Lan looked at the prehistoric monster-like ivory pig in surprise and said in disbelief: "My God, this little elf was so powerful back then, so how far has it grown now, and how high is its level?" !"

The queen laughed, and Kona looked solemnly at Liu Bo, who was standing behind the ivory pig with his arms around him again, and said in a low voice: "This ivory pig is not at the same level as the Niu La just now, as I said before, Bo Liu Martial Uncle Zao Falcon challenged the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu. Martial Uncle’s main strength was already very strong back then, and his accumulated strength and experience over the years are extremely rich.”

Kona said here and then continued: "The Gym Competition is just an assessment method for the Gym trainer to challenge the challenger. Just like Niula just now, it is enough to test whether a challenger is eligible to receive a badge. And this is only The level of the ivory pig is already beyond the normal assessment range, because this ivory pig is strong enough to compete in the Champions League!"

"This is the first time Uncle Liu has used such a Pokemon in a gymnasium competition that is absolutely beyond the capacity of the challenger. I had a hunch when Uncle Liu took out the weight ball just now."

Kona glanced at the smiling Daihou who was sitting beside him and continued, "Actually, to distinguish the strength of the Pokémon Master uses, you can directly confirm it through the Poké Ball."

Kona explained: "The Poké Balls we use now are products of high technology in recent years. In the early years, there was no such cheap and mass-produced Poké Balls. Most of the trainers who challenged the Pinnacle League used Pokémon balls made from tangerine fruit. Therefore, all the Pokemon used by Master when he was fighting for the peak and the throne in the early years were all tangerine fruit balls, and Uncle Liu is the same!"

After Kona's reminder, the girls had some epiphanies in their hearts. The careful Xiaoxue suddenly remembered the two elves used by the previous generations. Niura before Bo also used ordinary poke balls, and the white sea lion he played against Regiece was a bait ball!

"No way, those two little elves are already so strong that they are not the main force of the throne's battle in Guandu. My God, it is really hard to imagine who those little elves who won the title of the Frozen Throne are. How powerful is it!"

Xiaoxue couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming in her heart. When she looked at the kind old man in her seventies again, she felt that she was really unfathomable!

"Come back, Thunder Lion!"

The dragon tried to replace the Thunder Lion with a poke ball, but the red light from the poke ball bounced off the Thunder Lion and scattered immediately. It was unsuccessful, and the dragon stared at the poke ball in his hand blankly. It's incredible.

Uncle Liu looked at the dragon with his arms around his chest and said: "It's useless, my ivory pig's roaring trick can force the opponent's Pokemon back into the Pokemon ball and force the opponent to replace the Pokemon in his hand, but , the most important thing is that in a short period of time, the little elf who was replaced will not be able to be exchanged back because of the mental shock!"

Long looked at Uncle Liu in astonishment and asked: "How could this happen? This is not a trick of shouting. It clearly has the double effect of shouting and dark vision!"

"No, the effect of dark vision lasts until the end of a battle, and the effect of the ivory pig's roaring trick can only last for a while."

Uncle Liu looked at Long and said in a cold voice: "However, just a short time is enough. I thought I would directly decide the winner within this period of time!"

Uncle Liu waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Ivory pig, use Blizzard ∥'吱嗻n" Uncle Liu's ivory pig roared loudly, the thick layer of brown hair on its body was shaking constantly, and suddenly A violent blizzard blew towards Thunder Lion.

The violent wind swept the snowflakes and made people afraid to look directly at it. The thunder lion lay down on the ground to resist the fierce wind and snow as much as possible, and the dragon behind the thunder lion was also attacked by the storm and couldn't open it at all. open your eyes.

All the girls outside the arena covered their faces with their hands, and Kazmire said aloud: "The power of this blizzard is so strong, and the sight is covered so that you can't see anything at all!"

At this moment, Uncle Liu was heard shouting: "Ivory pig, use the sacrificial impact ∥' woo hoo!" He only heard a roar, and only saw a black shadow in the mist running fast in front of the dragon's eyes. Come on, when he came back to his senses, he saw two sharp tusks. The Thunder Lion was hit by the ivory pig's violent impact, and the Thunder Lion let out a muffled grunt and immediately flew out to a standing on the ground. The ice rock shattered and fell off the playing field.

