"Something you shouldn't see?"

The corner of the dragon's mouth curled up, looking at the group of people in front of him coldly, and said: "I guess I saw someone who shouldn't appear, Team Rocket, the red tyrannosaurus just now should be related to you, right? What are you doing again?" Did something outrageous happen?"

"Hehe, I can't blame you for knowing us, so I can't let you go back."

The man in the lead of Team Rocket smiled and took out a poke ball from his pocket and ran out. A toucan croaked and flew out of the bouncing poke ball.

The dragon's face froze, and he also took out an elf ball from his arms, looked at the members of Team Rocket in front of him and said coldly: "It seems that you are a new character, and you can't even recognize the faces of our group. Is it? It seems that it is necessary for you to remember again, there is no need to talk about morality when dealing with you people, just knock them down first and then ask what kind of conspiracy you have!"

Long Gang wanted to throw the elf ball, but a high-pitched dragon chant interrupted his speech first, a huge body flew over from the air, and then fell heavily on the ground.A man wearing a black red cloak and dyed straight red hair jumped off Kuailong's back and shouted to Longlong and the others: "You all go to the forest first, and I will leave this place to me first!"

Long, Kona and the girls all looked shocked when they saw this familiar figure. After Kona and Long looked at each other, they ran towards the forest with the girls before they had time to think.The leader of Team Rocket looked at the running figure of this group of people and shouted loudly: "How could I let you escape, leave them all to me, hurry up and stop them!"

Team Rocket's long pointed beak turned rapidly like an electric drill, rushing towards the dragon and the others.But the man with the red hair who was riding the Kuailong waved his arm and shouted in a deep voice: "Kuailong, the storm∥'oh n" Kuailong let out a roar and jumped straight up, a pair of wings on his back suddenly Stretch it open and fan it rapidly, and a violent storm suddenly rolled up.

The strong wind swept the toucan into the wind and swept past members of the rocket team on the ground. The people of the rocket team were blown by Kuailong's powerful storm trick and thrown into the lake.When the Rockets came out of the lake one by one, the red-haired man who stopped them rode a fast dragon and flew away over the distant forest.

The middle-aged Rockets man who was the leader who said he wanted to stop Long and the others slapped the water heavily and said angrily, "Damn guy, let's just forget about it next time we meet!"

On the other side, the dragon and the girls stopped after running for a certain distance, watching the red-haired man riding the fast dragon flying down in front of everyone. It's gone, why are you here?"

The man in front of him wearing a black and red-bottomed cloak is impressively one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region, and Du, who is also the champion and venerable in the Chengdu region, has another title, Dragon Envoy!

353 The Secret of the Lake of Wrath, the Savior "Wow, it must be me! Mr. Long Shidu, you are so handsome, you are my idol!"

Touzi looked at Du with red hearts in his eyes and a look of joy on his face. This look was simply a typical nympho look.Looking at Touzi's radical reaction with a puzzled face, Long couldn't help muttering in his heart that he used to say that his idol was Daye, but he changed his tune all of a sudden, but after all, Daye is indeed better in appearance But the sunshine is handsome.

Duhe looked at it with a smile and said: "Kona has more idol potential than me. By the way, the members of your travel team seem to have changed. Has the girl with strong spiritual power left before? A new face."

It's rare that Du has such a good memory, but if it's Nazi, whoever meets her will leave a deep impression.

"Hey, King Dutian, I'm Touzi from Yixiu Lu'er Town, and I'm a rookie trainer who just debuted this year."

Touzi pulled Sundae beside him and introduced him enthusiastically: "The person next to me has a great background. Sundae is the younger sister of Sinnoh champion Sirona."

Sundae was very helpless looking at Touzi, who looked like offering a treasure. This girl forgot her warning, and she knew that she didn't like others introducing herself like this, but now she forgot about her.

Du nodded with a sunny face and said with a smile: "I heard that Sirona has a high-achieving student who is studying at the Elf Academy, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful."

Sundae nodded slightly at Du, he was indeed much more ladylike than the nympho Touzi.

Looking at all the branches surrounding Du Du in amazement, Long couldn't help but feel a little depressed. I usually follow you all the time and I don't see anyone walking around me. I can be regarded as a handsome guy.

"Kona and the dragon, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

Finally, Du did not forget the existence of the dragon, which comforted his wounded heart. However, before Du finished speaking, he suddenly changed his sunny and handsome appearance before, but looked at Kona with a gossip and asked: "Last time Which idol star did you ask me for a ticket for, at that time I was surprised and even wondered if it was really you?"

Hearing Du's words, Touzi and Sundae, who were ignorant of this matter, turned their eyes curiously. Master Sitianwang went through the back door and asked for tickets to the idol star's concert?Make no mistake, this sounds a bit unbelievable.

Kona's face was covered with frost, and Ma Shan switched from the gentle expression before to the ice queen mode, and even the surrounding air froze.Kona said coldly: "I really didn't expect you to have the potential to be more gossip than women. You didn't gossip in the Elf Alliance, did you?"

