
Long was completely shocked. This is an upgraded version of the All-Alliance Illustrated Book that contains all the information of the elves. Whether it is Kanto, Chengdu, Fangyuan, Sinnoh, and Yixiu, all the information of Pokemon is basically collected, but right now What's the situation again!

026 Foreign Reporter Pan Xi, Carlos of the Sixth Alliance "Is this a Pokemon? Why have I never seen it before? Is this a new breed?"

Long looked at the little guy under his feet in astonishment, but the frightened little thing turned around and ran away.Long immediately realized that no matter what the origin of this little thing is, it must not let it run away.

The dragon spun and ran out with the elf ball in his hand and shouted loudly: "Go, Bi Diao, help catch that little guy∥'Bi Ren'" Bi Diao's body spun at a low altitude and chased after the little thing that was running away In the past, he chased and rushed to the front of the little thing that was running away in a hurry at an extremely fast speed.

Long Yang raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Bi Diao, air cutting∥'Bi Ren'" Bi Diao let out a roar, the golden wings fluttered rapidly and instantly rolled up, several transparent air blades cut off the bushes around the little guy who was running away , The dust flew up and splashed a large cloud of dust.

"Baa Kui^" The little thing that was running away was frightened by this sudden stop and immediately stopped. Long looked at the unknown Pokemon and said happily: "Although I don't know where you came from, I finally met you." If you come to such a rare species, then you can’t let it go easily, it’s decided, I’m going to subdue you first and then study it carefully. Compare the eagle, beat it, flap your wings!”

"Bi Ren" Bi Diao's body rushed to the little guy like a flash of lightning, the golden wings suddenly opened and then rushed towards the little guy. The imposing manner was frightening, a pair of drooping ears expanded like a pair of sonic elbows, the little guy screamed and sent out a burst of intense electric light, weaving into a huge grid in front of him.Bi Diao's wings slammed onto this power grid suddenly, and a strong current immediately flooded Bi Diao's whole body, and Bi Diao quickly turned his body and flew back.

Long suddenly turned pale and opened his mouth wide. Seeing the unwell expression on Bi Diao's face with a golden current flowing, Long couldn't help but said in a dumb voice: "This... what kind of unique skill is this, it has never been seen in the skills of the electrical department. Has it ever had such an effect?"

Just when the dragon was in shock, there was a sudden rush of running on the ground, and a tall, goat-like Pokemon with a pair of long curved horns on its head ran over quickly.A tall woman jumped off the back of a Pokemon the dragon had never seen before, and the woman who appeared out of the blue took the little one the dragon had just chased into her arms.

This woman had short brown hair, was wearing a brown gown with half sleeves, a pair of off-white trousers, and a pair of brown snow boots.This woman seemed to be about the same age as Xiao Zhuang, around 21.

"Great, Light Lizard, finally found you!"

The woman said with a slightly reproachful tone: "Where did you go just now, I was so anxious!"

Long's face was ashamed. It turned out that this little guy had a trainer, so his actions just now were really awkward.

Although he knew it would be bad to rush to disturb others in this situation, Long couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked: "I'm really sorry just now, because I have never seen such a Pokemon so I am very sorry for the impolite behavior in a short while. Is this Pokemon called Light Lizard?"

At this moment, the woman who appeared a bit abruptly and brought two dragons she had never recognized looked at the dragon with a sorry face and said, "Ah, I'm really rude. I found this child just now and suddenly I'm so happy, I'm really sorry."

"Hello, my name is Panxi, and I'm a reporter from the Carlos area."

The woman introduced herself and said: "You're right, this little guy's name is Light Lizard and I come from the Kalos area together. Because I photographed a group of beautiful flowers dancing in the forest, I was caught by them unconsciously." Attracted by the beautiful dance of the girl, that's why I didn't notice that the child slipped out to play and then ran away, thank you for helping me find it."

"Carlos Region!"

Long looked at the woman in front of him in surprise, then pointed to the tall goat Pokemon next to her, almost the height of an adult, and said, "So this one is also from the Kalos area, what's its name?"

