Long noticed that the tone was a bit harsh just now, and then said with a relaxed face: "You have forgotten the special abilities of the two brothers and sisters Ladios and Ladias. I think the dream projection will play a very important role in this mission. Big role, so you can't come with us."

Sundae felt better after hearing Long's explanation, and Kona breathed a sigh of relief.Unexpectedly, Long was still very careful at the critical moment. She had thought of Ladios and Ladias' dream projection ability early in the morning.But she couldn't say what she said to Sundae. The current tense relationship between Yikona and Sundae is obviously not suitable. She wanted to secretly inform Long, who knew that his reaction this time was actually her own. Just thought of it.

"Ladios and Ladias?"

Du said in surprise: "Have you subdued these two Pokemon? It's really great. I'm more confident about this mission."

Long nodded and said without any concealment: "This is the brother and sister of the patron saint of the water city we met in the water city Aldomare. I subdued Ladias and Sundae subdued Ladios."

Du showed a look of evil, of course he knew about the disaster he experienced in Aldomare this year.The first thief sisters stole Aldomare's treasure "Heart Drop", which caused this beautiful sea pearl city to be almost swallowed by the sea.

Du looked at Long with interest. This young man had already done several major events that shocked the alliance, from the disaster on Asia Island, the riot in Lugia in Yuanzhu City, the unknown totem and crystal tower in the green field, and the clear Cliff riots.This series of feats has long attracted widespread attention within the Elven Alliance, and each of these major events is very remarkable.

In the past two years, I feel that this originally peaceful world has suddenly become very unstable. The conflicts between humans and Pokemon have suddenly become more frequent, and even the legendary Pokemon that were difficult to find in the past have appeared one after another.However, this is not a good thing. The appearance of these legendary pokemons often brings huge disasters to the human world. The conflict between humans and pokemons has become abnormally intensified. In just over a year, the alliance I have received several reports about the huge vicious incidents caused by Pokemon.

Dragons have been interspersed in these major events several times and played an extremely important role, from the first jellyfish disaster that erupted in Lampuru City to the recent Pokemon riots in the forest in Yuanzhu City, the one in front of me is named Dragon The young man played the role of the savior again and again, leading the legendary Pokemon to resolve large-scale conflicts between humans and Pokemon several times.

Don't think that what the dragon did was unknown. In fact, the name of the dragon was mentioned more and more within the elf alliance. This is simply a legendary man.Some people even jokingly said that heroes are born in troubled times, and dragons may be the messengers sent once in a thousand years to maintain world peace. elf?Absolutely impossible!

Powerful power can make people have selfish desires, and even give birth to many evil thoughts in their hearts. This is the root of the human world. There are countless people like the Rockets who want to use the powerful power of the legendary elves to satisfy their selfish desires.Before, the Pokemon Alliance was wary of legendary Pokemon with unparalleled power, such as dragons holding Cykrom and Lugia. There was no way, and the alliance had to take it seriously in order to maintain the peace of the Pokemon world.

No one can guarantee whether the dragon will be bewitched by others, or whether he will lose his mind under the temptation of a powerful force and go astray. If this is the case, then this is definitely a very terrible thing. have been watching closely.

Afterwards, Long’s series of performances made people very satisfied and amazed. This guy is simply a professional firefighting team. Wherever a catastrophe occurs, he can be seen actively playing the role of a savior...--354 Discordant voice, hurry up and hide! The Ice Queen also has a very powerful unique skill, and that is the disguise technique.Dragon also sneaked into Team Rocket's secret base in the Whirlpool Islands last time, but at that time he simply changed his clothes and put on a pair of glasses, and Shirley almost spotted him at that time.

Mentioning Shirley, a woman, Long felt an unknown karma in his heart. It was the first time that Long hated a woman so much in his heart, and it was the first time that he was despised by a woman and beaten severely.Although in the end the rocket team's submarine base was completely overturned by Diablo Rogia and Shirley didn't know how to live or die, but according to Long, the woman who had confronted them several times was very fateful. She was a BOSS-level character, so It's not like the little 0 Luoluo who will die easily.

Dragon, Du, and Kona were transformed into completely different looks under the magical disguise technique. Du's trademark red hair was temporarily dyed black and donned a Team Rocket bowler hat.And the face of the dragon is very eye-catching among the Rockets, so Kona directly changed his face so that he didn't know him before he stopped. That's not enough, the dragon also matched a pair of big sunglasses Until it covers most of the face.