Long looked at the Thunder Lion who was hit hard and flew out and said loudly: "How could this happen? How could the ivory pig's sacrifice and impact come directly like this? Isn't there a swimming pool with a diameter of three meters between the venues? How did it pass through?" over there!"

The blizzard gradually dissipated, and the dragon and the girls were shocked when they looked at the center of the competition field again. The originally clear and crystal-clear pool water was actually covered with a thick layer of ice, and the blizzard of the ivory pig turned there directly to that place in one breath. A pool of water has been leveled!

At this time, Sundae pointed to the ivory pig in the field and shouted loudly: "Look at that ivory pig!"

Following Sundae's gaze, the dragon and the girls saw the ivory pig slowly pacing back to its original standing position after knocking the thunder lion out of the field.

Touzi said in surprise: "Sacrificing one's life is a unique trick that will cause great backlash damage to oneself after being successfully used. How could it be possible that this ivory pig did not seem to have suffered much damage? There will be no such thing !"

Uncle Liu put his arms around his chest and looked at Long and said in a cold voice: "The thick hair and fat of the ivory pig's body can to a certain extent alleviate the damage caused by the powerful recoil force to itself, and this ice field is relatively slippery, so After hitting the Thunder Lion, the Ivory Pig slid backwards along the recoil force, so as to alleviate the recoil force caused by the collision as much as possible to reduce the damage."

"So that's why the ivory pig didn't suffer much backlash damage. Even this method can be thought of. Master Liu Bo is indeed an experienced gym trainer."

Xiaoxue said, looking at the Thunder Lion who got up from the ground and walked back to the competition field, he said worriedly: "Originally, this elf was used by dragons to deal with elves with dual elements of ice and water, but I didn't expect it to be in advance. It's on the stage, and the opponent is still an ivory pig with ground attributes...--" "How are you, are you okay, Thunder Lion?"

Long looked at the gritted Thunder Lion and asked with concern, the impact of the ivory pig just now was very powerful, and the Thunder Lion must have suffered considerable damage.But what's more troublesome is that the next battle doesn't know how to fight. The ivory pig with the ground attribute can be said to directly block all the attack methods that Thunder Lion is good at!

Seeing the deep frown on Long's face, Uncle Liu couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "What's the matter, do you feel helpless? If you don't know what to do, then let me continue to take action. Ivory pig, do it again, use Blizzard !"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"" Ivory Pig shouted again, and then the thick layer of body hair covering its body shook rapidly again, and in an instant another violent blizzard hit and lost his eyes. The dragon waved his arms and shouted loudly : "Thunder Lion, this kind of blizzard is nothing to you, use your eyes to carefully watch the movements of the ivory pig and beware of it coming again! "

"Aww..." the Thunder Lion let out a roar, his eyes shone with a burst of golden light, and the Thunder Lion's see-through ability could directly see through walls, not to mention this snowstorm.Uncle Liu's voice sounded again, but this time he didn't let the ivory pig rush over, "Ivory pig, use the mud bomb!"

"Hurry up and avoid it, Thunder Lion!"

The dragon only saw groups of black shadows rushing from the wind and snow. The thunder lion saw through the attacking body of the ivory pig long before the dragon and immediately avoided it sideways. A group of hard mud bombs directly hit the ground A raised ice rock shattered, followed by clusters of mud bombs that seemed to shoot at the Thunder Lion in turn.

The Thunder Lion dodged sideways again and again, and finally slipped on the ice, and then was hit head-on by a mass of hard & hard mud bombs. The Thunder Lion's body rolled down on the ice and hit one piece Stopped on the ice rock.

When the wind and snow cleared, Uncle Liu folded his arms around his chest and looked at the Thunder Lion and shouted loudly: "It's time to end, Ivory Pig, give it the last blow, the power of the earth∥'吱咕n" The Ivory Pig let out a roar and then stepped heavily. Stepping on the ice surface, the ice surface under the ivory pig's feet shattered layer by layer.

There was a bang, and several streams of hot magma gushed out directly from under the Thunder Lion's feet, shattering the ice rock in an instant. It fell heavily to the ground!

366 Flame Wind Speed ​​Dog, defeated one after another Aunt Sima waved the flag and announced loudly: "The Thunder Lion loses the ability to fight, and the Ivory Pig wins!"

Long stared blankly at the Lightning Lion, originally thinking that Nine Tails' defeat of Niula's situation was just like a rainbow, but who would have thought that Uncle Liu would turn the situation around so easily.

