Long retracted Bangira and then stretched out his hand to Sundae, "Come on, I'll carry you to the hospital."

Sundae looked at the dragon with his right hand outstretched, his eyes clearly covered with a layer of water mist.

"What's wrong with you?"

Long said stunned, "No, nothing."

Sundae wiped his eyes and choked a bit, "My eyes are a little sore... Then let's go quickly."

Carrying the sundae on his back, the dragon moved forward step by step with the idea of ​​gambling luck along the only road.

"I don't know how the dragons are now?"

Lan said worriedly.Sakura said to Suizun, "Suizun, do you have a solution?...Ow" Suijun closed his eyes as if he was sensing something. "Huh? Is anyone looking for me?"

The space lord who was drinking tea was stunned for a moment, "Oh, it turned out to be that kid's sailor."

The Space Lord was stunned for a moment, "So Sui Jun and that kid got lost. Let me see where that kid is now. No, that kid is in danger."

On the other side, "Long, what's the matter with you? Cheer up."

Sundae took the dragon in his arms and shook it gently, "Don't worry about it."

Sundae looked at the gradually weakened dragon, and finally couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes 7x)ii rolled down his cheeks, "You are so stupid, you sucked so much toxin and walked so many roads behind my back."

With a "bang", all the Poke Balls on the dragon's waist automatically bounced off. "Bangira, Beagle, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Blazing Monkey and Big Snake."

Sundae was surprised. "Me" Long's five elves let out bursts of lamentation.Long slightly opened his eyes and looked at the five elves around him and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, everyone. The dream of becoming number one in the world with you may not come true."

"Me" Bangira, Pidiao, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flaming Monkey and Big Rock Snake wailed again.The dragon showed a morbid smile and looked at Sundae, "Sundae, don't you dream of becoming an existence beyond your sister? I hope you can accept Gila, Pidiao, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Monkey and Big Rock Snake, you guys. Let's complete my unfinished dream together... No, no, I don't want you to say it again."

Sundae hurriedly interrupted Long's face full of tears and said, "What does it mean if you have to fulfill your own dreams and leave them to others."

"No, if you can't do anything about it, that kid will really fall off."

The main god of space kept pacing. "I'll see if the elf of that kid's game can help him. Arceus, no, the bonds are far from enough, super dream, fantasy...--this is also not that good, and the bonds of these mythical beasts are far from enough."

The Lord of Space hurriedly paced his feet, "But ordinary elves can't help him at all."

Chapter 015: Zhenghui Lighthouse, Encountering a Huge Dragon


Sundae held the dragon and pressed his cheek against his own, "I don't want you to die, I don't want you to die."

"Hudi" At this time, a Hudi suddenly appeared in front of the sundae and raised its two spoons.Under Sundae's surprised gaze, Hu Di's eyes lit up with blue light. "Whoosh" dragons, sundaes and banjieras, pilgrims, wind speed dogs, flaming monkeys and big rock snakes disappeared out of thin air.

"Ah, what is this, these elves that suddenly appeared."

"Wow, that's a big rock snake, so huge."

"here is?"

Sundae saw them appearing in the bustling street, staring at Hu Di in front of her and wondering, "Is this teleportation?"

Sundae suddenly realized something, looked around, "Sure enough."

Sundae didn't have time to think too much, and quickly said to Bangira, "Bangira, you look at the dragon, I will call the doctor to save him... Ben" Bangira and Pidiao, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flaming Monkey and Dayan The snakes screamed in unison. "Hu Di" Hu Di also called out.

"Huh, finally caught up."

The Lord of Space picked up the teacup and blew lightly, "But that Hudi is really timely, and it's really convenient to move instantly. But that kid really worries me."


Long coughed and tried to open his eyes, but he felt a dazzling light.

"Great, Long, doctor, where is the doctor, he woke up."

Long heard a melodious sound, and Long was still able to tell that the masters of these sounds were Lan, a sundae, and a cherry blossom. "Don't move, don't move."

A pair of hands held down the struggling dragon, "You just woke up."

"Where am I?"

Long puzzlingly opened his eyes and asked.But the first thing that catches the eye is the excited red and tender face of the sundae, "Great, dragon, I'm worried to death."

Then Sakura and Lan also came over, "I'm so worried about you too."

"Okay, okay, don't hinder the doctor's treatment, and the patient has just woken up and needs more rest."

A female doctor pulled away the three girls who had their heads together and said, "Well, it seems that she is recovering well, and she can be discharged from the hospital in a few days of recuperation."

"Ow!" Sui Jun's head came together out of nowhere, and kept kissing the dragon with his head.

"Hehe, I'm sorry Suijun, I made you worry."

"I never imagined that I could see the legendary elves."

The female doctor smiled and said, "It seems that you are a very good elf trainer."

"Thank you doctor, Suijun, and say hello to the doctor."

Ryu smiled at Suijun. "Ow!" Shui Jun pro-called to the female doctor. "Hehe, I didn't expect to be thanked by the legendary elf. I'm really lucky."

The female doctor touched Sui Jun's head in disbelief and said, "These three girls have been worried about your situation. I guess you have a lot to say, so I won't bother you, but don't be too tired. Oh."

"You guys, I'm so thankful for you."

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