As soon as Aya opened her mouth, she ate a mouthful of yellow sand, which made her cough continuously.Seeing this situation, everyone present obediently suppressed the shock in their stomachs. In such a situation, whoever opens his mouth will be unlucky.The Sharon Roll raged for more than a minute and finally calmed down.

Everyone didn't even have time to clean up the dust on their bodies, and they turned their eyes to the competition field.That tall and mighty figure was Bangira who had just caused the sandstorm disaster, and the one lying on the ground who had lost his spirit and fainted in his iconic big eyes was undoubtedly the last moth.

"Roar" Benjila raised his head to the sky and roared violently, a destructive death light condensed and went to declare his power to everyone.

"Bangira, the Sandstorm Tyrant really lives up to his name."

The evaluation of the four heavenly kings Aju is undoubtedly a great affirmation for Bangira. "I lost."

Ah Ju withdrew his last words, walked towards Long Yi calmly and said with admiration, "You are amazing, you actually cracked my protection tactics in that way."

The continuous protection of Ah Ju's Moth Moth is undoubtedly very powerful, and even Kuailong's continuous speed and hundreds of millions of shock waves cannot break through.Although Bangira's Sandstorm Hell is terrifying, it is still inferior to Kuailong's great lore in terms of power.But the powerful trick in the elf battle does not necessarily defeat the opponent.The biggest advantage of Bangira's Sandstorm Hell is that it can bring continuous damage.

To deal with the fast dragon, it is enough to protect and block the moment before the billions of shock waves approach, but Bangira's sandstorm hell is to draw the last moth into the sandstorm tornado and give it continuous damage.Therefore, the last moth must continuously use protection to maintain the "invincible" defense mode.But Dragon's bet is that this continuous invincibility state can't be maintained at all, because it's impossible for Suicune to keep opening the protective shield, so the last moth can't do it.

Facts have proved that the dragon's guess is correct, 1 minute is enough to solve the battle, in fact, the last moth only lasted for more than 40 seconds in the salon roll, and the sandstorm attack just restrained the last moth, and the last moth could not break through the sandstorm dragon The blockade of the volume can only be regrettably defeated.

Aju, who defeated the four heavenly kings, made the girls very excited, and Sundae and Sakura kept provoking Aya with their eyes.Aya was very frustrated. Unexpectedly, her brother, who she had always regarded as an idol, was defeated. This was the first defeat that Aju suffered after becoming the Queen of Chengdu. Although it was not a regular six-on-six all-hands battle, Aya had to admit This is an absolutely fair game, and the dragons are strong.

"Aya, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Aya's abnormal expression and the fact that the game ended just now and the result of the game was not announced for a long time, Ah Ju had no choice but to come over and make a round to congratulate Long on the victory. "Brother... [-]" Aya looked at Ah Ju's stern gaze and knew that she had done something wrong, so she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Give the pink badge to Mr. Long."

Ah Ju's faint words were like a heavy hammer hitting A Ya's heart hard. "

"Brother..." Aya hesitated to speak.Long and Sirona felt that the atmosphere was a little tense, so they didn't intervene. Even Sakura and Sundae, who had always been the most disagreeable with Aya, were silent.And the dragon caught between Aya and Aju was embarrassed. He guessed that Aya was unwilling to give himself a badge, but he was bound to win the pink badge, but why did he challenge the Four Heavenly Kings Aju instead of 100 As the opponent, Aya, who won %, was firstly on a whim and secondly to test her current strength.

Dragon has been going smoothly since coming to this world and getting the first elf Bangira (of course, the two times of Sirona and Nazi are not counted, the former is because the opponent is too strong to lose the game is expected , the latter is because he did not clearly recognize the strength of the opponent and the superpower trick is too weird, this is not wronged) In the light red gymnasium, since he accidentally met the former gymnasium owner and now the Chengdu Poison Department King Aju Sir, of course you can't miss this opportunity, and the final result is not satisfactory.If Kuailong has the strength of a champion and Benjila has the strength of a king, then the quality of the dragon's own trainer can be calculated like this: Recognize a champion, come from time travel and is a typical pocket meal, not to mention 649 elves I understand everything thoroughly, but I am relatively clear about those special and powerful elves that have excellent potential and have appeared in anime.

The command ability is at the level of a heavenly king. Although the game is different from this one, when he was fine in his previous life, he often studied and analyzed various tactics of each department, especially for the four heavenly kings in the game. He developed several sets of tactics.It can also be seen in today's game. Although the dragon's elves won, they lost in tactical command.

