"Thank you for your guidance, Master Kona!"

Ami said to Kexia: "You must remember the teachings of the Four Heavenly Kings with your heart."

Ke Xia blinked her eyes and looked at Kona and Ami suspiciously. Seeing the little girl's confused face, everyone couldn't help but smile. The little girl didn't know Kona yet.

Leaving Qiangong gymnasium, Long looked at the girls and said, "My next journey is to go back to Yuanzhu City and then go to Kaji Town, where the seventh gymnasium is located. To be honest, I'm really a little I'm worried, after all, Uncle Liu is the oldest gym trainer in the alliance and a master of ice-type Pokemon, and he's also Kona's uncle..." "Wow! That Kaji town gym trainer is so... sharp?"

Touzi screamed, then looked at Kona and said, "It turned out to be the uncle of the Four Heavenly Kings. Hearing this name, he is very powerful. I don't know which one is better, Master Liu Bo or Master Xia Ka. Shuanglong City is Yixiu's most powerful." Gymnasium, I have challenged Master Shaka three times in total, and the Gymnasium competition has been played twice before I was recognized."

Long Yi patted his head and said suddenly: "Almost forgot one more thing, but fortunately you reminded me, I have to contact Master Xia Ka, Alice is a very troublesome child."

"Uncle, what do you mean by that, next time you want to pat yourself on the head, it hurts!"

Touzi pouted at the dragon in dissatisfaction, or felt so puzzled that he tiptoed and patted the dragon on the head.Long Xingui had no choice but to touch his nose to cover up his embarrassment, and didn't care about being called uncle by this girl.However, Touzi's height is really incredible. She has almost grown to nearly 1.6 meters at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and she really stands out from the crowd among girls of the same age.

The girls couldn't help but feel a little strange looking at the two people who were fighting. They really didn't understand the relationship between these two people. They didn't seem to be together for a long time, but they were close friends, like a pair of brothers and sisters.The most absurd thing is that these two people seem to have a feeling of deja vu when they met for the first time across an ocean, which is a bit of the superstitious reincarnation of previous lives.

"It's not too early today, if we go to Yuanzhu City, we should rest here for one night and start."

Xiaoxue said: "Long, if you want to make a call, you can find a hotel first and talk later. After all, Yixiu's current time here should be around three or four o'clock in the morning."

Long nodded and said to Xiaoxue: "I remember that there is an airship company in Qiancong City, so tomorrow we will fly directly to Yuanzhu City, and we only need to walk the same road once, which can also save time. "

Long thought that it would cost a lot of money for a large group of people to take an empty boat here, and finally understood the reason why Xiaozhi and the others kept walking. The children were too poor to do anything.As for Xiaogang, uh, although he is also a gym trainer, there are so many mouths to eat at home.

These days, I have experienced a series of competitions in the Whirlpool Islands, and there have been two large-scale wars with the Rockets and the ancient fossil elves in Oki Island and Old Mare. The dragon and the girls are both physically and mentally Too tired, the reason why I took out the Flame Crow today was to make a quick decision.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Long had a phone call with Master Xia Ka in Shuanglong City, and it was exactly eight o'clock in Yixiu area.What Long didn't expect was that Master Shaka guessed that Alice was with him when he received Long's call, and Master Shaka also deduced that this daring little girl flew across the ocean on Kuailong's body.

Depressedly, Long introduced to Master Xia Ka that the little girl was traveling with Xiaozhi now, and he asked if he wanted to help him catch the little girl directly, twist her to the plane and escort her back.Who knew that Master Shaka actually said that this is the path Alice chose, since she has her own ideas, as an adult, she shouldn't force her.

Long's mouth was about to burst open in surprise. Although the Western-style education in his previous life encouraged children to learn to be independent, and parents in Western countries were very enlightened, Master Shaka was too enlightened. Children as old as six or seven years old Starting to choose your own life?My God, did Long suspect that there was something wrong with his ears? In his previous life, there were many children of his age in his hometown who had to be coaxed by adults to wear crotch pants, even to eat and dress.

He raised the question in his heart, this is a future master of the dragon championship level plus a genius child, Long didn't want such a good seedling to fail due to some accident, the success of every genius is inseparable from the path they walked.Who knows whether Alice's future will be good or bad, and even if Alice wants to be independent, is there no problem with her family?

After pondering for a long time, Master Shaka finally revealed that Alice was actually an orphan. Not long after she was born on the ground, her parents were both born by accident, and she was brought up by Grandma Sun.Although she lost her parents since she was a child, this little girl did not develop a withdrawn character, but became very strong and lively. She is the king of children among children of the same age in Long Zhixiang.

