
Sundae said coquettishly, "I have kept the bonuses you received in Lampuru City and the bonuses sent by the Elf Academy every month for you. Do you think we will really spend your money? I'm afraid of you When I have money, I spend time and drink everywhere, so that’s why I did this.”

After the sundae finished speaking, he cutely compared his fists to the dragon.

Looking back sideways, the young girl beside her has faded away, her temperament is introverted, and she has the demeanor of a real wealthy daughter and a famous lady.The time of a year is so long that it is longer than a century. It is obvious that the girl's current temperament and character should belong to her, but he has become melancholy and unable to be happy.

The girl is still standing by her side, but the distance between them is getting farther and farther, and even makes Long feel that she is still by his side, which is obviously very real but makes people feel very illusory.But now she is no longer the same as before, what makes each other alienate?

"I can only live in the world looking forward to returning to the past, and the past has become fragmented bit by bit."

The dragon lowered his head, and stretched out his arms to grab the slender palm of the girl beside him...--329 Shocking Secret, Heart-to-heart, without giving Sundae time to react, the dragon gently pulled Sundae into his arms , this was the first time Long hugged her since Sundae came back, especially when Sundae was enumerating the crimes he had committed.However, Long had to do so. Sundae recounted his sad experience as a bystander, and his indifferent tone and indifferent expression all made Long feel sad.

I finally understand why the unruly little princess from before has undergone such a transformation. Although her cold temperament is not as indifferent as that of Nazi, she still feels that idlers should not enter. Although the current sundae looks like There is nothing unusual, but it also makes people want to get close but is daunting.Although Sundae and Long didn't show any abnormalities after meeting again, it was precisely because of this normality that the atmosphere became more and more weird.

Sundae's attitude towards Long now makes him unable to understand, confused, hesitant and uneasy. Although she didn't deliberately alienate him, it is precisely because she behaves too ordinary that makes Long anxious. This is not like an ordinary fiancee There should be a reaction, because Sundae's character is not like Kona.

Long felt a tearing pain in his heart. In the final analysis, the girl in front of him was indeed the one who was hurt the most by him. People who haven't experienced it personally can't understand how much pain that simple little girl has gone through.Long had very painful memories, including the pain of being rejected by Sirona, and the death pain of holding Kona in his arms and watching her life pass by in his arms, but no matter what kind of experience he didn't want to experience the second time .

Sundae didn't struggle, his body was held stiffly by the dragon, feeling the trembling of the dragon hugging his body.She can feel how regretful and regretful Long is now, but all this is really insignificant compared to the pain she endured at the beginning. That feeling is that life is better than death, because at that time love was all she had, Overcome life.

As soon as her neck was cold, a drop of warm water penetrated into her neck from the collar of the sundae, and then a second drop.

The third drop...---is tears, Sundae's eyes are a little confused, this is the first time Long has shed tears for her.She didn't look at the expression of the dragon, and her mature and calm mind was suddenly slightly affected. These few tears seemed to have ripples in the calm well of the ancient well.

"I'm sorry...--I'm sorry... one" Long hugged Sundae tightly and kept chanting these three words in his mouth. It is useless to say anything superfluous now, Long only felt a depression in his heart choked in his throat, I can't help but want to express it, but thousands of words are squeezed out of my mouth and only become these three words.Sundae's body finally moved, and he slowly raised his hands, hesitating for a while, and finally wrapped his arms around the dragon's waist.

Quietly embracing the sundae, Long's heart was filled with mixed feelings. Do you really want to give up the sundae and give her a brand new life?To be honest, although I thought about it before, at that time, I felt more pity for the sundae as if I were facing a little sister.In the past, there was that kind of pity and affection for the sundae, but now he realized that the current sundae is not at all the young and savage girl before.

He only started to miss Sundae when he left his side. Perhaps it was the unknowingly that the original feeling that he himself was difficult to define slowly sublimated. Love is more of this kind of constant love than just a love. way of fermentation.After Long understood his heart, however, he hurt the other party severely, in the most cruel way... After a long time, Long gently let go of Sundae, looking at the cold-faced girl in front of him with red eyes He said in apologetic words: "I examined my heart, and I didn't discover my true emotions until I came to Chengdu. I once made a very painful decision."

