After an unknown amount of time, an announcement was made on the bulletin board of the Shinkansen.

Not long after, the Shinkansen stopped at the station platform, and everyone got off with their luggage.

"It's Kyoto!"

"Oh! It's so big——!"

Matsuda and Motohama shouted excitedly.

"The meeting point is the banquet hall on the first floor of the hotel.

Hey—boys, as well as Aisha, Xenovia, and Irina, don't worry about the station. If you don't gather quickly, the free time in the afternoon will be over. "

Kiryu, who was in charge of leading the group, spoke to the crowd.

"Let me see, the hotel is near the station... We came out from the west ticket gate just now... So we have to exit from the bus station and go to the right..." Kiryu Lanhua took out a map and said.

"Let's talk outside first. There's no way you're going to move forward if you stay in the station."

Hearing Matsuda's words, Kiryu's glasses flashed a light, "Matsuda, getting lost in a strange land is very troublesome.

As long as one person makes a wrong judgment, it is easy to die. "

"This is not a battlefield!" Yuan Bin retorted.

"No, Matsuda, Motohama, and Kiryu are correct. Teamwork is important.

Let's leave it to our boss, Kiryu, to decide now.Maybe Kyoto is already lashing out at us. "Jenovia actually said full..

"I...I know."

"Ah!" At this moment, a scream came from a distance.

260. Check in

"Yeah! There are perverts!"

The woman's scream was still heard in the station.

"O... Opie..."

A man with a dull face kept grabbing his hands, but other men around him stopped him.

"Kyoto is not peaceful." Yuan Bin said.

"That's right, there are perverts everywhere you go, and there is a perverted glasses here." Kiryu looked at Yuan Bin and said.


"Okay, I know how to get there! Let's go!" After looking at the map for a while, Kiryu Lanhua led everyone in one direction.

"Ah, it's Kyoto Tower!"

Matsuda's words caught everyone's attention.It was the place where Longcheng and the others planned to visit on the last day.

After walking for a few minutes, everyone saw the restaurant.As long as you walk in the direction of the guy wearing the same winter school uniform, you can easily find it.

After walking for a few minutes from Kyoto Station, a towering high-end hotel appeared in front of me.The name is "Kyoto Suzakus Hotel".

As a digression, Longcheng saw that there was a "Kyoto Seraphro Hotel" not far away.

The Gremory family is behind the hotel, so the school can book a room at a discounted price.

After showing the student ID card to the waiter standing at the entrance, he kindly explained how to get to the banquet hall.

Matsuda, Motohama, and Hatsuse looked very surprised when they saw the resplendent and resplendent hall.

"It's amazing... Can our school afford to let everyone in the second grade live in such a luxurious hotel...?"

Compared with the three of them, Long Cheng and others were much more mediocre.

"Well—it's very luxurious, but it's still a little inferior compared to the minister's house." Xenovia said.

In the banquet hall, many students had already arrived, and Long Cheng also found everyone from the Supernatural Research Department, as well as the great red.

That's right, Great Red also followed, and his identity was an exchange student from another school.

It is said that the rest of Wally's team is also here, but they will not act with the crowd, and will only arrive in the event of an accident.

As soon as the assembly time arrives, each class will roll their rolls group by group to make sure that no one is missing.

Everyone sat on the floor of the banquet hall and listened carefully to the matters explained by the old man.

Asachel and Rossweisse seemed to be discussing something...

It was Roseweather's turn to report, and she stood in front of the crowd full of momentum.

"The [-]-yen store is in the underground shopping center of Kyoto Station, if there is something missing, go there to fill it up.

The use of pocket money must be carefully considered.If you used to spend money randomly when you were a student, you will not be a decent adult when you grow up.Money circulates everywhere, if it is spent indiscriminately, it will be gone all at once.

That's why the teacher wants you to go shopping at the [-]-yen store - the treasure of Japan. "

Asachel held his forehead, and the students also looked helpless.

As soon as Rossweisse took office, he was immediately loved by the students.Beautiful, serious, and a little off-line, such qualities completely capture the hearts of male and female students.And she is also very close to the age of the students, so everyone affectionately calls her "Roseweisse-chan".

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