"Stop talking nonsense, Sulip,"

Yamado waved his hand, "Command all the Pokemon to attack them together."

Sulip swayed his hands left and right, jumping left and right like a jumping master, and the dozens of controlled Pokemon were stunned, using various tricks such as electric shocks, water jets, flames, and destroying death rays. Attacking towards Suicune, the two guys, Almado and Kosaburo, really wanted to catch Suicune.

"Hey" Suicune let out a roar and opened the shield to block all the Pokemon's tricks.Long took out a golden elf ball and said in a cold voice. "As for your stinky shit, you should be beaten to death with a stick. Go, Mengmeng, please!"

"What kind of Pokemon is that, so cute."

Kamizlei asked in surprise when she saw Mengmeng who seemed to have just woken up and stretched. It seems that Mengmeng's cute style is very pleasing to her.This is a common problem for girls, who like beautiful and cute elves.

"Dream, help Suicune take the attack."

"Meow" Mengmeng opened a pink shield and rushed in front of Suicune to catch all the attacks launched by dozens of elves, and it looked more comfortable than Suicune.

Dragon waved his finger at Sulip and shouted at Suicune, "Good opportunity, Suicune, destroy the light."

"Ho!" Suicune let out a roar, and yellow energy rays condensed out, hitting Suripu, the god of jumping. This damned pokemon not only controlled Bi Diao, but also the way it swayed from side to side made Long unhappy.

Sulip was hit by the powerful destructive death light, and flew backwards violently.The controlled Pokemon also suddenly stopped attacking and looked around in a daze. "Pikabi" Pikachu immediately noticed that Xiaozhi was running towards him quickly, and Xiaozhi had already stretched out his arms and hugged Pikachu in his arms.

"Pokby, I'm so worried about you."

Xiaoxia hurriedly hugged Pokby who was walking with small steps and shaking her hands. "Cheke Dui" and this little guy squinted his eyes and acted like a baby like a child who didn't know everything.

"Young electric zebra, are you alright?"

Kamizrei hugged the young electric zebra, and kept rubbing his face against it, while the young electric zebra whined softly and kept licking Kamizrei's face with its small mouth, It seems that the relationship between them is also very good.

Xiaogang looked obsessively at the young electric zebra covering his face with his hands, almost drooling, "The young electric zebra is so happy, Xiaosheng really wants to be cared for by a beautiful lady like this."

Even though Xiaojian already knew Xiaogang's character quite well, he still couldn't bear to hear him say such disgusting words.

"Bi" Bi Diao flew over and threw the dragon to the ground like an eagle and a chicken alone, rubbing his head against the dragon's body.Long opened his arms and hugged Bi Diao and said emotionally, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back..." "Hey, you two, the exit is not there, you should reflect and repent in prison."

Junsha grabbed Amado and Xiaosaburo who were trying to escape, and handcuffed them.

Kojiro pointed at them triumphantly and said, "Hey, you don't want to be famous all your life, let's see if the boss will bail you guys who let him down so much."

Musashi picked up Meow, who was still dizzy, and slapped his cat's face into a pig's head several times, and shouted loudly, "Wake up quickly, you idiot, although you couldn't help yourself, but you caught flowers earlier. The matter of my face has to be settled with you, don't you know that the face is the life of an actress!"

Long took back Bi Diao, and just as he was about to take back Suicune and Mengmeng, something happened suddenly.Two black black poke balls shot down from the sky and shot two black rays of light, and immediately absorbed Suicune and Mengmeng. Before everyone could understand the situation, Ryu immediately reacted and ran towards the two poke balls.

"Minas, freeze the light!"

Long Xinsheng became alert, and immediately rolled around like a lazy donkey, a blue freezing light shot over, Long could even feel a icy chill cutting his face, the land next to the two black elf balls had already Freeze with a thick layer of ice.

