Shirley snorted at the dragon with a poke ball in one hand and said, "You are so naive, do you want to beat me like this? Go ahead, giant marsh monster, block which episode of [-] volts. Suicune, block the lizard!" King!... What to sing n" A blue elf with a pair of fins on top of its head & a large fan-shaped black fin on its butt jumped out, this elf quickly dodged in front of Menus to block it Thunder Lion's one hundred thousand volt trick.

The black elf ball in Shirley's other hand bounced off with a bang, and Suicune, who was surrounded by a trace of evil spirit, rushed out and knocked the Lizard King straight into the air. "Hey" Suicune's four fingers lightly tapped the ground and opened their mouths to shoot out gorgeous auroral light, and the ground where the freezing beam passed was instantly frozen.

The dragon threw out a poke ball and shouted loudly: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, use flame jet∥'Wow n" The appearance of Wind Speed ​​Dog made the passage more crowded, and a hot flame spurted out to block Suicune's aurora light.

There was a loud bang, and the base on the seabed shook violently. Long and Xueli lost their footing and fell to the ground. The ground suddenly tilted, and the six elves in the passage fought together at the same time. It slides down quickly along the ground.

"Warning, warning! The damage to the base has reached 33%, and now it is necessary to go up urgently and start special combat preparations. The Rocket Team's lurking troops are rapidly reinforcing. Warning, police one..." Long heard the sound of the siren and felt the entire base They were all trembling violently and then shaking violently, and the ground slowly returned to stability.Before he could react, he suddenly felt a gust of wind hit his head, and a feeling of dizziness flew out involuntarily.It turned out that Xue Li took advantage of Long's unpreparedness and directly slashed on his head with a vicious knife.

Long bared his teeth and spit out a mouthful of blood-stained saliva, turned around and saw Shirley pounced on him fiercely again, Baga Yalu!Long yelled, "Grandma is a bear, this wicked woman actually started fighting with him directly, mother, if I can't beat her to death today, I will change my surname to grandson!"

The dragon, who was burning with anger, waved his fist fiercely and rushed forward. Shirley sneered, facing the seemingly crazy but disorderly fist of the dragon, she raised her hand and squeezed it without avoiding it.Long felt bad when he wanted to retract his fist but couldn't pull it back, as if it was not a woman but a strong man or a sumo wrestler who was pinching his arm.

Shirley let out a cold snort, pinching Long's arm with her palm and gently folding it down. Long took a breath of cold air, and severe pain came from his wrist.Xue Li lightly reprimanded and stretched her legs and hooked the dragon's 1.8-meter body, kicked it and threw it backwards, "Do you want to show off in front of me with your level, hehe...-Dian is stupid, you and Bixia Same, another trash!"

"Fuck you, bitch!"

Long Yang picked up a fallen wooden barrel from the ground and slammed it at Shirley. He had already objectively realized the amazing fighting power of this woman just now. Although he was angry, there was still something in Long's mind. A trace of sanity.It's useless to rush up with bare hands, and maybe he will be humiliated by the opponent. The plastic bucket beside him is the only weapon that can be used, so Long didn't want to just rush up with the bucket.


Xue Li snorted coldly, and with a high kick, split the wooden barrel that the dragon hit face to face, and then the slender legs wearing long riding boots flew the dragon kick without waiting for a straight kick, and the body hit the steel wall superior.Long bared his teeth for a while, and took out the "Men's Wear" magazine that he had hidden on his body before. Fortunately, there was this thing to separate him, otherwise he would have felt better being kicked by the soles of the high heels.Grandma's, it's too bad, she can't beat it at all, this woman at least has the strength of a black belt in karate.

When Shirley was about to give the dragon a heavy blow, she only heard an angry howl from behind. The loyal Wind Speed ​​Dog found the crisis on the dragon's side and immediately dropped the fighting Menus, who opened his mouth and sprayed a hot flame. Li rolled on the spot to avoid the attack of the wind speed dog.Menus' tail rolled up a ball of water and swung it towards the wind speed dog. The wind speed dog jumped to avoid it and was soon entangled by Menus.

Over there, Suicune and Lizard King, Thunder Lion and Swamp Monster are also fighting each other, but it doesn't matter to the dragon.He seized the good opportunity created by the wind speed dog just now, and when Shirley landed on the ground, he rushed up very bravely. Shirley stretched out her double walls to block the fierce kick of the dragon. There was a violent shock.


This time, there was a more violent explosion sound from the base, and a powerful destructive death beam shot down, and the entire top floor of the base was overturned, and countless indistinct pieces of rubble rolled down.Long and Shirley turned pale with shock at the same time, and both of them would be buried alive if things went on like this.

