The dazed Xiaogang's ears suddenly perked up, and Long showed a wicked smile, "Beautiful girls actually like strong and mature men, so you see, there are so many beautiful women around me."

"Oh, so it is."

Xiaogang immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote, "Write it down, write it down."

Long then said to Xiaozhi Xiaogang, "I'll give you a chance to exercise now, are you willing?"

Ash was shaking his head like a rattle.

Long Wenyan was overjoyed. Under the stunned gazes of the girls, he piled the big and small bags on Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, and then clenched his fists and encouraged them, "You all work hard."

After speaking, Long tidy up the folds of the clothes and then put on the tie.And Ash is worthy of his little brains and puffs at Pikachu, "Pikachu, let's exercise together from today."

"Pika" Pikachu had a question mark on his head.Xiaogang was in a trance, "Exercising, exercising... [-]" Xiaoxia asked in confusion, "What are they?"

"Okay, okay, let's not worry about it, it's a young man's business, let's go."

Long urged the girls to push away and officially set foot on the San Annu.

Chapter 019: The Battle of the San Annu, the Fast Dragon vs the Three-Headed Dragon

On the San Antonio, trainers and Pokemon are everywhere, both on the deck and in the cabins.But even though it is a dinner party, it is very rare to wear a sundae in a tuxedo like the dragon, and Lan and Sakura in an evening dress.

"Really, is it necessary for Sister Sakura to dress formally like this? Obviously everyone here is ordinary."

Xiaoxia said with a jealous tone. "Haha, this is how we can show our outstanding beauty, Xiaoxia, others will think you are my sister when you are like this. I think it's more like, um, what does it look like?"

Sakura nodded thoughtfully. "Hey, I know, like a servant."

Xiao Zhi suddenly appeared.


Xiaoxia roared and sent Xiaozhi flying. "Oh, girls, be gentle."

Sakura shook her finger at Xiaoxia, "You are so rude, you will make you less self-restrained, who is not beautiful."

Xiao Zhi crawled over and nodded in agreement, "That's right."

Xiaogang leaned into Xiaozhi's ear and whispered, "Aren't you afraid of death?"


Xiao Zhi finally felt scared now, and took a small step away from Xiaoxia.

But I don't know if the words of the cherry blossoms played a role, Xiaoxia didn't continue to hurt Xiaozhi. "Really, those women are really boring."

Long waved his hand away from the group of women who were having a lot of fun and wandered around on the cruise ship.Long has never been on such a luxurious cruise ship in his previous life or in this life, of course he had to take a good look around.

"Come on, gem starfish, spin at high speed."

"Come on, Radha, use your angry front teeth."

Long did not expect that he would go to the place where the battle was going on. One of them was the gentleman who exchanged Lada and Xiaozhiba in the original book.The dragon turned his eyes with interest, and Rada's and Jewel Starfish rushed over at the same time, but Rada's iconic front teeth bit the equally iconic agate-like gem of Jewel Starfish, and the outcome was announced. "You are amazing."

A woman in an evening dress gently snuggled up to the gentleman.

"Thank you, Angelique."

The gentleman raised his glass and took a sip, "This kind of battle is too easy for me."

He doesn't have any interest in the opponent Long who was defeated by Xiaozhiba Dahu in the original book, but Long can't stand the guy's pretentious appearance in front of women.When he was about to go up to teach that guy a lesson, a jade hand grabbed the dragon, "Dragon, why did you come here. I'm looking for you everywhere."


Long followed the jade hand and looked up, "Sundae? Why are you looking for me? Don't you want to accompany your sister?"

Sundae looked at the dragon a little curiously and said, "I'm a little strange. From today to now, you have been like, um, how can I put it, you seem to be avoiding my sister on purpose."

A little guilty, Long turned his head away, and then said, "Are you in a hurry to find me?"


The sundae knows that the dragon has something on his mind, but since the dragon doesn't say anything, I don't want to ask too much, women will be annoying to men if they talk too much, "I also want to participate in this quartz conference, but I don't have a single elf yet. How did you become a teacher at the Elf Academy?"

Long was very helpless, "Miss, you are too picky. You don't like any of the elves I caught in front of me... Those ordinary elves can't satisfy me."

Sundae said proudly. "But eldest miss, is it so easy to capture the golden eagle and frozen black you want? ... Well, you can't do it. Fortunately, my sister gave me a little guy last night."

Sundae proudly shook the extra Pokeball in his hand, "How is it? Would you like to compare it with me?"

Long stunned, "Your sister gave you an elf, but I'd like to see it. But you are so confident that you can use it to fight me now? I'm all very powerful at the moment."


Sundae was not convinced, "Don't underestimate people, I'll surprise you."

The appearance of Longjian Sundae is also interesting, "Interesting, I want to see it, I accept your challenge."

San Fa said, "Then let's go to the deck, it's not suitable for fighting."

The dragon was stunned. The elves that are not suitable for the interior of the shipyard should be relatively large elves. Such elves are generally more destructive and are indeed not suitable for fighting in small places.While thinking, the dragon was pulled by the sundae onto the deck of the San Annu.

As a luxury elf trainer party, the San Annu has a special large-scale battle field on the deck for competition battles.When the dragon and the sundae arrived, there was a group that had just finished the game, and the dragon and the sundae were just right. "Dragon, my elf is very strong. If you are not serious, you will definitely lose."

Sundae smiled at the dragon and said, "This is my elf, go, three-headed dragon."

"Ah, what is that?...Is it a new breed of elves?...Looks's scary."

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