"Hey, you should stop in moderation."

Long Bao jumped up and his fingers kept shaking. "It's too much, it's too much, hey, let me ask you guys, you decide to buy this thing without authorization,"

Long pointed to the yacht and said, "Have you asked my opinion, and it's too abhorrent to take away the money I've been lucky enough to earn. I encountered an embarrassing incident of staying in a hotel without money, so I protested."

"Then let's raise our hands to vote."

Lan raised his hand and said, "Raise your hand to agree that the yacht money should be paid by Long."

"Shu", "Shu" Sundae and Sakura were the first to respond, "Xiaosheng Xiaogang will always support Miss Beauty."

Xiaogang also raised his hands with excitement and determination.

"I support Long, my sister is going too far."

Xiaoxia stood on the side of the dragon and showed no weakness to the cherry blossoms.

"Xiao Zhi, stand up for me too."

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi, who was feeling overwhelmed by her head, and grabbed his ear and pulled him over.

"Ah, it hurts."

Xiao Zhi covered his ears and said.

"Well, it's 4:3 now."

The sundae said, "Then there's one left, sister."

Everyone looked at Shirona.

Shirona walked over to him under Long's incredible gaze and said lightly, "I want to have money to buy ice cream to eat."

"It's 4:4 now."

Long really didn't expect Shirona to be on his side.

"Sister, come over quickly."

Sundae akimbo said, "I'll give you half of the money, which is enough for you to eat ice cream every day for several years... Oh, that's good."

Under the stunned eyes of the dragon, Shirona blatantly rebelled and went to the sundae again.

"Hey, Shirona, you are the Shenao champion,"

Long said unwillingly, "It's too much to fall on both sides."

"Stop making excuses, dragon."

Lan retorted, "Don't put a big hat on Miss Hirona's head for everything. It's in Kanto now, so Miss Hirona is no longer the champion of Shenao."

Seeing the girls with a victorious look on their faces and Xiao Ganglong, who was intoxicated beside him, simply turned their heads away, and Xiaoxia turned her head unwillingly. She couldn't stand her sister's smug smile.

A rock by the seaside of Maiden Gorge murmured, "It's been 2000 years, I've finally waited for you...--" "Oh, there's a celebration going on here."

Sakura, Lan, Xiaoxia, and Sundae are looking around excitedly and constantly wandering around, Xiaozhi joins in the free tasting food stall and eats happily while Xiaogang is blushing looking for a beautiful big sister.

"Beautiful lady, come and see,"

A jewelry owner greeted Shirona and said, "Look at how my merchandise is? These are all great things.


Shirona looked at the dazzling accessories and thought, "Which one should I choose?"

"Oh, it's the same old thing again."

Long shook his head helplessly, and his eyes suddenly turned to a very beautiful girl by the sea in the distance. She closed her hands and closed her eyes as if she was praying for something.

"It's really a beautiful girl."

The dragon couldn't help but murmured with a look of obsession. "Young man,"

A wrinkled old woman suddenly flashed in front of the dragon's face, "Be careful of the beautiful girl."


The dragon was startled by the terrifying old face that suddenly appeared, "Monster."

The wrinkled old woman slapped the dragon on the head with a folding fan and said angrily, "I'm a demon slayer, not a monster."

The dragon kept rubbing his aching head and suddenly took out a Poké Ball and threw it away under the stunned eyes of the old woman. The old woman turned into a red light and was collected into the Poké Ball, but the Poké Ball was only shaken violently and bounced off The people around were startled by a streamer flying towards the sky.

"Uh, run away."

Long waved his hand helplessly. "What's wrong with you?"

Shirona came over and looked at the dragon doubtfully.

"Well, I met a very special ghost."

Dragon did not hide from Shirona.


Shirona was a little curious. "Well, not only can it be very powerful hypnotism, but it can also speak human words."

Long explained.

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