Long and the girls sitting on the edge of the field watching the battle couldn't help but be overwhelmed. This aunt is really nonsensical, and the two lines in front of her are really familiar.As for Sakura and Lan, they said with black lines in their stomachs: "Bold and unrestrained girls... this, this is really, I don't know if I should be sad..." "Then start the gymnasium challenge now, the pets used There are three Pokémon, and the game is over when one of the three Pokémon on both sides is unable to fight. In the game, only the challenger has the right to change the Pokémon. Attack from the back, then the game is about to begin!"

Aunt Sima waved her banner and shouted directly and loudly.

"Go, Niura!"

Liu Bo took the lead and threw a red and white elf ball with a wave of his arm. An elf that looked like a civet cat and had sharp claws on its hands and feet jumped out. It was a petite and small elf. Niu La, who is extremely fast and flexible.

"It's a Pokemon I've never seen before, let me take a look at its information!"

Touzi quickly took out the elf illustration book, "Nula, the sharp-claw Pokemon, its attributes are evil and ice. Smart and cunning Pokemon, with a vicious personality, will drive away Bo & Bo couple and eat them in the nest. The black eggs. There are sharp nails hidden in the fingers, which can suddenly stick out and attack to scare the opponent."

Long looked at the first elf sent by Uncle Liu, then took out an elf ball from his waist, twirled it and threw it out, shouting loudly: "I'll leave the first battle to you, go ahead, Nine Tails∥'oh n" Nine The tail jumped out of the elf ball, the golden body hair and the nine smooth and trembling tails were shining with a golden luster, looking very beautiful.

"Nine-Tails, in terms of attributes, it is indeed in line with the theory. Then, let me see what kind of fighting style you will come up with."

Uncle Liu put his arms around his chest and looked at the dragon and said loudly, "Okay, just let the horse come here!"

Long glanced at Kona who was sitting on the playing field and the descendant who was smiling and silent beside her, calmed down, took a deep breath, clenched his fists and shouted loudly at Kyuubi: "Go, use flame jets! ... Oh n" Kyuubi stood on the ice and directly opened his mouth, spraying out a hot flame and bombarding it directly.

Liu Bo snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Use the flash to avoid it, and then use the split∥'cha n" Niu La's body flashed in place, and Nine-Tails' flame trick only hit an afterimage. The sharp claws on the feet directly cut three straight scratches on the ice, and the body was like a flash of lightning, and the Nine-Tails flew towards him, as fast as lightning.The dragon and the girls Qiqi were taken aback by Niura's extreme speed, such a fast speed was evenly compared to the dragon's lizard king!

Nine Tails bounced off the ground, leaping in an instant to avoid Niu La, who opened a distance of more than ten meters like lightning and leaped directly over the three-meter-wide pool to face him.Niura raised her belly bag and watched the high-jumping Nine-Tails turn around. The silver-white sharp claws shone with white light and instantly turned into sharp claws that were one foot long.

Niura's body sped up a little on the ground, then jumped up and rushed towards Nine Tails, Nine Tails flicked its head and sprayed a hot flame head-on in the air. "New yao n" Niura shouted loudly, the one-foot-long sharp claws directly tore apart the oncoming flames, and then rushed forward layer by layer and swooped towards Nine Tails.

Kyuubi's eyes narrowed, and he immediately increased the power, and suddenly a group of more violent flames sprayed out to swallow Niu La's body, and then there was a bang, and the scorching flames directly blasted Niu La's body upside down.Niura's body slid a long way on the ice until it hit an ice rock, and the nine golden tails of Nine Tails shook and landed lightly on the ground.

Niula shook her head and got up from the ground, but soon, Niula's whole body floated up, as if being lifted upside down in the air by an invisible force. "Nuyao..."

Niura panicked for a while, and Jiuwei's eyes were shining with a strange red glow. The sharp eyes looked directly at Niula floating in mid-air. This is the superpower trick, supernatural power!

