"Ang... [-]" Diablo Rogia raised his head again and let out a high-pitched and mournful roar. The surrounding sea was too calm, and the quiet atmosphere made him feel extremely strange. "Wow... - Wow..." The waves rolled layer by layer, dark clouds quietly covered the moonlight, and the sea surface suddenly dimmed.The wind blows, driving the waves to keep rolling and pushing higher and higher.

"It's not right, the atmosphere here is not right."

Kona stared at the dragon and said: "This is a sign of a violent storm on the sea, but Diablo Rogia is now in charge of this area, and the weather here is under its control. The current sea situation is too abnormal gone."

In fact, I don't need Kona to remind the dragon that the atmosphere here is not right, but what's going on, there are three elf dragons who can artificially manipulate the storm.Creation God is not counted, Chaomeng once created a storm on the sea near Niijima, and there are two other is the sky overlord Rikakuza, the powerful feature weather lock can make all the weather can be converted to its use, and the other is the sea god Rocky Ya.

Nazi's eyes suddenly froze, and at the same time, Diablo Rogia suddenly became restless.


A huge wave exploded from the surface of the sea, and a huge figure flew out. Its silvery white wings suddenly spread in the air. It was the mother Rogia that everyone was looking for.However, Mother Rogia's appearance was wrong, her body was covered with a layer of metal armor, except for the wings, tail and feet, almost her whole body was covered.

"This is...--this..." Dragon's eyes suddenly opened and looked at Fuqia, who was almost speechless. Manipulated.

"Oh n" Rogia let out a loud roar, his eyes suddenly shone with scarlet light, just like Diablo Rogia, angry, and extremely angry.

"What a powerful spiritual force, Rogia's mood swings are very violent."

Na Zi exclaimed in shock, "The superpower emerging from its body is terrifying, no, it is in extreme rage!"

"On n" Diablo Rogia flew towards Rogia, but the God of the Sea who saw her husband did not show any joy. Rogia let out a roar and opened his mouth to shoot out a powerful high-pressure water cannon. Dark Rogia.

Although the dragon had a premonition, it did not expect that Rogia would attack suddenly. The powerful water cannon trick made the unsuspecting Diablo Rogia fly out of the air, and the dragon could not stand firmly on Dark Rogia's back. straight down. "Aww..." Storm Salamander Feiwu caught the dragon with his body, but Lugia, who hadn't waited for the dragon to stand firm, moved again.

Rogia roared loudly, opening his mouth to spray out a transparent wind blade shock wave. The powerful air blast of the flying system esoteric air blasted Diablo Rogia completely, and countless wind blades scattered and shot at Dark Rogia's body cut on.Even the powerful king of the evil line, if he didn't open the protective cover, he couldn't easily bear the blast in the air with his body. "Oh n" Diablo Rogia screamed, and his body fell straight from the air and fell into the sea with a plop.

Rogia raised his head like a madman and let out a mournful roar, the sea surface was suddenly surging, the sea mountain was rolling up layer by layer like a tsunami, the dark clouds in the sky rolled and whirled, lightning staggered, rumbled and thunder rang out, all of a sudden A violent storm hits the sea.

Storm Salamander and Frozen Crow controlled their figures to stabilize themselves in this powerful storm. Long, Nazi and Kona merged together and shouted loudly: "This must be the fault of Team Rocket. Retreat safely from our blockade, so they made such a move, abandoning Rogia to use its powerful combat power to check and balance us, and then they can take advantage of the opportunity to escape. The strong man broke his wrist, and now their goal should be to make sure that the baby Rogia is not killed by us Take it back!"

Kona and Nazi nodded, Long's analysis was very reasonable, and it really resembled Shirley's style.Long continued: "This situation is very troublesome now. We can't give up whether it is the baby Rogia or the mother Rogia. Now we can only split up. The dark Rogia and I are here to hold and subdue the mother Rogia. Kona, you and Naz are tracking the Rockets together, I think they should be around here, and they won't be able to run very far."

"You have to be careful."