As for Kona’s words, the first thing that attracts the most attention is undoubtedly her intellectual temperament, followed by her stalwart mind... Rao Shilong is now considered a playboy and has countless women, but none of them can compare with Ke Na The pair of human weapons.People say that she has big breasts and no brains, but Kona has completely subverted this tradition. Did you evaluate the Ice Queen as a military advisor among the Four Heavenly Ren without listening to Du?

Long, Du, and Kona sneaked into the secret base of the Rockets in three ways. All three of them were wearing black uniforms of the Rockets' low-level personnel. Both Du and Kona had been undercover before, so they did it This task is handy, and Long has had a similar experience before, this is the second time to act, so he needs to be more familiar with the road.

Team Rocket is in the secret research base of the Lake of Rage. A man with a goatee, a watermelon head with white hair on one side and black hair on the other, and square glasses is staring at the big screen in front of him solemnly. above.Many Team Rocket members in white coats were constantly busy, while the computer was constantly refreshing various data and displaying various image materials page by page.

The middle-aged Rockets man who blocked Long and his party came over and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Dr. Silanu, your plan has succeeded. This experiment is definitely an important step for our Rockets' revolutionary initiative."

"It's still too early to be happy. The information we have collected is not complete. It is necessary to conduct further investigations on that guy, the only red tyrannosaurus that has successfully evolved, and then complete the investigation based on the data obtained. An electric wave that works on all Pokemon."

The goatee who was called Silanu by the middle-aged man turned around with his hands behind his back and said: "This is all for our Rockets to get the strongest Pokemon army. In this world, Pokemon itself is the strongest." biological weapons!"

The big screen switched to the map of the surrounding Lake of Wrath, and the goatee looked at the man behind him and said, "But... with our current equipment, there is no way to capture the red tyrannosaurus hiding at the bottom of the lake. This red tyrannosaurus The power of the Gyarados is unexpectedly powerful, not at all like a newly evolved elf, and even its body shape is a circle larger than ordinary Gyarados. Tatsuki, about capturing his own red Gyarados Dragon, you must come up with a solution as soon as possible."

The middle-aged Rockets man said with a smile: "Doctor, you don't have to worry too much about this. I saw the call from the headquarters just now. Boss Sakagi is very satisfied with our current work. He not only praised us in person, but also specially appointed Four Heavenly Kings Lady Shirley is here to assist us with our work, and according to the time, Lady Shirley should be here soon."

"Four Heavenly Kings?"

Silanu immediately snorted when he heard Chen Ji's words, "I remember Shirley had been in charge of many missions before, but they all failed without exception, and there was also a record of fighting Lilin, the real four-day king of the Chengdu League, but it seems He didn't have the upper hand in terms of strength, and in the end he was able to force back the forest by relying on the laser petrification light."

Goatee continued to sneer and said with a smile: "The so-called four kings of the Rockets are not worthy of their names, not only Shirley, but also Red Wolf, Yenga and Toton. They have no chance of winning against the real four kings of the league. The Rockets What the revival of China needs is talents who delve into high technology. The trainers are completely inapplicable to the Rockets. If we want to fight against the league, we are not superior in terms of the number and quality of elite trainers. Technology is the key. The key to the success of the Rockets!"

The middle-aged man behind the goatee's words obviously showed displeasure, and the expression on his face also disappeared.At this time, a little Xiaoluo in a black uniform ran over, "Report, Dr. Silanu and Tatsuki-sama, Shirley-sama has arrived and is currently in the locker room. She said that she will come over immediately to convey Sakagi-sama's instructions. "

After Chen Ji heard the words of Xiao Luoluo, joy appeared on his face again, while the doctor with the goatee snorted coldly, "This woman is really arrogant, she conveyed the instructions from the headquarters to us, and she is still playing tricks now." Prestige, does she really think she is some great big shot? Hehe, it's ridiculous, I'm afraid she doesn't know that Boss Sakagi is already dissatisfied with her failures these few times."

"Boss Sakagi said that useless team members will be eliminated, and the more real talents, the better. This is the survival law of evil organizations!"

Silanu put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "When Boss Sakagi's patience is all exhausted one day, then the end of this woman will almost come soon. For the time being, let her continue to be arrogant for a while."

Silanu directly taunted Shirley, a high-level cadre of the Rockets, with a harsh tone and no regard for the feelings of his colleagues. What he didn't fail to notice was that behind him, Chen Jijiao clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, and his knuckles were beeping. Boo straight.If he hadn't tried his best to hold back the anger in his heart, I'm afraid he would directly smash the head of the goatee in front of him like a watermelon with a punch the size of a sandbag, because Silanu didn't even know that Shirley was in Tatsuki's heart position in.

