On the contrary, Tang Xing felt extremely uncomfortable with the great gift from the supreme head of state of the entire South Korea. The contrast was too great at this moment, and he needed time to adjust.Therefore, student Tang Xing subconsciously returned a big gift to Mr. President, because at present, the guitar can't be like Bei Tianwang, who can't shake Mr. President in front of media reporters, and student Tang Xing is so polite. However, the behavior flattered the president. The president was already mentally prepared for being deflated by Bei Tianwang before.

The impression that His Royal Highness the Dragon left on Mr. President was clearly different from what he had imagined, and the other party was not used to being so polite.Well, Mr. President is thinking the same as the former Minister of Defense and Minister of Tourism. However, after the arrival of Mr. President, the ranks of these two have automatically dropped by one level. If it is not necessary, there is basically no There was room for them to chime in.

Before Mr. President had fully adjusted his mood and considered his words, Sundae, who looked like a goddess of the Moon Palace, followed Tang Xing out of the conference room.His Excellency Xi Tianwang's first sentence surprised everyone, "This is not His Royal Highness Dragon of the Championship League, he is a person from Earth, an actor."

"Ahem... [-]" Mr. President felt that he was choked, and turned his head to look at the Minister of Defense and Minister of Tourism who looked terrified, but these two big men were extremely wronged at this time.The news that Mr. Tang Xing is the Grand Champion was indeed passed on to Mr. President, but they didn't hear it from His Excellency Xitianwang.In fact, they wanted to know what was going on more than Mr. President, but the person in front of them made them dare not question him, and someone else would have already slapped him.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of everyone including the female secretary and assistant, Sundae asked with a strange expression: "Haven't you already investigated Tang Xing's information very clearly, so who is he? Don't know?"

Well... a female secretary and an assistant were soon relieved after some rhetorical questions from Sundae, so let's just treat it as a little joke made by His Excellency Xi Tianwang with them.However, the senior officials of the Blue House headed by Li Mingbo have the urge to vomit blood. If it wasn't for you, the old man, to throw out such a sentence, they would be beaten to death. .

Mr. Sitong really has the urge to vomit blood for three liters. What is he doing so hard for? Is it possible that he is only an actor Tang Xing?It’s just a joke, Tang Xing’s classmate is not Arnold Schwarzenegger, if this is the president who came to South Korea, he will certainly attach great importance to it, but it is also aimed at the other party’s status as the governor of California, otherwise, you will destroy the whole world. Looking around, which actor has such a big face to ignore what Mr. President and their staff think, Sundae said indifferently: "Tang Xing is an actor hand-picked by His Royal Highness the Champion, and the Elf Alliance has always deliberately Long’s personal experience is to shoot a documentary featuring the Grand Champion. And Tang Xing’s appearance and image are very satisfactory to His Royal Highness, so he will be the protagonist of this documentary.”


Sundae's words made the crowd a little messy again, how to say it was good, and suddenly it was related to acting, even Tang Xing himself was confused, why didn't he know about documentaries or TV dramas at all?

The Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Tourism looked at each other in blank dismay. They wondered if His Excellency Xitianwang was trying to cover up something by suddenly bringing up such a thing?Otherwise, it would be too unreasonable. Does His Excellency Xi Tianwang need to come forward to negotiate in person just for the sake of the TV series? It takes such a lot of trouble for the leading role of a TV series?

However, no matter how much they don't believe it, since His Excellency Xitian Wang said so, they can only take it as the truth, just like Sundae said that Tang Xing is the venerable champion of the championship league, then Mr. President has to put aside With other things in hand, I hurried over from Busan to meet him, even if I got an answer of no in the end, I still had to accept it, otherwise, would you dare to vent your dissatisfaction with His Excellency Xitianwang?

As a politician, he is naturally very shrewd and good at disguising himself. If it weren't for the fact that the status of the Elf Alliance is too detached, even if it is replaced by the President of the United States, he would not dare to make such a joke in front of the leaders of the Blue House.Have you seen the picture of the meeting between the heads of state on the telegram and the news broadcast? Regardless of which country, as a head of state figure, the scene is not serious and tense when meeting foreign guests. Every word these big figures say is recorded by someone, so What these people say is like the golden rule, so how can they just make jokes?

