The queen handed the ice badge to the dragon, and then took out a red and white Pokemon ball from behind and said, "I have another one for you besides this ice badge."

Long stared blankly at the Pokemon ball in Daihou's hand, his eyes were blank, and when he looked at Kona with a questioning look, the Ice Queen also looked puzzled.

"Did you know that the Pokemon of each newcomer trainer are carefully selected. Whether it is the Chrysanthemum Leaf, Fireball Mouse and Little Saw Crocodile in Chengdu, as well as Wood Shougong, Huozhiji, etc. There are water jumping fish, and these little elves who are going to be selected as novice trainers have to spend a lot of effort to screen."

Dai Hou looked at the dragon and said in a teaching tone: "The trainer and the Pokemon are one. Follow these initial Pokemons to travel and experience hardships and then evolve and grow."

Dai Hou looked at the dragon and continued: "The road to success is not achieved overnight. Blindly pursuing powerful Pokemon will only make the trainer ignore his own cultivation of Pokemon, thus limiting the trainer's own growth. If this continues The end result is that both the Trainer and his Pokemon will stagnate, or even go backwards."

"A person who is down-to-earth will walk more steadily and farther than a person who takes a big step. Just like a newborn baby, it is impossible to grow into a giant in one step. People whose initial Pokemon is Benjila cannot experience the trainer. The hardships that I went through while growing up."

The queen looked at the dragon solemnly and said: "You are now on the verge of danger. If you continue to chase the powerful Pokemon and skip the step of cultivating Pokemon, then you will always be wrapped Can't move forward."

Daihou's words were like enlightenment in the dragon's head, yes, he only paid attention to the growth of the people around him, and the progress of Nazi, Sakura and Xiaozhi was obvious.On the other hand, he has traveled from Kanto for more than a year until now. Except for the pastoral clothes, there are more and more powerful Pokemon, but the veterans who followed him, Bangira and Flame Monkey have grown and improved. is very limited.

Long and Xiaozhi are both trainers who started traveling on the same day. In terms of strength, he is undoubtedly better than Xiaozhi, but in terms of progress, he is far behind Xiaozhi.Charizard, Frog Flower, Water Arrow Turtle and Bi Diao, these are the testimonies of Xiaozhi's rapid growth!

Daihou immediately hit the dragon's vital point. He just blindly chased the powerful Pokemon and neglected to cultivate them. However, with his current strength, he was simply unable to cultivate the wind speed dogs to make them stronger. , because the level of his own trainer has not yet reached that level.

Looking at the silent Ryudai, he pretended to turn around and said to Kona reproachfully: "Obviously you know all this, but you don't know to remind him, you are really completely dazzled by love, silly boy , it's not a good thing for you to spoil him like this."

Facing Master's scolding, Ke Na tightly hugged the arm of the descendant like a child who did something wrong and remained silent.

The queen handed the poke ball in her hand to the dragon and said: "No matter how powerful a pokemon trainer has a partner, he can never ignore his own growth, otherwise you will always hover in front of the threshold of the master until Overtaken by those behind."

The descendant said with a look of reminiscence: "The elf ball I gave you is a newborn little guy. Its mother was the first batch of elves who helped me fight for the Kanto Alliance in the early years. I used to have a head That little guy who was just born has been on the road of being a trainer, and we worked hard together even if we failed again and again, and I finally achieved the legend of the Frozen Throne together with them."

Long took the elf ball in the hand of the generation, and suddenly there was a feeling of being named in his heart. He suddenly felt that the kind old man in front of him was like his relatives.Long He, the fabled Frozen Throne, had never seen his face at all before, but the descendants taught him as if they were his own grandchildren, showing him the way.

Long took the elf ball in the hand of the queen and bowed deeply at ninety degrees. At this moment, he was really moved by indescribable emotion, and respected this kind and grandma-like old man from the bottom of his heart.At this moment, his admiration for the descendant is no longer the same as before for the Frozen Throne like a tower in the air, but respecting her as his relatives from the bottom of his heart.

"I will definitely nurture this Pokemon well, and I will continue to grow with it with steady steps!"

Long has no extra rhetoric, and now he wants to make some achievements with practical actions. Only in this way will he not disappoint the good intentions of the Frozen Throne.