A woman with blue-green hair in a dark coat jumped down from the ground where Sulip had just fallen, and the big "R" logo on her shoulder undoubtedly showed her identity, Rocket Shirley, the four kings of the team!But Long and the others didn't know her identity.

Xue Li frowned slightly looking at the two struggling elf balls on the ground and said to herself, "If Bixias dares to play tricks on me, I will definitely make him look good."

As soon as she finished speaking, a black elf ball bounced away with a bang, and what came out was Mengmeng, who had always had a very lively and cheerful personality. This was the first time she showed a disgusted expression after being tamed by the dragon, as if this There is something about the black elf ball that she hates very much.

Long hugged Mengmeng and asked anxiously, "Mengmeng, are you okay?"

"Meow" Mengmeng let out a soft cry and touched Fulong's cheek with her tail.

"Quick, hurry up and release Suicune."

Long quickly said to Meng Meng.

"Meow" Meng Meng held a blue wave missile in her hand and seemed to want to blast the black elf ball away at once. It seemed that she really hated that thing.

"Minas, water cannon."

Shirley would not let the dragon succeed so easily, and Menus spouted a powerful water cannon trick with his puffy mouth. The speed was so fast that the dream wave missile had to change its target to meet this powerful water cannon trick.Although the whirling wave missile broke through Menus' water cannon trick all the way, but the speed slowed down, Shirley and Menus jumped left and right. A "boom" wave of missiles hit the wall behind and broke a big hole in that wall at once.

The dragon hurriedly ran towards the black elf ball containing Suicune, but suddenly a tornado hit him and flew him back. The missile passed directly through the tornado, blowing the tornado away with a rapid burst of air and hitting Menus. "Miuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhh sesses'" Menas wailed, being hit by a wave missile and flying backwards.

Junsha and Xiaozhi are now evacuating the dozens of Pokemon that were abducted by Amado before, leading them to run towards the exit.On the other hand, Shirley successfully used Menus to attract Mengmeng's attention, and she picked up the black elf ball that was still shaking violently.

"Dream broke away from the dark ball. Although it is a bit regrettable, the main purpose of my trip is still this one."

Shirley took out an elf ball and threw it out, and a snow-white chief swan flew out.

"Meinas, destroy the death light."

When Long Yi saw that Shirley had taken Suicune's black elf ball, he was in a panic, and he didn't expect that Menus would not be knocked down after receiving the dream wave missile. Take the opportunity to escape.

When I was about to order Mengmeng to knock down the opponent at once this time, I heard a "bang" at this time, and a Bangira broke through the wall and rushed towards the dragon wrapped in a golden energy light cluster. "Meow" Mengmeng tapped her finger, pinpointed the destructive death light emitted by Menus, and then swiped her finger to destroy the death light, which hit Bangira in the middle of the charge. "Boom" sounded a violent explosion.

"Absolu, evil wave."

There was another person, the smoke from the dragon's explosion covered the dragon's sight so that the dragon could not see the situation on the other side, but this time it was a real man's voice. "Meow" turned over and spread out a little pink shield on his arm to block the evil beam that broke through the smoke.

"Damn it, if it goes on like this, it will never end."

Long secretly shouted impatiently, "Dream, transform into Bi Diao and blow away all the smoke."

"Bi" Mengmeng's body emitted a burst of dazzling white light and immediately turned into the appearance of the dragon's golden Bidiao, blowing away all the smoke and dust in an instant.I saw a man with a strong body but dressed as a standard rogue supported Kamizrei and looked at the dragon with vicious eyes. On both sides of his body stood a Bangira and Absolu, and Shirley was still standing there. The chief swan and Menus were missing.

"Boy, please be honest with me, or this chick will die in a coma."

You have seen this ruffian man before. He is Toton, one of the four kings of the Rockets, and he is the king of evil.

"You, I now officially announce that your actions have constituted a serious crime, and immediately let go of the hostages in your hands!"

Junsha scolded loudly.

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