Kona nodded and admitted his identity. The man with strong muscles sighed in surprise: "It's really unexpected. I didn't expect that I would meet Master Four Heavenly Kings here. Hello, Master Kona, please allow me Let me introduce myself. I am the number one disciple of Ah Si, the trainer of Zhanlan City Fighting Gymnasium, and I am known as Karate Wang Xinyan."

"Oh, so you are Uncle Ah Si's eldest disciple, this is really an IS."

Looking at the strong man in front of him, Long couldn't help but think in his heart, your master called himself the King of Fighting before he knew Kona's identity, and you are his apprentice, you still dare to call him the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto I am the king of karate...--Good guy, this is also the name of Uncle Xiba, the two masters and apprentices seem to have very similar personalities...

347pl Champions Cup, under the invitation of Nobuhiko, the dragon and the girls went to the place where he practiced in the mountains for a short rest. Mountain waterfall flows down.Long was very vulgar, thinking about how Touzi polluted the water source in this area, and how to arrange for Xinyan's drinking water, well, this is a bit evil.

"I came to practice in the largest mountain in Chengdu to participate in the P1 Champions Cup. Now my goal is to win the grand festival of fighting Pokemon champions, which is also the champion of the P1 Champions Cup."

Nobuhiko explained to everyone: "The Seri Baji Mountains is an excellent place. I run in the forest, meditate under the waterfall, and exercise myself with Abirang or Shawarang. This is undoubtedly the best place. Suitable for cultivation."

"P1 Fighting Competition?"

Lan looked at Long in amazement and asked, "I remember you mentioned before that this exclusive Pokemon fighting competition is the most professional fighting competition in the world just like the Triennial Url Islands Competition."

Long nodded and explained: "The Whirlpool Islands Tournament is a grand event for water-type Pokemon. It is held in the Whirlpool Islands every three years, while the P1 fighting competition is held once a year in the five major alliances. Compared with the scale and professionalism The Whirlpool Islands Contest is not far behind. Many Pokemon masters who like fighting and fighting will come to participate in this competition, and the most famous fighting master Xiba has won the P1 Wu in the Kanto region and the Chengdu region for two consecutive years. Champion."

Nobuhiko nodded and said with admiration: "Master Shiba is the idol of each of our fighters. When he won the fighting championship for the second time, he once said that the feeling of being able to win the P1 fighting championship is the same as his being in the championship." The same joy in the hall. Master Shiba is really admirable as the only one who holds the position of Four Heavenly Kings in two regional alliances."

Sundae said aloud: "I heard from the teacher in school that it is precisely because of the appearance of the P1 Champions Cup professional fighting competition that it has greatly improved the fighting trainers of the entire league. At present, Master Shiba is the only one in the five major leagues. In addition, Rengiri, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Yixiu region who has just made his mark, is also a master of fighting Pokemon, and he won the P1 Champions Cup in the Yixiu region before entering the Yixiu Champions League."

"The Four Heavenly Kings are the role model for all trainers. Most of the Four Heavenly Kings who specialize in a certain attribute use a well-known player in the alliance as a model."

Sundae said: "Because Pokemon has [-] different attributes, the argument about which attribute is the [-] strongest has never stopped. Although it is meaningless to say that the attributes are mutually exclusive, but this Many things in the world cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences, even the Elven Academy has a special course to discuss the pros and cons of the seventeen attributes, to see if there is a statement about the strongest attribute."

The dragon waved his hand, "Many elves have dual attributes, so the argument for the strongest is not very meaningful at all. If you have to fight for the strongest, then the dragon-type Pokemon is recognized as the most powerful in the world." A strong family, except for all the attributes of the ice family, only the dragon family can restrain itself. In addition to the legendary six strongest dragons in the dragon family, there is also the legendary dragon elf Qiu Lei Mu and Ladios and Ladias. Except, like the fast dragon, the violent salamander, the violent dragon and the three-headed dragon are all famous super fighters."

Kona looked at Long and said with a smile, "It seems that you really are a Pokemon with dragon attributes..." Looking at Kona's eyes that were getting colder and colder, Long felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar. It seems to be lowered with the invisible aura emanating from the Ice Queen.In addition to the bone-chilling chill, there is also a sour smell in the air. The vinegar jar has turned over again?