370 Niula and Fireball Mouse, the two babies, with the help of Daihou, won the seventh Ice Badge of the Chengdu Alliance in the Kaji Gymnasium, and under the guidance of Daihou and Liu Bo, Longlong I realized the important things that I have neglected on the road of trainer.From the anxiety before, to the anxiety after seeing the generation at the beginning, and to the gratitude later, the change of Long's mood clearly depicts the change of the status of the Frozen Throne in his heart. Like Dr. Oki, this is a A senior who made him extremely respectful.

It was rare to return to the former Kanto area, and the queen wanted to go around, so after two days of rest in Kaji Town, Long and Kona bid farewell to the queen, Liu Bo, and Aunt Sima to continue their unfinished journey.The location of their next gymnasium is Yanmo City, which is the closest to Kaji Town, and what the dragon wants to challenge is the famous Yanmo Dragon Gym of the Yulong Clan.

Yanmo City is located in the northeast corner of Chengdu, so after leaving Kaji Town, Long and the girls headed east to a green prairie. "New yo n" a Newla sat on the travel backpack behind the dragon, stretched out a big lazy waist, and let out a pleasant meowing sound. The dragon turned back to look at the little guy and said with a smile: "Newla, you are still sleeping." okay?"

"New yo n" Niula squinted happily, then nimbly jumped onto the dragon's shoulder and licked her silver sharp claws with her tongue.This Nyura is a gift from future generations to the dragon. This little guy has just been born, so he is very small and considered a baby. The dragon specially puts it outside to breathe the fresh air and bask in the sun.

The girls before were still guessing what kind of powerful elf the queen would give to the dragon, but they didn't expect it to be a four-centimeter-tall Niura baby. According to the queen, the mother of this little guy was the queen of the time. After the comeback, Manuella killed the Quartet on the Peak & Peak Throne.However, the dragon touched the head of this little guy, although its mother was the strongest Manula at this time, but this little guy did not inherit Naimum's demeanor.

It is said that Niura is a cunning elf and likes to steal Bo & Bo's cockroaches, but this little guy is shy and introverted.And since he was just born, this little guy's current strength is of course pitifully weak, and the only Pokemon tricks he can use are just scratching and staring, with a pair of big watery eyes that are shining, and tears will roll down at any time , in Long's view, this little guy's staring eyes are more like cuteness, and they have no deterrent effect at all!

Such an elf is not suitable even if it is handed over to a novice trainer, let alone a gym, even a wild little Lada that can be seen everywhere may not be able to deal with it.However, the dragon has no shortage of powerful Pokemon now. The reason why the future generations handed over this little guy to the dragon is very obvious. Starting from scratch, the extent to which this little guy will grow in the future depends on the level of the dragon. up.

Long fondly rubbed Niura's little head and then asked Xiaoxue, "The little guy must be very hungry just after waking up. Do you want to feed him some milk first?"

Niura is a newborn baby, so she can't eat any Pokemon food or energy cubes, and can only drink milk.Xiaoxue put down the backpack behind her and took out a feeding bottle and handed it over. Long took the feeding bottle and brought it to Niura's mouth. The little guy was very happy and immediately sipped and sucked happily while holding the feeding bottle.


Xiaoxue let out a surprise, and then took out a glass cup containing Pokemon eggs from her backpack, and the Pokemon eggs inside were shining with twinkling lights.This is the harbinger of the egg's 9-hour transformation, and the dragon and the girls who have experienced it several times quickly surrounded it curiously.

"Wow, I'm so excited, this elf egg is about to melt in 9 hours."

Touzi moved his head over excitedly, looked at the glass cup in Xiaoxue's hand and said excitedly: "What kind of Pokemon will be transformed into, Flame Crow, and Emperor Yan...--" Sundae lightly Laughed and said: "Have you forgotten what you said at the throne of the Kaji gymnasium, the dragon was educated, but you made a mistake again, Pokemon trainers should not only pursue powerful elves so Ignoring your own efforts is putting the cart before the horse. No matter what Pokemon it is, as long as the little one can be born healthy, it will be fine,"

While clutching the bottle, Long looked at Touzi and said helplessly, "You haven't given up on this unrealistic idea, you really don't give up... Niu yo n" Niu La, who was just holding the baby bottle and sucking non-stop, stared at him. Suddenly attracted by the shiny Pokemon cup in front of him, the little guy threw away his favorite milk bottle and jumped directly to the ground along the travel bag behind the dragon.

Seeing Niura approaching the Pokemon egg with great interest, Kazmire hurriedly said in panic: "This is not edible!"

Although the eldest lady knew that this baby Niula could not eat anything but milk, she was still cautious and nervous.Isn't there a saying that the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change? Kazmire is afraid that Niura will take this elf egg.