Long smiled and looked at Kyuubi and said: "You did a great job Kyuubi, that's it, use your supernatural power to throw that Nyura into the pool!"

Kyuubi stared, and Niura, who was floating in mid-air, suddenly flipped and fell into the pool with a plop, splashing a layer of spray.

Uncle Liu still had his arms around his chest, his expression did not show any nervousness because he was forced into a predicament, but he directly praised in a cold voice: "This nine-tailed one is really surprisingly capable, Niula, use the emergency Freezing light!"

Niula jumped out from the ground of the pool, and Niura's body rolled in the air and then opened his mouth to shoot a blue freezing light towards Nine Tails.

"Nine Tails, deal with it right here, burn it up!"

The dragon waved his arm and shouted loudly.Kyuubi's eyes froze, and then a column of extremely hot flames was ejected from the mouth like a head, and the freezing light blasted by Niura bombarded them head-on.

The powerful pillar of flames devoured Niu La's freezing light with a force of destruction, and then bombarded upwards without diminishing momentum. With a bang, the pillar of flames hit the roof of the Mikaji gymnasium as high as ten Blast open a big hole directly.

However, Uncle Liu ignored the hole, took off his arms around his chest, and shouted loudly, "Claw of Collapsing∥'Nuyao n" An afterimage flew over the ground, and Niu La's arms were condensed. A layer of brown-yellow sharp claws tumbled down from the air and ruthlessly hit Jiuwei's head.With a click, several cracks opened in the thick ice layer. Nine-Tails failed to avoid Niura's head-on blow, and Nine-Tails ran upside down and slid out facing Nyula's powerful collapsing claws.

The dragon and all the girls were taken aback, but Xiaoxue asked directly: "That Nyura just came out from the body, we didn't see its trace at all just now."

Kona said in a condensed voice: "Just now, Nine-Tails' Burnout just broke through Niura's freezing light but failed to hit it, and the white mist produced by Niura's subsequent Burning Out and Freezing Light's explosion confused everyone. eyes, but its body followed the falling momentum and rushed towards Nine Tails."

As soon as Liu Bo succeeded in the blow, he took advantage of the victory and chased him up, shouting and shouting: "Nula, do it again, a split attack∥'New Yao n" The sharp claw on Niula's right arm shone with a white silver light, and then transformed into an instant. With a sharp white claw that was one foot long, Niura slammed his footsteps on the ice surface a little faster, and then rushed towards Nine Tails like a white lightning.

The golden velvet tail rolled directly towards Niu La, and the tail of Nine Tails stretched more than ten meters lifted Niu La's whole body.Uncle Liu was taken aback by this sudden change, "Can Nine-Tails' tail stretch so long? Is this a monster or a Pokemon!"

Nula's arms and body were tightly wrapped by Nine-Tails' long golden tail, and the long tail shrank and became tighter, and immediately Nula let out a howl of pain. "Oh..." Kyuubi raised its neck and let out a long whistle, curling its tail, and the tens-meter-long tail quickly pulled Niu La's whole body over and smashed it heavily on the ice.

Kyuubi jumped up and stepped on Niura's body with one foot, opened his mouth like a head and blasted out a column of extremely hot flames. Niura couldn't avoid it, and was directly blasted by Kyuubi's powerful blow at close range. .The scorching flames splashed out and instantly melted the ice on the ground under Nine Tails into a huge hole. Nine Tails' nine golden tails unfolded like a peacock spreading its tail. Nearly two meters of potholes.

Niura's body was scorched and black, lying on her back in the pothole, she might have passed out already.Aunt Sima waved her flag and announced directly and loudly: "Nula has lost the ability to fight, and Nine-Tails has won!"

Touzi jumped up happily and applauded, "That's amazing. As expected of the thousand-year-old Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, he easily won the first battle!"

As long as this girl is a flame-type Pokemon, she loves it, and the beautiful nine-tailed dragon is even more fond of it.If it wasn't impossible, Touzi really wanted to subdue this nine-tailed one.

