Looking at classmate Xiaoyao who walked away silently, Li Lin looked at Tozijiang and Xiaoxue who wanted to chase after her to comfort her and said, "Leave Xiaoyao to me, and none of you should interfere. Remember, comfort is pity for the weak." !"

Li Lin's long silver-blue wavy hair left everyone with a chic back. The dragon and the girls felt an inexplicable shock from the bottom of their hearts. Is that person really the Li Lin they knew?Neither Long nor Xiao Zhuang had ever seen such a side of Li Lin!

Xiao Xia looked at Li Lin's back, showing a hint of fascination on her face. In the eyes of this girl, the image of a sexy goddess at this moment became extremely glorious, especially Li Lin's last sentence completely captured the girl. It's just too handsome.This poor and ignorant girl, until now she has not recognized Li Lin's true identity, otherwise she will go crazy directly.

Long was very curious about how Li Lin's character would enlighten others. What was even more puzzling was that he didn't know why Li Lin looked at Xiaoyao classmate differently. Anyone among them could enlighten Xiaoyao, but it happened that everyone was the most An unexpected person went.Now that Li Lin gave the order, it was difficult for everyone to follow, so they had to keep all their doubts in their hearts.

In the evening, Li Lin returned with classmate Xiaoyao. Long and the girls were puzzled as to why they left for three or four hours.What was even more surprising was that Li Lin took the initiative to find Xiaoxia to challenge her. This really shocked Long and his group. The majestic Master Four Heavenly Kings actually took the initiative to challenge like a girl. What's going on?

Xiao Xia was a little puzzled, but she accepted it happily. This girl still didn't know Li Lin's true identity, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed like she is now.

A group of people came to an open place, Li Lin looked at Xiao Xia and said, "I want to teach Xiaoyao a lesson, get up wherever you fall. Since you were knocked down by a forest lizard, the best way is to Defeat that forest lizard and subdue it, so I need your cooperation."

When Long and the girls heard Li Lin's words, they had an epiphany. It turned out that this is the case, and Master Four Heavenly Kings is going to teach Xiaoyao in person.This is indeed a very good way, as long as Xiaoyao can defeat the forest lizard, then this is indeed more effective than any consolation.Xiao Xia didn't care about becoming Li Lin's training partner at all. As soon as the girl threw the poke ball in her hand, she immediately took out her own pokemon, which was the forest lizard!

"Go, sly tengu!"

Long's eyes flickered, and he threw out an elf ball sideways. This one was the cunning tengu that Li Lin had recently subdued in the Fangyuan area.This time, Li Lin came to the Gem Continent alone with Benjila. To minimize the gap in strength with Xiao Xia, using this cunning tengu is undoubtedly the best choice.Classmate Xiaoyao released the hunting butterfly and looked at Li Lin who was in high spirits with excitement. She was extremely grateful to be taught by Master Four Heavenly Kings personally.

Xiao Xia received Li Lin's signal and launched an attack without hesitation, "Forest lizard, move at high speed∥'Jiu Xiaoren'"The forest lizard yelled loudly, and its body crossed a green line and galloped on the ground at an incomparable speed. Not visible to the naked eye at all.

Li Lin stood with his hands behind his back.Turning a blind eye to the forest lizard that was moving at high speed and only seeing afterimages, it just looked at the cunning tengu on the field.Xiao Xia frowned, she didn't know why, seeing Li Lin's confident appearance made her feel very guilty.Originally, she wanted to use high-speed movement to put pressure on the opponent's heart, but now this situation has no effect at all. Instead, she feels that her heart is blocked.

This is the temperament from Master Four Heavenly Kings, with a tenacious heart that has been experienced through countless battles, it is strange that Xiao Xia can put pressure on Li Lin with such a small trick.The girl looked straight at Lilin and then turned to the cunning tengu on the playing field. The girl gritted her teeth and finally launched the first attack, "Forest lizard, use the blade!"

At the same time that Xiao Xia gave the order, Li Lin spoke out and said coquettishly, "Jump up to avoid it, and then use the grass whirlwind!"

"Jiu 哕人" The forest lizard roared, and its body was like a green sword light, rushing straight to the cunning tengu but failed. The forest lizard paused for a moment and waited to see his opponent jumping on top of his head. Immediately Jumping up and chasing after the cunning tengu, the one-foot-long jasper blade slashed out. But the head-on was hit by a violent whirlwind mixed with flying leaves and branches, and the forest lizard was killed before it touched the cunning tengu's body. He flew out and hit the ground heavily.

"The biggest feature of the forest lizard is its fast speed. It is very unwise to compete with the highly mobile forest lizard for speed, so we have to use a static and moving method to contain it."

Li Lin said coldly: "For a Pokemon running on the ground, once the opponent suddenly jumps into the air, it is not so easy for it to launch a continuous attack. At this time, the forest lizard will naturally show its flaws!"