The young woman named Panxi, who claimed to be a Pokemon reporter from the Carlos area, said with a smile: "Yes, this is also my Pokemon, also from the Carlos area, and its name is Qianjin Sheep .”

The dragon's mouth was wide open, his eyes scanned the advancing sheep and the photoelectric lizard, and then he asked, "There doesn't seem to be a Kalos area in the area under the jurisdiction of the Elven Alliance, right?"

Pan Xi smiled and said, "I know that. The Pokemon Alliance you mentioned is the largest in the world. It is a private and official organization composed entirely of Pokemon trainers and Pokemon breeders, right?"

Like an obedient baby humbly asking for advice, Long nodded subconsciously when he heard someone ask a question. He had never heard of this amazing Carlos area!

Pan Qian continued to smile and said: "The five major divisions governed by the Elven Alliance are divided into the Kanto region, Chengdu region, Fangyuan region, Sinnoh region, and Yixiu region. We are now in the Southern Hemisphere Gem Continent, which is the Fangyuan region. Our Kalos region is also in the southern hemisphere like the Yoshien region, and it will soon become the sixth alliance under the Elven Alliance!"

"What! The Carlos region of the Sixth League?"

Dragon screamed again.No wonder he was excited, this is shocking news, the Elf Alliance has expanded its influence again, and the sixth Carlos Alliance is about to be established. Dig out a map of the Pokemon world and unfold it in front of the dragon. The map of the Pokemon world is similar to the area where the dragon lived in his previous life.The Kanto region in East Asia, the Chengdu region in West Asia, the Hoen region in Africa, the Sinnoh region in Europe, and the Ishu region in North America.

From the map, most of the continents under the jurisdiction of the Elf Alliance are concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and the Gem Continent in the Fangyuan area is the only land under the jurisdiction of the Elf Alliance in the southern hemisphere. Pan Xi pointed to the direction of the Australian continent. This is the mysterious Carlos area in the southern hemisphere. .

Pan Xi put away the world map and looked at Long with a smile and said: "It is estimated that this matter will be officially confirmed by the end of the year. Now the Elf Alliance has an investigation team going to Carlos to investigate, and the leader is the authority of the academic circles of the Elf Alliance. Dr. Oki. Moreover, the Elf Alliance is preparing to set up a new alliance competition in Carlos. It is estimated that the Carlos Alliance Competition will be officially confirmed next year, and the Four Heavenly Kings and Champion Venerables of the Champion League in the Carlos area will also be screened out."

This series of heavy news has made Long Bombing's head dizzy, and Long asked in surprise: "Oki Fushi actually led a team to visit the Carlos area, no wonder I called Xiaojian from the research institute last time to say that Dr. I went out. But I was in a hurry to do my own business, so I didn’t ask carefully. It seems that Dr. Oki should have gone to compile the information of the new Pokemon living in the Carlos area, and the only way to do it is to study the related things of Pokemon. would make the Doctor so fond of it."

Pan Qian looked at Long and asked curiously: "You know Dr. Oki, and the tone of his speech seems to be very familiar with that well-known academic authority?"

Long smiled and explained: "Damu and I both live in Zhenxin Town, and I got the Pokemon illustrated book from Dr. Damu and became an official Pokemon trainer!"

This time it was Pan Xi's turn to show a surprised expression, and then she looked at the mighty and majestic Bi Diao with golden feathers and said with a sigh: "I think you must be a very powerful Pokemon trainer, I came to the Jewel Continent I have carefully studied the materials of the five regions under the Elf Alliance and the Pokemon living here."

Pan Xi took out a notebook and said: "You should be a bird Pokemon Bidiao that lives in Kanto and Chengdu. It is the final evolution of Bobo. I heard that it flies as fast as light. The highest speed even reaches Mach 2. But the color and shape of the bidou I studied are not in line with yours, and this golden bidou is a rare breed among the bidou!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Long laughed and took out the elf ball to take Bi Diao back. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he was patronizing the chat, but Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Xue and Tou Zi were still waiting.It should be back after being out for so long, and Xiaoyao doesn't know if he caught the thorntail and went back.

