Kazmire propped up her back and kept panting. Why does this aunt like to run with people like Ah Si, the former trainer of Zhanlan gymnasium, and she seems to be walking in a leisurely manner, but her speed is the same as that of a professional race walker Come on, Missy wonders if this is really a middle-aged aunt who looks old?

Aunt Sima jumped back and reprimanded, "What are you talking about, you're only halfway there, hurry up!"

Sakura Jiao gasped and said: "This aunt's vitality is really too full, I can't run anymore."

Touzi also followed up and said: "I can't do it, I'm exhausted..." Then Xiaoxue and Sundae complained. The only thing that is better here is Lan and Ke Na, but these two people can't stop helping their foreheads Obviously also sweating profusely.

"You are all right, you can still support it."

Long looked at the girls and asked Kona, "Aunt Xima is the successor of the ninja school, right? My God, the physical strength is really amazing..." Kona shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I just I met Aunt Sima once when I was a child, and I only thought that she had a cheerful personality and was very enthusiastic. I don’t know about other things... "Just as the dragon and the girls were breathing, Aunt Sima was there again. Jumping a hundred meters away to urge her, Long directly pulled up the model lady who wanted to give up the weakest physical strength.

Aunt Sima finally stopped after running for almost two miles, "Ah, it's been a long time since I sweated so much. It's so comfortable. How are you all...--how are you doing?"

When Aunt Sima looked back, the smile on her face suddenly turned into a look of astonishment. The dragon and the girls were sitting on the ground without any image. Now, whether it is the Four Heavenly Kings, famous ladies or super models It's all about throwing away all the usual images.

"Oh, I'm going to die..." Touzi took off the hat on his head, the bangs in front of his forehead were already wet with sweat, Kona and Lan were similar, and all the girls sat on the ground with their palms Fanning the wind, I almost stuck my tongue out.

"I feel that I have been trained like this for a year or two, and then I can participate in the Olympics..." Rao Shilong has spent most of the year traveling through mountains and rivers, and his body has been trained very well, but he is still with But for this aunt who is full of energy and almost evil, it seems that I really have to hurry up and learn some skills from my teacher, there are too many masters in this world.

"You have worked very hard. Have you seen the small waterfall in front? Uncle Liu is there."

Sima encouraged everyone, then pointed to the sound of rushing water not far away, and then showed it to everyone like a silver waterfall falling down.

However, at this time, there was a sudden change. A blue freezing light swept obliquely across the waterfall under the flying stream. Sweeping up with the trend, the rapid water flow and the rocks next to it were all frozen into ice.

"This is..." The dragon and the girls were shocked. Everyone, including Aunt Sima, was stunned by this powerful freezing light, which can instantly freeze the rushing waterfall. The freezing light is just amazing.Long immediately bounced off the ground and rushed up the slope angrily, as if he forgot that he was still tired and sitting on the ground unable to get up.

There are two people standing on the ground on the hillside, facing each other. Two old men with gray hair and more than seventy years old stand on either side of each other. The stream between them is frozen and turned into a field of ice.A huge ice waterfall hangs under the side cliff. The torrential water rushes down the ice waterfall and then overflows the frozen stream.

"That elf is..." Long's eyes were suddenly attracted by a blue crystal Pokemon made of icicles opposite the white-haired grandfather white sea lion.It was cut into sharp edges and corners like a crystal, its body like a blue crystal was polished and smooth like a mirror, its feet like sharp cones rubbed against the ground, and four icicles of the same size were stuck obliquely behind it.

"Regies, the legendary Iceberg Pokemon, is of the ice type. The body is made of ice age ice, which can control the cold air at minus 200 degrees. Even if it is close to it, it will be cold, and it has even magma. A body that cannot be melted."

Looking at the information on the illustrated book, Touzi looked at the big icicle at the bottom in surprise and said, "Is this strange looking Pokemon from legend?"

Xiaoxue also said in surprise: "The Rock Sacred Pillar Regi Locke, the Ice Sacred Pillar Regis, and the Steel Sacred Pillar Regis Chiru are the three sacred pillars in the Yoshien legend. They are the same as the guardian Rocky in the Kanto region. Like the Three Holy Beasts that protect the Phoenix King in the Chengdu area, they are the messengers of the legendary Sacred Pillar King Rejichkas in the Fangyuan area!"

