What Pan Xi said made everyone fascinated, even the dragon wanted to fly to the Kalos area to have a look and tame the few Pokemon he didn't know.And Pan Xi also revealed an important piece of news, that the Kalos area, like other areas of the Elf Alliance, also has its own myths and legends.In the place of Carlos, there are legends about the Pokemon Sernias, the God of Life, and the Pokemon Yvital, the God of Destruction.

Long, who is very interested in the legendary Pokemon, is of course very excited, and then the five of them simply surrounded Pan Xi and listened to her narration of the customs and customs of the Carlos area, although they could not go to this soon-to-be Go to the Sixth League of the Elven Alliance to appreciate its style, but it is also good to listen to other people's narratives and use your imagination.

In this way, time is passing by bit by bit, but this group of people is interested in it, and it is best to remind everyone that they missed lunch because of Xiaoyao's gurgling and hungry stomach.

The pleasant conversation was forced to be interrupted. Xiao Zhuang was apologetic while cooking for everyone and kindly invited distinguished guests from the Carlos area to have lunch together, while Pan Xi felt a little embarrassed to eat and drink for nothing. So he took the initiative to help Xiao Zhuang to fight.

Long curiously studied Pan Xi's Sonic Dragon continuously. He really didn't expect that this Pokemon reporter still had a precious dragon-type elf in his hand.Pan Xi also said before that Sonic Dragon is a very rare Pokemon even in the Carlos area.

Just because he can't find out what kind of tricks he can research, Long can't wait to directly pull this Sonic Dragon into a fight. He really wants to flatter how powerful the dragon-type Pokemon from the Kalos area are, and then he will use What kind of novel tricks and special attacks.

Because what Long thought was that once the Elf Alliance formally established the Carlos Alliance, then there would definitely be a large number of trainers from the Carlos area flocking to it, and there would be a large number of Pokemon with unknown information in the alliance competition. , so he has to plan ahead.

And when the big reporter who helped Xiao Zhuang lay down the cooking, learned that this was actually the eldest lady of the Yulong family, Pan Xi immediately burst into surprise from ear to ear.As a reporter, of course, she needs to understand the key information of the major regions of the Elf League. First of all, the most important thing is the myths and legendary Pokemon in several regions, and the second is the training of the representative masters of the Champion League in each region. Family.As the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto and the champions of the Chengdu area, Zunzhedu and the Yulong family are well-known. Pan Qian really didn't expect that she would be lucky when she went out this time, and she would meet a nobleman.

However, what surprised the big reporter from a foreign land was still to come. It was the information that Xiao Zhuang revealed to her that made Pan Xi directly make an idea in her heart. The big reporter decided to travel with Long and the others.There is no other reason, the most important thing is the dragon!

027 Kanaz City, No. 18 New Pokemon Attributes Long and his party aiming at the Fangyuan Alliance finally came to the second stop of their trip after running through the Orange Blossom Forest for almost a month. Kanaz City.At first it was Long, Touzi and Xiaoxue, and then they joined Xiaoyao and Xiaozhuan, and now their team has a new companion, a Pokemon reporter from the Carlos area.This Miss Panxi voluntarily joined the team of Dragons in order to investigate the customs and customs of various places in the Elf Alliance. Of course, the group of people who are fascinated by Carlos in the unknown area are extremely welcome.

Kanaz City is a large city in the west of Fangyuan area. It is adjacent to Meteor Falls in the north, Orange Blossom Forest in the south, and Kalu Tunnel in the west.In addition to the Karnaz gymnasium, the headquarters of the famous Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is set up in this city.

After finally coming to Kanaz City, Touzi couldn't wait to pull a group of people straight to the gymnasium, but unfortunately they were the accused. Knowing that the gym trainer Du Juan is not in the gym now, Kanaz said In addition to running the gym, Du Juan, the trainer of the gym, also serves as the elementary class lecturer of the nearby Pokemon School.

The Pokemon school in Kanaz City is different from the Pokemon Academy Sundae attended. The academy Sundae attended is also called the Noble Academy of the Famous Cram School. It is a standard high-fee and full-time school. elite teaching.The Pokemon School in Kanaz City teaches more subjects. In addition to training beginner Pokemon trainers, it is also responsible for training elite-level Pokemon trainers, and elites with excellent grades in the advanced class. Like Pokemon Academy, it has the qualifications to be recommended to participate in the league competition.

