As an earthling who was lucky enough to enter the elf alliance branch, student Tang Xing spent an unforgettable night here.Although these seven buildings are very grand, and the structure and layout beyond the technological development of the earth are also very sci-fi, but Tang Xing, who visited here with Princess Xinyu last night, also found an important problem.That is, this whole building is too deserted, and its popularity is seriously lacking!

In fact, this problem can also be imagined. These seven buildings are often 1000 floors and 1 meters high. Just looking at this data is very scary.However, the total number of employees in such a large building is less than [-]... No wonder Tang Xing sometimes visited several floors last night without seeing a ghost. Technology is so advanced that many things can be controlled by computers and Artificial intelligence and robots help solve it on their behalf, so manpower is naturally liberated.

After a night's rest, the next morning, Tang Xing, who was in high spirits, had breakfast under the leadership of a female assistant, and then took the elevator all the way up to the highest-level meeting room.The door opened automatically, and on a long oval table, the Heavenly Kings of East, West, North, South, and West were already seated, and then there were captain-level figures, as well as the top leaders of the Earth Division and the Pacific Base.

When entering the meeting room, Tang Xing's eyes were wrong. Why do you say that, when everyone here saw Tang Xing yesterday, it was obvious that he was just an immature young man.But looking at it now, it is clear that they are two different people, confident and full of aura.

Everyone even wondered if the boy in front of them was the one they saw yesterday. Could it be that Xi Tianwang brought back a pair of twins yesterday? Is this the elder brother or the younger brother?The fact that there are two souls in one body is too absurd. Even if those present have this kind of imagination, they don’t think about it in reality. The only one who sees it clearly is Sundae. It is undoubtedly His Royal Highness Dragon!

Under the slightly surprised gazes of the crowd, Long strode directly to the main seat in the conference room and sat down, "Everyone, why are you looking at me like this, um...---this is my position, right?"

Hearing Long's words, all the people could not help but turn their eyes to Xi Tianwang on the lower left, and looked at the puzzled crowd Sundae stood up and said firmly: "Everyone doesn't need to doubt and guess anymore, this It is His Highness the Grand Champion."

Sundae's words caused everyone in the conference room to fall into a state of shock, and the only one who was slightly calm was Beitian King Genji.The captain, who was hugging the seat, was very steady from beginning to end, and he just cast a curious look when Long took his seat just now.


To say that the most excited person here is Miss Yulong. Unable to restrain his excitement, Dongtian Wang slapped the table, his eyes mixed with surprise, surprise and doubt were cast on the young man sitting at the head of the chair...... No matter what Whether Long is willing or not, his current body is just a teenager, even if it makes people look awkward, he can only make do with it for the time being.

"I will explain the specific situation later, and connect to the remote meeting now."

Long snapped his fingers, signaling the dazed female secretary to connect to the remote video.

The three-dimensional image in the center of the huge conference table was constantly beating, and after a while, six different images jumped out.Video images of conference rooms of various alliances were successively transmitted from the major regions of Elf Star. Kanto, Chengdu, Fangyuan, Sinnoh, Yixiu, and Carlos, the champions and four heavenly kings of each alliance, and other heavyweights were all present.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Earth Branch of the Elf Alliance that such a neat remote video conference has been held with the home planet.As for the regional alliances of the Elven Star, everyone saw that the young boy sitting on the head of the Earth Branch presided over the meeting, and they all showed a look of surprise. If they remember correctly, this should be that Suspected to be the champion of the Venerable Earth boy named Tang Xing, right?

When the signal transmission was completely stabilized, Long then greeted with a smile: "Everyone seems to be shocked when they see me, um, I haven't seen you for a long time, it seems that the personnel changes on the home planet are not that big. Ah. The champions of the six alliances and the four heavenly kings have not changed their personnel, everything is the same as before."

Hearing this familiar tone, everyone present couldn't help being a little dazed, and they began to believe that this was indeed the Grand Champion.Ke Na frowned, and carefully looked at Long's other real wives who were far away from the home planet, obviously wanting to make sure that this young man was their husband, what they saw now was the same as before The collected photo tubes of Tang Xing's classmate are like two people, temperament is often more important than appearance!