"Ah, that...---the last time I saw the old lady..." Lan pointed to an old man in plain clothes standing behind the Ice Sacred Pillar and said in surprise: "The legendary Frozen Throne!"

Sundae looked at the ice waterfall hanging sideways and asked suspiciously: "That Regis is the Pokemon of the Throne. Is the freezing light just now his masterpiece?"

The smile on Kona's face became serious. Looking at the white sea lion and Regis facing each other in the field, as well as the two ancient old men, they whispered and asked, "Why is Uncle Liu fighting against Master? Look at their appearance and this stagnant atmosphere...--they are serious!"

The two people below didn't seem to notice the group of people on the hillside. The one standing behind Regice with his hands behind his back was undoubtedly the descendant, and the thin old man with short white hair and a dignified expression was undoubtedly Ka Uncle Liu, the trainer of Ji Dao Gym!However, how could these two people fight here? Even if the relationship between the two senior sisters and younger brothers is not so harmonious as Kona said, it is not possible to fight as soon as they meet. Thinking of this, everyone is puzzled .

Liu Bo's white sea lion kept panting heavily, and it seemed that it had been quite injured.Uncle Liu put his arms around his chest and looked at the Reggie Ace on the opposite side, no, to be precise, it was the trainer behind Reggie Ace. Uncle Liu's white eyebrows were drawn into a straight line, and then he suddenly broke the silence and said: "White Sea lion, use energy storage!"

"Qabo n" the white sea lion's eyes were fixed, and the body shone with a burst of green light, and began to accumulate energy continuously, while the opposite generation and Regis did not make any movements, allowing the white sea lion to accumulate energy all the time .Liu Bo waved his arm and shouted loudly: "White sea lion, release energy!"

A layer of green light radiated from the white sea lion's body, "Chapo n" the white sea lion opened its mouth and sprayed a condensed green energy ray towards Regiece.Regice didn't disperse and was swallowed by the dazzling green energy light in an instant, and the spreading green light tore apart the ice covering the frozen stream.

With a loud bang, the green light enveloped a huge hemisphere and engulfed Regice's body completely. The ice-like water flow was pushed away layer by layer and then exploded with the flowing green halo.A ray of green energy scattered in all directions swept across the ice waterfall, and the hanging glacier broke into two pieces with a crack, and then was washed down by the impacting water from behind and fell to the ground with a bang. The entire valley was shaken. It seems to be shaking so far.

"Okay...-so strong..." Touzi opened her mouth wide. I don't know whether she is talking about Liu Bo or the white sea lion, but without a strong trainer, can ordinary white sea lions reach this level of strength? Liu Bo's The strength is exactly as Kona said, it is definitely at the master level!

"Beep beep n" Reggie's voice seemed like a robot. After everything calmed down, the whole body of Ice Holy Pillar was still standing firmly in the stream. Only Regie was left in the frozen river. There is such a small space under Si's feet, but it is such a small space that makes the Ice Sacred Pillar stand so straight here.

Regie Ace's unchanging expression for thousands of years did not show any change at all, as if the powerful attack of the white sea lion just now didn't seem to have caused much damage to it!

"This, this...---Is Regice's defense so strong? He didn't seem to have suffered much damage from the attack just now!"

This time, even the calm Sundae couldn't help but startled, she felt that Liu Bo's white sea lion had accumulated a lot of energy before it could perform such a powerful trick just now.Ask yourself, if she is facing Liu Bo's powerful trick, she will definitely avoid the edge for the time being. There is no one in her hands that can do it like Regis!

Xiaoxue said in amazement: "I originally thought that Reggie Ace couldn't dodge the attack of the white sea lion because of his inconvenient mobility, but now I think it's very possible that she didn't intend to dodge the throne at all. She is confident that Reggie Ace was able to directly block this powerful attack with his body."

"Regais, freeze the light!"

At this time, the descendant who had been standing behind Regice with his back on his back finally made a move, his eyes suddenly shook, and his whole body's momentum changed. Regice, who hadn't seen the movement since just now, let out a beep beep It sounded like a robot.