"Slammer salamander!"

The dragon roared loudly, and a huge blood-red body flew over with its tail twitching. "Aww..." the violent salamander let out a dragon roar and a blue dragon's murderous breath wrapped around his body, and the violent dragon attack with its teeth and claws swept across the rubble across the dancing sky and flew straight up, and the rubble turned into stones and fell down.

The entire submarine base is like a giant egg, but now the roof has been completely broken, revealing a clear blue sky on the top of the mountain. Long and the others were fighting suddenly and did not realize that they had actually floated on the surface of the sea.A huge figure crossed the scarlet eyes from the sky and emitted fierce murderous aura. It was Diablo Rogia, and the super-powerful destructive death light just now was its masterpiece!

The dragon roared loudly: "Dark Rogia, your wife has been transferred by the Rockets, hurry up and follow her up∥'ang n" Dark Rogia's wings shook suddenly, and there was a huge wave on the sea. The eyes were shining with a blue light.

Long felt his body lighten and then the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and when he looked again, he had already landed on Diablo Rogia's back.Thunder Lion, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Lizard King floated up from Team Rocket's huge submarine base and flew to his side. Diablo Lugia is so powerful!

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. You will not be needed for sea battles for the time being."

The dragon took the three elves back into the elf ball. At this time, the fast dragon and the violent salamander flew out and landed on the side of Diablo Lugia. "Ang n..." Diablo Rogia let out a loud roar, and suddenly his body flew high, and a huge black hole was rapidly condensing and growing.The dark Rogia flicked his head suddenly, and the huge black hole fell on the rocket team's huge submarine base at an extremely fast speed.

Numerous black wind blade cyclones flew, and the sharp black air blades chopped melons and vegetables, cutting and separating the Rockets' base at an extremely fast speed. "Boom!"

The rocket team's submarine base was shining with a dazzling flame, and the violent explosion was deafening, and a huge layer of waves was set off on the sea.

A beautiful blue figure flew in front of the dragon, and Kona rode on the back of the frozen bird and flew in front of the dragon and asked, "How is it?"

Long shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I was still a step late, blocked by Shirley, Rogia's mother and child were transferred away, and the Rockets' submarine base was completely destroyed by Dark Rogia."

Ke Naxiu frowned, "Although the Four Heavenly Kings of the Rockets are not worthy of their name, they are still very powerful, especially Shirley, a woman who is vicious, vicious, and will use all means to achieve her goals. She is very difficult to deal with. But don't worry Well, the fleet of Silver Rock Island has sealed off the entire sea in the open sea, and the Rockets can't escape even if they put their wings in. Kazuki and Lilin have already rushed there. Now the two sides probably have a full-scale exchange of fire. Let's hurry to reinforce. "

Long nodded and said to Diablo Rogia: "Don't worry, I said that I must save your wife and I will never break my promise. Now the Rockets want to tear a gap in our defense line to escape. We must not let it succeed!"

"Ang n" Diablo Rogia let out a roar like his neck and flew out first, followed by Frozen Crow, Storm Salamander and Kuailong.Now I don’t care about how many people from the Rockets escaped from the base. Time is running out and there is no time to deal with those who slipped through the net. Will pierce the sky.

Huge waves surged on the sea surface, and countless ships floated out of the sea. Countless missiles and torpedoes poured out to launch a fierce attack on the fleet of the Whirlpool Islands.In the last battle between Hunter J and Clear Cliff, Dragon and the Alliance wiped out several armed helicopter echelons and armed airship echelons of the Rockets. Unexpectedly, they still have such a huge fleet of ships. Long even suspected that this was really an underworld Well, it's too exaggerated and terrifying!

The fleet of the Whirlpool Islands lined up to face the ferocious counterattack of the rocket fleet and fought a positional battle. The flagship's missiles never stopped, and the overwhelming missiles poured into the sea like a rain.Occasionally, there would be a loud noise, a huge burst of flames, and accompanied by the roar of naval guns, there would be a group of huge waves on the sea surface.The frigate was in the shape of a zigzag, high-energy laser beam cannons were constantly strafing the sea surface, and anti-torpedo missiles pierced the sea waves from time to time to intercept missiles and torpedoes attacking the flagship.

Two spaceships hovered in the sky, machine guns, cannons, and light beams turbulently bombarded the sea, and the fighter group of the armed helicopter ship was fully mobilized, roaring and swooping through the sky, dropping a line of thermal tracking from time to time. missile.The armed helicopter group used bombs and laser cannons to cooperate with the destroyers to further compress the space of the rocket ship formation. The flagship's naval gun swallowed dazzling fire, and its huge power could cover the entire sea area.