Alice, who is six years old this year, was sent to the Pokemon School in Shuanglong City at the request of Master Shaka. The school where Master Shaka is the principal is the same as the Shuanglong Gym, which is the hometown of dragons to cultivate dragon trainers. base camp.Not only the children from Dragon's Township, Shuanglong Gymnasium also trains children from other areas of Yixiu. The entry threshold of this school is not much lower than that of the famous cram school Elf Academy named after the Alliance.

Although Master Shaka valued this little girl very much and promoted her to Ssangyong School for further studies, who knew that Alice was not born to be a master of safety. Headache.Wearing a school uniform and jumping into the pool to catch iron gun fish is not counted. She often sits on the tallest iron tower in Ssangyong City and sits at a place tens of meters high to look at the scenery.

This terrified the teacher and the neighbors. Many people didn't know how such a little girl climbed such a high iron tower, and whether she climbed there was out of her mind or something.The police and the fire brigade were mobilized together, and dozens of people cast a large net at the bottom of the tower... If this happened only once, it would be fine, but Alice was reprimanded by Master Shaka and Miss Junsha for not seeing the queen and climbing again Going up the iron tower once again caused a sensation in the whole city.

Now everyone has nothing to do with pulling this little girl. In school, Alice is also a problem child who is incompatible with children of the same age. Everything here is so incompatible with the life in Longzhi Township.The day before Alice dropped out of school was the quarterly assessment of Ssangyong School. Alice lost the game and got unqualified results due to wrong tactical command in the exam.

Perhaps it was because of this factor that Alice, who had been suppressed together, finally broke out, and finally made her play truant, and even be able to do things like climbing tens of meters of high-speed iron towers with bare hands. The dragon finally stopped being surprised how she rode a fast dragon to cross It's oceanic.Long Ziwen didn't have the courage of the little girl, and he didn't even have the ability to climb buildings like the Eiffel Tower with his bare hands.

Master Shaka pondered whether the academy style really didn't belong to Alice. Although the Pokemon Academy has a high status in the Pokemon League and the entry threshold is very high, not all trainers are eager for it.For example, Xiaozhi looks down on those top students who can participate in the league competition without going to the gym, er, another reason is that he has no conditions to go to that school.

The most famous example is the Sinnoh Champion Venerable Sirona. She dropped out of the Elf School and finally achieved the two amazing records of the current five-time Sinnoh League champion and the youngest champion record holder in the league.Although this record in the previous life was broken by Alice in the future, it is really hard to say now. No one can tell how far Alice will grow in the future.

Both Master Xaka and Grandma Sun are actually very concerned about the growth of the little black girl. Master Xaka also exchanged opinions with Grandma Sun on the matter of Alice dropping out of school.In fact, Alice went back to the hometown of dragons before coming to Chengdu, and Grandma Sun also heard about Alice's performance in Ssangyong School.Grandma Sun is very good at judging people, that's why she gave her a newborn baby tooth dragon. Grandma Sun is very supportive of Alice's travel, but she didn't know that she would go so thoroughly.

It was a tragedy to communicate with Master Shaka for a long time. He didn't get rid of the troublesome burden of Alice at all. On the contrary, Master Shaka asked him to help take care of the naughty little girl.God, don't be so irresponsible, well, Long has no experience in raising children.

As soon as Long thought of this, he got a headache. There was already a Women's Army group by his side, and he was going to die with this little black girl who even master Shaka couldn't handle. Thinking about it, Long felt that his head was about to explode.After thinking about it, I still think it's better to leave Alice to Xiaozhi's business now, at least there will be a full-time nanny, African boy, and it's just right for him to take care of the little black girl.Besides, Xiaoxia is not much quieter than Xiaoheimei, Xiaozhi already has a better way of dealing with such a woman.

After hanging up Master Xia Ka's phone call, Long threw his whole body on the bed. He was really tired these two days. "Oh n" the red concentric ball that the dragon placed on the bedside table bounced away by itself, and Ladias ran out of the elf ball, and then turned into a girl named Kanon and slept beside him.

"Wow..." Long was so frightened that he jumped up from the bed directly. Ladias looked at Long with a puzzled face, wondering why he had such a big reaction.

"That Ladias... don't you like resting in the Poké Ball?"

Long shook his head and said mockingly: "Well, maybe it's a little uncomfortable. After all, you and Ladios were resting in the secret garden before."