After Nazi said something to the dragon, she rolled over and jumped onto the body of the Frozen Crow, and the God of Ice flew her body and whirled down against the surface of the sea, breaking through the waves. "Ang n" Rogia noticed the movement of the Frozen Crow and immediately let out a roar, a mass of golden energy condensed in his mouth, the powerful destructive death light diffused out and then combined into a beam to chase the Frozen Crow directly. .

"Oh n" several black figures flew out from the sea, Diablo Rogia opened the black protective cover to block the ten times destruction and death light, which is a must-kill, and the dragon was startled by three souls Out of the body, but finally safe and sound.

"Ang n" Rogia abandoned Frozen Crow and rushed towards Diablo Rogia. Although he was extremely angry and lost his mind under the control of the armor on his body, it could perceive who was the biggest threat to it here.The blue freezing light diffused and covered it, and the powerful force caused the waves rolled up on the sea to be instantly frozen.

The dragon was afraid that Dark Rogia couldn't bear to attack his wife, so he quickly reminded it: "Dark Rogia, to restore Irebeth's sanity, you only need to destroy the armor device on its body. "

The dark Rogia flew sideways and flew through the freezing light, and the dark Rogia suddenly accelerated and rushed straight towards Rogia. "Oh n" Rogia shouted loudly, his body was suddenly covered with a layer of murderous blue dragon's breath, and Rogia, who launched the mad dragon attack, opened his huge mouth like a blue angry dragon with teeth and claws to kill the dark Loki. Ya swallowed whole.

The dark Rogia shot out from the murderous aura of the rapidly whirling blue dragon at a faster speed and fell into the sea again. The storm was still sweeping across the sea, and two rows of huge waves rolled up into the sky were pinched. Then bury Dark Rogia.

"No, it's impossible for Dark Rogia to kill Rogia in such a restrained manner, so that he can't touch the armor on it at all."

The dragon threw a purple star elf ball, "Xiao Chuang, please, help me subdue Lugia!"

"Father... [-]" Little Arceus was floating on all fours and looked at the enraged Rogia in the air, looking at the dragon suspiciously, "Am I really going to fight Xiaoyin's mother?"

Long nodded and said in a deep voice: "In order to save Xiaoyin's mother, I can only rely on you now. Remember this is not a game, so you have to be very careful, you know? Go ahead and use your full strength!"

Little Arceus nodded and his body floated directly in front of Rogia in the storm. Rogia opened his mouth and condensed a high-pressure water cannon and rushed towards little Arceus. Xiaochuang's head was lightly wrapped around his body. A layer of transparent protective cover directly blocks Lugia's powerful water cannon trick.Although Rogia failed to break through little Arceus' protective shield, Xiaochuang's entire body was bombarded into the sea by the powerful impact force of the high-pressure water column.

"On n" Rogia let out another chirp, his scarlet eyes glared suddenly, and a powerful transparent shock wave swept out in the air, sweeping away the dark Rogia who had drilled out of the sea, and a wind blade that flew out Directly cut off a one-foot-high wave.Diablo Rogia looks so embarrassed now, not at all like the evil king who was so invincible in Yuanzhu City that he killed thousands of people before.

A ball of dazzling light suddenly shone in the sea, a huge meteor soared up and exploded in the air, and the falling dragon star meteorite bombarded the falling ground and attacked Rogia in turn.This is obviously the housekeeping skill of the Dragon Pokemon, Dragon Star Qun. Little Arceus suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea, and it turned out to be the trick just now!

The dragon was extremely shocked, it was simply unbelievable that a non-dragon elf actually used the dragon star group, and little Arceus did not carry the dragon's source of life.

Now is not the time to be shocked. The falling dragon star meteorites are falling and bombarding Rogia. The God of the Sea suddenly shakes his wings and his body is instantly covered with a transparent protective cover to block the continuous and falling attacks. Block them one by one.

"Xiaoyin's mother, I'm sorry!"

Little Arceus yelled and instantly condensed a ball of golden energy in front of him. The golden destructive light diffused and shot out, and then condensed into a beam and blasted on Lugia's transparent protective cover.This time, what little Arceus used was actually the special skill Rogia just used, ten times the destruction and death.How did it learn this trick, and why did it suddenly comprehend this powerful, uh, super nirvana!