In addition, the Kanaz City Pokemon School is also responsible for teaching courses about Pokemon breeders and Pokemon coordinators, and this school is also responsible for teaching general cultural knowledge and social humanities courses.All in all, this is a school with comprehensive and comprehensive development, covering all courses from primary school to university.

Since the gym trainer was not there, the dragon and the girls had no choice but to take a look at the huge Pokemon school nearby.The assistant of the Kanaz Gymnasium had informed Du Juan in advance, so when Long and the others came to the gate, Du Juan came to greet them in person.

Her gray-brown hair was tied into a bow at the back of her head, and a headband with bright red flowers was tied behind her head. She was wearing a one-piece miniskirt and matched it with pink one-piece pantyhose.He is not particularly tall, about the same height as Touzi, and about the same age as Xiaoxue Xiaozhuan and the others.Du Juan, the trainer of Kanaz Avenue Pavilion, seems to be dressed very plainly, but she has the style of a wise man. I heard that Du Juan is a high-achieving student who graduated from this school.

Du Juan bowed to Long and his group with a smile and said sorry: "Are you here to challenge the trainers of the Kanaz Gymnasium, but I'm sorry, I don't have time to accept your challenge today. I have another class in the afternoon. I am really sorry for the students attending class."

With a look of disappointment on his face, Touzi shrugged his head and said weakly: "Ah... Is this the case? I am full of confidence and want to come here to win the first badge of the Gem Continent."

Du Juan smiled, and didn't care about Touzi's blunt words. She looked at Long and the others with a smile and said, "You guys finally came to Kanaz City, and you can visit our school before the competition in the gymnasium. How about it? Of course, if you are interested, you can attend and study in your favorite class, our school has many experienced professional tutors."

When Xiaoyao heard Du Juan's words, she said bluntly that she was going to visit the training coordinator's class, while Xiaoxue was very interested in the class that taught how to raise Pokemon, and Pan Xi wanted to have a look around. Then record the whole picture of the school.And Touzi, who had nowhere to vent his energy, was introduced by Du Juan to the advanced trainer training class, where many elite trainers were doing actual combat exercises, which was very suitable for Touzi who happened to lack opponents.

In the end, Long and Xiao Zhuang were left. They didn't care about visiting there, so Du Juan took them to the beginner trainer class in person. Du Juan will teach a group of children here in the afternoon.The dragon showed an indifferent attitude to this, since they have already come to Kanaz City anyway, so they don't care about staying here for two or three days.

Du Juan looked at Long and Xiao Zhuang with a smile and said: "I have heard of your two names before, the champion of the Kanto League and Chengdu League, and the eldest lady of the Yulong Family and the owner of the Yanmo Gym. The children will be very happy to see you."

Long and Xiao Zhuang looked at each other, and then Xiao Zhuang couldn't help blushing and turned his head sideways.

Long touched his nose in embarrassment, only then did he realize that Xiaoxue and the others had all left and inadvertently created a chance for him and Xiao Zhuang to be alone.Du Juan is still a face, she should have recognized the identity of the dragon, but now for the dragon, even if he won the two championships of the Quartz Conference and the Silver Conference, he is not as important as the mysterious boyfriend of Kona and Sirona This is worth a lot.

For a man, having two girlfriends may be something to be secretly happy about, but it would be disgraceful if someone brought it up in person.Fortunately, Du Juan only talked about Long's achievements in trainers, otherwise Long would not know how to step down.

The elementary class taught by Teacher Du Juan is mostly children who are about seven or eight years older than Alice and Xiao Sheng. There are twenty students in one class.Long felt that it was a good way to systematically learn knowledge in school before officially becoming a trainer and going out on a trip. Otherwise, Xiaobai, like Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao before, would not be reassuring to go on a trip alone.

When Du Juan opened the door, video teaching was being conducted on the big screen of the multimedia classroom, and it was Dr. Oki who was lecturing.When Long and Xiao Zhuang came in, Dr. Oki on the video greeted them and said, "What a coincidence, Long, you have come to Kanaz City, so how is your gym competition with Du Juan going?" ?”

Du Juan first smiled and said: "Long and the others have just arrived in Kanaz City, so they haven't had a formal gym competition with me yet. If the doctor wants to know the result, he will have to wait until tomorrow."