Well, the elf star people are special, and the people of the elf alliance have privileges. The principle that whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak is universal in the universe.Before World War Three, the Yankees sanctioned other countries all over the world, but now, the Americans have long lost their former glory.

What the high-ranking officials at the Blue House would think was obviously not within the scope of His Excellency Xi Tianwang's thinking. She thought that Tang Xing was a dragon because she didn't know the specific situation before.However, the reality is that it was supposed to be one person, but who would have thought that it would be divided into two people abruptly.Even Sundae, who knew all the secrets of Tang Xing, couldn't think of it, let alone other people.

Although Long said that Tang Xing was his past and former life, and even his present soul had to be entrusted in Tang Xing's body, Sundae would not treat them as a single person.There is only one Grand Champion in the Elven Alliance, and that is His Royal Highness the Dragon!

Sundae doesn't want to explain the specific situation. The current situation that Long is encountering is more complicated than imagined. Your Excellency Xitianwang needs to feed this important news to the headquarters of the Elf Alliance as soon as possible.Firstly, Sundae alone seems powerless to deal with the big trouble of the dragon, and secondly...too many eyes are staring at His Excellency Xitianwang, besides the champions of the six major leagues, there is also the Sakurai family Sakurai Minato patriarch.

Well, His Royal Highness’ affairs can be pulled out and made into a TV series alone. Once so many powerful women get together and become jealous, it is definitely no less than a harem struggle drama. TV dramas with this theme have always been popular in mainland China. Great ratings!

In order to increase his convincing power, His Excellency Xitianwang took Tang Xing away and rushed to Busan in a hurry, in order to hope that Long would come to speak out.The military blockade that lasted for four hours was finally lifted, the street where the SM company was located was restored to a smooth state, and everyone in the SM company was finally free.

However, although the army has been withdrawn, for everyone in the SM family, a huge disaster has come to an end quietly.I don't know when, all the news about SM company on the Internet has been deleted, and the official website of SM company can no longer be opened. Not only that, but I can't find any information and news about SM company on search engines.

But not only that, as long as it is a star artist under the SM company, or even any information and news related to SM company, it will be completely deleted. This large-scale banning campaign has spread to the entire Korean Internet, shocking the entire entertainment industry and everyone. Netizens and SM's competitors!

In the information age, it is self-evident what this level of blocking means to an entertainment company.Even Chinese netizens on the Internet directly commented that this is comparable to "burning books and burying scholars" in the Qin Dynasty... 091 Busan, the earth branch of the League of Elves, full name Busan Metropolitan City, is located in the southeastern tip of South Korea. Two major cities.It faces the Sea of ​​Japan in the south and faces Japan's Mashima Island across the sea.Whether it was before or after World War Three, its convenient transportation provided the city with the greatest resistance, which is why both the Yankees and the Elf Alliance prefer to station their fleets here, and the strategic location is very prominent.

Although it has been several months since I came to South Korea, Tang Xing's activities are limited to Seoul. Today I finally came to this port city where the alien fleet is stationed to increase my knowledge.A 1000-meter-high conical tower-style skyscraper stands in the middle of the city exuding colorful fluorescence, and the huge emblem representing the Alliance of Elves shines with a striking halo for people to see at a glance.

And standing on the side of this skyscraper, there are six right-angled triangle buildings with a height of [-] floors. The heights of the tenth and ninety floors are connected by an air passage located in the center of the main tower.

The other six buildings standing around the main tower represent the six major branches of the Elf Alliance, namely the Kanto Alliance, the Chengdu Alliance, the Fangyuan Alliance, the Sinnoh Alliance, the Yixiu Alliance, and the Carlos Alliance.And these seven magnificent skyscrapers and towers constitute the Earth branch of the Elf Alliance, which is the most powerful and awe-inspiring organization in the entire solar system!

When the spaceship arrived at the central tower, student Tang Xing, who was watching the most beautiful building on the planet at close range, was filled with enthusiasm. It is worthy of being a branch of the Elf Alliance. This kind of style is comparable to any other country and organization no.Tang Xing suddenly remembered that the three aspirations that Sundae mentioned to him before should only exist in science fiction movies. This 1000-meter-high building is completely the crystallization of science.