Long thought about it and then said to Pan Xi: "I still have a few companions waiting for me in this forest. Miss Panxi, if you are not in a hurry, I can introduce my companions to you. And I also want to Panxi Xiaoda asked for more information about the Kalos area, I am very interested in Miss Pansy's hometown and Pokemon with unknown information such as the advancing sheep and the photoelectric lizard."

Faced with the dragon's invitation, Pan Xi readily agreed. She smiled and took the forward sheep and the light lizard back into the Pokemon ball. The dragon noticed that the poke ball she used was exactly the same as the poke ball they used. The alliance's mass-produced Poké Ball has already broken through the geographical restrictions first.

Long took Pan Xi back to the place where Xiaoxue and the others were resting. Sure enough, Xiaoyao had already returned, and there was a fluffy spiny tail curled up sleeping on her shoulder.Seeing that they were going to go out for a stroll, but the dragon girls who came back with a beautiful woman immediately showed doubts on their faces.

Touzi rolled his eyes and looked at the dragon and said, "Uncle, you said that you want to wander around to see if you can meet your favorite pokemon in this forest and then subdue them. Then explain what's going on now, Could it be that what you said just now was an excuse, that it was false to look for Pokemon, but you were actually looking for flowers and asking willows?"

Hearing Touzi's words, Long's face darkened immediately. It really didn't give any face to this girl to tease him like this in front of a stranger.But Pan Xi was curious, she wondered what Long's companion meant by saying this, didn't he treat her very well?

Pan Xi didn't wait for the dragon to open her mouth and introduced herself, "I'm sorry to disturb everyone. I just met the dragon by chance in the forest. My name is Pan Xi, and I'm a Pokemon reporter from the Kalos area."

"Carlos area?"

All the girls exclaimed in surprise and looked at each other, but none of them knew where it was.Immediately, Touzi didn't care where Long had abducted this beautiful woman, but stepped forward and pulled him to ask him to explain what was going on.

Seeing the strong thirst for knowledge shown on the faces of all the girls, Long had no choice but to briefly explain to the girls what Pan Xi told him just now.As expected, it was exactly the same as Long's previous expression. Whether it was Xiao Zhuang, Xiao Xue, Xiao Yao or Tou Zi, they all showed expressions full of shock and disbelief.

Pan Xi added and explained: "Because the Carlos area is about to become the sixth alliance of the Elf Alliance, I came to the Gem Continent first. The purpose is to observe the humanities here and record some things, which will be written in detail later. The report introduced the style and environment of the current areas of the Elf Alliance to the people of the Kalos area."

The faces of the people were stunned, and then Touzi and Xiaoyao begged Pan Xi to open their eyes to the unknown Pokemon she brought from the Carlos area, not only them, but also Xiaozhuan and Xiaoxue. A look of interest.

After panxi took out the photoelectric lizard and the forward sheep one after another, she even took out a pokemon that the dragon had never seen before. It was a pokemon with bat-like wings and a devil-like long tail. Qian said that the elf's name was Sonic Dragon.

As the eldest lady of the Yulong family, Xiao Zhuang is very interested in this sonic dragon, while Xiaoyao focuses on the cute and sprouting photoelectric lizard.Xiaoxue stroked the head of Qianjin Sheep in amazement. Judging from the leaf-like mane covered on this Pokemon, it was known that it was a grass-type Pokemon, and the character of Qianjin Sheep was indeed like a grass-type pet. So gentle as an elf.

The girl Touzi had a disappointed expression on her face. She kept asking Miss Panxi if she had a Pokemon with a flame attribute in her hand, but it was a pity that Deji's answer disappointed her very much.But Pan Xi smiled and told Tozi Carlos that there are many flame-type Pokemon that have never appeared here, such as the fox Pokemon Yanerhu, the flame Pokemon Yanyahawk and so on.Of course, Carlos also has many sprites of various attributes that you have never seen before.

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