Just when the two elves were panicking, there was a sudden shout, "Lizard King, please stop them∥'cha"" a three-foot-long jasper blade bounced off the Lizard King's right arm, and exploded. The drunk Lizard King fell down, and the blade on his right arm slashed fiercely on the ground. A gap was cut in the ground and then extended to the bottom of the big tree. The two sides were fighting each other. The little elf was startled by the sudden blow and both backed away.

"Wow... one" has been hiding under the big tree for fear of being harmed by the fish in the pond. Niula, who was hugged with the fireball mouse, cried and rushed towards the dragon. The dragon quickly hugged the frightened little guy by the mouth. Constantly comforting it.Touzi hurriedly took a step forward and embraced the Fireball Mouse who was also trembling with fright. The little guy was also terrified and curled up in Touzi's arms. The Fireball Mouse seemed to have forgotten that it was Touzi who scared it away before. Lose.

Meilihua and Bawanghua, who were still fighting to death before, turned their heads to look at Lizard King who was standing with a branch in his mouth and his hands behind his back, and then looked at each other. leave.Sundae looked at the two groups of elves who left separately and asked suspiciously: "What's going on, why did Meilihua and Bawanghua make such a big move?"

While comforting the tearful Fireball Mouse, Touzi carefully coaxed the timid little guy and said happily: "Thanks to Meilihua and Overlord Flower, if it weren't for them fighting, this little guy wouldn't be here." became so close to me."


In the distance, a man in a white coat and square glasses ran towards Long and the others while waving his hands and said loudly, "Did you stop Bawanghua and Meihuahua from arguing?"

Looking at the man running to the side, the dragon and the girls couldn't help asking: "Who are you?"

"I'm Saiga, a researcher here who specializes in the research of grass-type Pokemon. I saw it just now. Thank you for stopping the beautiful flower and the overlord flower."

The man with square eyes and a small crew cut pushed his glasses and looked at Kona and said suspiciously: "Why do you look familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere but I can't remember it at the moment...- -" The dragon and the girls are used to this kind of situation. Just when Sakura was about to introduce Kona's identity, the researcher named Saiga suddenly clapped his hands and said loudly: "Ah, I remembered, you are that...--that sex & Sensational Goddess Lilin?"

"No... [-]" Saiga scratched his head and screamed after saying this: "It should be the battle goddess Sirona... no, no, it should be the lovely goddess Cattleya! Right!"

Looking at the man in front of him dancing and raising himself with pride, he completely froze.Cherry Blossom's face suddenly turned into a constricted look, while the dragon and the girls all had black lines. Could this guy be so short-sighted? He even said the wrong thing three times in a row.

The other three Golden Flowers of the Alliance Four were named by him, but why not continue? 371 Beautiful Flower and Overlord Flower, the battle in the grassland "Okay, don't worry about this, since you are a researcher here, you should know Beautiful Flower Why did you fight with Bawanghua?"

Looking at Kona whose face was getting colder, Long quickly interrupted this man with bad eyes but who likes to talk. Fortunately, he didn't recognize Kona as Granny Juzi and Granny Juye, otherwise he would be angrily slammed Goddess made popsicles.

Speaking of business, Saiga finally stopped worrying about Kona's identity and said with a frown: "Because the sunshine is good and there is a river nearby, there are many grass-type Pokemon living here, walking grass and smelly Flower, as well as the evolution of Stinky Flower, Beautiful Flower, and another evolutionary Overlord Flower of Stinky Flower, these elves all have their own territories scattered to live here."

Listening to Saiga's introduction, the dragon and the girls walked to the research institute he temporarily built here. Through the monitors in the research institute, they saw that there were many elves of the walking grass family living here. Hua uses the river as the boundary to divide the territory, while Meihua and Bawanghua use the giant tree as the intersection to separate each other.

"The number of beautiful flowers and overlord flowers is much smaller than that of walking grass and stinky flowers, but their territory is very large."

Lan looked at Saijia and asked curiously: "Since Meilihua and Bawanghua have such a large territory, why do they still fight each other?"

Touzi held the baby bottle in the dragon's hand and fed the fireball mouse with one hand, while taking out the illustration book and said, "Aren't the grass-type Pokemon generally very gentle in character? Why are they still fighting among themselves?"

"Overlord flower, a flower Pokemon, with attributes of grass and poison. Use the largest petals in the world to lure prey close, and then sprinkle poisonous pollen. After the prey can't move, they will grab them and eat them. The bigger the petals, the more The more pollen you can shed, the head is so heavy that you get tired easily. Because poisonous pollen can cause severe allergic reactions, even if you find beautiful flowers in the rainforest, it is better not to approach them casually. In addition, during the pollen season Here, as soon as Bawanghua walks, the surrounding air will turn yellow."

"Beautiful Flower, Flower Pokemon, whose attribute is Grass. The more stinky the stinky flower evolves, the more beautiful the beautiful flower will be. At night, it will close its petals to sleep. When walking, the harder petals will touch each other and trigger Pleasant sound, in some places where it continues to rain, they will gather together to dance the dance calling for the sun. At this time, if you touch the beautiful flower's body, it is said that the surrounding will also echo with nice music. To absorb the natural sunlight and transform Grow for energy and inhabit the warm south."

"Walking grass will evolve into a stinky flower after accumulating enough combat experience, but...--If the stinky flower wants to diverge and evolve into a beautiful flower, it needs the sun stone, and the stinky flower needs to diverge to evolve into an overlord flower If so, you need a leaf stone."

Xiaoxue asked Saijia curiously, "How did the beautiful flowers and overlord flowers here evolve? They seem to be quite a lot."

Saiga said with a smile: "What you said is not wrong at all. It seems that you really understand the Pokemon like Smelly Flower very well, and you even know their divergent evolution."