Get out of the spaceship, and then take the extremely cool elevator all the way up to the topmost floor of the building. In an extremely large conference room, Tang Xing met the other three kings of the championship league. Also, just before Wu Xiaojinhua and the eldest son of the Gongsun family who met.These young men and young ladies refrained from their usual lively temperament, and sat around a woman with a blue ponytail and a heroic look all over her body, obediently receiving instruction.

Tang Xing, who walked into the meeting room nervously and nervously, hadn't had time to speak yet, and Princess Xin Yu jumped up happily as if she saw a savior, just like when she was in the Pokemon Center before, without a word. She threw herself into his arms without taboo and yelled papa, and her unscrupulous behavior directly made His Excellency the East Heavenly King frown, and then turned his attention to the West Heavenly King together with the Southern Heavenly King and the Northern Heavenly King , Of course, a few little guys from the Gongsun family are indispensable.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Sundae gave an answer that made everyone puzzled, "I found the dragon, but it's not the one you see in front of you now. The real champion will not come until tomorrow." able to meet everyone.”


Sundae's nonsensical words could not be understood even by smart people. As the wife of Long Mingmei, Yulong was the eldest lady of the Yulong family who was the Eastern King of the Championship League at the time, and asked eagerly: "Why? We can't understand what you said, what's going on?"

Facing Xiao Zhuang's question, Sundae didn't rush to answer, Shi Shiran, the second young lady of You Teng family, sat on a white sofa, "Xin Yu, come to my place first."

Sundae recruited the somewhat reluctant little princess Xinyu, and then turned to the crowd and said, "Don't worry, everyone, everyone has already been brought over for you. Let's have dinner first, and then let this Tang Xing ...Yeah, little brother Tang Xing has a good night's rest, and will contact Elven Star for a teleconference tomorrow, and then everyone will get the answers you want, but you need to be mentally prepared for a little accident."

Well, although Miss Yulong felt that it was a bit urgent to wait until tomorrow, the mature and stable Bei Tian Wang took the lead in echoing Xi Tian Wang's proposal.He believed that Sundae must have her reasons for doing so. Moreover, the disappearance of the Grand Champion Venerable is related to the entire Elf Alliance. This is not just a private matter of the Gongsun family. explain and explain.

If you want to say who most agrees with Sundae's proposal, it is definitely Tang Xing's classmate.Since he rushed from the Pokemon Center to the time he had a long talk with Long and Xitian Wang respectively, his stomach was already rumbling with hunger after such a long time.Moreover, the backgrounds of the few people here are really too big, the four heavenly kings of east, west, north and south are all here, how can student Tang Xing not feel the pressure!

Since these people came for the Grand Champion, Tang Xing thought it would be better for Long to deal with it.Especially Sundae said just now that he will explain all this at the elf alliance teleconference tomorrow. Doesn't this mean that he will have to face a lot of big shots at that time... This, this, Tang Xing feels that he will be afraid He was so nervous that he couldn't even speak clearly. He never thought that he would participate in such a high-level meeting one day, but he was still the center of the meeting, so could he not be nervous?

Not to mention the general meeting of the Elf Alliance, you suddenly put a guy who has never even seen the mayor or county head on weekdays at the UN summit, and let him speak in front of all the heads of state... [-] Although this sounds like an extremely glorious thing, can a person without a big heart go through such a big battle?

Classmate Tang Xing has already made up his mind, if he is killed tomorrow, he will pull out the dragon and put him on top.This is not a concert, nor is it a speech in front of the teachers and students of the whole school in high school. His psychological endurance is poor.Now only facing the four heavenly kings of the championship league is a bit overwhelming, not to mention the Kanto League champion Venerable Kona I saw on TV... This strong performance at the previous press conference made everyone Humans on earth are deeply impressed, even the president of South Korea is suppressed to death by the glamorous champion, I have to say that this ice queen has a strong character that does not match her appearance!

A very sumptuous dinner that made Tang Xing feel stressed was just a casual meal. Apart from the Four Heavenly Kings of East, West, North and South, the participants of this dinner were either guardian-class captains or the top leaders of the elf alliance's Pacific base. It's no wonder that such a powerful person can eat happily under such circumstances.

