The young man who came to report the letter was startled by Touzi's sudden fierce murderous aura, and looked at why this beautiful and energetic girl in front of him had so much resentment towards Balram. If it was just a prank, it would not make such a The pretty girl is so excited.

For a girl, there is nothing more important than beauty and cleanliness. If a man is thrown to poop, he will definitely beat him up, and after the beating, the resentment will probably dissipate.However, if it were a woman who was thrown, the result would be different. Women are almost narrow-minded, and Touzi did not escape this category.This girl took this matter as a shame in her life, and she knew how annoyed she was from the fact that she spent more than two hours taking a bath and didn't even eat.

Led by the nearby villagers who came to report the news, Long, the girls, and Nobuhiko came to a pasture, and saw that the glass windows of the large warehouse here were smashed one by one, and the accumulated pasture was overturned and scattered. The land, and even the fences built on the pastures were destroyed and demolished.

"My God...were all these made by Balram?"

Lan said in surprise: "It's simply lawless, these guys' pranks are really too much!"

"Wow, run away and save your life!"

At this time, a loud cry for help was suddenly heard. The dragon and the girls followed the source of the sound and saw a large group of herdsmen running wildly in the distance, and the dust was flying behind them, and then they heard a boom There was a slight vibration from the ground, and a group of black and dense Kentaro in the distance rushed towards this side.

Xiaoxue exclaimed, "What's going on, why did the Kentaros in the ranch suddenly go berserk?"

"Balram, it must be that Balram again!"

The herdsman who reported to the dragons suddenly held his head and yelled in pain: "It's that nasty Balram again, I've had enough!"

Nobuhiko waved his hand and told the rushing crowd to flee and take refuge. The Kentaro group over there had already appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Sure enough, Balram was riding on the leading Kentaro.

Facing the menacing Kentaro Qun Nobuhiko, he ran to the front and waved to the crowd, saying, "Leave this to me, you guys avoid it!"

Looking at the bulging muscles on his arm and the dignified expression on his face, this guy seemed to want to fight against the crazy Kentaro group alone.

Although Nobuhiko did it out of good intentions, Kona didn't accept his affection. The Ice Queen directly took out the elf ball and threw it out, and the frozen black crystal body flew out.Kona turned over and jumped on the frozen bird and said in a cold voice: "As the four heavenly kings of the alliance, there is no reason to avoid letting others charge in front. This group of Kentaro will not be able to appease them easily."

"Go too, God of Fire!"

The dragon flipped its hands and followed Kona to throw a high-temperature ball. The flame bird stretched and rushed out with burning hot flame wings. The dragon jumped on the flame bird and followed the freezing bird to rush towards Kentaro. The group flew straight to meet them.

The Flaming Crow and the Frozen Crow roared at the same time, and then they both exerted their strength. The hot storm and snow swept towards the Kentaro group. speed.Even the air seemed to be frozen, and a layer of fine ice crystals froze the ground, not only that, but even the body of Kentaro Group was covered with a layer of white frost.

"Oh..." the Flame Crow let out a high-pitched roar, opened its mouth and sprayed out a column of extremely hot flames, sweeping past the Kentaro group, and the scorching flames drew a scorched black gully on the ground.The leader, Kentaro, seemed to be extremely frightened, but stood upright like a war horse, and managed to restrain his running pace with a difficult movement.The Cantairos in the back were affected by the leader one by one and stopped one by one, as if they were affected by a chain reaction.

"Balram, you can't escape!"

Kona yelled at Balram who was riding on the back of the leader Kentaro in a cold voice, while Long's eyes were fixed on Balram's two younger brothers, Hot Monkey and Monkey Monster. Call out whoever you want so you absolutely cannot let them escape.

The powerful coercion of the God of Fire and the God of Ice made the Kentaro group on the ground agitated. This was due to the influence of the pressure from the characteristics of the two divine beasts. This group of Kentaro and even Ballang also had fiery monkeys and monkey monsters. It is all under this strong air pressure that the breath is stagnant.

The Flaming Crow and the Frozen Crow, one is so hot that it seems to be able to dry out the surrounding air and make it seem to be able to burn, while the other is the opposite and seems to be able to freeze the only water vapor in the air.

There was obvious panic in Balram's eyes. It seemed that the aura of Kona's heavenly king felt oppressive to it. This was the invisible aura revealed by a powerful human trainer. Longjian had seen Sirona before, but only with his aura. Just impress the Pokemon wild and other trainers.

"Balu... [-]" Balram let out a long hiss and suddenly grabbed the corner of Kentaro's head with his hands. The Luos were inspired by the leader Ken Taro and immediately ran out.

Long and Huoyanwu were about to chase them out but they were blocked by Kona. Long looked at the Ice Queen in confusion and asked, "What's wrong, are they just allowed to escape like this?"