Sakura moaned and said depressedly: "Xiaoxue is a top breeder of the seventh level, and we have a top student of the Pokemon Academy here, don't you even know this little thing?"

This little girl has a lot of resentment, it seems that she has a lot of resentment for Saijia's inability to recognize Kona's identity before, so her tone of speech is full of sarcasm.

Saiga didn't hear Sakura's sarcasm, but looked at Xiaoxue and Sundae in amazement, "It's really amazing, it's very difficult to obtain the qualification certificate of the seventh-level top breeder, I have thought about it before As a top breeder, I can still hover at the threshold of the third level. Later, I thought about applying for the Pokemon Academy, but the tuition fees there were scary. Finally, I firmly wanted to be a researcher, and then determined to become a Pokemon Academy in the future. An academic authority like Dr. Oki."

Kazmire jokingly said: "It seems that you are really good at shooting if you changed three targets in a row. If you can't go through one path, you will immediately change to another one."

Saijia blushed when Kazmire said it. At this time, there was a gust of wind in the grassland. Saijia hurriedly greeted everyone and said: "The wind is blowing, and it is from the northeast. Pay attention, you will soon evolve into an Overlord spent!"

"Ah... one..." the dragon and the girls were taken aback, and then turned their gazes to the monitor screen of Smelly Flower curiously. Sure enough, under the blowing of a gust of wind, there were two bodies of Smelly Flower lying on the grass shining for a while. White Light then grew bigger and eventually evolved into Rafflesia.The two evolved Bawanghua accompanied each other, and then spontaneously walked to Bawanghua's territory.

The dragons and the girls who witnessed this scene all stared wide-eyed. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that there was such a miracle. They had never heard that the wind would make Pokemon evolve.Long looked at Saiga and asked, "What's going on here? It can evolve when the wind blows. What kind of magic is it?"

"I don't know much about the details. In short, when the northeast wind blows the stinky flowers will evolve into overlord flowers, and when the northwest wind blows the stinky flowers will turn into beautiful flowers. Anyway, the stinky flowers come from the direction of the wind. changing the path of divergent evolution."

Saiga said here and then speculated: "I think the wind in the northeast direction should be mixed with the particles of the Leaf Stone, and the wind in the northwest direction may be mixed with the particles of the Sun Stone."

"Is such a thing possible?"

Sundae frowned and said: "And there should be only a little bit of stone particles carried in the wind...--Is that little bit enough for evolution?"

Saiga said with a smile: "I think this may be the result of accumulating little by little after a long time. It really sounds like the magic of wind."

"This is interesting."

Kona pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Using the wind direction to evolve, and then causing the number of overlord flowers and beautiful flowers to increase each other, so the power of the two sides has always been uneven, so they often fight like this ?"

As soon as the Ice Queen finished speaking, several of the Bawanghua's territory in the monitor immediately moved towards the Meilihua's territory. After the two sides bumped head-on, they immediately fought again.

Long exclaimed, "Wow, it's really fighting!"

Before he finished sighing, he was pushed away by Xiaoxue and Lan. Now is not the time for sarcastic remarks, and the two women urged him to stop them quickly.

"Lizard King, I beg you once again!"

The dragon shouted while running, throwing the Pokéball.

"Chirp Kayin n" Lizard King's body galloped across the grassland like a green lightning bolt, and a three-foot-long jasper light blade quickly condensed around Lizard King.

"Qia n" the Lizard King let out a loud cry, and the powerful knife blade pierced out, and a crack spread from the ground to run across between the beautiful flower and the overlord flower.The elves on both sides who were fighting fiercely with each other were stunned for a moment, and after looking at each other, they rushed towards the Lizard King in unison.

The Lizard King spit out the branch from his mouth and landed on a Bawanghua. Then the Lizard King turned over from the ground and jumped up with his arms, shooting out a purple shock wave from his mouth. Meilihua and the three overlord flowers were overturned.Not only that, the air wave blown by the wave of the dragon directly blew away the paralyzing powder scattered by the Overlord Flower.Seeing that the Lizard King is so powerful, Bawanghua and Meilihua finally stopped fighting and retreated to their own territories.

"This is really..." After the dragon and the girls arrived, Touzi asked with a headache: "Isn't it very easy for them to fight each other when they have nothing to do? Besides, there is not even a Pokemon center around here. Really, Isn't their territory huge, why are they still fighting over it?"

While speaking, Touzi comforted the Fireball Mouse in his arms. This little guy was really timid. He was terrified just now when he saw the two gangs of elves fighting, and so did the little Nulabi Fireball Mouse in Long's arms. Not much better.These two little guys are obviously one of the flame type and the other of the ice type, but they are afraid of seeing the grass-type elves fighting. The growth of these two little guys is really a long way to go.

Saijia led Long and his party to the giant tree on the grassland and explained: "It's actually like this. Because this tree is as old as a thousand years, it grows very huge. Of course, its shade grows as long as it is. It is also very huge. This has become the source of the quarrel between Meilihua and Bawanghua."

Saiga continued to explain: "In the morning, the territory of the beautiful flowers is under the shade of the tree, so they will run to the territory of the overlord flower to fight. In the afternoon, it becomes the territory of the overlord flower In the shade of the tree, this time they ran to the beautiful flower's territory and had to fight again. And until now, the battle between the beautiful flower and the overlord flower has become a habit, once the wind blows, there will be a smell The flower evolution has caused an imbalance of power between the two sides, and soon the side with increased strength will take the initiative to go to the other side's territory to fight."

The dragon and the girls had nothing to say. If things went on like this, the two sides would really be fighting.Xiaoxue asked: "Is there no way to stop them? It's meaningless to keep fighting like this. Isn't there a way to let them live in peace?"

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