"How could this be? The Thunder Lion was defeated by the opponent before he even made a move..." Lan was worried. Now that Long and Liu Bo had each lost an elf, they were back on the same starting line, and the ivory pig was given People have a great sense of oppression, and the pressure suddenly falls to the dragon.

Kazmire sighed and said: "The Thunder Lion was very wronged. He was forced to fight against the ivory pig whose attributes were restrained by the opponent. Except for the special moves of the electric system, the Thunder Lion can use very few tricks. The Thunder Lion itself is very powerful, but its ability to fight ground-type Pokemon is cut off by eight-tenths at once, and Master Liu Bo's ivory pig is unexpectedly powerful, so there is such a The ending is not surprising at all..." Kazmire said well, although the outcome of this battle is doomed, but the dragon is still unwilling, the outcome of this battle is second, mainly because of what he set The tactics and tactics were all disrupted at once.The dragon took back the Thunder Lion. The defeat in this battle was not its fault, but the dragon's own tactical imbalance. Originally, he wanted to use the Thunder Lion's sharp eyesight to delay the time as much as possible and then replace the elves. Unexpectedly, he ignored it. The impact of the slippery field on Thunder Lion's actions.

The dragon threw the elf girl and roared, "Go, Wind Speed ​​Dog, I'll leave everything to you∥'Wow n" Wind Speed ​​Dog made a strong appearance with his majestic mane and hair, almost two meters tall and taller than Thunder Lion A circle up, although it is not as good as the ivory pig monster, but the gap is not as obvious as the nine tails.

Aunt Sima waved the flag and said loudly: "The wind speed dog vs. ivory pig, the match begins!"

"Ivory pig, blizzard ∥'呵呵n" The ivory pig shook its thick body hair, and suddenly a violent storm of snow hit its face, covering everyone's sight at once.In the mist, a huge figure broke through the blizzard and charged towards the wind speed dog.

Long Yan Yiling shouted coldly: "The same move is useless after two or three times. The wind speed dog is facing it head-on, and the flames collide∥'Wow n" Instantly, a hot red ball rolled up on the wind speed dog's body Flame, the fiery breath blows away the storm and snow around the wind speed dog at once, the scorching flame soars into the sky, the wind speed dog roars, and a group of falling meteors wraps a ball of flames, dragging its long red tail and rushing in In the snowstorm.

After the dazzling flaming meteor collided with a huge black shadow, his figure stopped suddenly, and a mass of scorching flames and white cold light intertwined and rushed away, completely blowing away the blizzard in the field!

The wind and snow dissipated, and two figures appeared in the field. The wind speed dog bared its teeth and lay down on the ground. It seemed that it had been hurt by the impact of the flames, but the situation of the ivory pig was much better than it, sacrificing itself to fight against It seemed that the two sides were evenly matched in the collision of flames, but in fact, the wind speed dog suffered a dull loss.

"Aw... [-]" At this moment, the ivory pig suddenly let out a wail, its huge body suddenly burned with a hot flame, and the ivory pig's giant beast-like body fell to the ground with a bang.It turned out that the ivory pig was affected by the additional burn state of the flame collision, and the damage of the fire attribute had a very obvious effect on the ice-type ivory pig!

Sacrificial impact, brave crow, wooden leaf hammer, flame impact, and high-voltage electric shock are known as the five great impact skills. These five impact skills with different attributes are all powerful, and they also have great backlash side effects.It's just that different from the impact skills of the other three attributes, the flame impact and the high-voltage electric shock both have additional damage, the former is burns and the latter is paralysis.

Uncle Liu frowned, it turned out that this was the real intention of the dragon, "Ivory Pig, this level is not enough to hit you, use a snowstorm as a concentrated attack∥'吱咕n" Ivory Pig shouted loudly, Then suddenly a white frozen radiance shot out from the mouth and directly attacked the wind speed dog.This is the first time Long has seen a blizzard with such a braking method. This white frozen brilliance is like a cottage-like absolute zero!

The dragon didn't dare to ask the wind speed dog to test the power of this alternative blizzard trick, "Wind speed dog, burn in big characters ∥'Wow n" the wind speed dog roared and opened its mouth to spray a ball of flames in large characters, rushing out and ivory pig's white frozen The brilliance bombarded together, the powerful big character fire and the blizzard collided together and instantly exploded, rolling up a white mist.

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