Miss Sakurai frowned and shook her head like a thrush and said, "I don't know why. There is no reason to only steal culture fluid reagents. If there is no technology to develop a corresponding machine, then just having this will not work." of."

There was a pensive look on the dragon's face, and he had some doubts in his heart whether this was done by an evil organization. However, Team Rocket's power is not in the Fangyuan area, and the two evil organizations in the Fangyuan area, the Huoyan team and the Water Fleet, also used their abilities to do this. There is no such motive.

The Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet are not as ambitious as the Rocket Team and want to interfere in everything. The purpose of these two organizations is very clear. They go directly to their respective ultimate goals. Anything other than Pokemon and things doesn't interest them.Long couldn't figure out if it was really the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet, then why did they want the culture fluid of ancient fossil elves.

Holding the two culture medium reagents that were lost and recovered, Sakurai thanked Ryuu and said, "Thanks to your help this time, these two reagents are very precious. Fortunately, no major losses were caused."

Long Yao shook his hand and said, "What are you doing with such a polite look? Even if it's not for you this time, I can't just stand by and watch this kind of thing happen to me."

Ms. Sakurai nodded, then gritted her teeth and looked at Long and said in a low voice: "So... then I've sprained my ankle and it's still not healed, you can see if you can... 1-[-]<Sakurai didn't have the nerve to continue to say it, but Long But he understood what he wanted to say, come on, buddies are going to act as free labor again.

Seeing that Long was about to hug her, Miss Sakurai waved her hands again and again and said, "Can you carry me down this time in a different way, it's too embarrassing for people to see you hugging me like this..."

Miss Sakurai has been lying on the back of the dragon in silence for a while, her personality and temper are more in line with the ladylike temperament of her famous lady.You can joke with her occasionally, you don't like to get angry, even if you are really angry, you won't act viciously.Sakurai is different from the icy-cold temperament of Sundae, who is also the daughter of a wealthy family, and is also different from Xiao Zhuang's heroic style.Sakurai's character makes it easy for people to feel close to her. Although this is the second meeting, Ryu likes to be with her very much.

Sakurai's approachable personality seems to have inherited her grandma's Frozen Throne and can manage a huge family. This kind of woman is simply a model of a good wife!

035 Ms. Sakurai’s gift, Yoshien’s first tamed elf helped Devon Manufacturing Company and Ms. Sakurai successfully recover the stolen culture fluid reagent. President Qi personally acted as the host and invited this group of people to have dinner at the most famous revolving restaurant on the sea in Kanaz City at night.Touzi and Xiaoyao, who heard the news at the time, were very annoyed. They should not have eaten so much seafood in the afternoon if they knew that there would be such a sumptuous meal in the evening.

Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Xue, and Pan Xi didn't expect that Long would spend so much time in the afternoon when they left, and it happened that such a major theft happened in Devon Manufacturing Company when he was visiting. It's a coincidence.

Seeing the all women's army in front of him, Sakurai, couldn't help kicking Ryu under the table, the eldest lady leaned into Ryu's ear and whispered, "Is this your traveling companion?"

Long touched his nose in embarrassment. It's no wonder Sakurai would ask such a question. This all-women's army is indeed easy to arouse people's imagination, especially Long's current reputation as a playboy is well-known in the entire league.

While Sakurai was looking at the women opposite, Xiao Zhuang and Toko, who had never met Miss Sakurai, were also looking at this beauty.People often say that heroes cherish heroes, but they don't know if beautiful women will attract each other, but it is certain to compare secretly.Especially for Xiao Zhuang, Miss Yulong and Miss Sakurai have the same identities and family backgrounds.

Among the five women traveling with Long and his party, the only one here who is familiar with Sakurai is Xiaoxue. The two have met before and Xiaoxue's character is the kind of gentle and easy to get along with.In addition to Xiaoxue who gets along very well with Miss Sakurai, reporter Pan Qian is also deliberately creating topics to chat with Miss Sakurai.There are two Alliance Four Heavenly Kings from one family, and Kona can be regarded as half of the Sakurai family, so it is impossible for Pan Xi, who is a reporter, not to be interested.

This dinner can be regarded as a good time for the guests and the host. Miss Sakurai intends to help Long and the others arrange a hotel, but Xiao Zhuang refuses. Miss Yulong has always lived a simple life. Since Xiao Zhuang joined the team, Long and the others except & outside camping, even when you're in town, stay at a free Pokemon Center.However, Ba Long felt that Xiao Zhuang didn't dislike staying in a hotel. The main reason was that he didn't want to accept Miss Sakurai's favor.