"No, no, absolutely no, I'm not Shiba, how can I be so out of tune."

When Du heard Kona's bad tone, he shook his head like a rattle. The dragon and the girls looked at King Du in astonishment. They didn't expect that the Sunshine Dragon Envoy had such a dark side, and he was merciless in order to clear his suspicion. Master Shiba was sold out.Poor Uncle Xiba, he was shot while lying down. Long even guessed that Uncle Xiba would not jump if he knew that Du was behind his back.

Kona finally put away his whole body, straightened his hair around his ears, and then said calmly: "We crossed the Sri Baji Mountain Range a few days ago and were going to the Kaji Gymnasium, but we didn't expect to be in this forest. Got lost, the navigator malfunctioned and felt that the elves in the forest looked strange, then we heard a roar from the forest and saw a red Gyarados come out of the lake, and then Meet the Rockets."

Lan looked at Du and continued Kona's words and said: "Not only the Pokemon in the forest, but even Sakura's Menus became sick and listless after coming out of the poke ball. We suspect that the navigator is malfunctioning. The abnormal state of Pokemon and Menus in the forest and the red Gyarados are all related to Team Rocket."

Speaking of business, Du's face changed into a serious expression, and then he said in a deep voice: "I received information that the Rockets may be conducting some kind of experiment in this lake of anger. I just came here, so I don't know the specific situation." Originally, I planned to sneak into the rocket team's research base to conduct a secret investigation, but I didn't expect to run into you by accident."

Xiaoxue looked at Du apologetically and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Longshi, we have hindered your work."

Du shook his head and said with a smile: "Hey, how dare I blame Kona, besides, you came at the right time. According to the situation you said, the Rockets really made a big move here, and the red storm carp There may be some kind of secret hidden in the dragon. It is inconvenient for me to act alone this time, but it is different now..." "This should be your task, but you shouldn't Didn't you have any detailed combat plan and rushed over here?"

Kona shook her head. She knows Du's character best. This guy is often too impulsive and does some outrageous things. Among the four heavenly kings in the Kanto region, except Uncle Xiba who is often out of tune, Du is the most Impulsive.

Du didn't take it seriously but looked at Kona with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter if there is no plan. Weren't you our military adviser when we acted together before?"

Kona shook his head and looked at Du and said: "According to the analysis of this situation, the experiment here in Lake of Wrath must be very important to the Rockets. If we want to know their secrets, we must not act rashly. Our group The target is too big, at present, I think we should carry out operations separately, so as to distract the enemy's attention and facilitate the investigation."

Hearing Kona's words, Long, Du and all the girls nodded in agreement, and Kazmire asked curiously: "If we want to split up, what should we do specifically?"

Long looked at the young lady who was eager to try, and the girls including Touzi and Sakura, and said: "You guys don't need to participate, this operation is not a joke, and you have also seen it just now. Both Pokemon and Menus became listless because of the inauguration. The Rockets must have used some special method to make them look like this, so you guys should not wade into the muddy water, otherwise you will be punished by then. Catch us and bother to save you."

Hearing Long's words, the girls headed by Miss Kazmire clearly expressed dissatisfaction. This guy was clearly insinuating that they were not strong enough.Xiaoxue said curiously: "The Rockets also used the Toucan just now, and Mr. Du's fast dragon is not affected by abnormal conditions. If the strange appearance of Pokemon and Menus in the forest is the Rockets themselves If the ghost can be avoided, why won't Mr. Du's Kuailong be affected?"

Long waved his hand and said, "This must be due to strength. Mr. Long Shi's trump card Kuailong and Menus are not on the same level, so of course it won't be affected."

"Damn it, you bastard..." Sakura was stabbed by the dragon and immediately wanted to run over and kick his ass. Although the dragon was telling the truth, this guy's tone and expression are really infuriating. Doesn't the guy who can talk know how to be tactful?

Kona pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and fell into a state of contemplation. Xiaoxue said the key point of the question, which is indeed a puzzling place.Kona would not draw conclusions directly without going through the brain like Long did, but at present, it seems that there is only such an explanation that is feasible.

"Now we have too little intelligence and clues. The Rockets often develop some high-tech machines for dealing with Pokemon, so everyone must be careful."

Kona said solemnly: "The task this time is mainly to collect intelligence, first find out what secrets the Rockets have here, and then wipe them all out."

Kona continued: "The number of people in this mission should not be too many. Long is right. This mission is very dangerous and very difficult, so only Du, Long and I will carry out it. The place is waiting for news!"

"No, I want to participate too!"

Sundae was the first to object after Kona finished speaking, while Du looked at the girl curiously. Unexpectedly, someone would dare to challenge Kona head-on, but Du always felt that the girl's eyes on Kona were confusing.

"You must stay!"

This time, before Kona Kailong was the first to stand up, Sundae and Kona were stunned at the same time, especially Sundae, the expression on her face was clearly full of astonishment and disbelief, and there was no reason in her heart A throbbing pain.

"I can't put you in danger, and what's more important is that you will have a greater role to stay."

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