Long followed Xiao Xia and hurried towards the watermelon field. Long's lizard king blocked the retreat of Mu Shougong, squinting at the little guy in front of him standing proudly in front of it.A few drops of cold sweat appeared on Mu Shougong's head. When he wanted to use the same trick to provoke the watermelon to force the Lizard King, a branch suddenly flew up and stuck it in front of Mu Shoufu's feet. The most important thing is to startle this naughty little guy.

"Good job, Lizard King, thank you!"

The dragon took out the elf ball and took the lizard king back. Mu Shougong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the lizard king in the final evolution form that oppressed him leave, but just when it was about to take the opportunity to escape, the fork-winged bat quickly flapped the scissors Its wings flew down on top of its head without a sound.

Clamping Mu Shougong's arm, the fork-winged bat flew the naughty little guy all the way to an open place, where classmate Xiaoyao and Touzijiang were already waiting for him.Seeing this posture, Mu Shougong felt a little bad. It wanted to run away again, but the fork-winged bat flew over without a sound at some point, and this naughty little guy couldn't help but was forced to retreat.

Classmate Xiaoyao held up an elf ball and looked at Mu Shougong and said, "Don't be naughty anymore, fight with me in an upright manner, if you lose, you will be subdued by me r Chaboren" Mu Shougong looked at the imposing Classmate Xiaoyao, his expression finally became serious. Mu Shougong stared straight at Classmate Xiaoyao and finally moved his steps, posing as if he was about to fight.

Touzijiang kindly reminded Xiaoyao: "To deal with grass-type Pokemon, the fire-type, flying-type and insect-type attributes are all very effective!"

Classmate Xiaoyao nodded, took out a poke ball, threw it out and shouted: "Hunting swallowtail, please ∥ 'Oh, man'" Hunting swallowtail flapped a pair of gorgeous wings from the poke ball She flew out, and Tou Zijiang pursed her mouth. She wanted Xiaoyao to send out a fire chicken. It's a pity that the mischievous fire chicken has not even learned how to spray flames. Compared with Tou Zijiang's strength Strong chicken, classmate Xiaoyao, this so-called senior chicken, really should be ashamed.

"Qiabo people" Mu Shougong opened his mouth and fired a series of seed machine guns at the hunting swallowtail in mid-air. The series of green-packed seeds are like bullets fired from a heavy machine gun. The power of this trick is very good, Touzi Jiang suspected that this little guy might have eaten too much watermelon, so he practiced this trick very skillfully while spitting out watermelon seeds.

"Hunting Swallowtail, Silver Wind!"

Facing Mu Shougong's attack, Xiaoyao did not dare to be ambiguous at all. The hunting swallowtail flapped a pair of gorgeous wings and instantly rolled up a violent silver whirlwind. The silver wind blade twisted pieces of green seeds like bullets. Smash, the flying-type trick is very effective against the grass-type seed machine gun.

"Qiaboren" Mu Shougong didn't expect that his special skills could not help the opponent, and immediately his body continued to gallop on the ground like a flash of light, the speed was so fast that it was almost invisible, it was clearly moving at a high speed. Classmate Xiaoyao's expression was big Surprised, she didn't expect this Mu Shougong to be so capable, even using it for high-speed movement, even Tou Zijiang was very surprised.

"Chapo people" Mu Shougong jumped from the ground suddenly, and the big green tail slapped the hunting swallowtail heavily. The high-speed movement was so fast that the hunting swallowtail couldn't catch Mu Shougong's body at all. The body, this time the body cannot continue to maintain balance when it is hit from the front. The hunting swallowtail staggered back a few steps before stabilizing its body, but it was hit by a series of lasing seed machine guns.

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the hunting swallowtail with a shocked face and asked worriedly: "Hunting swallowtail, are you okay∥'Oh Wuren'"Hunting swallowtail shrugged and pulled his head, although the grass-type trick has a great influence on it Weak, but this continuous attack still makes it very painful.

Touzijiang hurriedly greeted Xiaoyao and said, "Use your recovery skills as soon as possible!"

"Hunting swallowtails, Zhao Zhiyang!"

When Xiaoyao heard Touzijiang's words, he waved his hands and shouted loudly. The hunting swallowtail waved its wings shining with dazzling golden light; the energy of the sun was absorbed layer by layer by the hunting swallowtail. Swallow butterfly suddenly shot out a dazzling incandescent light beam and bombarded Mu Shougong's body.A violent explosion spread in all directions, and Mu Shougong's body was completely overturned and fell out.

"This is... the Sunshine Flame, the proudest move of the Grass-type Pokemon!"

Tou Zijiang stared dumbfoundedly at the hunting swallowtail flapping a pair of gorgeous wings in the midair and said: "Unexpectedly, when the hunting swallowtail absorbs the energy of the sun to restore its strength, it unintentionally uses the unique skill of the sun and flames. It's amazing!"