Long and Kona stayed far away from the battlefield, where the fight was already in full swing. Now if you break in casually, you will be swallowed by artillery fire and laser beams. Here, apart from Diablo Rogia, even the Ice God can guarantee himself in the chaotic environment. safe and sound.

"I traveled again, is this a Middle East war or a Gulf war?"

Looking at the scorching sea in the distance, Long couldn't help asking in astonishment: "The fight between the local armed forces and the underworld has produced such a big fight, this, this..." This is the first time Long has seen pets. Such a big war broke out in the Pokemon world. I used to think that the human beings in this world relied too much on the power of Pokemon, and it was from all aspects, including fighting.But today he was really shocked. The technological and military strength of this world is also beyond the reach of the earth in the 21st century. The power of the space battleships and laser beam cannons cruising in the sky is enough to shock.

Kona said in a deep voice: "The Rockets have been fully suppressed now, and it won't be long before they collapse completely. At that time, we will start operations immediately. From the bottom of the sea, we will fully collect the traces of the mother and son of the God of the Sea from the sea and the air." , We must not let a fish that slipped through the net escape.”

The dragon nodded and said to Kuailong and Stormy Salamander: "You all follow the Frozen Crow, you know?"

"Hey... [-]" Kuailong and Violent Salamander roared at the same time, and Long nodded. With these two guards, he felt more at ease, "Okay, Dark Lugia, we have to act!"

"Ang n" Diablo Rogia yelled loudly and dived into the sea suddenly, a black protective shield bounced off, and Diablo Rogia and the dragon rushed directly on the bottom of the sea unscrupulously.

308 Rogia vs. Dark Rogia, a thrilling battle erupted from Arceus Jr. The Sea Clan of the Whirlpool Islands showed their strong background and strength, at least the strength accumulated by the Sea Clan in the Whirlpool Islands for 150 years is not The Rockets are comparable.In fact, when the God of the Sea was expelled by King Feng to hide in the Whirlpool Islands, the radical leftists called on the believers of the Sea God to return to Yuanzhu City. Although this idea failed in the end, the Whirlpool Islands also began to form their own military forces. In order to defend their beliefs.

The dragon asked aloud: "Dark Rogia, have you found it? Why is there no breath of Irebeth?"

They have been cruising half of this sea area, and the dark Rogia has surfaced three times, but they still haven't found Rogia's mother and child.With Diablo Rogia's sensitive ability to sense his wife's breath, this should not be the case now.

"Ang n" Diablo Rogia leaped out of the sea and let out an extremely high-pitched roar, and the continuous shout pierced the sky and lasted for 1 minute.Frozen Crow, Kuailong, and Violent Salamander rushed over together, and Kona and Nazi asked at the same time, "Did you find Lugia's mother and child?"

The dragon shook his head, "Dark Rogia can't sense their aura at all, I'm afraid... the Rockets may use these special elf balls like dark balls to subdue them, otherwise such a thing would not happen Yes. If this is the case, it will be very troublesome, and it will be too difficult to find."

Kona and Nazi frowned, and the cherry blossoms on Kuailong's back asked: "Didn't you find their mother and child when you sneaked into Haishe base? Are you sure they were really transferred?"

The dragon frowned and said: "I saw Lugia and the baby Lugia being caught from the monitoring room, and then I let the fast dragon and the violent salamander create a commotion to save them by myself. That's when Shirley blocked it." I was on my way. I was entangled by Shirley, and then I heard the cries of Lugia's mother and then there was no sound. I guess they were transferred. Later, Dark Lugia attacked Team Rocket's submarine base from the outside , devouring the vacuum blaster and setting the entire base on fire."

"In this case, Rogia's mother and child should have been transferred away, otherwise Diablo Rogia would not have made a killing move."

Kona analyzed calmly and said, "I didn't see any special changes on the sea at the time. It is not ruled out that the large team of the Rockets just now may be a cover to attract our attention. They did not bring Rogia mother and child. Let's raid together. Just to be on the safe side, I think we should go back and see, maybe we can find something we missed."

The dragon nodded and asked Kuailong and Sakura to go back to inform Maya that there was still Yishu and Pear Forest, while Diablo Rogia, Frozen Crow and Storm Salamander hurried back.The bright moon rises on the sea, and the night is dusk unconsciously, and the waves are constantly churning and beating against the reef.

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