Long said here, shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "I shouldn't belong to this world. I abandoned a lot of things and made the most difficult choice in my life..." Long let go of the sundae and walked to the edge of the pavilion Holding the railing weakly with both hands, he said in a deep voice, "But Sirona gave me great support, and I stayed here, this strange world that didn't belong to me in the first place."

Sundae looked at Long in astonishment, not knowing why Long would say such a strange sentence, and he was even more puzzled by the difficult choice he said.

"Do you want to listen, I have been hiding the biggest secret in my heart..." Long Zhuang leaned on the railing and shook his head slightly, looked at Sundae and whispered: "This secret has always been buried in my heart, even if I enshrine it Sirona, the goddess, and Kona, who knows me best, don't know either."

Sundae stared blankly at the dragon, with obvious surprise on his face.

Long raised his head and said helplessly: "At first, I thought this secret would always rot in my stomach, and I might never share it with others... because, I don't belong to this world."

From the perspective of a bystander, Long tells the wonderful journey of an otaku in the 21st century, from the anxiety of coming to the space god at the beginning to the various emotions in the world of Pokemon.

Next, Long told the story of his tortuous experience in Kanto from the beginning, including the true portrayal of his heart at that time.Sundae listened quietly, although he was extremely shocked, he still didn't interrupt Long's narration, until Long told the part of the Elf Academy, Sundae had covered his mouth with his hand... -Long turned his head and looked at Sundae said: "Why do Suicune, Sekrom and Mewtwo follow me?"

After a pause, Long continued his narration with a complicated face. In the following story, Sundae had personally experienced it, and she was more touched.

The night was slightly cool, and feeling that Sundae had been standing outside and even wearing a skirt, Long couldn't help feeling a little tenderness and pity in his heart.Taking off his coat and covering Sundae's body, Long continued to narrate slowly with bare arms, and liked the feeling of two people being alone like this.Even if Long just picks out important things to tell, but the experience of this year cannot be explained clearly in a few words.Sundae tightened his clothes and listened quietly to Long's narration, his story, until... - Space God looked at his beard with one eye half-opened and said: "Why, did you hesitate? Back then you kept yelling. It keeps coming, my old man’s good intentions at the beginning were all taken as the liver and lungs of a donkey by you, now that the sightseeing is over, I will send you away quickly, and I don’t want to see you again in the future.”

Long Shout shook his head and said softly: "I thought this day would come a little slower, at least until I had joined all the alliances, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

The Lord God of Space looked at Long with a disappointed expression and sighed, "It's my fault. If you don't have this good memory, you don't have to be so hesitant. Well, I can help you again within the scope of my responsibility. Once. You can choose to go back to the world you lived in or continue to stay. But I want to remind you that the law of space is irreversible. Once you make a decision, you can never change it, and you will never find it again. me."

The God of Space pointed to the two doors that suddenly opened behind the dragon and said, "The door on the left leads to your original world, and the door on the right leads to your current world. You decide." The story goes here Long paused, and Sundae could finally spit out all the content that she hadn't had time to digest just now.The story Long told was so unbelievable that Sundae was able to hear it all the time without interrupting him, which is already a very calm performance.If it were changed to the past, Long would definitely have his forehead touched to see if he had a fever just after he spoke the beginning. No matter how sensible and wise a person is, he would be extremely shocked when he heard this, even Sirona and Kona.

Sundae looked straight at the dragon, and just met her gaze without avoiding it at all. After revealing all his biggest secrets, he finally felt much more relaxed, even though he had briefly told Ayu about his The time-traveling experience, but she is completely different from Sundae.Long looked at this girl who was very important to him seriously, without any impurities in his eyes.

After a long time, Sundae held the collar of the coat that Long wore on him with both hands, and Long slowly said: "I made a very difficult decision, abandoning my hometown and relatives...--half The reason is that I don’t have much value in that world at all. If I go back, the rest of my life can basically be expected, inaction and mediocrity. I think this is the place where I realize my value. Although my choice It's very rebellious... [-]" "The more important reason is that I can't give up on her, Sirona, I never deny that she is the love that I can't give up in my life."