Xiaoxia looked at Li Lin in shock, and then quickly shouted to the forest lizard: 8 machine guns with seeds ∥ "Jiu Xiaoren" "The forest lizard got up from the ground, and looked at the cunning tengu who fell to the ground again and shook his head. Shoot out a series of seed bullets like heavy machine guns.

Li Lin raised his arm, "Also use the seed machine gun∥'Duoziren'." The cunning tengu shouted loudly, opened his mouth suddenly and fired a series of seed machine guns at the forest lizard, and the two Pokemon set off the same barrage. After layer by layer, the cunning tengu suppressed the forest lizard's attack, and a series of seed machine guns sent the forest lizard's lasers flying out.

"The seed machine gun is a continuous attack. Facing this kind of unique move, choosing to dodge is easy to be faced by the opponent's follow-up attack, and then you will be completely passive. Therefore, it is a wise choice to fight the opponent's unique move at this time, even if you lose. But it doesn’t make you feel too disadvantaged.”

Li Lin raised her arms high and scolded, "Once your strength overwhelms the opponent, then it's time to launch a continuous attack on the opponent. Sly Tengu, Feiye Judao!"

"Duoziren" The cunning Tengu waved his leaf arm with a roar, and threw a series of throwing knives directly at the forest lizard. Embarrassed... In the battle of the second subjugation in 089, classmate Xiaoyao's reverse forest lizard defeated the cunning tengu without any suspense. Xiaoxia's strength is not bad at all. On the contrary, it is stronger than classmate Xiaoyao and the wild forest lizard But it is a pity that the outcome of the confrontation with Shanglilin has already been decided from the very beginning. This is a teaching battle specially formulated for Xiaoyao, a series of tactics specially set up for the characteristics and moves of the forest lizard.

In the next few days, Long and his group will temporarily settle down here, and Xiaoyao will not be reconciled if he does not subdue the forest lizard.For this reason, classmate Xiaoyao recruited Xiaoxia to practice sparringly, trying to figure out the tactics Li Lin taught her over and over again. Not only that, but Li Lin also deliberately helped classmate Xiaoyao hunt swallowtails so that he could truly grasp the sun How to use flames.

There is a saying that a famous teacher produces a good apprentice. The effect of being taught by the masters of the Four Heavenly Kings is really extraordinary, not only for forest lizards, but also for inferring other things from one instance. It can also be used for fighting the same type of elves in the future.Xiaoyao still lost to Xiaoxia from the beginning, but she was evenly matched in the latest battle so that everyone could clearly see her progress, and this girl from the watermelon field almost wanted to join Li Lin's sect.It's a pity that the conditions proposed by this chick are a bit harsh, only girls and people who use evil-type Pokemon are accepted as apprentices, which is clearly a disguised rejection.

I don't know if it has evolved and even changed its temperament. The forest lizard has not come to the melon field these days.Long rubbed his stomach and kept complaining. These days, he suffered badly. It was caused by Daxihuang every day. The time he went to the toilet increased rapidly every day. This is causing trouble, I'm afraid I will get watermelon phobia in the future.

Long was afraid that the forest lizard had moved away from the woods. If this was the case, Xiaoyao would be too miserable.It's like playing a game, when you are being abused when you are comparing skills, and when you finally come back after working hard, you find that the fucker has deleted the account and stopped playing. What a depressing time it is.

The dragon sent the fork-winged bat and Bi Diao to look for the forest lizard nearby, and even the lizard king was dispatched together. It knew better where the forest lizards usually settled down and built their nests.Xiaoxia also helped to send her forest lizard out to search for it, but found nothing.Everyone couldn't help thinking, did this forest lizard really move?

Just when Xiaoyao was about to give up with a dejected look on his face, the naughty bullets guarding the melon field rolled down quickly, and Xiao Xia happily said to everyone: "There is another situation in the melon field, could it be that forest lizard who came back?" Come back, let's hurry over and have a look!"

The group of people like Long and the excited classmate Xiaoyao rushed towards the melon field. Sure enough, they saw the forest lizard lying leisurely in the melon field basking in the sun. This time, this guy did not steal watermelon or do anything excessive. After this guy evolved, his temper has become restrained.In fact, at this time, it was no longer the grievance between Xiaoxia and the forest lizard. Instead, it was Xiaoyao who got into a fight with it. Since this guy didn't run away, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Classmate Xiaoyao held up an elf ball and said loudly to the forest lizard: "Let's fight again, forest lizard, this time I must subdue you!"

"Jiowu people" the forest lizard watched Xiaoyao quickly get up from the ground, and then ran out first. Long and the others thought the forest lizard was going to escape, so they quickly chased after it. Who knows that the forest lizard is not fast , as if deliberately lowering his footsteps and waiting for them to chase after him, the forest lizard led everyone directly to an open space, which was the place where he had hunted the swallowtail and fought with it before. The forest lizard turned to look at classmate Xiaoyao, this guy Are you waiting for her on purpose?