"Sunshine and flames, the hunting swallowtail actually learned this trick?"

Classmate Xiaoyao looked at the hunting swallowtail in mid-air stupidly, and was so dizzy that he hadn't fully reacted for a while.

"Qiabo people" Mu Shougong struggled, gasped and slowly got up from the ground, looking at the hunting swallowtail in mid-air with a look of unwillingness on his face, this little guy is jealous.

088 Forest lizard, the battle of the Four Heavenly Kings. When the battle between Mu Shougong and Hunting Swallow Butterfly was in full swing, Long, Li Lin and Xiao Xia finally rushed over, and the fork-winged bat flapped its wings and flew to Long's side silently.Looking at the Mu Shougong panting on the field and the hunting swallowtail flapping a pair of gorgeous wings, Xiao Xia couldn't help asking curiously: "Just now we saw a very dazzling white blazing light beam, is it the sun's flame trick? But I don't remember Mu Shougong using this trick."

"Ah, this...--" Xiaoyao rubbed his head embarrassedly and said, "Hunting Swallowtail accidentally released such a trick when using Chao Zhiyang just now, haha..." Long and Xiaoxue They were taken aback, they didn't expect to learn the sun and flames from hunting swallowtails, and Xiao Xia, who didn't have an intuitive understanding of Xiaoyao, said with a look of surprise: "It's annoying, it turns out that Xiaoyao is such a powerful trainer , hunting swallowtails is not only beautiful but also very powerful, it's really awesome!"

This is the first time for Xiaoyao to be praised very much by others. Immediately, he felt as if his heart was filled with honey, and he was a little bit high as if he was about to ascend to heaven.And at this moment, the Mu Shougong suddenly let out a loud cry, and the thin and thin body suddenly shone with a burst of white light.Everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, while Xiaoyao fell into a state of sluggishness, watching Mu Shougong's body keep getting bigger.

"Jiowu Man" A forest lizard with a long leaf on top of its head appeared in front of everyone, with three leaves on its arms, and two forked long leaves behind Li's buttocks.

"This... what's wrong with this, Mu Shougong has evolved!"

Reporter Pan Qian looked at classmate Xiaoyao in amazement, the extreme joy gave way to sadness, the girl who was just delighted to be able to use the flames of the sun to hunt swallowtails was completely stunned, how could such a thing happen!

"Jiu 哕人" The forest lizard roared loudly, and the leaves on the top of the head continuously absorbed the energy of the sun and turned into dazzling white. Xiao Zhuang looked surprised and quickly reminded Xiaoyao: "Be careful, the forest lizard is accumulating energy , I will use Sunshine Flame soon! "

Hearing Xiao Zhuang's words, Xiaoyao's face was startled, and the girl looked up at the hunting swallowtail and said, "One more time, the sun is burning. ∥ 'Oh, man'" The hunting swallowtail flapped a pair of gorgeous wings, and a burst of dazzling white light emerged On the two wings of the hunting swallowtail, but it dissipated again after a while. Classmate Xiaoyao was surprised and couldn't believe it. The sun and flames of the hunting swallowtail had failed.

"Jiu 哕人" The forest lizard roared, and a blazing white beam shot out from its mouth. The sun's flame beam was hitting the target, and the hunting swallowtail was swallowed by a burst of white beams.

"Hunting swallowtail...--" Xiaoyao looked at the hunting swallowtail falling from the sky and called anxiously. How could the girl think that such a thing would happen suddenly.

Tou Zijiang looked at the forest lizard standing proudly and said, "This Pokemon must not have seen the flames of sunlight used by hunting swallowtails, and was stimulated to evolve. Now the flames of sunlight hunting swallowtails have not been used. , but was defeated by the opponent."

"Oh, man" Hunting swallowtails is on the verge of collapse, and for the second time, relying on the advantages of attributes to resist the bombardment of this grass-type ultimate move, but it is also difficult to hunt swallowtails like this. Xiaoyao saw that hunting Swallow Die didn't need to remind her like this and quickly directed it, saying: "Chao Zhiyang! "

"Oh, man" The hunting swallowtail flapped its gorgeous wings, absorbing the sun's rays little by little, the hunting swallowtail emitted a dazzling light to continuously restore its own physical strength, and gradually repaired its own strength The damage suffered. Suddenly, the hunting swallowtail suddenly burst into trouble, shooting a blinding sun flame straight at the forest lizard.

"Chirp..." The forest lizard did not expect that the hunting swallowtail would use the grass-type Pokemon's ultimate move at this time, so it was hit by the same attack for the second time without warning, and it was violent The explosion spread and spread, and its power should not be underestimated.

Classmate Xiaoyao was puzzled, "What's going on here? Just now I deliberately let the hunting swallowtail use the sun flame, but it didn't work, but when I used Chao Zhiyang, it triggered the sun flame trick."

