Long narrated quietly, like a sundae, telling the grief between him and Kona from the perspective of a third party.He finally understood why Sundae had to tell his story from the perspective of a third party, because both she and Long were recalling the most painful experience in their life, and they never wanted to experience it again Such a painful experience, if I put myself into it again, I am afraid I will go crazy because of it.

Sundae didn't say a word, but there was a huge wave in her heart. She never knew that the relationship between Kona and Long was so deep.The most incredible thing is that Kona, the four kings of the alliance, is so steadfast in his love. The love between them can't help but make people awe-inspiring and moving.

Long closed his eyes, and a warm tear rolled down his cheek. Although he suppressed the grief in his heart, the painful feeling was really hard to let go.Sundae hung his head for a long time before saying in a very low tone: "Then what should sister do? She has your child now...--I want to know how you will deal with it~--" Sundae paused twice, Long felt sad, she only mentioned that Sirona didn't care what to do with her fiancée.The clenched fist in Long's hand was loosened. Is this a showdown in disguise? Did she not consider herself because she was about to release her hand?

"Sirona and Kona, no matter which one is my true love, I will not let go, no matter what outsiders think, since I have chosen this path, I am ready to go forward to the end."

Long Chen turned around and said, no matter what choice Sundae would make, he would not blame her, this is what Long owed her.Even if Sundae doesn't care about his love anymore and can't give her complete affection, Long will still use another way to make up for her.

Sundae bowed her head and said nothing. In fact, she should have guessed this answer in her heart.The mosquito-repellent tadpoles on the edge of the pool jumped back into the water again, and the sky in the distance was slightly white. Sundae took off the coat he was wearing and handed it back to the dragon. The two of them stood like this in the cool night without knowing it It took only one night.

"Thank you for calling me out today to think about this, and I will keep the secret for you."

After a long time, Sundae looked into Long's eyes and said, "Thank you most for not putting me off, now...--let's call it a day."

"It's over...for...--Is it over... [-]" Long's hand that reached out to catch the coat paused in the air, Sundae's words hurt his heart severely, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at her face .Long has no reason to blame Sundae. It was his fault in the first place. It was he himself who pushed the girl off the edge of the cliff, and he ruined this love.

As Long said, he has no retreat at all, such a choice is inevitable.Now he should be thankful that he and Sundae did not break through to the last step. She is in full bloom and will become more mature and beautiful in the future. This not-so-good first love will eventually be gradually forgotten as time goes by. .In the quiet night, there was the sound of leaving footsteps, and a touch of black and smooth hair slipped past his eyes.

The dragon leaned back weakly on the wooden pillars of the pavilion, as if all the strength in his body had been drained. It turned out that he had waited for three months just for this result.The hesitation of these days is finally removed, and the short-term heartache is exchanged for future peace of mind.

The whisper whispered slowly: "The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between me and you." Standing in front of you, you don't know that I love you, but you are infatuated with it, but you can't say that I love you...--It turns out that love is always by my side, but my eyes are blinded by dust, and I can't see clearly~ 一"Footsteps Stopped, Sundae stood still quietly, the girl turned around and looked at the man leaning on the pillar with his eyes closed and talking to himself, his heart was deeply touched.She opened her mouth, and finally kept it in her heart. The faint moonlight reflected the sharp-edged face, and a cloud of mist rose in the girl's eyes.

"Ban" Benjila swung Arbo's tail back and forth on the ground and hit the ground back and forth. After a while, Arbo's eyes became dizzy, "Okay, Arbo has been subdued."

The man excitedly picked up the Poké Ball of Arbor and handed it to Sundae, "Then this is for you."

"I don't want that, that Aberdeen is too ugly."

The girl turned her head and said.

"Quack" a toucan landed on a big tree and combed its hair with its long beak.

The man asked the girl, "Are you interested in that toucan?"

The girl pursed her lips, "No, the toucan doesn't fit my aesthetics. The black elves I need are noble and elegant, such as the golden bird, which is mighty and chic; or the legendary frozen crow, Elegant."

This is the first time for the delicate princess to get along with this man. His exaggerated expression when he is depressed, and his pursed mouth when he is dissatisfied and muttering are like a big child. The distance between the two has been shortened in this way.Little did they know that the girl would act like this only when she was treating her family members, because she was the eldest sister of the Elf Academy and the jewel in the palm of everyone's eyes.

"Take your hand away from me and see. Ah, did you get hurt by Kyo?"

The man looked at the two tiny holes in the girl's stockings, from which a trace of blood oozes. "Did Alidos come here? It seems that he has been poisoned, and his life will be in danger if he doesn't treat it quickly."

The man was sweating profusely, "But now we don't even know where we are, damn it."

The man no longer hesitated to see the girl's generation in pain, and took off the girl's generation's college shoes and socks with a determined face, and helped her absorb the toxin with his mouth under the girl's surprised gaze.

"This way the toxins are almost completely cleaned up."

The man simply helped the girl deal with the wound and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Before he left, your grandfather asked me to take care of you, and of course I will fulfill my promise."

The male dragon immediately looked around and said, "It's completely dark. We need to get out of this forest as soon as possible and go to the hospital for examination."

He stretched out his hand to the girl and said, "Come on, I'll carry you to the hospital."

