"Xiaojian is a good boy. He is very diligent and hardworking. He has really helped me a lot since he came to the institute."

Dr. Oki said here, but then his voice suddenly changed, "But boys, it's normal that they are not good at cooking, as long as they can eat..." Seeing Dr. Oki's embarrassing and smiling expression, did you say anything? After finishing it, Long will know what's going on, and what the doctor said is right, after all, there are only a few people who have the potential of a full-time housewife like Xiaogang.Thinking of this, the dragon didn't worry about this matter, but said to Dr. Oki anxiously: "Doctor, please send either Sekelom or Chaomeng over here!"

"Does Sekrom still have Mewtwo?"

Dr. Oki looked at Long suspiciously and said, "Why do you want these two elves all of a sudden, and what do you mean by saving lives just now? Are you and Team Rocket going to start a war again?"

Dr. Oki just guessed casually, but he didn't expect that he was really wrong, but the Rockets had already been solved by Du, Kona and Long.

"I'm not going to fight the Rockets this time, but I have a very tricky thing..." Long scratched his head and didn't know what to say: "Oh, I'm going to challenge the gym trainer in Kaji Town soon, but I don't want to meet a trainer who is much stronger than Uncle Liu, and now I don't have an elf in my hand that can give me the confidence to defeat her, so I can only ask you, Doctor."

"Are you already in Kaji Town, but the gym trainer over there is Uncle Liu, right? As for the trainer you mentioned who is much stronger than Uncle Liu?"

Dr. Oki looked at the dragon in surprise and said: "You want to summon Sekrom and Chaomeng to defeat the person you said, are you kidding, but you have never challenged a trainer with these two, who? so smart!"

At this time, Kona and Sundae over there are already looking for someone, and Long listened to the voice calling him, and it didn't take long for Dr. Wood to explain more, and immediately urged the doctor to send Sekelom and Chaomeng One of these was sent over.

"Okay, okay, Chaomeng often runs out of my research institute and wanders around the world for a while, and I can't find it. In contrast, Sekrom prefers to rest in the elf girl, okay, I will immediately Send this to you."

After leaving for a while, Dr. Oki took a black poke ball and sent it to the computer, it was DarkLoong! "Okay, doctor, I have received the Cyclom. Now I have something to deal with so that's it, I'll hang up first I'll explain it to you next time!"

Long hung up the phone hastily after receiving the Cyclom. At this time, Dr. Oki slapped his head and remembered that the elf balls in Long's hand were full, but before he had time to speak, Long hung up the phone.

"I don't know why this kid is so impatient this time, and he is about to teleport Sekrom there. Could it be that the opponent in this Gym Challenge is Du? But the trainer of the Kaji Gym should be Liu Bo. Wrong!"

Dr. Oki was still struggling with who the powerful opponent Long said was, but scratching his head, he never thought that there would be such a person in Chengdu who was much stronger than Liu Bo.

"Where did you go just now, when I turned around, I found that you were gone?"

Kona looked at Long and asked suspiciously, this guy suddenly became weird.

"Oh, that...—I just made a phone call."

After making some vague remarks, Long quickly shifted his gaze to Sakura and said, "Has the red Gyarados been entrusted, let's go to the gymnasium now!"

Seeing Long rushing out of the Pokemon Kamizrei, he said suspiciously: "This guy was still reluctant before, why did he become active all of a sudden?"

Sundae and all the girls couldn't understand the sudden transformation of the dragon, but the Ice Queen didn't think about it, she was already immersed in the joy of facing her mentor.

Long He and his entourage rushed to the Kaji gymnasium, but the gate was locked tightly.Lan asked curiously: "Why, is there no one in this gym now?"

Touzi shouted loudly for the dragon: "Excuse me, is anyone here? We are here for the Pokemon Gym Competition!"

Touzi yelled several times, but no one answered the door.

At this time, a middle-aged aunt next door who looked a bit fat with a brown silk scarf on her head came over and looked at Long and the others and said, "Are you here to challenge the trainers of the gym, but Ah Liu is not here now!"


The dragon and the girls looked curious, but at this time, Kona walked up to the middle-aged aunt and said happily, "Aunt Xima, so you are at home!"

The middle-aged aunt looked at Kona and said in surprise and joy: "You are little Kona, my God, why did you come here, we haven't seen each other for several years!"

The middle-aged aunt saw Ke Na waving her arms happily and said, "The last time I saw you, you were as tall as a pea ding, but I haven't seen you in more than ten years, and you have grown so beautiful. That's right, you now have Good luck, you are the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto region, I have seen you on TV, if not for this, I would have recognized you!"