Ms. Sakurai wanted to invite Long and the others to stay in Kanaz City for two more days so that she could show her kindness as a landlord, but this time it was not just Xiao Zhuang, Touzi and Xiaoyao shook their heads and refused.The time spent in Kanaz City is long enough. Everyone's main purpose is not to play around. Long, Touzi and Xiaoyao also need to collect gym badges and ribbon medals for the gorgeous competition.

In the early morning of the next day, Long and his party packed up at the Pokemon Center and were ready to set off for Wudou Town on Muro Island, where the next gymnasium is located.Muro Island is a small island on the sea in the southwest of the Yoshien area. If you want to get here, you must take a boat, or you can use a large water-type Pokemon like Chenglong or a direct leap like a fire-breathing dragon. strait.

There are three boats from Kanaz City to Muro Island in the morning, noon, and night. Long and the others were preparing to take the morning boat, but just as they walked out of the gate of the Pokemon Center, an extended car suddenly stopped beside everyone. And stop.Ms. Sakurai opened the car door and walked down, then looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I came here specially to see you off, and to thank you, President Zvoki specially prepared a small private yacht for you to lend you. , and now the yacht is parked at the pier."

Long and all the girls looked back at Miss Yulong, Xiao Zhuang nodded and said: "Since Ms. Sakurai came to see her off on purpose, we can't refuse her kindness."

After Xiao Zhuang finished speaking, he got into the RV first. Long and Xiaoxue glanced at each other. Miss Yulong refused the hotel arranged by Sakurai during dinner last night, but now she did not continue to refuse to the end.

Miss Sakurai greeted everyone into the car with a smile, and then she went up. The interior of this caravan is not as luxurious as imagined.Looking at the expression on Xiao Zhuang's face, Long wondered if Ms. Sakurai specially arranged it like this to cater to Ms. Yulong, right?

At this time, Sakurai took out an elf ball and handed it to the dragon, saying: "This is the ancestor of the pokemon, Dawu, who I promised to give you yesterday. This elf was born in the early hours of last night. So there is another one that came today The most important thing is to entrust it to you. Although it is an ancient resurrected fossil pokemon, it is also like a child, with a relatively timid personality. You need to work hard to cultivate this pokemon. Fortunately, You have a top pokemon breeder by your side, otherwise the food issue alone would be enough for you to have a headache, this kid has a great taste."

"Ancient fossil Pokemon, ancestor Dawu?"

Everyone in the car turned their curious gazes to the Pokemon ball in Long's hand, and Long had no choice but to explain the whole story about this Pokemon to the girls.

Touzi looked at Sakurai with admiration and said, "Dewen Company is really amazing. It even made a machine that revives ancient fossil Pokemon. It's amazing!"

Sakurai smiled indifferently, and then took out two gorgeous black poke balls and handed them to Xiao Zhuang, saying: "Miss Yulong, this is the latest limited edition Rising Dragon Poké Ball developed by our company. I think this is very suitable. Miss Xiao Zhuang, a dragon trainer."

Xiao Zhuang hasn't said anything yet, Long already took the two Poke Balls from Miss Sakurai's hand and kept playing with them. It is said that the main purpose of his looking for Miss Sakurai yesterday was for this limited edition Poke Ball. with.Long murmured in dissatisfaction: "It's too stingy to take out two. Even if there is one for each of us, there are six of us here!"

Miss Sakurai rolled her eyes at Long when she heard Long's unashamed words. This guy is really rude, as if the Devon Manufacturing Company is owned by his family, so Miss Long just ignored Long's words. .

Long pursed his mouth in boredom and then handed over the two Rising Dragon Elf Balls to Xiao Zhuang. Miss Yulong liked this gift from Sakurai very much. Sakurai expressed his gratitude and said that he would write down this kindness.Sakurai looked at Xiao Zhuang's serious look and shrugged helplessly, Miss Yulong was too polite to her.

The car drove all the way to the pier. It turns out that the pier in Kanaz City is a private enterprise of the Sakurai family. The Sakurai family was originally engaged in the transportation industry. More than 60.00% of the ports in the Yoshien area are controlled by the Sakurai family. Yes, he is so rich!

