Wuyue finally didn't do anything too much, but politely invited Long and his group to rest at her home, and Long of course agreed without saying a word.Not to mention anything else, there is no place in Yuanzhu City that is more luxurious than Wuyue's family. It is precisely because of this that Long has a lot of resentment, and even though his family is so rich, he doesn't know what it means to follow behind them. Eat and drink.

What Long and the others didn't expect was that when they went back, a group of people had been waiting for them at the house of the five geisha sisters for a long time. Looking at the shiny head in front of them, Long turned his head suspiciously and asked Wu Yue, "Isn't this bald donkey just a guardian?" The monks of the Fengwang Yuanzhu City Temple, why are they here, I remember that you, the Haizhi Clan, are deadly enemies with them, right?"

After hearing Long's words, except for the abbot in the front who was wearing a red posture, the four monks behind him all showed sullen expressions. Long quickly covered his mouth with his hands, realizing that he had committed a crime by speaking out loud Taboo, the dragon who knew he had misplaced him directly hid behind Wu Yue.

The Sea Clan who believed in the God of the Sea had always been sworn enemies with the monks who believed in the Phoenix King. At this time, Miss Wuyue, the abbot who was very good at nourishing Qi and kept silent, sighed. Maybe he didn't want to make Hai The clan and the temple are fighting each other like this today, but the reality is that he is powerless and can't intervene in this matter.The grievances and grievances of a hundred years ago cannot be resolved easily, and we should be thankful that the conflict did not lead to a large-scale war.

The abbot in a red cassock clasped his hands and saluted the dragon and said, "We did not have any malicious intentions to visit this time. Last time we wanted to visit a trainer approved by Suicune, but due to some prejudices, we didn't." It can be realized. Therefore, this time we found out that Master Shi will return to Yuanzhu City, so we specially waited here."

Wu Yue raised her brows and looked at the abbot's suffocating gaze and snorted coldly. It seems that Wu Yue and the others must have not given that group of monks a good look before.People from the Sea Clan would not calmly communicate with people from the Temple, not to mention that Long himself admitted that he was half of the Sea Clan.

Long looked at the kind abbot in front of him suspiciously, not knowing why they were so persistent in looking for him.The abbot asked Long to speak at the temple, and he had something very important to entrust to him.Seeing the cautious and serious expressions on the faces of the abbot and the monks in the temple, Long, Wuyue and all the daughters were very puzzled, what would Feng Wang's fans want to give to Long.

"Old bald man, why are you being so mysterious? If you have something, just take it out."

Wuyue pursed her lips in disdain and said, "What kind of treasures will your temple have? Everyone is so poor that they will die. An alkali temple has lived for hundreds of years..." Long rolled his eyes directly, this woman really knows how to fight Man, he is a monk and thinks he is the same as your Hai family.The monk's temple is best to have a history as long as possible. Haven't you heard of thousand-year-old temples and thousand-year-old pagodas? The longer the monk's temple is, the more precious it is and the more incense it burns.

Regardless of Wuyue's objection, Long asked the girls to wait at Wuyue's house. He didn't think the abbot of the temple would take him out without incident. The other party must have something important to hand over to him with a cautious look. , but also very precious.There is no reason for a dragon to turn away a gift-giver.

Followed the monks of the temple all the way to the ancient temple located under the Bell Tower. Last time, the towering Bell Tower was lifted into the air by Diablo Rogia and almost smashed into a pile of broken wood. I don’t know. What kind of method Chaomeng used to not only place this pagoda on the ground but also make it as stable as Mount Tai is really incredible.

The abbot directly brought Long to his quiet Zen room, he did not speak in a hurry, but brewed a pot of Daifuku tea with a tea set that seemed to have a long history. Long looked at the green liquid in the tea bowl and couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart. I'd rather drink bitter tea that's cold and free than anything.

Looking at the old abbot Long who was drinking lightly with his eyes closed, he wondered if he had tasted the true meaning of life, he just knew that it was really tiring to sit upright now.Sitting on his calf with his buttocks, he felt a little numbness in his legs and feet just after such a short time.

Long originally wanted to wait for the abbot to speak, after all, he couldn't directly ask the abbot what valuables he wanted to give him as soon as he opened his mouth.Like that kind of careless and bluffing directly, just take it out if you have it, brother, there are not many other things but a lot of pockets, and there are backpacks when the pockets are full.Although Long also thought so in his heart, he still had to show it when he should be reserved.