Long turned his head and looked at Sundae, who was biting his lower lip with his white teeth, and continued: "The relationship between Sirona and I has gone through too many twists and turns. She has been the perfect woman in my mind since before I met you, and I admire her." goddess."

Long said that looking at Sundae, he said in an apologetic tone: "I met you from the Elf Academy, until what happened later and then your sudden confession... To be honest, I was very surprised at that time, my I have always regarded you as a cute little sister in my heart, no one can take it seriously in that situation, until you tease me from time to time in the future, I regard these as a small trick used by the naughty sister to act like a baby to my brother. "

Looking at Sundaelong with lowered eyes, he smiled wryly and said: "At that time, I thought that I would leave here one day and still have you, so I would actively avoid my emotions. But I miscalculated one thing, that is, there is no Thinking that you are truly giving your love, after returning from the Quartz Conference, I was really touched by you, and your devotion moved me deeply."

Long gently stepped forward and supported Sundae's weakened shoulders and said slowly: "But feelings are hard to force, even now you are just a 16-year-old girl in the blooming season, the age between us The gap is also one of the reasons why I can't examine the relationship between each other clearly, and I have never been able to treat you as an adult before."

I am not born, but I am old.

You hate my late birth, I hate your early birth.

I am not born, but I am old.

At the same time, I hate it, and the Japanese and Japanese are good.

I was born before you were born, but when you were born, I was already old.

we live far away from each other.

I was born before you were born, but when you were born, I was already old.

Turn butterflies to find flowers, and live in fragrant grass every night.

Love is the most harsh thing in this world, it needs to go through the test of many external factors, human relations, time and many other factors...-- Sundae was silent for a while and then raised his head, looking at Long without blinking his clear eyes and said : "Even if I get rid of my factors, but how about Kola, how do you explain that my sister and I are not by your side, how did you hook up with the ice queen who is famous in the alliance... so good..."

Sundae originally wanted to say "hook & hook", but felt that this word was not very good, so he quickly changed his mouth.

Although Sundae spoke very fast, Long still heard clearly. Looking at the sullen girl, he vaguely saw the figure of the unruly little princess before, but now she really deliberately made herself change to the direction of a socialite and lady. In other words, in the past, words such as "hook up" and "vixen" must have come out directly. There is absolutely no taboo.

Long sighed, Sundae's questioning was not unreasonable, even if he said that he betrayed his fiancée and fell in love with her sister, he still had some excuses, but it would be absolutely unjustifiable to provoke other women behind his pregnant girlfriend's back.The world in Long's previous life would definitely be criticized by thousands of people. Even in this world now, facing such excellent women as Kona and Sirona, all the things he has done are enough for these two fans to cut him into pieces. debris.

Kona has always been taking care of him like a sister. It can be said that she is the woman who understands him best. This woman is obviously the radiant Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, but she takes the initiative to restrain her brilliance in front of him.Kona's life revolves around the dragon, like a caring big sister who guides his growth. For her, the growth of the dragon and his achievements are more important than herself.

No one can replace Kona's position in Long's heart, she is the only one who will give up her life for Long's sake.Thinking of Kona standing in front of him regardless of himself and letting the black wind blade cyclone penetrate his body, when the hot blood splashed on his face, Long Long couldn't help the pain in his heart like a knife, God punished him for being passionate. Let Longan watch his true love die before his eyes.

Sundae stared at the dragon quietly, seeing his sad face without words.Afterwards, Long Mosheng did not defend his relationship with Kona, but quietly described the scene that happened here 150 years ago, the unswerving love between him and Kona.Long will not use any rhetoric to cover up the relationship between himself and Kona, which is a blasphemy to this unforgettable relationship.

330 Turning back to the past, Sundae fell silent, listening to Long’s hoarse voice narrating his grief. If the black memory that Sundae experienced in Dragon’s Village is the most painful in this life, then Long is experiencing the life and death of Kona. The same is true at that moment, only those who love to the bone will experience this pain.Any description in words is extremely pale. Long does not need too much explanation. Lovers who have experienced life and death cannot be separated by any resistance. If there is love, the sky will grow old!

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