As the private pier of the Sakurai family, there is only a luxurious small yacht moored at this moment. Sakurai smiled and looked at Long and said: "This yacht uses the latest satellite navigation and positioning, and it is very easy to operate. But who among you will Are you driving a yacht, do you need me to find another driver for you, she is a beautiful woman!"

The last sentence was said to Long in a joking tone, this chick is real, she thinks Long is someone 7, the yacht pilot is just the driver, and she needs to specifically emphasize whether she is a beautiful woman or not.

However, I heard that both Lan and Sakura were competent as yacht pilots in the past. Although the little girl Sakura is crazy, her posture skills are the best among all of them.Long looked at Xiao Zhuang and Pan Qian and asked, "Do you know how to drive a yacht? If not, you have to hire professionals."

Miss Yulong, who had always been regarded as a heroine by Long and Touzi, shook her head directly, but it was Reporter Pan Qian who volunteered to say that she could try it.Ms. Sakurai took Long and the others to board this private luxury yacht. Reporter Pan Xi ran directly to the cab, and the 1000 people who watched Long, who was familiar with the operation, were stunned.

Long opened his mouth in surprise, pointed at her with trembling fingers and asked in amazement: "You can try it, this manipulation technique is obviously very skilled and professional!"

Pan Xi smiled and said: "My previous dream was to be able to travel around the world on my own yacht. Even after I became a reporter, I still haven't given up on this dream, so I used to study it specially. Yacht stance technology."

Sakurai said with a smile: "Since you already have such an excellent driver, it seems that you can't use me anymore, so I wish you a pleasant journey!"

Sakurai smiled and jumped off the yacht, then pulled Ryuu aside and whispered, "When are you going to my house, Kona has been waiting for you!"

Long pondered and said: "I want to go, but last time Kona left in anger, I was afraid that she hadn't calmed down yet, so I planned to travel and then go to see her later. Last time when Sirona gave birth, I couldn't I feel very guilty to be by my side, this time I decided to wait by Kona's side to wait for the baby to be born!"

"How dare you mention other women in front of me, you are very honest!"

Sakurai couldn't help but grabbed Long's ear and said angrily, "Although grandma indulges you like this, as a good sister, I can't say nothing. You are so hateful and carefree. Don't You think I don’t know, you have other women besides Sirona, right?”

Long looked at Miss Sakurai, who was still angry and unyielding, and couldn't help but secretly slapped himself. He really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to lift. What are you doing to gain hatred for him for no reason? Miss Sakurai herself Avoid talking about this, but I have a cheap mouth.If Ms. Sakurai didn't express this, then she would be sorry for Kona's status as a best friend. Fortunately, this chick is gentle, and Li Lin would be in danger herself.

"I can tell you, even though grandma has been indulging you so much now, you have to abide by the bottom line and don't go too far. If you feel tempted when you see a beautiful woman, then you are too sorry for Kona's affection for you."

Ms. Sakurai taught me a little painstakingly.

Long looked at Miss Sakurai who was developing towards becoming a mother, and said rather speechlessly: "Could it be that my current image has deteriorated to such an extent? Although I am a little sentimental, I pay every woman. Sincerely and sincerely, okay!"

Sakurai couldn't help but sneered and said: "Everyone is sincere and true? Then you are really lucky. Dividing a heart into so many shares and taking into account every woman, it is you who say so." Is it the luckiest one?"

Well, Long knows that it is not good to continue entanglement on this issue. In fact, what he said before was a bit against his will. At least one woman made Long feel a little guilty. Hope to have a relationship with her.Suddenly, Long wanted to know where the woman he had hurt was now. She said she had killed herself, but she never appeared again since then. Could it be that she has never found out her identity?

Long didn't know what kind of mood he was in right now, whether he wanted Shirley to recognize him or continued to hide it like this.Although he acted impulsively, this woman left a lingering shadow in his heart. Long thought with some complexity in his heart, could he really be ruthless and throw her into prison when he met again?

Seeing Long Zhi dazed and dazed, and the remorseful and complicated expression on his face, Sakurai couldn't help but review whether what he just said was too serious. At that moment, the eldest lady stopped preaching to Long and instead Came over to comfort him and said, "Don't think too much, it's okay for Kona to be angry for a while, I will take care of her for you, and let me know in advance before you go to my house!"

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