Sirona thought to herself, "I have studied the cracking method of this set of combo skills before, unless you use absolute strength to confront it head-on or use absolute speed to temporarily avoid the edge, or you must use absolute defense to directly withstand the attack."

Sirona stared at the last moth in the field and said to herself, "The success rate of continuous use of protection will become lower and lower. If this continues, it will be defeated sooner or later."

"Roar" Kuailong kept turning back and launching guided missiles to attack the last moth, but Ah Ju just looked at the playing field calmly and gave orders for protection.

"Things don't seem right."

Sundae pointed to Kuailong and said, "Kuailong has launched more than a dozen consecutive attacks, but all the last-entry moths were blocked by protection. It stands to reason that the hit rate should be very low after using protection so many times. That's right... ouch."

Kuailong fell to the ground and knelt on one foot, panting continuously.

"Oops, Kuailong's physical strength has reached its limit."

Xiaoxue lost her voice.

"Billions of Shockwaves consume a lot of stamina, so ordinary elves will be in a stiff state for a short time after using it and cannot act again."

Sirona said slowly, "The dragon's fast dragon is very special and has amazing physical strength, so after using the destructive death light and billions of shock waves, it will not be in a dilemma of being unable to move due to stiffness, but the speed and billions of shock waves They are all very energy-consuming big tricks, and they are amazingly powerful when used together, but they are also very exhausting, and Kuailong's uninterrupted continuous attacks have obviously reached their limit."

Sirona's voice was not loud, but Xiaoxue, Lan, Sundae and Sakura just heard Sirona's whisper here, Sundae wondered, "But isn't the success rate of the protection skill continuously decreasing when it is used continuously? The last entry The probability that the moth will succeed after using it more than a dozen times in a row should be almost zero, right?"

"This last moth should have some special ability to ensure the success rate while continuously using protection."

Sirona guessed.


Na Zi snorted coldly, "Ran Qiang's defense will eventually be breached."

"Mental disturbance!"

Ah Ju gave the order to attack this time. "Yaowu" Moth groaned softly at the end, and his eyes directly emitted substantive superpower light to inflict heavy damage on the weakened Kuailong.In fact, there are two ways to use skills such as mental interference. One is to use superpower tricks to control the opponent to make them incapacitated, and the other is to turn superpower into real light to inflict direct damage on the opponent.Kuailong was already very tired and encountered Moth Moth's powerful super power attack directly. He roared and fell to the ground with a "boom".

"The fast dragon loses its ability to fight, and the last moth wins."

Although Aya is the referee, she still glanced proudly at Long, but Long ignored it directly.Ah Ju successfully pulled back a round, and now Long only has one Bangira to use.

"As expected of the Four Heavenly Kings."

Xiaoxue couldn't help saying, "Such a powerful Kuailong has been defeated."

"Mr. Ju, although I don't know what special ability your last moth has that can continuously use protection to withstand the attacks of the fast dragon. However, although the protection skill can prevent the opponent's attack, it also consumes physical strength Yes, the Moth is almost out of stamina after sustaining Kuailong's big tricks for more than a dozen times in a row."

Long looked at Mo Moth, who was sweating profusely, and Ah Ju, who was frowning slightly, confidently threw the poke ball, "You will fight the final battle, go ahead, Bangira!"

As soon as "Roar" Bangira came on stage, another violent sandstorm blew up. The scorching weather was dispelled by the sandstorm. Bangira's ferocious eyes locked on the last moth. Can the dragon really defeat the Four Heavenly Kings in this final battle?

Chapter 038: Sandstorm Tyrant Bangira

"Bangira, Rock Blade."

Attacking with attributes is a routine in the game, but Long feels that it is still practical to move here. Long firmly believes that using attacks can force the opponent to take action before analyzing the corresponding countermeasures, and attacks using attributes can generally be based on The opponent's response, such as choosing to avoid a counterattack, to defend hard, or to fight with a unique move, can estimate the opponent's elf strength, specialty and tactical characteristics.

"Mental disturbance."