Li Lin, who kept silent all the time, said in a cold voice: "Sunshine Flame and Chaozhiyang both need to accumulate solar energy. This hunting swallowtail is not very skilled in Sunshine Flame, but it just used this trick unintentionally. So you deliberately Asking it instead makes it feel overwhelmed, it only remembers the rhythm when using Chaozhiyang, so temporarily wanting to hunt swallowtails and use the sun flame attack can only be achieved through Chaozhiyang."

As expected of the Alliance's Four Heavenly Kings Pokemon Master, he could see the reason at a glance.Classmate Xiaoyao was flattered and took a look at Li Lin. She didn't know why this always strong elf master would suddenly speak to her.But since even Li Lin said that, he must have made a mistake. Classmate Xiaoyao raised his arms high and shouted to Hunting Swallowtail: "Chaozhiyang!"

"Oh woo people" The hunting swallowtail flapped a pair of gorgeous wings and rushed into the sky. The wide wings shone with white light and absorbed the sunlight energy bit by bit. The forest lizard climbed up from the ground, and also bit by bit With the help of the leaf on the top of the head, Di absorbs the energy of the sun's rays. Compared with hunting the swallowtail forest lizard, the grass-type Pokemon's talent in this aspect is much better than hunting the swallowtail.

Almost at the same time, two equally dazzling rays of sun and flames blasted out together, and after a violent collision, a violent explosion broke out, and a strong wave of air scattered and hit them in all directions.The hunting swallowtail repeatedly flapped its wings and retreated to avoid it, but the forest lizard suddenly roared and jumped up, a foot-long jasper light knife slashed at the hunting swallowtail.Classmate Xiaoyao didn't have time to respond to the order, and Hunting Swallowtail was hit head-on.

The forest lizard roared and slashed the hunting swallowtail's body to the ground, and a huge crack opened on the ground. More importantly, the hunting swallowtail was completely suppressed by the forest lizard's blade and could not move at all.At this moment, the forest lizard opened its mouth and fired a series of seed machine guns, directly injuring the hunting swallowtail at close range, and a burst of dust dispersed.

Long looked at Xiaoyao, who was at a loss, and said, "Hurry up and give the order, if this continues, hunting swallowtails will be defeated!"

Xiaoyao nodded hurriedly when he heard Long's words, "Hunting swallowtails, Zhao Zhiyang!"

"Oh woo people" The hunting swallowtail flapped its wings tremblingly and flew up from the ground, but the forest lizard suddenly burst into trouble, like a white lightning rushing over. The one-foot-long jasper blade popped out again, and the persimmon lizard roared Then he slashed heavily on the body of the hunting swallowtail whose wings were still absorbing the energy of the sun with a strong and powerful blade. It was too late, and the hunting swallowtail turned upside down and fell to the ground, motionless.

The winner and loser have been decided, Xiaoyao shook his head feebly, is it still not enough?His own strength is really too bad, even a wild pokemon can't deal with it, how can he face the powerful Shun.The forest lizard sprinted all the way towards the woods near the melon field. The fork-winged bat watched the silent dragon and did not stop it.

Xiaoyao silently took back the Hunting Butterfly Puppet and said to Xiao Xia with a sorry face: "I'm sorry, I failed your expectations, I'm afraid I can't help you, that forest lizard is too powerful, I'm no match at all .”

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaoyao who looked disappointed and didn't know what to say, Xiaoyao left silently without saying hello to everyone.Li Lin looked at the back of classmate Xiaoyao thoughtfully, as if something was touched in her heart, and she unconsciously thought of herself.

Li Lin, who has always gone her own way and never considered other people's feelings, suddenly wanted to help this lost girl. For nothing else, who would have thought that the sexy goddess who was named a master at a young age, when she had just become a Pokemon trainer? The time is also the same as Xiaoyao's classmate.I don’t understand anything, and every time I fail in a battle, I don’t even say that my pokemon is scarred. When trainers of the same age tamed one or two, I don’t know how many pokemon, Li Lin only had one initial Pokemon, because She can't win even against wild Pokemon.

Li Lin was not born well like Sirona and Kona, who have been with Pokemon since they were young.To be honest, genius has nothing to do with her at all. At the beginning, she was hit by constant failures, and then she was ridiculed countless times, which led to Li Lin's withdrawn personality, no friends, and being alone.

Although Xiaoyao is not as lonely as Lilin now, and she has many companions who can help her from time to time, but Lilin's personality is stronger than Xiaoyao's.The more she is looked down upon, the more she has to prove it to everyone. That is, later, she brought the evil-type Pokemon that is not favored by others to the champion hall of the Chengdu League in one fell swoop, becoming the first elf league to use evil-type pets The Four Heavenly Kings of the elves.There is one of the most classic quotes in Lilin, there has never been a weak elf, only an incompetent trainer who can't cultivate it.

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