When Dai Hou heard Touzi talk about the thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox, he couldn't help but ask with interest, while Touzi excitedly told a brief story about the nine-tailed fox, and the Frozen Throne listened and watched with interest. The Dragon and Nine-Tails in the arena showed a smile on their faces...---365 The situation is grim, and the giant ivory pig "Yes, you are really good!"

Liu Bo retracted Niura's rare praise to the dragon, then looked at Nine Tails and said, "This is the most peculiar Nine Tails I've ever seen. I can't imagine that there is such a magical power hidden under its body. I think this Nine-Tails' abilities are more than that, right?"

Uncle Liu's guess was quite accurate, but what if he just knew it? Long looked regretfully at the roof, which was considered a tall roof, and it was still a bit short!

"However..." Liu Bo took out a light gray mandarin orange fruit ball and spoke in a condensed tone, Liu Bo watched Long's aura change with a cold expression.Long obviously felt a tightness in his heart, and Liu Bo's sudden change in momentum made his breathing involuntarily rapid.

"The one just now was just a warm-up, the real battle begins now!"

Liu Bo spun the weight ball and ran out, shouting loudly: "Go, ivory pig∥'wuwu" "There was only a loud roar, and a huge body like a heavy armored vehicle stepped on the ice with a bang. On the surface, an elf with two long fangs like a prehistoric mammoth and thick brown body hair appeared in front of everyone.

"This is... what is this!"

Touzi looked at Liubo in front of him and sent out a huge elf with a body like a tank, opened his mouth and quickly took out the illustrated book.

"Ivory pig, double-tusk Pokemon, with ice and ground attributes. It was found under the ice 1 years ago. It was a Pokemon that lived in the world during the Ice Age. When the Ice Age ended, the number would be The sharp reduction, the frozen ivory pigs that were found in the mud 1 years ago suddenly woke up, causing a lot of commotion. There are giant teeth that can destroy ice, and the number gradually decreased due to the gradual warming during the Ice Age gone."

"Is this an ivory pig?"

Xiaoxue looked at the huge pokemon in front of her and said: "Ivory pigs are the evolution of long-haired pigs, but because ivory pigs are not suitable for the current global warm climate, they generally only exist in cold places, such as the Sinnoh region. The long-haired pigs in other places Hairy pigs are not easy to evolve due to the climate, so this is a very rare Pokemon, but I read from the information that the height of an adult ivory pig is generally about 2.5 meters."

Cherry blossoms exclaimed in surprise at Xiaoxue's words: "But this ivory pig in front of me feels about three times bigger than Kyuubi, and its height must be at least three meters. It is simply a prehistoric monster!"

"Oh... one" Liu Bo's ivory pig let out an extremely high-pitched roar, as if a sonic bomb exploded in space.Kyuubi faced the ivory pig's lion's roar, and suddenly Kyuubi's body turned into a red light and retreated into the poke ball hanging by the dragon's waist.With a bang, another red light bounced away, and the Thunder Lion appeared on the playing field with a dazed expression on his face.

Long looked at the elf ball on his waist in astonishment, his face was full of shock, not only the girls watching the battle next to him were also surprised and puzzled, Sundae asked in surprise: "What's going on?" Well, Ivory Pig’s unique trick just now is to shout, it can force the opponent’s Pokemon left on the field to drink back. But this trick is useless against the challenger, the dragon can change the Pokemon on the field at any time Elven!"

"Hehe, Ah Liu is really serious."

The queen who had been silent all this time suddenly said with a smile: "This ivory pig was still a long-haired pig when he fought against my Blizzard King in the Peak League. This little elf was subdued by Ah Liu when he was very young. It has been dozens of years now. I just don’t know where Ah Liu evolved this ivory pig, and the ivory pig is very harsh on the environment of the living area.”

"What...--this ivory pig once fought for the peak-peak throne?"

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