Touzi took the lead in suppressing the doubts in his heart, looking at the dragon but asked uncertainly: "Is it really you, but how did you become like this?"

"Uh... [-]" The expression on Long's face froze, and after looking at himself, he joked, "I've become like this, isn't it appropriate to call him uncle?"

Long's words made everyone present couldn't help chuckling, and Li Lin cast a charming look at Long and said: "Then our champion, His Royal Highness Long, should you explain it to us all now?" ?”

"Wait a moment!"

After Lilin finished speaking, Nazi interrupted her with a cold face. The super queen's sharp eyes seemed to be real, even if it was just a three-dimensional image, it still made people feel like she was staring at her eyes Some raw pain.Na Zi looked straight at Long Ning and said: "We can't believe that you are the venerable champion just because you are sitting there. Before you explain yourself, please show evidence to prove your identity. Everyone present and all Pokemon trainers have a convincing reason!"

The business-like appearance of the Super Empress gave Long a headache. It’s okay to know. If you let people who don’t know this look like the wife of His Royal Highness, they will definitely think that this champion in the Chengdu area is It's not that there is any gap between him and the Grand Champion.

After Nazi finished speaking, everyone in the Earth branch and the home planet turned their attention to the dragon.However, this situation was completely expected, Long smiled and stood up from his seat and bit his right index finger, "This is the only evidence that can convince you in this situation, everyone, please be careful. impatient!"

Long walked in front of the completely transparent glass wall, from which he could basically see the entire city.Long raised his blood-stained fingers and drew a mysterious rune on the glass. Everyone who saw what he did had already guessed what Long was doing. His wives could finally let go of their suspicions. Sitting in the spare time and watching the dragon perform quietly alone.

It took about 10 minutes, and the dragon was finally completed, leaving an obscure and mysterious pattern on the transparent glass wall.Gently pressing his palm up, the dragon slowly closed his eyes and muttered an ancient language like a mantra in a low voice. A series of mysterious patterns glowing with halo.

At this time, the sky above Busan was full of wind and clouds, and just above the building of the Earth Branch of the Alliance of Elves, a huge vortex formed by the clouds gradually took shape.

"Cracked seat! Cracked seat! Cracked seat!"

The dragon suddenly opened his eyes, and the voice of calling out became louder and louder until the three voices ended, and suddenly there was a huge dragon chant in the sky.As if responding to the call of a dragon, a green figure hidden in the ozone layer reappeared, like a meteor flying across the sky, emerging from the center of the vortex over the city of Busan.

"Aww... [-]" The dragon in the sky descended gracefully, circling around the earth branch, and this scene not only fell into the eyes of the extremely shocked citizens of Busan City, but more importantly, it thoroughly verified the identity of the dragon.This mysterious boy is definitely the champion of the championship, no one else can summon the god of the sky, Kongzuo, except him!

"Roaring Man" let out a huge roaring sound from the Rift Block. Fortunately, it appeared above the city in its original form this time. Otherwise, it would be a lot of fun in Busan with its million-evolved form and turbulent air characteristics. That's it, it's time to panic again.

When the Rift Seat appeared and made a huge dragon roar resounding through the sky.Northern Heaven King Genji stood up and ordered not to open the quantum energy shield, and just let the empty seat open in a grand manner.The lessons learned from Larousse City and the main arena in Seoul, with the current technological level of Elven Star, there is still no energy shield that can resist the Rift Seat.

A series of sonic booms were heard in the passage of the supersonic flying seat, and the dragon in the sky snaked down, descending from a height of [-] meters in an instant, swam around the seven buildings of the earth branch, and finally stopped. Hanging outside the glass that is separated from everyone by a wall.

"I'm sorry for Rikuzao, I only summoned you this time to trouble you to prove my identity to everyone, and I'm sorry to disturb you again."

The dragon smiled and waved to the empty seat, while the dragon in the sky looked up angrily and let out a huge dragon roar. Everyone in the conference room hurriedly covered their ears to prevent their eardrums from being deafened, and the transparent glass wall Cracks as fine as spider webs suddenly cracked on the top.