"Uh... one" Long is really a wonderful name. Since Sundae came back, Kona's whole person seems to have changed. The caring lover who used to take care of him like a sister seems to have become jealous. I was wrong. What's up?

Long racked his brains and looked at the smiling Sundae beside him, and then suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that Kona's foot extended from the dragon elf to Sundae? It is very possible after Long thought carefully.I only heard that women have rich imaginations, but come on, from the dragon elf to the dragon trainer to the sundae, even Sirona's trump card is the tyrannosaurus.

The thinking of this triple jump is so rich, Long felt that his nerves were about to go off the line. He obviously had no other meaning in what he said just now, but in the end he just got distorted and overturned the jar of jealousy?Long finally felt that the lyrics were sung perfectly. Don’t guess what a woman thinks. Moreover, Long wanted to add that the thinking of dragon people is very scary...-"Haha, actually, I also really like ice-type pets. Elf's."

Long felt that he had to balance the emotions of the Ice Queen, and said with a smile: "The ice attribute is so handsome, the dragon is the nemesis, I have... - there is... one" dragon head Constantly dripping cold sweat, he ran on the train for a while, searching the memory in his head, and suddenly found sadly that he hadn't tamed any ice-type Pokemon at all.Looking at the cherry blossoms and Lan, they all looked over with puzzled eyes, but their mouths were stuck. Damn, why didn't I tame an ice-type Pokemon before!

Just when Long didn't know how to respond, and Kona's straight eyes looked at him in panic, Sakura suddenly said with a pout: "I still think the Pokemon of the water type are the cutest, not only cute but also powerful. Very strong."


The dragon slapped his head violently and then said loudly with joy on his face: "The water system is good, the water system is really good, I like the water system very much. Suicune, stinging jellyfish, tyrannosaurus, water arrow turtle..." the dragon announced one breath at a time. With a large list of names, so many Pokemon of various attributes that he has tamed, undoubtedly the lineup of the water system is the largest, and they can form a full team by themselves to participate in the alliance competition.

Kazmire looked at the dragon's thoughtless words and couldn't help but wondered, "You took the wrong medicine today, and you didn't understand what you were talking about."

Although a few people who didn't understand it didn't know how complicated Long's inner activities and reactions were just now, or even what he was talking about, but others didn't care, as long as someone knew it.

Feeling the biting chill around him gradually warming up, Long touched the cold sweat on his head and let out a long breath. His guess was not wrong at all, but he didn't expect that Kona, who is usually known for his calmness and wisdom, would eat this headless The flying vinegar of the brain.Long You looked at Sundae on the other side, the two seemed to get along in peace and harmony, but the actual situation was that they were at war with each other secretly.

Long quickly changed the subject and said: "What the sundae said just now is very correct. The current trainers are all aiming at the king and the champion, so now the more intuitive evaluation is to see which attribute the king uses the most in the league. The choice of these people The traces are more representative."

Lan counted with his fingers: "The master of the fighting department, Xiba, holds the positions of heavenly kings in two regions. Mr. Du is not only the four heavenly kings in the Kanto region, but also the champion in the Chengdu region, and besides him, the Genji of the Fangyuan region Mr. is also the king of dragons. In addition, Kona is the king of two attributes of ice and water, and the new champion of Fangyuan area, Mili, is a master of water attributes. In addition, there is another four kings of ice, Bonnie. ...--" "After all the calculations, there are three attributes that are most used in the Champions League."

Lan Rushu and Jiazhen said one by one: "There are three masters in the super power department, Kazuki from the Chengdu area, Wuyang from the Sinnoh area, and Cattleya from the Yixiu area; there are also three masters in the evil department, Li Lin from the Chengdu area , Huayue from the Hoyuan area, and bilberries from the Yixiu area; and finally, there are three masters of the ghost system, chrysanthemums from the Kanto area, Meirong from the Hoyuan area, and lasts from the Yixiu area.”

"Now the power of super power, evil and ghost is indeed very strong."

Nobuhiko first echoed and then said confidently: "My dream now is to continue in the footsteps of the senior masters, first to win the P1 fighting competition held in Chengdu, and then to challenge the gymnasium to get the badge, and then It is to qualify for the challenge of the Champions League. My ultimate dream is to become the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu just like Master Shiba!"