Long sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at Ladias and said, "Well... Although you are a Pokemon, I can't sleep if you look like this. Kona and Sakura will not forgive me if they know, I'm afraid Even Kanon would come after Aldomare... "As it is" Oh woo^'' Ladias sat on his knees on the bed, watching the frowning dragon, his body transforming back to 323 and then round Zhu Yuanzhu City, the ancient and simple architectural style far away, the two iconic bell towers and the burnt and dilapidated burnt tower appeared in front of everyone, but it was only a month later. It feels like a century is so long. After all, many things happened during the time when we left Yuanzhu City. Even Long and Kona staged a life-and-death love affair here a hundred years ago. Although Kona and Yuanzhu City a hundred years ago Tens of thousands of people survived, but the history of Yuanzhu City has not changed.

It's not just Long who has such emotions, but May also has a lot of emotions when she returns to her hometown. The things she experienced this month are more tortuous and richer than her experience in the previous ten years.Moreover, the legendary elves, which were rarely heard before, popped out from somewhere in the world one after another, Suicune, Hooh, Celebi, Arceus, Rogia, Sea God Rogia, and Lady Oss and Ladias.

"Sister Wuyue, I miss you so much, are you back at last!"

A Sakura with two braids on her head ran over and hugged May.This cherry blossom is not that cherry blossom, she is the younger sister of the five sisters in Yuanzhu City, "Mime n" a sun elf beside Sakura ran over with the girl.

"Hey, isn't this a sun elf? Could it be that Ibrahimovic evolved from back then?"

Lan looked at the little elf beside the girl and asked in amazement, and the rest of the girls also looked curious.The girl Sakura nodded and said, "When I was playing with Ibrahimovic on the grass, it suddenly evolved. I was also surprised at the time."

Kona smiled and said, "It seems that you and little Ibrahimovic are really close, but now it's all right, all five of your sisters have evolved, except for the ice elf and leaf elf Ibrahimovic."

Everyone thinks that this is really the case. Sakura's sun elf is really wonderful, but Ibrahimovic must be used in a specific environment to evolve into a leaf elf and ice elf. For the time being, there is no precedent for Ibrahimovic to evolve into these two forms in other regions.

Wu Yue looked at Yaomei and frowned and said, "Where are your other three sisters, why didn't you see them?"

Looking at Wu Yue, Long suddenly remembered that this chick was still the eldest of the five sisters, but combined with her usual performance, she didn't look like her at all, except that she looked a little more mature, but she was far behind. For a long time and still not conscious at all.

He had also been to the Whirlpool Islands without Diablo Rogia by his side, and Long couldn't help but rejoice that he could finally get rid of this woman.While rubbing his chin, he wondered if he should stay in Yuanzhu City for a few more days, at least at May’s house to make up for the losses of these days. Although this is still not directly proportional to his expenditure, it is still good. Take back a little is a little.

Sakura explained: "Because a well-known dance teacher is coming to Yuanzhu City today, the three sisters are all going to study and ask for advice. They entrusted me to look after the house and to welcome sister Wuyue."

Seeing the sundae Sakura wearing the uniform of the Spirit Academy, she suddenly said pleasantly: "Ah, you are a student of a world-renowned cram school, right? Wow, I'm really envious!"

Sundae bowed and saluted and said, "I am Sundae, a third-year student at the Spirit Academy, please give me your advice."

"Wow, you are indeed a student of the Noble Academy...---really beautiful and temperament..." Sakura looked at Sundae enviously and said: "I also applied for the Elf Academy, but the entrance exam there is very difficult. , and the sisters said that the tuition fee of 10 yuan a year is really too expensive... "Yi" Long looked at Wuyue with a malicious expression on his face, wouldn't their sisters also cheat like the three sisters of Yinghua in Hualan City? It's Yaomei's pocket money. Although the tuition fee of the Elf Academy is indeed expensive, it is not a problem at all for the big family of Yuanzhu Shihai Clan.

Of course Wuyue knew what Long's eyes meant, but she still had such thoughts in her heart, but even she felt very embarrassed to be exposed by her Yaomei in front of so many people. .Long saw that he would accept it. Continuing to entangle like this would really irritate this woman completely, so he quickly changed the subject on his own initiative.

Except for Yaomei, these sisters in Yuanzhu City are all dance idiots. Seeing Wuyue's emotional expression, Long quickly reminded her not to have any bad thoughts. Long was afraid that this woman would kill his big team The person stopped and went to learn some dances, so she quickly reminded her that there was still a large group of guests to entertain.She can really do this kind of thing, for this reason Long moved all of Kona out, so he can't treat Master Four Heavenly Kings so slowly.

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