Lan and Sakura said loudly.The dragon said to the sundae, "Sit tight, wind speed dog, run away in the opposite direction at full speed."

"Wang" the wind speed dog barked and suddenly started running at full speed.The sundae was so frightened that he almost lost his seat, and the dragon hugged the sundae, "Be careful."

"Gua" and "Gu" Big Mouth and Lie Que also chased after them at full speed, rushing towards the wind speed dog wave after wave, but the wind speed dog kept swaying left and right to avoid the attack. "Sure enough, the wind speed dog carrying two people is still a bit reluctant."

The dragon took out the elf ball of the flaming monkey, "Then flaming monkey, the group of fiery sparrows and big-billed sparrows will attack and help me to solve them... Lie" The flaming monkey kept running at the same high speed as the wind speed dog and moved The fierce sparrows and big-billed sparrows that Mei hit came flew away one by one.

"Wang" Wind Speed ​​Dog suddenly stopped, and Long and Sundae were thrown out under inertia.


The sundae screamed and suddenly wrapped around the dragon like an octopus.The dragon's falling body finally found out why the sundaes were screaming. It turned out that they were falling towards the cliff.

"At times like this,"

The dragon took back the wind speed dog and the flaming monkey who also jumped off the cliff, "please, Bidiao."

The golden statuette stretched out its huge wings to catch the dragon and sundae, and flew towards the bottom of the cliff. "

"Damn, haven't you gotten rid of those nasty things yet?"

Long commanded, "Bi Diao used a flash of electric light to speed up and get rid of them."

Under the blessing of a flash of electric light, the speed of the golden statuette again flew at an ultra-high speed of no less than Mach 2. "Ah" Sundae grabbed the dragon's collar tightly under the violent oncoming wind.

"Bi" Beagle let out a weak cry after flying at super high speed for a while. "Have you reached your limit, Bidiao?"

The dragon touched the eagle, "Then let's land in that forest."

"Bi" Bidio made a sharp dive and the sundae screamed in shock. "If you keep screaming like this, I'll be frightened by you and have a heart attack."

Long retracted Bidiao and took a lot of effort to remove the sundae stuck to him; Liangyuan.

"Ah, it's over, it's over,"

The sundae held his head and said, "My image as a lady is completely ruined now."

Long helplessly said, "Now is not the time to discuss that. Although we got rid of the group of big-billed sparrows and strong sparrows, where are we now? And where are Lan and Sakura Suizun?"

"That's it,"

Sundae also felt this bad situation, "So what are we going to do now?"

"It's getting dark, and the wind speed dog, the flaming monkey, and the eagle's physical strength are almost at their limit. We only have to sleep here for one night, find some food, and then think of a way tomorrow."

Long looked around and thought for a while. "I'm going to camp again."

Sundae looked reluctant.

"When you decide to travel, you must have the awareness to say goodbye to the comfortable life you used to live in. Travel is not that simple, and it is impossible to become a champion without some training."

The dragon shouted at the sundae, "Okay, let's split up and look for fruit to see if we can eat it."

"Well, that is an orange fruit, which can be used to restore physical strength."

Long nodded, "Okay... one" "Ah."

Suddenly there was a scream. "What is that voice?"

Long was stunned for a while and suddenly turned pale, "No, that's the voice of the sundae."

Long hurriedly ran towards the source of the sound.

"Ah, what is that?"

The dragon looked at the sundae that fell on the ground, and an Alidos rushed towards the dragon.

"Come on, Bangira, pack it up."

"Ben" Bangira directly knocked Alidos into the air with a flick of his tail. "How are you doing?"

Long squatted down quickly to observe the sundae to see if she was injured. "

Sundae frowned and covered his right calf.

"Take your hand away from me and see. Ah, did you get hurt by Kyo?"

Long looked at the two tiny holes in the sundae socks, with a tinge of blood oozing from them. "Did you get there by Alidos? It seems to be highly poisoned. If you don't get treatment quickly, your life will be in danger."

Long was sweating profusely, "But now we don't even know where we are, damn it."

Looking at the series of painful sundaes, Long no longer hesitated, took off the pair of school shoes and socks of sundae with a resolute expression, and helped sundae absorb toxins with his mouth under the surprised eyes of sundae. "Ban" Bangira called out to the dragon, and the dragon cast a reassuring look at Bangira, "Bangira, don't worry, I won't die."

"Dragon, you?"

Sundae looked at the dragon who helped him absorb the poison in surprise. "You don't move now, that will speed up blood circulation and let the toxins spread, which is not good."

The dragon said while helping the sundae absorb the poison.

"This way the toxins are almost completely cleaned up."

Long and simply help Sundae to deal with the wound and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Dragon, thank you."

Sundae whispered to the dragon.

"Hehe, before leaving, your grandfather asked me to take care of you, and of course I have to fulfill the words."

Long immediately looked around and said, "It's already completely dark. We need to get out of this forest as soon as possible and go to the hospital for examination."

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