Looking at Miss Sakurai's 180-degree sudden change of attitude, Long didn't feel relieved for a moment, but this time he didn't foolishly ask this chick if her head was burned out.Waving goodbye to Miss Sakurai, Long boarded the yacht, Xiaozhuan and Xiaoyao, the five women, slowly sailed away from the port of Kanaz City. This private and luxurious yacht slowly accelerated and finally sailed to the the sea.

On the deck, Xiaoyao opened her arms and took a deep breath of the sea breeze blowing in front of her and said comfortably: "It's really comfortable. Seeing this beautiful and calm sea, I really want to jump down and have a good swim!"

"Now that the yacht is driving in the deep sea, swimming in this place is just thinking about it."

Xiao Zhuang said with a smile: "When you arrive at Muro Island, if you want to swim, there must be many places. I heard that the beach on Muro Island is very famous, and there are also surfing activities that are very popular." "Really, This is really looking forward to!"

Touzi clenched his fists excitedly and said: "After going to Muro Island to challenge the constitutional gymnasium, I must have a good time. Didn't you also hear last night that Mr. Dawu, the former champion of the Fangyuan League, also explored Muro Island? Well, it would be great if I could meet Mr. Dawu, I must ask him for his autograph!"

Looking at the girls who were intoxicated with excitement, Long didn't have a chance to discuss swimming and playing with them for the time being. He took out the elf ball that Miss Sakurai gave just now and bounced it. A big crow with a long tail and a lizard head jumped out of the poke ball. This was the first Pokemon that Long had captured in Fangyuan area, the ancestor big crow.

Seeing this extinct ancient fossil Pokemon that has never been seen before, all the females surrounded them curiously, Xiaoyao was a little scared and pointed at the pair of sharp claws and mouth on the wings of the ancestor Dawu. The row of serrated teeth in the middle said: "Is this really a bird Pokemon? It looks different from Bi Diao and the usual bird Pokemon?"

Xiao Zhuang nodded and said: "According to the current data research, the ancestor Dawu is a descendant of the ancient extinct dragon Pokemon. Judging from its tail, wings and head, it does not conform to the bird Pokemon. characteristics, but closer to lizard-like Pokemon!"

"Guawu people" The ancestor Dawu looked a little scared when he saw the people surrounding him. The ancestor Dawu ran to the dragon and curled up next to his legs. This elf is obviously close to 1.5 in height. Mi, but his head is always lowered like a newborn baby. Sakurai is right. The character of the ancestor Dawu is too timid. Compared with the violent fossil dragon, it directly forms a distinct contrast.

Long touched the head of the ancestor Dawu and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, everyone will not hurt you, so you can rest assured!"

Although Long comforted him like this.But it didn't have any effect on the ancestor Dawu. Yiri huddled by the dragon's legs and didn't even dare to look around. The dragon admitted that he was not very good at coaxing people.

At this time, it's time for the top breeder Xiaoxue to come out, but when Xiaoxue thought about using Pokemon feed to lure the ancestor Dawu over, whether it was the bird Pokemon feed usually prepared for Bi Diao, or for Xiao Zhuang The dragon Pokemon food prepared by Hackron and Panxi's Sonic Dragon were useless. The ancestor Dawu just sniffed it and then turned away and kept calling at the dragon.Xiaoxue took out other pokemon feeds and experimented one by one, but the ancestor Dawu just turned his head away and just yelled at the dragon.

The leader scratched his head in pain and said: "This is very difficult, none of them are to this guy's taste, and this has aroused his appetite instead, what should we do now!"

036 The evolution of the stinging worm, the horror of the megalodon. The food that these extinct Pokemon eat in ancient times is basically nowhere to be found now, so it really takes a little time to configure the feed that suits the taste of these revived fossil Pokemon. effort.Just like Sakurai said, if there is no top breeder around to prepare new food, then even getting Pokemon like Fossil Flying Dragon and Primordial Dawu is useless, and raising Pokemon is also a very difficult skill. important knowledge.