Regis condensed his hands in front of his chest, and in an instant, a burst of blue freezing light was condensed and shot out rapidly. This freezing light was as fast as lightning, and Liu Bo's body of the white sea lion hadn't come fully yet. Drilling into the water is completely frozen.The twisted and frozen light bounced off the white sea lion, and the scattered frozen light swept across the creek, completely freezing the flowing water in an instant, and finally condensed into crystal-like icebergs.

The white sea lion seems to be completely suppressed by a crystal-clear iceberg tens of meters high, and even the pebbles at the bottom of this crystal-clear stream are frozen by the entire ice, and the area around the entire iceberg is tens of meters. It is frozen together with the bottom of the water!

The crystal-like iceberg reflects the dazzling light like a mirror, and Liu Bo's white sea lion is like a specimen in amber...-363 Formal meeting, the fifth hero, this is the first time that Long has watched the battle of generations live , but it is a pity that this battle did not provide him with any inspiration or reference at all. Regice directly crushed his opponent with his own strong defense and equally powerful attack.However, Long still has one harvest, that is, he finally intuitively felt the power of the descendants.

Whether it is the previous Snow Demoness or Regis, their level of freezing light is beyond imagination. For example, the white sea lion is already very strong against the ice-type trick due to its own attributes, but it is still not able to withstand it. Pass Regice's freezing light.It is conceivable how high the level of this trick is, so unless it has overwhelming power, it must not be hard-wired!

Uncle Liu took back the white sea lion that was suppressed by the iceberg, looked at the crowd on the uphill mountain and said, "You guys have stood for such a long time, the battle is over, what are you going to look at there?"

The dragon and the girls were called back to their senses by Uncle Liu, and the crowd hurried down. Kona went directly to the empress and bowed respectfully, "Master!"

The queen took out a poke ball and took Regis back into the poke ball, then turned around, with a kind smile on his face, Lan, Kazmire and the other girls saw this legendary big man hurriedly They lined up in a straight line and bowed neatly one by one, saying: "The Throne... [-]" Among them, Sakura is the only one who directly addresses her as the master. There is no contact with the descendants, but she is very happy to call her master, and she is willing.

As the only one who didn't make a sound, Long just bowed along with the girls, but he suddenly remembered that he didn't know what to call him.Mother-in-law?It's too unreliable, and it's a bit glib. Kona had warned him before that he didn't like glib people.Master?Although Ke Na can be regarded as his master, but he can't accept it in his heart. If he becomes a master these days, then don't think about other things. Haven't you seen the ups and downs between Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv?

Is following the crowd called the throne?This title was too pretentious, and it immediately alienated the relationship between him and Kona.It's not bad to call Master with Kona, and Daihou never accepted this apprentice at all, and the title of Master can't be called casually, especially the famous Frozen Throne, if Daihou doesn't recognize it, then a dragon The face is simply lost.Long was very annoyed that he didn't pay attention to this related appellation when watching TV dramas before.

Just when Long was very tangled in his heart, he suddenly felt a sharp gaze sweeping towards him, and he unconsciously squinted it with the corner of his eyes, which quickly made him frighten his eyes again. The head shrank back.You said that Daihou was not reconciled to what his apprentice did not care about his disciple and grandson but focused on himself, Long felt his scalp was a little numb.

But at this time, Aunt Xima, who had made Long and the others almost tired, saved his life. She looked at Uncle Liu and asked, "Ah Liu and the descendants, why did you fight?"

It was Aunt Sima's words that diverted the eyes of the queen, and Long felt relieved to see his own eyes diverted.

"When you get old, you need to exercise your muscles and bones frequently to look younger. I envy you that you are always full of vitality."

The queen looked at Aunt Sima with a light smile and said, "You don't have to worry, the old man has a bad memory so he doesn't have any extra brains to hold grudges. We're just competing with each other. After all, we haven't played against each other for more than ten years. .”

Kona quietly walked up to the dragon and showed him a wry smile. Judging from the master's reaction just now, she knew that she was quite critical of the dragon in her heart. Kona knew her master's character, and she was not easy to get angry. She doesn't scold people who are dissatisfied with her, but she will stare at them with such silent and oppressive eyes.How powerful the aura of the Frozen Throne is, Dragon has experienced it just now, just a look makes people feel like a glow.

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