Superpower-type tricks have no effect on the evil-type Bangira, and generally trainers with good strength are relatively clear about these basic common sense, except of course Xiaozhi, who is a very unexpected elf trainer. Family.However, Aju, who is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu, will definitely not give out every command like Xiaozhi often does without thinking about it. "Woo..." Moth's mental interference light was not used to carry out a direct strike this time, but to control the rock blade issued by Bangira and radiate it back, as if it had the effect of a "return punch".

"Unexpectedly, there is such a way to use mental interference."

She is also a Gym trainer, but Sakura feels that compared to Aju, she is worse than 01:30.

"Ah Ju is the king of the poison system, but he is also very good at using super power tricks."

Sirona also often played against Wuyang, the super king of the Sinnoh area where she is located. I still admire Aju's ability to use super powers so flexibly.

"The use of mental interference is the most flexible of superpower tricks."

Nazi, who had been silent and joyful all this time, rarely spoke, "There is an essential difference between using mental interference to reflect an opponent's attack and returning a punch. Returning a punch is to return twice the opponent's physical attack to the attacking opponent, while mental interference can rebound Any attack, and the power of the counterattack should be judged according to the strength of one's own super power."

Nazi is worthy of being a master of superpowers who can see through the mystery in just one word, "The counterattack ability of this last moth's mental interference is 1.5 times that of the original attack."

Xiaoxue has just joined and doesn't know about Nazi's horror, only knows that Nazi is a super power gymnasium D trainer in Gold City, but at this moment she is completely in admiration for Nazi.

Sirona is different from other heavenly king champions in the league. The elves in her hands are not limited to that type, unlike the Chengdu dragon type champion Du and the Fangyuan water type champion Milike. Only Yixiu's Adik is the same as her.Sirona further added, "Bangira's rock-blade attack is very powerful, and it's already amazing to block it with mental interference, and then bounce back with 1.5 times the power on that basis. The performance of this last moth is no longer available. Excellent to show."

"Heavenly King, there is really no one who is ordinary."

Lan sighed.

Sundai's beautiful eyebrows are about to be changed into a word "Chuan", "As the king of the poison system, he has never used a poison system trick or attack since the beginning of the battle. What is the reason...--" on the field Long and Bangira didn't expect that Aju would use the super power trick to bounce back the rock blade, so they suffered a big loss. Bangira was hit by his own trick. Although his whole body was covered with hard armor, the sharp stone blade hit The body still made Bangira groan a few times.

A thin layer of sweat was already oozing from the dragon's forehead. The situation on the court was very bad. Bangira had already been injured in the previous battle. Now Ah Ju and Mo Rumoth have set up a defensive position to counter the attacks of Kuailong and Bangira. Resolve one by one with ease. If this continues, I am afraid that Bangira will be exhausted and have to lose with regret.

Long looked at Aju, who looked like an old monk sitting still, and couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart for a while, but the moth kept flapping his wings, just confronting Bangira just like that, as if the fierce battle just now didn't treat him appear to have any effect.Long really feels like he's at the end of his rope now. Bangira is the kind of powerful elf who rampages in the quasi-god team with powerful attack power. It would be too difficult for him to use technical tricks.And now the opponent has put on a defensive tactic like a turtle shell, which makes Bangira feel like a hero is useless.

"Calm down, be sure to calm down."

Long kept muttering in his heart, "There must be some flaws, there must be."

The dragon glanced at Sirona and pondered what would happen if it was Sirona facing this situation, and what would happen if the Tyrannosaurus played?

As if there was a tacit understanding, the corner of Sirona's mouth curled up slightly as she watched Long look over, giving Long a kind of enlightenment-like epiphany.

"Bangira, Sandstorm Hell."

Bangira, who was ordered by "Class", let out a roar, and the entire playing field was covered by Bangira's powerful aura. Originally, the playing field was turned into a sandstorm venue because of Bangira's Yangsha character. Now Bangira's sandstorm Hell is simply rolling up a level 8 tornado sandstorm that can only appear in the desert. The momentum is simply earth-shattering, and the brown tornado sweeps the last moth into it.The green radiance emitted by the Moth's body due to the use of protection was instantly swallowed by the brown tornado.

"this is one."

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