Oh, by the way, there are also the six brothers and sisters of the Gongsun family... However, Tang Xing's face turned green after learning the true identities of these six. His Highness is so powerful, how many children are these fathers?And the most outrageous thing is that these six little guys are all half-siblings, and their mothers are not easy to deal with. These six people have siblings in Elven Star, and even this The eldest sister of the six little ones, Gongsun Qianyu, even bluntly said that she suspected that her father had an illegitimate child or an illegitimate daughter...


Well, Tang Xing thinks that the family relationship of the six siblings is too complicated, and I don’t know how their father did it. Marrying so many powerful wives by one person is not afraid of a family fire in the backyard Is the relationship not harmonious?

But these are things that Long has to worry about, and Tang Xing, as the first earthling to enter the Earth branch of the Elf Alliance, will definitely have more face if he speaks out.You know, in order to prevent the invasion of earth spies and saboteurs, the Elf Alliance issued a rigid rule when establishing this branch to strictly prevent the entry and exit of earth people.In the eyes of the elves, the people on earth are hypocritical, and they like to play spy and sabotage games the most, so they can't be slack and sympathetic in the slightest when they want to treat mice, so even the president of South Korea is not allowed to enter here!

It's not that there have been cases of extremists attacking branches before. There are still people on earth who are not afraid of death, and their behavior styles are omnipotent.There have been bad incidents in which someone excreted in public in front of the Earth Branch of the Elven Alliance. Such outrageous things are simply incomprehensible to the Elven Stars.In addition to the defecation door incident, there have been several other similar incidents here. In the eyes of some extremists, although your elf alliance is indeed strong enough to be invincible, since terrorist attacks and the like don't work for you, then you are disgusting. All right.

Having said that, before World War Three, the law and order in Busan was not good, and the folk customs have always been tough.The main reason is that Busan was the only city in South Korea where gambling was legal before World War III, and American soldiers were stationed here, and because of historical issues, many Japanese often live here.With so many factors mixed together, the troubles caused by urban management can be imagined, so it is no wonder that law and order are so good!

After World War Three, the fleet of the Elven Alliance entered the city strongly, and it has not spent much effort to rectify Busan over the years.With the cooperation of the South Korean government, all the rats hiding in the dark corners of the city were wiped out, and a series of strict laws were enacted.In this case, not to mention catching criminals, I don’t know how many sneaky people have been arrested and sent to alien planets to provide cheap labor for the development of Mars.

Today, Busan City has a permanent population of more than 500 million. If the Elves Alliance is not willing to spend a lot of manpower to manage the earthlings who account for more than 90.00% of the city's total population, can the South Korean government still get half of the city's population? There are really two things to say about management rights.

Since they are not willing to invest too much manpower, in order to strengthen the city management, the Elven Alliance found another way, and directly spent a lot of material and financial resources to establish an intelligent robot to assist the city management system.Using intelligent robots similar to Tetris and a city monitoring system with a huge coverage rate to replace the police and join the city management, this set was first adopted by Larousse City, a former technological city in the Fangyuan area.

These intelligent robots are amazing, not to mention a large number of them are distributed all over the city, and once illegal phenomena and behaviors are found, they will rush to them as soon as possible, and then use the most electric shock method to control the perpetrators, and then wait The South Korean police came to deal with it.I have to say that it is because of these intelligent robots that the crime rate in Busan has been reduced to a minimum. The atmosphere of this city today is completely new compared with that before World War III. It was also selected as one of the top ten civilized cities in the world throughout the year.

After dinner, Tang Xing was forced to wander around by the jumping Princess Xinyu. However, even if the six sub-buildings were removed, the 1000-meter-high main tower alone would not take three or four days. How can I finish my visit?

092 Teleconference The Earth Branch of the Fairy Alliance, the 1000-meter-high tower and the six [-]-story buildings surrounding it are like landmarks in Busan. For all people on Earth, the construction of such a branch by the Fairy Alliance It is to show the human beings on this planet their own strength and transcendent status.Because apart from the Alliance of Elves, no country in the world dared to build its headquarters or core so ostentatiously, and the Pentagon, which was known as the strongest American empire before World War Three, did not see much glory.

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