Just like this, Long sat with the old abbot for a long time, and Long felt that his legs were completely numb and he couldn't even feel any sensation.Long, who was constantly guessing wildly in his heart, finally lost his patience. Sure enough, the young man was not as calm as the old man, let alone an old monk.

"Your breathing has become more rapid and turbulent. This is a sign that you are becoming irritable. I think you will take the initiative to question me if I don't open my mouth?"

The old abbot said slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at the dragon with a hint of a smile.

Long was awakened by the sudden noise. He thought he had fallen asleep before, so he straightened his sitting posture. This monk has some skills.

324 The bell tower rang again, the crystal bell was stolen. After a long silence, the old abbot suddenly raised his head, looked at the dragon and asked, "Do you know the crystal bell of the bell tower?"

A very abrupt sentence brought Long, who had wandered off his mind, back to reality. Long looked at the abbot suspiciously and wondered why he mentioned this.

How could the Crystal Bell Dragon not know that it was through this that he learned about the secret of Yuanzhu City back then, and he also knew that the four crystal bells were actually the huge crystal clock from the Tower of Bells that had been shattered. fragments smelted.It's just that I don't know why the people of the temple hung the things that originally belonged to Lugia on the bell tower, whether it was a demonstration or other reasons.

The old abbot sighed and said: "Originally the bell of life was hung on the last floor of the bell tower, but an unpleasant incident happened a century ago. The bell of life was stolen, and the god of life was bewitched by the villain and angered at the god of the sea." , the final result is that Feng Wang, the symbol of Yuanzhu City, and Rogia and Rogia Qiqi left, and the life bell has been missing. Some people say that it was taken away by Feng Wang, and some say that the life bell is still here. world, but the real situation is unknown.”

Long looked at the old abbot suspiciously, he really couldn't keep up with the old man's jumping thinking, and suddenly jumped from the crystal bell to the life bell, not knowing what the specific function of this stuff was.The old abbot looked at Long and said with a smile: "You should have heard of the most precious sea soul of the sea clan. The life bell is as precious as the sea soul. Although I have never seen its effect, I heard that the life bell contains the essence of life. power, the four bells can even gain eternal life."

When Long heard the old abbot's words, his eyes were as big as copper bells. Do you want to be so ridiculous and get eternal life? Are you kidding?But when Long Yi thought of the sea soul orb, he secretly felt that this might not be a joke, he had seen the power of the sea soul before, without this orb containing the power of the sea, there would be no sea god Rogia.Similarly, he has personally experienced how much damage Aldomare's "Heart Droplet" can cause.

The world of Pokemon is really amazing, there are so many incredible things and magical powers.Although the bell of life may not be as exaggerated as the old abbot said, it is definitely not simple. Long knows that the life jade of the Creator God can really give people eternal life, not only that, but also revive the earth.

Maybe the bell of life really has some special power, for example, it is not impossible to strengthen the body, make people immune to all diseases, keep youth forever, or live thousands of years old.Long didn't believe that if it was an ornament or something that would attract people's prying eyes, he risked offending Phoenix King to do this stupid thing, and Phoenix King would not fight Lugia because of this.

Long felt that his heart was pounding. Few people could remain indifferent in the face of things that could give people life. Most of them wanted to keep it for themselves right away.I want to think about it, but Long is still a rational person. He doesn't know what the old abbot means by deliberately using the bell of life to tease him?Could it be that he asked himself to help find this thing that had been lost for a century and a half? Kao, did he look so stupid? Even if he found it, there was no reason to give it to others.

"Haha..." The old abbot suddenly burst out laughing. What made him so happy? Long really couldn't figure it out.This is really a bit of a joke, isn't he laughing at himself?

The old abbot clapped his palms and smiled at Long and said, "Just now I was just talking casually, don't worry too much, the bell of life must have been taken away by King Feng, otherwise it won't be lost and hasn't been found for a century and a half. At that moment, you should be tempted, right?"

Long only felt a black line popping out of his head. Believe me, it's strange, this old guy is really black-bellied, and Long would not think that he would mention this to himself in a lazy way.However, no matter what, the Bell of Life has successfully aroused Long's interest and curiosity in his heart.

If the old abbot glanced deeply at the thoughtful dragon, he continued: "Because the whereabouts of the bell of life is unknown, our ancestors replaced it with a crystal bell. This is to make up for the mistakes made before, hoping to resolve the phoenix bell. The enmity between the king and Rogia, the crystal bell also has the effect of soothing Pokemon's mood in Pingxia."