Cultivate the ability of a little intelligence level?It’s hard to say about this dragon. The elves subdued by the dragon have a relatively high potential innately. In the words of the game, they have a relatively high race value, and such as the golden eagle, the huge rock snake, and the mutated giant pincer mantis are even more enhanced versions.Sometimes when watching anime, Long really admires Xiaozhi, dare to use Pikachu to electrify Arceus (in the anime "Going to the Super Punk Space", Pikachu electrifies the Creator several times with 7 volts) and defeats 8 Ice with Pikachu Shenzhu...-_, most of J\zhi's elves appear in a weak and strong posture.Dragon is still an evolutionist in his heart, thinking that evolution is the kingly way, and he will not challenge Arceus with Pikachu now and in the future, even though Arceus has no life gems and cannot be immune to electrical tricks, Pikachu is impossible to defeat Creation anyway God, otherwise it would be a pickup truck god.Therefore, Xiaozhi, who can get all [-] badges with Jenny Turtle, Mulberry Seed, or the latest BW version, Xiaoqiu Set and Leaf Vine Snake, admits that he can't do better, after all, one is born and bred One of them is an immigrant...-So today, through today's competition with Ah Ju, the dragon has gained a lot. After all, the elves in the previous life were nothing more than games and animations. His specific cognition of this world is still in the ignorant stage.And the achievements he has achieved now are all the credit of Suicune, Kuailong and Bangira, and his own cultivation still has a long way to go.Long Qian said to Flaming Monkey in the Viking City Gymnasium that the responsibility of the trainer is to train powerful elves, but now it seems a bit like slapping himself in the face.So far, none of the kings and champions in the league have mythical beasts. They also have ordinary elves with mediocre potential. But the reason why they become the existence that everyone looks up to is that they are the trainers of the kings. People don’t remember more What sprites they have!And the dragon looks very cool now, it is Suicune, the fast dragon Bangira, and the mutant elves, but the first thing everyone remembers are these elves, if you change places Enkao, the dragon can now Have you trained Moth and Fork-winged Bat to Ah Ju's level?This is the gap between the dragon and the king now.So he still has a long way to go...-"Aya, as a gym trainer, have you even forgotten the rules of the gym?"

Seeing that Aya didn't take out her badge for a long time, Aju sternly reprimanded her.

"But brother, this is the first badge you exported after becoming the king of heaven."

Arya argued.

"Since she was a child, Aya has determined to become an elf ninjutsu trainer as good as her brother..." Long Xin was sweating, elf ninjutsu trainer?When I was watching anime in my previous life, I saw Xiaozhi and the others met Aya when they were traveling in Chengdu. At that time, they were studying at a ninjutsu school for a day.After watching that episode of anime (E P177 episode) several times, Long feels that the so-called elf ninjutsu is to put on a ninja suit and instruct the elves to add ninjutsu when casting their unique moves, which really makes Long very speechless.

But it's impossible for Long to spit out his stomach in this situation, unless he has a brain twitch, then it's no wonder he won't be hunted down by Aya. Maybe Mr. Aju will also go crazy.It may be their belief in ninjas. This kind of thing is a bit like religious belief.

"What does this mean?"

Ah Ju felt that it was necessary to change Aya's narrow thinking after waiting for Aya to spit out all the words in her heart. "The title of Heavenly King is not simply a kind of honor, but also a kind of responsibility and whipping. Fighting elves is not a game!"

Long seemed to be hit by lightning all of a sudden, his reaction was even bigger than Aya's

Chapter 039: Ah Ju's Report, Nominated

Long's subconscious thought is to make this otherworldly adventure a real-life pocket game, challenge gyms to obtain badges, subdue mythical beasts, and challenge alliance kings and champions.The flow of all this is the same as in the pocket game, so he doesn't really realize that this is a real world, and everything here is real.The king and the champion have always only regarded it as a symbol of honor, and he has never thought about this issue from the position of this world.

Aju continued, "The titles of Heavenly King and Champion are not only a recognition of the strength of the strong, but also hope that everyone will use the Heavenly King and Champion as the goal to know more about the elves and develop their potential so as to create a new strong. Even in the end No one can deny the sweat and labor they put in while they grew up without becoming kings."

