Lan roared at Long angrily, as Long's officially recognized girlfriend, whoever finds out that his boyfriend knows so much about other women won't be happy.

Sundae also reacted, Long's situation was really abnormal, she asked Long Road with a dark face and aggressively, "So do you have detailed information about Du?"


The dragon touched his beardless chin and said intermittently, "Well, Longshi Yidu, his most powerful elf is Kuailong, and, well, the most powerful king in the Kanto region, well, it seems to be the strongest in the Chengdu region as well. Heavenly King."

"Dragon... One" Long suddenly felt a roar as if coming from hell, and he was horrified as if he saw Lan and Sundae, which seemed to be enlarged ten times in size, and behind them was the lightning and thunder that seemed to open up the world, "If If you don't explain clearly, be prepared to accept sanctions."

Lan and Sundae are like Zeus, the god of lightning in ancient Greek mythology, holding a thunderbolt in his hand as if ready to punish the dragon at any time.


Long felt that if he didn't want to come up with a countermeasure, he would die miserably. Finally, after some careful consideration, he finally decided to use the 36 plan and go away as the best plan. "Well, I think I'd better go and challenge the legendary beast Yichuangkongzuo first, so that my death will look better."

After leaving such a sentence, Long disappeared at the end of the commercial street carrying a lot of things.


Lan and Sundae came back to their senses and asked, "Dragon, when did you learn to be very fast?"

Let's not care about the tragic restraint behind the dragon. I think the audience is more concerned about why the Shenao champion Shirona appeared in Kanto.

"That sister, you haven't said why you appeared in Kanto?"

Sundae offered to sleep with Shirona at night because she had a lot to say to her sister.Well, it turns out that Lan and Sakura sleep, Dragon?Falling asleep all the time. "Um,"

Shirona thought for a while and replied, "Originally, I was studying the origin and history of Shenao in various regions of Shenao, but I couldn't get any substantive useful information.

Later, my grandmother said that you are graduating from the Elf Academy this year and you are going to join the Kanto League, so I wanted to come and see you and bring you an Elf that I recently conquered, hoping to help you.

But when I went to the Elf Academy, my grandfather told me that you went on a trip, and he didn't know where you went. Grandpa said that you have a very trustworthy companion. "

When he mentioned the dragon sundae, his face was blurred, "Dragon, he is really a person who can be trusted, sister, can I ask you one thing?"

Shirona looked at the serious-looking sundae and said curiously, "I haven't heard of it, it's your first time asking me."

Sundae recalled, "I have been working hard with my sister as my goal since I was a child. I want to win the championship in a different way from my sister. After constantly gaining knowledge in the Elf Academy, I use my rich knowledge of elves to calculate the game, but the dragon The words he said at the Elf Academy touched me a lot, and the travel these days was the happiest and most moving time for me since I was a child. Dragon, don't look at his usually casual appearance, but he is that A hero at a critical moment, and he's the only hero in my mind since that incident."

Sundae said to Shirona, "Sister, I just learned today that Long knows my sister so well. I'm afraid he will challenge you. I hope you can reject him at that time."

Shirona wondered, "Although as a champion, you can refuse informal challenges to avoid falling into the dilemma of endless challenges, but the dragon is your travel companion. If he wants to challenge me, I really can't refuse."

The sundae said, "I know that too, that's why I'm asking you."

Sundae went on to say, "When my elder sister fights, she devotes herself to it and forgets herself, while Long became an elf trainer not long after he was a child, but his strength is very strong. Knowing a very powerful spirit, so far he has not encountered failure for this, and can't connect him with the rookie trainer at all. But I know, he is the most powerful trainer in the world but not now. He is currently the strongest The big Bangira may be able to fight against her sister's other elves, and may not even fall behind, but Bangira is not rich. Her opponent's tyrannical dragon is at a disadvantage in terms of attributes and levels, and his fast dragon Although it is powerful against Tyrannosaurus in terms of attributes, it is an elf that he has only recently conquered. Even if his most powerful trump card is entrusted to Dr. Ogi, Suicune has a less than [-]% chance of winning against his sister and Tyrannosaurus. He has always been very self-confident, and I'm afraid that he will fall down after being defeated by his sister."

Shirona really didn't expect her sister to be so considerate of an outsider.Shirona wondered, "It's just that if he doesn't suffer failure, it will be very detrimental to his future growth."

Sundae said firmly, "This general law of trainers does not apply to dragons. He can continue to advance and conquer powerful and rare elves until he grows to stand on the top of the world."

Shirona wondered, "Are you so confident?"

"Well, so sister, I'll let him fight you but only when he can beat you."

At this moment, Shirona looked at her sister who vowed to help outsiders defeat her and felt uncomfortable, "Do you really like him that much? Just because he saved you?"

Sundae shook his head, "That's only half the reason."

"And what about the other half?...I can't tell right now."

Immediately, the sundae said to Shirona, "Dragon admires her sister very much. I really didn't expect him to understand you to such an extent... Is it?... But I won't worry that he will fall in love with you, the dragon is just now I admire and admire you very much, and when I grow up, he will already stand on the highest peak in the world, so that kind of worship will naturally not exist."

Shirona said unconvinced, "I am also working hard with the goal of becoming stronger. Although sister, you said that he is so powerful, but I will not lose to him."

Sundae smiled when he heard the words, "Champion sister, you will understand later."

"Wow, is this the San Antonio?"

Sakura looked at the huge and luxurious cruise ship in front of her with excitement.

"You three,"

Carrying a lot of things, Long panted and said, "You didn't have to buy a tuxedo for me at first, because I was like a porter."

"Hey, Sister Sakura?"

"Isn't this a dragon?"

"So many beautiful ladies."

Hearing these three sudden voices, Sakura's reaction was surprised, "Xiaoxia? Why are you here? You don't look like you have money to ride on this cruise ship."

The dragon's response was to greet Xiaozhi and Xiaogang with surprise and enthusiasm, "Isn't this Xiaozhi and Xiaogang? It's really nice to meet you here, how about Xiaozhi? Get the Bad Leaf City Gym badge. Yet?"

"Of course."

Ash proudly shows the dragon his badge pinned to his clothes.Long continued, "Have you exercised recently?"


Xiao Zhi wondered, "No."

Long said solemnly, "How can I not be strict with myself as a trainer? I strengthen my body every day."

As expected of a thread missing from his head, Xiao Zhi thought it was the secret to becoming stronger when he heard what the dragon said. He clenched his fist and said, "Okay, I will also train myself from now on."

Long Manhui nodded and leaned into Xiaogang's ear, "Xiaogang, let me tell you a good way to attract beautiful girls."

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