The old abbot continued to explain: "Yuanzhu City is surrounded by forests. I heard that the Pokemon in the surrounding forests often came to harass the human life in Yuanzhu City after Feng Wang and Rogia left. I was troubled and had a headache, and finally when the crystal bell was hung on the top floor of the bell tower, nothing like this happened.”

"Alas... one" the old abbot suddenly sighed and said with emotion: "I can't imagine that the power of hatred can resist the erosion of time, even after a century and a half, even after several generations, the Sea Clan and the Temple The gap between them still hasn’t been resolved. Given the limited life of human beings, what will happen to the God of Life and the God of Sea who have infinite lives?”

Hearing the words of the old abbot, the dragon was deeply moved. It is entirely human nature that the sea clan and the temple will eventually become like this. The hatred of others, the idiom Flaws must be reported is to expose this nature.

After feeling for a long time, Long suddenly felt that something was wrong, this old guy had unknowingly entangled himself in it, suddenly it was the bell of life, and suddenly it was a century-old entanglement, and he was leading him by the nose from the beginning to the end Go, Long almost forgot his original purpose of coming here.

"Master Abbot, didn't you say that you have something important to entrust to me? I have been sitting here for a long time."

Long felt that if he continued like this, even if he talked for a day, there might be no results. Now Long directly cut into the topic and asked his voice.

"Hehe, as we get older, there are more people who can't help talking when they see young people."

Hearing such an explanation, Long rolled his eyes and almost passed out.This excuse is too bad, you are a monk, well, I have seen monks who are so nagging, and you are also the abbot of a monastery.When watching TV before, Long felt that those old monks in the monastery liked to play tricks the most. What they liked to say all day long was: Buddha Day, don’t say it, don’t say it...--The old abbot clasped his hands together and put on a serious expression Said: "This time we just want to entrust you with the crystal bell. This is the main purpose of my coming to you this time."


Long jumped up with a startled sound, but his legs had long been numb after sitting for such a long time, and he didn't exert any strength on his legs, so he couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground in all directions.The old abbot was really good at raising his temper, but he couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching when he saw Long's big feet in black socks shaking constantly above the coffee table, and he couldn't lift the teacup on the table no matter what.

It took Long a long time to rub his still limp calf, then looked at the old abbot in surprise and asked, "Why did you give me the crystal bell? It's useless if I ask for it."

Hearing what the dragon said, the old abbot almost threw the teacup in his hand directly at the dragon's head. The crystal bell is also the treasure of Yuanzhu City, but from what he said, it seems that it is an unnecessary thing. Seems like.

The old abbot calmed down and said angrily: "The crystal bell is not for you, but I hope you will be handed over to the Sea Clan. We heard that the Sea Clan is planning to rebuild the Tower of Bells in the Whirlpool Islands. This crystal bell Originally belonged to Lugia, we just want to express our goodwill and hope to repair the relationship between each other."

Long rolled his eyes, it turned out that he was just a change of hands, why did he say something so nice before, he believed it was true, and thought that monks like the temple really wanted to give him some treasure.You said that the people in Shensi really hurt, you and the Haizhi Clan are also neighbors, and since you want to resolve the grievances, can't you do it yourself?

The old abbot shook his head in distress and said: "Now you know the attitude of the Haizhi clan towards the temple. If our temple does this, the other party may misunderstand our intentions and think that we are sarcastic or intentional." Demonstration. At the beginning, the Sea Clan once came to ask for the crystal bell but was declined by our ancestors, because the crystal bell played a very important role in soothing the turbulent Pokemon around at that time."

The leader rubbed his head in pain. It turned out that such an unpleasant time had happened here, but the ancestors of the temple did go too far. In order to cover up the mistakes made by King Feng and their ancestors, they falsified history.There is a big discrepancy between the legends circulating now and the real situation, and there are very few people who knew the inside story back then.The Haizhi Clan may feel that it was really embarrassing to be driven away at the beginning, so they didn't rehabilitate them. After a long time, fewer and fewer people know the truth.

Forget it, Long felt that it was better for him to act as the peacemaker, but when he was about to speak, he heard crisp bells ringing outside.The old abbot's expression changed suddenly, he stood up from the ground and said in surprise, "This is... the bell of the Bell Tower!"

The dragon was also shocked and stood up from the ground. He knew that the bell of the bell tower would not ring easily, even if there was a strong wind for more than 100 years. The last time it sounded was because of Rogia's appearance.

This time, the bell of the Bell Tower rang again. Could it be that Feng Wang had returned?

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