Sneaky, the sneaky dragon tried his best to avoid the sight of many Rockets players. Although he is now wearing the Rockets uniform, he still chooses to avoid places with many people. He thinks that the important information of the Rockets should be stored In hidden places with few people.Maybe he can directly find the middle-aged leader of the Rockets who blocked him before, and try to use the method of torture to knock some useful secrets out of his mouth, but Long only thinks that he is a pure child, so he can't think of it. What kind of vicious method, let Lada bite a small penis at most... - Long walked through a corridor full of cat boss statues. A respectful voice said, "Master Shirley..." "Shirley!"

Long was shocked in his heart, why did he meet this woman again? Long had the experience of pretending to be a member of Team Rocket before, if he bumped into her now~ he would definitely be found out.Thinking about the countermeasures in his heart, Long quickly ran to the end of the corridor, then punched the door of any room with a magnetic card and got in. As for the origin of this magnetic card, it was exactly the same as the uniform on his body.

Long let out a long breath in his heart, but the relaxed mood just now has not been completely let go. He only heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground getting closer. This is the end of the corridor. Could it be that the wicked woman went straight to this room? bring it on.For a moment, Long wondered if he was found to have an ashen look on his face, but he immediately rejected this idea in his heart. It should be impossible. If Shirley found out, he would definitely not be so calm.

Long looked around the room to see if there was any place to hide. The row of large wardrobes leaning against the wall seemed to be usable. With the vigorous skill of a civet, Long directly opened the wardrobe and burrowed in.Long got into a pile of clothes, he only now realized that this small room turned out to be a dressing room.There was a beeping sound of a magnetic card opening the door outside the door, and then there was a slamming sound of the door closing.

Long's heart suddenly raised, the sound of the high heels came directly from here, Long's heart suddenly raised.Now he really thought that he had been discovered, and he even thought of preemptive strikes for a moment, so he simply ran out to subdue this wicked woman.

Before the dragon had time to act, the closets next to him were suddenly opened, and a ray of light shone on the evil eyes, who could not help but turn upwards.

355-357 I came to kill him, the red Gyarados was arrested "What's going on!"

Goatee Silanu said angrily: "Almost an hour has passed, what is that woman Shirley doing, we have waited here for such a long time just to listen to the news she brought from the headquarters, but now What's the situation, doesn't she know that time is very precious to us?"

Looking at the furious Silanu and his tone revealing his dissatisfaction with Xueli, he couldn't help but frowned, he looked at the displeased goatee and said in a low voice: "Doctor, I'm going to see Xueli. Master Li."

"Well, go and urge her. I am the main person in charge of the 'R' project this time. Boss Sakagi asked her to come from the headquarters just to assist me in my work."

Goatee Silanu said angrily: "Tatsuki, go and tell her, if this time the mission fails because of her again, I will definitely tell the truth in front of Boss Sakagi!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Chen Ji ignored the arrogant goatee and left the laboratory quickly. This guy has always been disrespectful to Mrs. Shirley. If he finds a chance, he will definitely look good to him. Bear with him first!

"Have you seen where Shirley-sama is now?"

Chenji casually grabbed a low-level member wearing a black Rockets uniform and asked aloud, the team member who was held by Chenji quickly lowered his head after seeing the man's face in front of him clearly.

The low-level member of the Rockets lowered his head and said, "Report, I don't know, I just heard that Master Shirley suddenly felt unwell, so she needs to rest for a while."

Chenji, who originally thought that the guy beside him was a bit strange and suspicious, was suddenly diverted when he heard the news that Shirley was unwell. He waved his hand to let this guy do his own thing, and then hurriedly walked away.

"Hoo... one" Long heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Chen Ji rushing away, he was almost caught off guard, but luckily he pulled away and dodged faster.Long secretly rejoiced that he didn't have a three-shot, otherwise the fun would be really great.

"It's rare, I came undercover to steal information, but now it seems that I'm here to steal incense and jade... But he thought that Shirley's current situation couldn't be mixed with the Rockets' mission, so he just cut it off. Losing one of the opponent's generals, I don't know if this is considered a great achievement?"

Long shook his head, this idea is too evil and too stupid, absolutely cannot let Du and Kona know, otherwise it may cause some disaster.

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