Ke Na stood on the body of the frozen bird with his arms folded and looked at the smoke and dust billowing in the distance, frowning and said: "I saw the heart of that Balan just now, maybe it is not a vicious pet. Elf..." "See through Balram's heart?"

Long looked at Kona's serious expression that didn't seem like a joke, and couldn't help muttering: "Why don't you be so magical, when did you learn telepathy from Nazi?"

"The inner world of Pokemon is much simpler than that of humans. Most of them don't know how to hide their inner emotions. I believe what I saw just now is true."

Kona looked at the dragon playfully and said, "I can even see through your mind, let alone a Balram."

Long pretended guiltyly that he didn't dare to look directly into Kona's eyes, as if she would really see through him, "Forget it, you are the master of the Four Heavenly Kings, and you are the biggest wherever you go, so you can figure out what to do here , I’m just playing as a starter, you can explain to Touzi later.”

After Long and Kona took back the Flame Crow and Frozen Crow and returned to the ranch, the villagers in charge of managing the ranch gathered together and said loudly indignantly: "We can't bear it anymore, and now we have to ask Miss Junsha to make sure you don't worry about it." Find a way to deal with that lawless Balram."

"Please wait a moment, please give me some time."

Nobuhiko said, "That Balram was just a prank. He was abandoned by the trainer so he was autistic and hostile to humans. If you ask Miss Junsha, things will be more complicated. By then Balram and humans The relationship between Pokemon and Pokemon will be irreconcilable, which is too cruel for Balram who has had a tragic experience, and it is also a great harm to the relationship between humans and Pokemon."

"What? That Balram is an abandoned Pokemon!"

Ryu and Kona rushed back and couldn't help being surprised when they heard Nobuhiko's words.And Touzi had a weird look on her face. She was very eager to teach that Balan a lesson, but she didn't expect Nobuhiko to say that it was an abandoned Pokemon. Embarrassed.

"That Balram isn't really bad, it's just hostile to humans and the target of its pranks is also a stronger Pokemon than it."

Nobuhiko bowed his head and said in a deep voice, "Actually, Balram's experience is very sympathetic. It happened when I was doing intense cultivation."

Nobuhiko looked solemn and then said slowly: "When I met that Balan, it was very weak. It should have been abandoned by the trainer when it lost the battle and suffered serious injuries. I want to help it, But...---it left without accepting my care at all. Betrayed and abandoned by humans, Balram's heart was completely hurt."

"That's why that Balram's heart became closed because of this..." Nobuhiko said, his voice suddenly raised and he clenched his fists and said: "But that Balram is a Pokemon who easily refuses to admit defeat. Inspired its fighting spirit and made this Balram develop better skills and strength. I want him to stand on the stage of the P1 Champions Cup together with Abby Lang and Savaran. It bounces back."

"But even if this is the case, it is the mistake of the trainer who abandoned Balram. There is no reason for us innocent people to suffer from its pranks every time."

The villagers in the ranch continued: "No matter what, if Balram continues like this, we will be very troubled."

"You don't need to bother Miss Junsha, if you still have my heart, then leave this Balangli to me to deal with!"

Kona stood up and looked at the surrounding village names and said, "Don't worry, I'll make that Balan reform and reform in the name of the Four Heavenly King Kona."

The names of the villages around "Four Heavenly Kings...[-]" and "Kona...[-]" suddenly let out a burst of exclamation. No one in the area under the jurisdiction of the Elf Alliance would not know the reputation of the Four Heavenly Kings, even if not all the people here recognize the famous names in the Kanto region. The Ice Queen, but the title of the Four Heavenly Kings is a household name.The Four Heavenly Kings are equivalent to the imperial envoys of the imperial court in ancient China. No matter where they go down, they are the third-level officials.

Everyone has to pay attention to Kona's words. Since the Four Heavenly Kings take over, the villagers are not bothered.

Seeing that the village name Nobuhiko gradually dispersed after getting a satisfactory explanation, he asked anxiously: "Master Kona, what do you want to do with this Balan?"

"Me? It's not for me to handle it, but for you to handle it."

Kona shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't you want to tame it, train with it, and participate in the P1 fighting competition? That Balan has been hurt before, so he is very sensitive. From its series of mischievous behaviors before It can be seen. No one here knows it better than you, so I will hand over this Balan to you, and it would be the best if you can influence and subdue it.”

Nobuhiko showed joy on his face, then bowed to Kona and said, "Master Kona, thank you very much! Please rest assured, I will definitely live up to your expectations and let that Balan reform itself."

Touzi puffed his bun face and said in a muffled voice: "Then what should I do? Is it so easy to forget? That Ballang is still throwing poo at me..." Nobuhiko turned around and looked at Touzi He said sincerely: "Since I have made up my mind to tame that Balram, I am its trainer. I will also take responsibility for Balram's faults. If this young lady feels that she cannot vent her grievances, then she can attack me." Bar."

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