Looking curiously at Dr. Oki on the screen, Long asked, "Is the doctor still in charge of lecturing for the students here, but shouldn't you be in the Carlos area now?"

Dr. Oki looked at the dragon with a smile and said: "It seems that you know it all. I am indeed editing and sorting out the information of the Pokemon in the Carlos area. It is estimated that it will take a few months to complete this set The information has been compiled into the Pokémon Illustrated Book."

After hearing Dr. Oki's words, Long immediately said happily: "Since this is the case, it's really great. The doctor must help me upgrade the illustration book. By the way, I met a person from the Carlos area during yesterday's uh." Reporter, she has three Pokemon coming from there, and I am very interested in catching the new alliance that is about to be established."

When Damu heard Long's words, he said with a smile: "It's not just you, I also volunteered to lead the expedition team when I heard that this new alliance is about to be established. It turns out that there are many things we don't know about this mysterious world. You know Well, we found a new Pokémon attribute in the Carlos area, and we named it the fairy attribute or the fairy attribute for the time being!"

"New Pokemon attributes?"

After hearing Dr. Oki's words, Long, Xiao Zhuang and Du Juan all showed astonishment on the faces of the children in this class.Now there are seventeen types of attributes in the Pokemon world. I have never heard of such fairy attributes and fairy attributes. Could it be that there are some new types of Pokemon in Carlos that have this new attribute?

Dr. Oki looked very satisfied with everyone's shocked expressions, and then he couldn't wait to announce his big discovery in advance, "I am one of the legendary Pokemon researched in the Carlos area, which is called life in this area. This new attribute was discovered when Sernias, the God of Life. After many investigations, I confirmed that the attributes of the legendary God of Life in the Kalos area are different from the seventeen known attributes that we have known before. In addition to this legendary Pokemon, we also discovered a new evolutionary form of Eevee."

"Eevee's new evolutionary form!"

Long and the others were shocked again.

Dr. Oki nodded and said: "The fire elves of the flame type, the water elves of the water type, the thunder elves of the electric type, the moon elves of the evil type, the sun elves of super power attributes, the leaf elves of the grass type, and the ice elves of the ice type. It's the fairy elf with new attributes that we just discovered!"

Dr. Oki continued: "In addition to this fairy elf, our research has made great progress. We found that there are actually Pokemon with this new attribute in the current five regions of the Fairy Alliance. It is like Fang Xanadu in the edge area has this new attribute in addition to the superpower attribute, and the same is true for the water-type Marylou and the normal-type fat boy."

Long said in surprise: "Doctor, you said that Xanadu, Marylou and Fat Ding also have this new attribute? Then the new fairy attribute or fairy attribute you mentioned is different from the seventeen kinds we know now. Is there any relationship between attributes?"

Dr. Oki frowned and said: "We are still investigating and researching the new attribute, but we found that this new attribute has a strong restraint effect on the dragon elf, which is in addition to the ice attribute and the dragon attribute. In addition to the third attribute that can restrain the dragon elves."

Hearing what Dr. Oki said, Xiao Zhuang directly frowned and showed thoughtful expression. This new attribute can actually restrain the dragon-type Pokemon. This is not good news for trainers who specialize in dragon-type. It seems that in the future She is bound to deal with this brand new attribute well.

Du Juan said with admiration: "Dr. Oki deserves to be an authority in the academic world. I never thought that he would discover so much valuable information in such a short period of time."

"I also sorted out these materials with the help of local scholars in the Carlos area. I don't know how long it will take if we want to start from scratch."

Dr. Oki smiled and said to Long: "For a long time, I will be working with Carlos here, and the institute is completely managed by Xiaojian. If you encounter anything in the Fangyuan area, you can Go to Dr. Odaroll, I have already greeted him."

"I see, thank you doctor."

Long nodded, and then Dr. Oki interrupted the video with some words of encouragement.

Du Juan turned around and looked at the children in the class and said: "What Dr. Oki said just now is too early for you now, but everyone is walking slowly step by step, and when you become truly able A trainer who takes it on his own will understand later."

Du Juan introduced Long and Xiao Zhuang with a smile and said: "The teacher invited two very powerful trainers for you today. The trainer of the famous Yanmo Gym."

After hearing the teacher's introduction, the ordinary children showed admiration on their faces, followed by crackling applause.

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