"Come on..." Long, who blocked his ears with two fingers, muttered in a low voice: "I guessed that something like this would happen. This guy's violent temper can't be changed for hundreds of millions of years."

"Roaring people" Likongzuo let out a roar, leaving a few more obvious cracks on the glass wall, and then the body turned straight up and drilled into the ozone layer again. Long turned around and joked to everyone with a smile: "Everyone should I'm glad, if I didn't dare to summon it casually when I just subdued the Rifting Seat, it wouldn't have ended easily. "

Sitting back in his seat, Long looked at Na Zi and said with a smile, "Can I prove my identity in this way?"

The super queen rarely showed a look of apology, and the people in the earth branch and the home planet were finally able to let go of all their suspicions.There is only one Rift Seat in this world, and likewise, there is only one Grand Champion!

Although Long took the opportunity to tease Nazi, he couldn't laugh anymore.The three most powerful wives of Long Jianyou spoke at the same time and scolded him harshly. The Ice Queen Ke Na pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and sneered, "You seem to be very proud. I am very happy to have proved my identity." ?"

"Disappearing without saying a word for such a long time, you, the venerable champion, are really self-willed, or do you think that the world is at peace, so life is too leisurely?"

Kona had just finished talking to Kangnai and questioned Long.Everyone knows that the famous elf star champion and film and television star reveals a double side in her personality. When she shows herself as a star, she is definitely a gentle and considerate idol.However, once she becomes the champion of the Kalos League, she will be as strong as the Iron Lady, and it goes without saying which side the Kalos Goddess is showing at this time?

After Kona and Kangnai, of course Sirona will not let the dragon go easily. Just a look from the goddess of battle can make people feel that she is not angry and arrogant, "I'm curious why you made it so This virtue, to be honest, your current appearance reminds me of more than ten years ago, how did you manage to rejuvenate? Could it be that you made such a painstaking arrangement to hide your identity from us all, here I am There is a complete profile of a person on Earth named Tang Xing, please explain it together!"

Well, everyone in the world is envious of His Royal Highness the champion's luck, but everything has two sides. It seems that being able to marry so many powerful wives is indeed a blessing.But there is only one word difference between peach blossom luck and peach blossom robbery. When several powerful wives unite to attack their husband, just like now, even a powerful champion like the champion will become incomparably bigger. One ebbs and another.

Long now only~ Fortunately, today's meeting is a remote meeting for all. If it is an internal family meeting... Hehe, it would be really fun!

093 flew to the Earth branch of the Elf Star Elf Alliance, and when the rift seat appeared over the city, the Busan City Government and the Blue House called to ask for help, but at the moment all the senior executives of the Elf Alliance are in a meeting, so naturally they have no time to take care of this Small things like stubble.Fortunately, Rikuzao only stayed over Busan for a while and then left. The sky dragon did not spread the clouds and rain like it did in Seoul, so the call from Cheong Wa Dae was just a formality, and even if something happened to Busan, it would be their turn Do you care?

On the other side, Long spent about half an hour briefly explaining the predicament he was currently facing to the core members of the Elf Alliance. During the process, the audience was silent and no one interrupted.However, the expressions on everyone's faces reflected that the hearts of these people were far from as calm as they showed at this time. In fact, all kinds of legends and magical things on the Elf Star have greatly tested people's psychological endurance, but like this There are few examples of two souls attached to one body even in film and television dramas.

This is an unbelievable thing for you, but it is even more difficult to digest what happened to the champion.When Long finally finished talking about drinking tea, Kona groaned, then looked at Long with a frown and said, "You mean your consciousness has been sleeping in this body for several years, and you didn't wake up until a few months ago, right? ? But there is one thing that I am very puzzled, since your current body belongs to Tang Xing, why can you still use his blood to summon the Rift Seat?"

"Sorry, this question is beyond the scope of my explanation."

Long rubbed his temples with some headaches and said: "Because I don't know much about Guanzi's red, green, and blue three-color orbs. My personal guess is that this form of contract should be spiritual. Otherwise, I have to worry about it." After being reshaped by the Phoenix King, do I have to rely on this kid's blood to summon the Rifting Seats, if that's the case, it would be too bad!"

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