But this was exactly what Xiaoyao wanted, and the Pokemon ball in his hand flung out the hunting swallowtail butterfly flapping its wings.Xiaoyao was also polite and took the lead in attacking directly with a finger of his arm, "Hunting swallowtail, paralyzing powder∥'Oh Wuren'"The hunting swallowtail flapped its gorgeous wings and scattered a burst of brown-yellow A-colored powder, and the forest lizard flew from the ground. He jumped up to avoid this attack, then opened his mouth and fired a series of seed machine guns at the hunting swallowtail.


When Xiaoyao saw the forest lizard attacking again, his heart tightened, "Hunting swallowtail, use the silver wind∥'oh wooren'" Hunting swallowtail flapped its pair of gorgeous wings, and a burst of silver was blowing in an instant. A powerful attack from the whirlwind of the upper forest lizard.

The forest lizard was running extremely fast on the ground, its body was like a green lightsaber flashing continuously, and it was moving at a high speed.Xiaoyao was dazzled by the forest lizard's series of high-speed movements, and the hunting swallowtail kept shaking his head to look at the forest lizard, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the lizard with his naked eyes.

"Calm down, be sure to calm down."

Xiaoyao reminded himself inwardly, then turned his head and shouted to the hunting swallowtail: "Don't go to see the forest lizard!"

"Oh Wuren I' hunting the swallowtail butterfly flapping its wings and turning its head, it really stopped looking at the forest lizard, while student Xiaoyao just stared at the afterimage of the opponent swimming. She can't know the opponent's next move through the mouth of the trainer. For the time being, only Use this method to gain insight.

"Jiu 哕人" the forest lizard's figure suddenly slammed, and then a green light knife jumped up from the soil on its arm, slashing towards it like a hunting swallowtail butterfly. Although Xiaoyao was a little slow, he gave the order without any hesitation , "Hunting swallowtails, fly up high, and then use silk spinning down below! "

"Oh, man" Hunting the swallowtail butterfly didn't see where the forest lizard was, but following the trainer's words, the body flew up, and then stretched out a series of tough white silk threads from its mouth like a straw, sticking to the body. The circles of white silk thread wrapped the forest lizard layer by layer, and the forest lizard was forced to give up tracking and hunting the swallowtail butterfly and cut off the silk thread on its body with a blade.

Li Lin said to classmate Xiaoyao: "Now is the best time to attack!"

When Xiaoyao heard Li Lin's words, he was extremely obedient, and immediately waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Hunting swallowtails, use the sun and flames∥'Oh, people'"The broad and gorgeous wings of hunting swallowtails are shining white The rays of light are constantly absorbing the energy of the sun. After Li Lin's training, Hunting Swallowtail finally does not need to rely on Chao Zhiyang before releasing this big trick, which greatly speeds up the time for the trick to accumulate energy.

The forest lizard's body had just landed on the ground when a blazing beam of light blasted towards its head. The powerful sunlight and flames burst into a violent explosion on the ground, and a layer of powerful air waves spread and spread, blowing the forest lizard's body away. .

Xiaoyao took advantage of the situation to attack after a successful blow, "Hunting swallowtail, use another paralyzing powder∥'Oh Wuren'"The hunting swallowtail quickly flew down to the ground, flapping its gorgeous wings, and scattered a layer of brown and yellow A-colored powder, the forest lizard, which was hit hard by the sun and flames again, was unavoidable this time.

"Jiuuuren" Forest Lizard's body twitched for a while, and the paralyzing powder started to take effect. Just now, he wanted to use the seed machine gun to fight back but failed. Xiaoyao, of course, would not let go of this good opportunity under Li Lin's reminder , The hunting phoenix rolled a pair of gorgeous wings and blew a violent silver whirlwind. The silver blades were mixed in the violent whirlwind and bombarded the forest lizard one after another. The attack effect of this blow was outstanding!

Looking at the seriously injured forest lizard, Xiaoyao took out a poke ball and threw it at him, but the long leaf on the top of his head was twitched by the forest lizard and knocked the poke ball away .The forest lizard watched the hunting swallowtail panting, and then the blades overhead began to gather the sun's energy and glow a white light.

Seeing the forest lizard like this, classmate Xiaoyao waved his hand proudly, "We also use the sun and flames to hunt swallowtails∥'Oh Wuren'"The gorgeous wings of swallowtails are shining with white light, and a white beam of light is continuously condensing , and suddenly blasted out.

"Jiuuu people" the forest lizard opened its mouth and wanted to launch the flames of the sun, but at this time, the body felt a numb feeling, and the power it had finally accumulated failed to launch. The white light beam hunting the swallowtail butterfly bombarded the The forest lizard engulfed it and set off a violent explosion. The flames burst out, and a huge hole was blasted on the ground, and the forest lizard lay motionless on the ground covered in scars.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

Xiaoyao threw the poke ball for the second time, and this time a red light bounced off and successfully absorbed the forest lizard into it.The poke ball shone with red light and ding-dong, and then after a crisp sound, the poke ball finally quieted down.

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