"Hehe..." Ke Na smiled shyly and explained to the doubtful people: "This is Aunt Xima next door to Uncle Liu's house. She is very enthusiastic. I just I met Aunt Xima when I came to Master Uncle as a teacher, and I didn’t expect that Auntie still hasn’t lived next to Uncle Liu and her appearance hasn’t changed at all after more than ten years.”

The middle-aged aunt named Sima looked at Kona and asked jokingly: "Little Kona, you said that my time has not changed at all, so does it mean that I am very old for more than ten years or that it has been more than ten years?" Am I still as young as I was back then?"

Kona blinked her eyes and said tactfully, "Aunt Seema has always been young."

"Hehe..." Aunt Sima looked at Kona with a smile and said, "You were very smart and beautiful when you were young, and now you have grown up and become even more outstanding. My dear, I really didn't expect that you are the one in Kanto now." The Four Heavenly Kings who are known to everyone."

Hearing the conversation between Kona and Aunt Sima, Miss Kazmire couldn't help asking curiously: "Aren't Kona's master and Uncle Liu senior sisters and brothers, why haven't they been here for more than ten years? "

Hearing Kazmire's words, Kona and Sima's expressions froze and became a little unnatural, and finally Kona explained aloud: "Actually, the relationship between my master and Uncle Liu is not Very good...--they used to have a good relationship with my master, but ever since Uncle Liu lost to my master in the Guandu Alliance Peak Throne match, they began to deliberately alienate my master."

Kona said here and then continued after a pause: "I was accepted as an apprentice by the master more than ten years ago, and then she brought me to see the uncle, but he ignored him at that time. The master was very angry immediately. Angrily, he took me away that night, and the relationship between the two of them became stagnant from then on. Afterwards, Master retired to the Fangyuan area and never came back here..." "Ah, there is such a thing? "

Long opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't help discussing in his heart: "It's just a competition. As for this, it will make the brothers and sisters who have a harmonious relationship become different? Uncle Liu is really too narrow-minded." Right. Such a person is really difficult to get along with, and it’s about the same as the chrysanthemum that Guoye Village met.”

The atmosphere was a bit stagnant, Sima sighed and said: "Empress Dai and A Liu are both strong people, but A Liu will never alienate his senior sister because of winning or losing a game. I think this matter has a deep-seated The reason. At that time, the descendant was in high spirits, and couldn't bear the anger, so he made it like the latter."

362 The Throne is on the stage, what kind of grievances and grievances are there between the Ice Sacred Pillar Reggie Esdai and Liu Bo? Everyone, including Kona, is not clear, but this is the entanglement between the previous generation. The dragon is not good Inquiry, it is said that he is not caring about his own time now, and the relationship between him and Kona is still waiting for the approval of the representative.

Aunt Xima looked at Long and the others and said: "If you are looking for Aliu, he usually practices at the waterfall in the mountains at this time. Really, even a 70-year-old person still refuses to accept that he is old and wants to learn how to sit like a young man." Meditate under a waterfall."

"Ah, Uncle Liu is sitting under the waterfall and meditating?"

Long swallowed a mouthful of saliva and then turned his gaze to Kona. This uncle of the Ice Queen is really strong, seventy years old, and it is really shameful for young people of my generation to be able to do this at a very old age.

"By the way, Aunt Sima, have you seen my master?"

Ke took out his voice and asked: "My master came to Kaji Town not long ago. I thought she would be here in the gymnasium, but I didn't expect that Uncle Liu was not at home, and I don't know where the master went. .”

Aunt Sima said in surprise: "The empress has also come, but she hasn't set foot here for more than ten years. Well, they are a lot of old people, and they are not as aggressive as before, so All grievances and grievances should be resolved, and it is time for these two people to resolve their conflicts."

Hearing Sima's words, the dragon and the girls knew that she hadn't seen the throne. Aunt Sima said, "Well, I'll take you to the place where Aliu meditates first, maybe the queen is there too."

"It's great to have a banquet like this, thank you, Aunt Sima!"

When Kona turned around to talk to Long and the others, when he looked back, there was no figure in front of him. When Long and the girls looked for the figure in astonishment, they didn't expect that Aunt Xima had already run a hundred meters away.

Looking at the middle-aged aunt Long and the girls who kept jumping and urging them in the distance, they were all very surprised. Could this aunt be the descendant of a genre in the hometown of ninjas?Touzi said directly in surprise: "When did this Auntie Xima throw it so far, she really didn't know it."

Long and the others rushed to catch up, but they didn't expect that this aunt was full of energy and vitality. Long also tried his best to catch up, but this middle-aged aunt, who should be about 50 years old, was overwhelming in terms of speed. he.No matter how fast the dragon jogs, he can't catch up with this old lady, and the women chasing behind the dragon are even more unbearable. They are all tired and panting, feeling like they are being led by Aunt Sima to run. Like a marathon.

"Slow down, Aunt Sima, I can't run anymore..."

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