Xiaoxue tried to prepare the feed that the fossil flying dragons used to eat and sent it to the ancestor Dawu. This time, the ancestor Dawu did not resist the food Xiaoxue sent. Seeing that the little elf finally ate the dragon and the girls felt relieved in one breath.It seems that the taste of the ancestor Dawu is similar to that of the fossil flying dragon. This is also easy to understand. After all, the attributes of these two Pokemon are exactly the same.

At this time, Xiaoxue took out a bunch of Pokemon food again, looked at Xiaoyao with a smile and said, "Stinger should be hungry by now, should you let it out?"

Hearing Xiaoxue's words, Xiaoyao touched his head in embarrassment, and then released the thorntail from the elf ball. This thorntail was the smallest guy in the big team, but his appetite was one of the largest.The little thorntail has a bigger appetite than the small tyrannosaurus, which is the same as its trainer. Xiaoyao's obsession with food has reached a fanatic level.

As expected, the little spinytail came out of the poke ball and within a short time wiped out a portion of the food that the tyrannosaurus could eat. After eating the shield, spiny tail burped in satisfaction, then curled up into a ball and lay down on the ground Wake up sound asleep.After eating, sleeping, and eating every day, this thorntail worm is as comfortable as Snorby and the King of Leave.

Xiaoxue stroked the thorntail with a smile and said to Xiaoyao: "Congratulations, this stingtail is so edible that it is a precursor to evolution. The stingtail is preparing for the upcoming evolution. Store more stamina to facilitate smooth evolution."

Xiaoyao said happily when she heard Xiaoxue's words, "Is this true? The thorntail is about to evolve, is it going to become a hunting swallowtail?"

"It's still too early to evolve into a hunting butterfly. Insect Pokemon like thorntails must first evolve into pupae, and then break out of their cocoons and become butterflies."

While speaking, Long suddenly thought of a very important question: "I remember that thorntails have branched evolution, but now it's a mess. Whether it can evolve into a hunting swallowtail is another matter!"

"Branch evolution?"

Xiaoyao looked at the dragon curiously and asked: "What is this? Why can't the thorntail be able to evolve into a hunting swallowtail?"

Xiaoxue explained: "Branch evolution is a way of evolution of Pokemon. Simply put, the same Pokemon may evolve into two or more different types of Pokemon. Branch evolution Pokemon The most famous one is Eevee. For the same Eevee, if you use a thunder stone, you will evolve into a thunder elf, and if you use a water stone, you will evolve into a water elf, and then you will use a fire stone, it will evolve into a fire elf. This is what's known as cladistic evolution."

Touzi added: "To put it simply, the thorntail can also evolve into two different types of Pokemon. In addition to hunting swallowtails, it may also evolve into another type of Pokemon."

"Chirp...--" Xiaoyao screamed loudly, quickly hugged the spiny tail and asked worriedly: "Then what should I do, what kind of Pokemon will the spiny tail evolve into!"

Long directly took out the Pokemon illustrated book and showed it vividly to Xiaoyao.

"Carapace chrysalis, chrysalis Pokemon, evolutionary type of spinytail, attribute is insect type. Observe the surrounding situation with two eyes, keep as still as possible, and use the energy stored in spiny tail as a Preparations before evolution. The hard cocoon can defend against external attacks, wrap itself in the branch with silk, drink the rainwater attracted by the silk, and wait for the moment of evolution in the silk cocoon.”

"Here, this carapace chrysalis is the evolutionary form before the hunting swallowtail butterfly."

Long flipped through the illustrated book and said to Xiaoyao: "This is just another evolutionary form of the thorntail, the shield cocoon!"

"Shield cocoon, chrysalis Pokemon, the evolved type of thorntail, the attribute is insect type. In order not to be attacked by the enemy, it will quietly hide behind the big leaves or in the gaps of the branches, and will cover it with dead trees Live in the body as a camouflage. The shell made of soft silk will gradually harden over time, and when it starts to crack, it is not far from evolution. The temperature inside the cocoon is very high, and the cells of the whole body are used to create evolution in the cocoon. The energy. Bearing the enemy’s attack without moving, the pain at that time will be transformed into strength, thus evolving a powerful body, the attack received in the cocoon will not be forgotten even after evolution, and will definitely find ways to retaliate.”