Ah Ju looked at the thoughtful Aya and continued, "Our world is the world of elves. These elves with incredible power and humans can only get along more friendly and harmoniously. Humans help elves discover their own potential and elves' Power can help humans. Whether it is an elf trainer, a breeder or a coordinator, they all have an essential job to get along with the elves more harmoniously. The duty of the gym trainer is more to guide newcomers. Trainers help Their growth of kings and champions is to give these trainers a hope. As a king, we must shoulder the responsibility of leading elf trainers, and this is also the driving force for us to continue to grow stronger."

After Ah Ju finished speaking, Sirona stood up and applauded first.Then Sakura, Lan, Sundae and Xiaoxue all stood up and gave warm applause.The four heavenly kings and champions of the alliance not only have strong strength, but more importantly, they have the correct cognition. Only in this way can the elves' maximum potential be brought into play, and only in this way can they represent the way forward for all trainers.A person with great strength is not necessarily the king of heaven, the king of the alliance must be righteous!

"I understand brother."

Aya said to Aju, "Thank you for your teaching, you will always be someone Aya admires."

Then Aya bowed to Long again, "I'm sorry Mr. Long, I was wrong earlier, I apologize to you."

At this moment, this scene was originally a happy ending for everyone.But the next performance of the dragon completely detonated the arena.

In the spirit of a man and a gentleman, this animal should have helped up Aya who was bowing and apologizing, but...

But this guy didn't move for a long time.Everyone thought for a moment and thought that the dragon would not be so stingy. The girls even apologized like this and didn't express it. That would be too unmanly.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Sundae was the first to discover that the dragon was abnormal.The women in front laughed at Aya for wearing a bright red dress when they quarreled with her.Now Sundae took a closer look at the expression of the dragon and finally understood what the dragon was looking at.Aya's ninja suit is not close-fitting, so when she bends over like Yilong's height and his angle, she can directly peep through Aya's neckline and see his chest.The dragon was petrified because of an inadvertent suffocation, and he kept muttering in his heart on the spot, "So white and big, the uniform seduces..." Sundae was very angry at the dragon's hooliganism, and immediately wanted to smash it with a rotten egg. Kill him, but now there is no poke ball for rotten eggs. So the angry sundae didn't even think about smashing the bastard with an empty poke ball. Damn the dragon, sundae took the wrong poke ball in anger mode The poke ball with the three-headed dragon was thrown towards the dragon. In this world, all pokemon trainers and coordinators who throw things will definitely throw things accurately (these are all practiced by throwing poke balls). Although the distance between the sundae and the dragon is still It was more than 20 meters away, but the top student of the Elf Academy hit the dragon's head with the ball accurately.

The "bang" three-headed dragon jumped out at once, Ah Ju and Aya reacted quickly and immediately moved away, only the smashed ones were dizzy and couldn't find the dragons in the south, east, west and northwest.

According to the records in the Elven Illustrated Book, the three-headed dragon generally weighs about 1 kilograms.Khan...--Rockets HQ. "Boss, I found the personal information you want for you."

A member of Team Rocket with a big "R" on his body puts a stack of information on the back of the team's boss.

Banmu "huh" all over and gently turned to the first page, and was surprised to see a picture of a lewd smile of a dragon rogue.Banmu recalled the turmoil caused by the dragon in the Tokiwa Gymnasium, with an interesting expression on his face, "Shui Jun...--" The member who handed over the information watched Banmu keep tapping the table with his fingers Said, "Boss Banmu, we have been eyeing this person for a long time, but I don't know why you..." Banmu waved his hand, "You know it from watching the TV news."

The member of the Rockets team seemed to be a senior cadre of the Rockets team, otherwise he would not have faced Banmu with a calm expression, "Boss Banmu, I don't think it is suitable to absorb him into the Rockets team."


Banmu asked with interest.

"According to our investigation, we found that this trainer named Dragon is a rookie trainer, but he has many extremely powerful elves, which puzzles us. The rarity and power of these elves are rare in our organization, especially The legendary spirit Suicune, this is not something that can be subdued with just a Poké Ball and a fight."

The Rockets cadre continued, "The reason why he is not suitable to join the Rockets is not because of his lack of strength but because his character is too flamboyant. Boss Banmu, you have also learned about this person from the news. For our Rockets For such a secret organization, his flamboyant personality will expose us to the elf alliance and the police at once."

Banmu pondered for a moment and said, "Forget about these things, what you get from the information and news alone can't explain anything. Send someone to secretly investigate and test him to get his bottom line."

The cadre didn't know why Boss Banmu was so fond of this rookie trainer. If he only valued the elves in his hands, he would just snatch them over and it wouldn't be so troublesome.

"Oh, right,"

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