"Wow, it's not easy to realize this ideal. Whether it's the champion of the P1 fighting competition or the championship of the league competition, it's not easy, and the champion league is the most difficult thing. After all, this is the ultimate goal of all trainers. .”

Xiaoxue said in admiration: "But Mr. Nobuhiko is really motivated, and he is also very hardworking."

Nobuhiko nodded and said: "Because I have a dream, I left Zhanlan gymnasium and started to practice alone. There are still six months before the competition is held. I have to work harder."

"Six months..." Long rubbed his chin and said in thought: "Then the game will be after the Silver Conference. I missed it last time in Kanto because I didn't have a suitable Pokemon in my hand. want to try it out.”

Sakura looked at the dragon and asked curiously: "But you don't have other fighting Pokemon in your hand except the flame monkey. Is it feasible to run to participate in the competition without thinking?"

"Silly girl, it seems that you don't understand the rules of the Pl Champions Cup at all. It seems that you still have a lot to learn."

Long shook his head and said: "The competition rules of the P1 Champions Cup are completely different from the Whirlpool Islands Contest. The Whirlpool Islands Contest restricts the participation of water-type elves but does not restrict the use of skills. The P1 Champions Cup is not restricted to the Pokemon attributes that participate in the competition." , but the use of skills is restricted in the competition, and the use of special moves with attributes other than fighting skills is prohibited."

Long originally wanted to instill some basic knowledge for Sakura, but found that this little girl was completely ignorant. It seemed that she was playing the piano with the cow, and this person didn't like to learn.

"Are we going to catch Balram here before we leave?"

Long looked at Ke and said loudly: "Although this is a bit delayed, the scenery here is indeed very good. Mr. Nobuhiko is really good at choosing a location. The air and scenery in this valley are very good. I also want to Stay here for a few days to cultivate your mood."

Kona said solemnly: "The matter of that Balram must be handled properly. As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, we must coordinate the affairs of humans and Pokemon. Since I have encountered such troubles, then I have absolutely no reason to stand idly by. "

Kona's serious and gentle image is absolutely different. It's hard to imagine that she just dropped to absolute zero because of jealousy.Long feels that his life has become a bit difficult now. The place where Sundae came back was entangled because of his relationship with her. However, after finally straightening out the relationship here, there were internal contradictions.

The dragon is now caught between Kona and Sundae, and the two women seem to have no intention of giving in.Kona's magnanimity made Long have an illusion before, and it turned out that her gentle attitude towards Sakura and Nazi was pulling the mountain.For a long time, the thing that Kona couldn't let go of was Sirona. Perhaps the Ice Queen thought that this was her lifelong rival, whether in career or love.

"I went out to look around and take a look at the surrounding scenery. Touzi said that she would personally deal with that Balan and that fiery monkey and monkey monster. This girl has a lot of grievances. If we just overstep her, she might really go berserk, so Let's wait for Touzi to settle the matter of Balram."

Long found an excuse to stand up and leave, mainly because he couldn't bear to be caught between these two women who were secretly competing.

Long looked at the big space left in the middle after he left, but Kona and Touzi had no intention of moving closer to each other. The relationship between the two was really troublesome.

Long shook his head, and suddenly remembered the protagonists of the online novels he read in his previous life. After crossing, they were all awesome, shaking their bastards, and then there were countless beauties who took the initiative to prostrate themselves, and the heroine of the 100 million novels accepted seven or eight Ten, this is still in an abnormal state.In the end, those protagonists couldn’t even remember the names of the heroines, so they simply numbered them. The heroines from No. [-] to No. N were all in harmony in the harem. The Lord introduces his girlfriends and sisters and so on...

"Sparse, I'm also traveling through time, why isn't there such a good thing!"

348 Lawlessness, condemnation or sympathy Long came back from a random circle in the mountains and shouted loudly: "Mr. Nobuhiko is not good, there is a man rushing over here - that Ballang is playing a prank again .”

Nobuhiko and Kona had no time to speak, but they jumped up with their wet hair loose and yelling, "Where is that Balan, I'm going to kill him!"

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