The girl looked at the man who stretched out his right hand, her eyes were covered with mist.

When the memory gradually fades, the longing will gradually become forgotten, and it is precisely because you care too much that you will be severely hurt.The mist in his eyes finally blurred his vision, but the smiling side face in front of him became more and more clear, no matter how indifferent he was, he couldn't get rid of it after all.Only then did the girl realize that she had never forgotten it, but buried it in the deepest part of her heart, and it was only in her heart that she knew what was invisible to her eyes.

The man gently hugged the girl and whispered in her ear that if you are here, I will always miss you.Don't worry, wife! "

"I know you're worried, but I'd be safe if you were, because you're my maiden blushes, turns her face around and straightens the man's collar like a real little wife, because She is shorter than the man, so she still has to worry about her feet. "You go, be careful. "

The girl said lightly and playfully, "But if you don't come back, I will marry someone else."

"Well, don't worry."

Touching the girl's soft long hair and giving her a reassuring look, she turned around resolutely and left a broad view of her back. The girl turned her back suddenly, and tears fell like broken pearls.

Does it have to be inseparable from love?The girl raised her head, and cool tears rolled down her face, her hands tightly covering her chest, her body twitching uncontrollably.The sweet memories of the past and the dark and painful memories emerged together.Sundae suddenly raised his head to look at the silent figure, couldn't close the door of his heart, and couldn't help but want to run away, but his heart ached again when he thought of the renounced look in his eyes, and he stopped on his feet.

Love is so tormenting, it is as cruel as it is hard to let go, I used to miss and think of losing my mind, the words I said once flowed on my hot lips, and there are still fiery kisses...--The girl whispered silently, I love you willing Overwhelming country and city, but why do I always let me wait obsessively...--The man pushed open the door, and a figure suddenly rushed to his back from behind the door, just as he was about to turn around, his eyes were tightly covered by a pair of delicate hands live.A female voice who deliberately changed her tone said, "Don't look at it yet, guess who I am!"

The man made a wrong guess on purpose: "Well...--Let me think about it..." "Think about it again, I won't forgive you if you forget me so quickly!"

Unable to hold back, the girl revealed her original shape and muttered dissatisfiedly, returning to her original tone.

The man held the girl's round butt with his backhand and joked: "I'm just kidding, no one will forget you if you forget it!"

"If you forget, no one will forget you..." The girl murmured these words softly, and suddenly her heart became clear.No matter how she evades, her heart is deeply captured. Isn't the youth she devoted and her changes all for him!

At first, she just thought that she was giving love in person, and thought that this love was just her own wishful thinking, but Long finally said the answer she had always wanted to hear from her mouth.The result is not the case, she has been surrounded by love in fact, but she is confused, and the painful experience made her protect herself and close her heart, becoming indifferent to everything.Originally, her love was not one-sided...--The girl looked at the man's tangled expression as if she knew he knew what Long was thinking, and gently hugged him and whispered, "Don't refuse, okay, you saved my life What do you mean when you come back? Didn’t you say that I am your fiancée? Then I am all yours, and these are nothing to me. What I want is you. I usually bully like that You just want to see my position in your heart. I really love you!"

Seeing the girl's affectionate eyes like pearls, the man's heart was deeply touched, and he hugged her desperately in his arms, wishing to melt her into one with him.The man lowered his body and kept kissing the little woman he loves lightly, eyes, nose, cheeks and lips, he only used this way to express his love emotion.

That's right, she really loved him, and she never changed, even after being severely betrayed, she still didn't waver.Love can be reckless, the girl suddenly thought of Kona, this woman is using practical actions to express her heart.Kona has dedicated her most precious life to her love, what else can she not give up?

After hearing the footsteps of Sundae's departure, Long completely lost his strength. He couldn't bear to look in his eyes, and he didn't want to hear in his ears. He fell into the memories of the past, because he was afraid that he only had memories to cherish.Just when he was in a trance, suddenly, a warm embrace fell into his arms, and a pair of arms passed through his waist.

He opened his eyes in astonishment, but his chest was already wet with tears, and he looked in surprise at the thin dragon who threw himself into his arms and hadn't recovered from the huge contrast for a while. "I can't lie to myself, even if you can no longer be serious, you are still faithful to love me..." Long listened quietly to the girl's crying, and couldn't help but move his arms tightly around her in his arms Here, he put his chin firmly on the top of the girl's head, "What I owe you, I will spend my whole life to repay...--how many people love your charming time, love your beauty from fake or true feelings, But only one person who loves the sincerity of your soul will love the sorrowful weather on your fading face..." The girl raised her head, like pear blossoms with rain, no matter how indifferent she was, no matter how she avoided it, she still couldn't escape her heart.She is willing that she can also give her everything, "My love is not lost to anyone!"

Long understood the girl's meaning from the tearful and resolute gaze, and she could do the same if Kona could sacrifice her own life for him.

The complicated emotions in his heart made Long himself unable to straighten it out, but none of this mattered anymore. The girl in front of him finally came back after more than three months, completely back.No matter how mature she becomes, how her temperament changes, but don't care about all of this, she is a sundae, and she is still the sundae who can do everything for love.

Long held Sundae tightly in his arms, the girl grew up, and their love that had gone through twists and turns grew up together.

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