Pointing to the illustrated book in the dragon's hand, Xiaoyao hurriedly asked: "What will happen if the thorntail worm evolves into a shield cocoon? Will it not be able to evolve into a hunting swallowtail in the future?"

"Of course, once the thorntail worm evolves into a shield cocoon, it cannot become a hunting butterfly. Even if it continues to evolve in the future, it will become another Pokemon."

Long continued to pull out the illustration book and said: "Look, this is the elf after the evolution of the shield armor cocoon, the poisonous butterfly."

"Poison butterfly, Poison fang Pokemon, the evolution of the shield cocoon, the attributes are insects and poisons. The nocturnal Pokemon will be attracted by the lights to eat the leaves on the street trees. Sometimes it will eat the leaves of the street trees at night. The leaves are gnawed to bits and pieces. The fine phosphorous powder is rolled up by flapping the wings, and the poisonous powder is flying with it. It is a poison that even gladiators inhale will fall asleep. The radar in the tentacles can search for food."

"Ah, this poisonous bee butterfly is really ugly. Its wings are like half a lotus leaf. Compared with the pair of gorgeous wings of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, it is really ugly."

Xiaoyao shook his head, then hugged the thorntail in his arms and said urgently: "I don't want it, don't let the thorntail evolve into a shield cocoon and then evolve into a poisonous butterfly, what I want is a carapace pupa and a hunting swallowtail butterfly !"

Touzi spread his palms and said helplessly: "If the thorntail worm evolves into a shield cocoon, there is no way. At the beginning, I just asked you to directly subdue a hunting swallowtail, so that this would not happen. Something happened."

Xiaoxue comforted and said, "Whether the thorntail evolves into a carapace pupa or a shield cocoon depends on the character of this pokemon. Didn't the illustrations say that the carapace pupa will use the energy stored in the carapace as a pokemon?" Prepare for further evolution. Xiaoyao’s thorntail is so edible, I guess it should evolve into a carapace pupa.”

"Although I said that, I'm still a little worried..." Xiaoyao didn't finish speaking. The body of the thorntail in his arms shone with white light, and everyone showed surprise on their faces. Evolution is not expected to be realized so soon.

Xiaoyao was nervous and excited, and then everyone watched the thorntail in the girl's arms evolve into a white cocoon with only two eyes exposed.Xiaoyao hurriedly asked: "How about it, is my Pokemon a carapace pupa or a shield cocoon?"

Long heaved a long sigh and said with a deep expression on his face, "I regret to tell you that it is impossible for your bird to evolve into a hunting swallowtail butterfly."

"Ah..." Xiaoyao's face showed disappointment, and then the girl looked up at the crowd with the cocoon in her arms and said, "Forget it, whether it's the poisonous butterfly or the hunting swallowtail, I was the first to tame it." Pokemon, I am very happy to see the thorntail grow up healthy and evolve."

"Xiaoyao, it's really good that you can think like this, it shows that you have gradually matured."

Xiaoxue patted Xiaoyao's shoulder happily and said: "Don't worry, the dragon lied to you just now, and you are holding a carapace pupa in your arms. The color of the cocoon of the shield cocoon is light pink, and the cocoon in your hand This carapace chrysalis cocoon is white."

Xiaoyao looked up at Xiaoxue with joy and asked, "Is this true?"


Long laughed and said to Xiaoyao: "Just now I made a joke with you, I want to see what choice you will make if the stingtail does not evolve into a carapace pupa in the end according to your idea, some trainers will Abandon the Pokemon that I don't like. We are really happy to see your performance just now, not only Stingtail, you have also grown a lot during this time!"

Xiaoyao was dissatisfied at first when she heard the dragon's words, but then she showed a happy expression. She happily hugged the carapace pupa in her arms and said, "I really didn't expect it. I didn't expect that spiny tails would suddenly evolve. Really I was so surprised, I thought it would take three or four months like Touzi's fireball mouse!"

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