, Long Cheng and the two could vaguely hear her complaints.

"In this way, Mr. Asachel often said things like "geisha! I'm going to find a geisha first! Then I'm going to eat Kyoto rice!"

It's already set off, really worthy of being a teacher! "Hyoudou Issei said in surprise.

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