Shirona thought to herself, "However, the dispute between the elves and humans has been satisfactorily resolved. In addition to strength, the elves' trust in him is the most important thing to conquer the stinger jellyfish. Why is he so close?"

After conquering the giant sting jellyfish, the dragon already has seven spirits, and the dragon must send one spirit to Dr. Big Wood.

"Hello, Dr. Damu, how are my flaming monkeys and fast dragons after not seeing me for a long time?"

Long greeted Dr. Damu.

"And me, Dr. Damu, is my tong crab okay?"

Xiao Zhi also leaned over to the phone and waved to Dr. Ogi.

"Oh, it turned out to be Long and Xiaozhi,"

Dr. Damu said, "I will take good care of your elves. It's incredible that your dragon can change the size of your body freely, and I still haven't figured out the reason.

However, the destructive power and physical strength of the fast dragon have been greatly improved after the body became larger, but there was no way to fly again, and after its body was reduced, although the destructive power and physical strength decreased, but compared with the data. Recorded under normal circumstances, the fast dragons must be outstanding, and the energy of many tricks is also more concentrated, and with the support of strong physical strength, they can continuously launch powerful tricks.

For example, after destroying the death light and billions of shock waves, the body will not be damaged by the reaction and can continue to move.

And after my test, the speed of the fast dragon flying at full speed is faster than the ordinary fast dragon, reaching the amazing speed of Mach 3, and the flying speed in the state of super speed is doubled, which is amazing. Much faster than your Suicune running at full speed. "


Long used to only know that his own fast dragon quickly did not expect it to reach this level, "Dr. Big Wood, can that fast dragon be sent to me?"

"I have to study that fast dragon for a while,"

Dr. Damu said, "But what are you looking for me for today?"

"Well, I caught another huge guy."

Long said to Dr. Damu.

"Caught another huge guy? Is it a Kirby?"

Dr. Ogi wondered.

"No, it's a stinger jellyfish about the size of my fast dragon when it grows."

Long proudly said to Dr. Damu.


Dr. Damu immediately stepped up to the screen and shouted at the dragon, "What? You have captured the stinger jellyfish that is dozens of meters tall? Hurry up and pass it over. I will study it carefully with Kuailong."

"Dr. Damu, don't be so excited."

Long ashamed said to Dr. Damu, "Don't get excited. I called you today because I have seven elves in my hand, and I'm going to send the stinger jellyfish to you first."

Said that the dragon sent the stinger jellyfish's Pokeball to Dr. Damu. After receiving the Pokeball, Dr. Damu left a sentence, "Then I'm going to work, that's all for now, goodbye."

The screen jumped with a bang.Ash lowered his head in frustration, "I've been forgotten."

"I can't believe that the dragon can conquer such a powerful stinger jellyfish."

Xiaogang admired the dragon.

"Because it was Suicune who defeated it,"

Xiaoxia's eyes fell into obsession, "Last time it was a huge fast dragon, this time it is the stinger jellyfish of the minister, and Su Jun is the most handsome."

"Excuse me, may I ask if you just captured that stinger jellyfish?"

At this time, an old man with white hair walked in front of the dragon, accompanied by Miss Junsha, and said, "Thank you for saving the city of Lampuru, I am the mayor of Lampuru, and I represent the city of Lampuru. of citizens thank you."

Chapter 026: Maiden Gorge, Ghosts' Hypnosis

Leaving Lampuru City, Xiaozhi and his party set off for Maiden Gorge together on a Long Zifeng yacht.

"Awesome, it's a great feeling to travel on the sea on a yacht."

Xiaoxia said facing the sea breeze.

"I also seem to own a yacht."

Xiaozhi sighed.

"What kind of yacht does the child want?"

The sundae hit Xiao Zhidao, "And yachts cost a lot of money."

Said Qian Long suddenly remembered that the mayor of Lampuru gave him a large sum of money in order to thank him for saving the city of Lampru, "Sundae, didn't the mayor of Lampuru give me a large amount of money to thank me? , that money seems to be collected by you."

"Oh, you said that money, that money is just right for repaying the accounts you owe."

Sundae said to Long, and then handed Long a ten-dollar coin, "This is for you."


Holding the ten-dollar coin, Long said, "What does this mean?"

"It means you won't be in debt in the future."

Xiaolan leaned over and said happily to Long, "It's really good, Long."

"We can go shopping again."

Sakura, Ran and Sundae got together and said happily.

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