"Nuyo" Niu La ignored the model girl's warning, licking her sharp claws with her mouth, and a pair of eyes lingering on the Pokemon egg. The appearance of the little guy even aroused Kazmi Lei still had Xiaoxue's vigilance, Long couldn't help laughing at the cautious girls, this Niula was just curious, seeing how nervous they were.

Just when the dragon was about to report Niura back to his arms, he heard a slight crackling sound, and the elf egg on a handkerchief shattered, and cracks spread from the top of the elf egg.The elf egg finally melted, and Long He finally cast a curious look.Touzi kept chanting words, and the dragon couldn't help but fall down. This girl still hasn't forgotten Yandi and Yanyanwu.

"Nah..." A little mouse with a long mouth crawled out of the elf egg. This little guy just tiptoed and looked around curiously. This little guy about the size of Niula just came to this place The eyes of the world looked around at the same curious baby.

"Fireball Mouse, the Fire Mouse Pokemon, is of the flame type. It has a gentle personality and a timid personality. It always shrinks its body into a ball. When it is attacked, angry or surprised, it will spray flames from its back to protect itself. When frightened, the flames on its back burn even more violently."

"Wow, that's great, it's a flame-type Pokemon, so cute!"

Looking at the introduction on the information, Touzi let out a scream of joy, his excitement was beyond words, and he was about to reach out and pick up the Fireball Mouse from the ground.Looking at this girl's joy and surprise, it seems that the one who was talking about Emperor Yan and Flame Crow just now was not her at all.

"Nah..." Fireball Mouse was taken aback by Touzi's sudden large movement, and the little guy immediately hugged his body into a ball and ignited instantly with a bang on his back.The dragon and the girls were taken aback, while Lan shouted to be careful, and then hurriedly pulled the startled Touzi away.

"Nah..." Fireball Mouse took this opportunity and hurriedly ran away from the gap between the crowd. The dragon and the girls hadn't arrived yet, and Kona hurriedly pulled out the small star on the glass cup. The elf ball wanted to take back the fireball mouse, but a red light bounced on the ground and the fireball mouse hurriedly ran away.

The daughters of Longxiang didn't have time to blame the bluffing Touzi for scaring the timid little guy away. When the dragon wanted to take out the elf ball and let the wind speed dog stop the little mouse, there was a small figure on the ground. He rushed out quickly and followed the direction where the Fireball Mouse escaped. This is Niu La.The dragon panicked and yelled for Niu La to come back, but the little guy was also running fast.

"You can't call it a wind speed dog anymore, Fireball Mouse is very timid, we can't scare it anymore."

Kona stopped the dragon's movement, then looked at the figures of the two elves running far away and said: "This is on the grassland, there is no place to cover it, we just chased it carefully, the fireball mouse was just born and can't run away How far away, we can’t scare it with a single surprise later.”

Touzi sticks out her tongue embarrassingly, then follows the dragon and the girls and chases them out.

"What?" Fireball Mouse finally stopped under a big tree. The little guy raised his head and looked at the huge towering tree in front of him in surprise. This giant tree that can only be embraced by seven or eight people is full of strength. At a height of 30 meters, the dense branches and leaves are scattered and cover a shadow on the grassland. It is hard to imagine that such a huge towering giant tree can grow on the grassland. He stopped beside him, and the two little guys stood under the tree in a daze.

"Na Nai n" At this moment, a few elves with huge statures like petals came over, and these elves that looked like huge petals were the Overlord Flower.Four giant overlords surrounded Niura and Fireball Mouse together. The leader of the overlord looked at the two little guys with an unkind look on their faces, and the timid Fireball Mouse and Newla were immediately shocked The terrifying Overlord Flower scares away.

"Chabo n" At this time, a few flower-like Pokemon came over, and they were beautiful flowers.The Overlord Flowers looked at the approaching Pokemon and immediately turned to force them towards the beautiful flowers, and the three beautiful flowers that came did not show any weakness.

The two groups of elves immediately had a fierce quarrel, and both sides glared at each other. Suddenly, a beautiful flower ran towards the Bawanghua, and the Bawanghua on the other side did not show any weakness. fight together.The Bawanghua and Meilihua on both sides were fighting under the big tree like life and death enemies. The two little guys, Fireball Mouse and Niula, had never experienced such a chaotic scene. The two little guys hugged tremblingly immediately. Retreat together under the big tree.

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