Long felt that his head was not enough.Killing ten times the destruction, the death light ray pierced through the transparent protective cover, and the golden energy ray instantly swallowed Lugia, and Team Rocket's armor on the God of the Sea shattered. "Oh n" Rogia's mother lost her sanity due to anger before, and now she was hit by a strong attack and immediately fell from the air. The dark Rogia swiped across the air and caught his wife's body.

The storm on the sea surface began to subside, and the strong wind, waves, and dark clouds lost the power to continue to control them and began to subside slowly.The storm salamander slowly flew down. Little Arceus followed behind the dragon and gently landed on the ground. Mother Rogia lay quietly on the ground with her eyes closed. Dark Rogia whimpered. The wife is constantly grinding.

Dragon's brows were tightly frowned. The Rockets really did everything they could. Controlling Rogia in this way allowed him to vent his power wantonly, which now put a heavy load on his body.The God of the Sea had just given birth and his body was extremely weak, and after all the tossing just now, he had exhausted all his strength.

A piece of quiet night sky suddenly shone with a soft blue light, and there was a beautiful conch sound, a very soft and soothing tune.Long was stunned, "This is the soul of the sea with blue rays of light, but why is this tune so familiar...--No, it's not the one I heard on Asia Island, the girl named Merola played it to worship the god of the sea. The tune... 一" The blue light is extremely bright under the dark night, an orb shining blue rises up, slowly suspends in the air and keeps spinning, the beautiful and moving melody is still in the quiet night sky The sound concealed the figure of the waves.

Rogia's body was covered with a layer of reddish-purple light that slowly soared upwards, and the light of the sea soul orb became brighter and brighter, illuminating the entire sea area.Lugia's whole body suddenly condensed in the shining blue sea soul orb, and the blue light was like the sea and the sky and became more and more dazzling.

The dragon stood up and little Arceus stared blankly at the blue light that was constantly spinning and getting bigger in the sky, and murmured, "What is that, what's going on..." 309 Sea Soul Inheritance, the awakening of the Sea God Rogia is just like the dark Rogia rejuvenated after the fall. The Sea God of the Whirlpool Islands is tightly enveloped by the soft light cluster emitted by the sea soul, and the blue light ball is flying in the air. bigger and bigger. "Ang n" Suddenly, there was only a high-pitched cry that pierced the quiet night sky and the quiet sea, and a pair of huge blue wings stretched out from the blue light.

The fast dragon flew down, and Sakura and Maya priest came to the dragon, but he didn't know it. A girl was holding a conch flute in her hand and continued to play it passionately. Merora seen from the archipelago of Asia Island.

The melodious flute continued to sound, and the dazzling light emitted by the circulating blue light group in the sky gradually dimmed, and a huge little elf wrapped in blue light suddenly flew out of the air and let out a high-pitched cry. roaring sound.

"That's... one" Long and Xiao Nizi stared blankly at the huge figure that flew down in front of the moon in the sky, with blue wings, a blue body, a swan-like neck and a blue sky. Long tail, it's Lugia!No, it should be a brand new blue Lugia!

The Sea Soul Orb seemed to have released all its energy and its light began to dim. The treasure of the Sea Clan slowly flew down from the sky and was carefully held in the hands of the Maya priest.Merola stopped playing and continued to hold the flute and the priest of the Sea Clan quietly looked at the sacred blue Rogia in the sky who seemed to be the real master of the sea, with surprise and joy in his expression.

"Oh..." Dark Fukia uttered a high-pitched cry, flapped its wings and flew towards the blue Lugia bathed in the moonlight.This couple did not abandon each other because of each other's changes, even though Diablo Rogia had fallen before, even if Erebeth became more holy.

"what is this?"

Long finally couldn't help but asked aloud, "What's going on?"

"Legends say that the Sea Soul Orb and the God of the Sea were born in the depths of the sea together."

The Maya priest held the sea soul orb in his hand as if whispering in an ancient language: "The sea soul conceives the power of the sea, and the god of the sea controls the power of the sea..." "When the sea soul uses the power of the sea When it is passed on to the God of the Sea, Rogia will truly become the master of the sea."

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