Then he looked around in surprise and said, "Why am I in the police station?"

"The Rockets must be another good thing you did this time, right!"

Xiaoxia asked loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Musashi immediately jumped up, "It's that guy Amado who did it this time, don't put any shit on our heads."

Kojiro said with a sad face, "Those two guys didn't care about the feelings of robes at all, and even took away my big food flower and double bomb gas, and even meow was controlled by them."


Long has the impression that the two people he met on the first day when he set off from Zhenxin Town to Changpan City at night, Long asked in a deep voice with his fists clenched, "What's going on? Why is the pet so small? The elves will run away by themselves and actively attack the trainer?"

Kojiro said: "They use machines to amplify the hypnotic waves of super-powered Pokemon, and then send hypnotic waves to the entire island through circular transmitters to control the Pokemon on the island."

Junsha said Qiu, "So it's the masterpiece of the Pokemon with superpowers? No wonder Guisi was not affected."

Guisi came out laughing with his mouth wide open, but was pushed away by Junsha and continued to ask, "Where are they?"

Musashi turned his head and said, "You have to figure it out, we are bad people, how could we cooperate with the police, telling you so much is already an exception."

"Please tell me, I must save Pikachu."

Xiaozhi hurriedly ran to Musashi and begged with a rare sincere tone.

"Don't you want to save your own Pokemon?"

Xiaoxia said, "And isn't Miaomiao also under control?"

"Please, the electric zebra is an important partner for me."

Although Kamizrei doesn't know the specific reason, he also understands that the disappearance of the Pokemon is controlled by someone, but the two people in front of him know where the culprit is behind the scenes.

When Kojiro saw such a beautiful woman begging with folded hands, he immediately loosened the persistence in his heart, and Kojiro himself loved his Pokemon very much and immediately said to Musashi, "Musashi, let's make an exception and help them once."

Junsha saluted Musashi, "On behalf of the citizens of the whole island, I thank you."

Musashi finally nodded his head as everyone looked over, "Okay, let's make an exception and help you once."

Long loosened his hand holding the GS ball, which is the best way, otherwise he would ask Mengmeng to forcibly hypnotize the two and let them lead the way.But, Amadou, you are dead!Long thought fiercely in his heart...

Chapter 086: The Rockets, the Four Heavenly Kings Appear

"Hey, big devil."

When Musashi saw that the dragon was about to go on a rampage, he rushed to the abandoned broadcasting building where Yamato and Kosaburo were hiding, and quickly reminded, "Are you going to enter through the main entrance so openly? Don't blame me for not reminding you, their little superpower The elves are very powerful."

Long snorted coldly, "How can I be afraid of a group of sneaky rats, go, Suicune."

Musashi and Kojiro's faces were hot when Long said that they often sneaked around. "Hey" Suicune let out a roar, and a condensed and destructive death beam directly blasted open the locked door outside. Ryu followed Suicune and strode in first. How did the hypnotic wave affect the legendary Pokemon Suicune.

"Boom" Suicune destroyed the dead light all the way to clear the way, and when he encountered a locked door, he just blasted it open and finally went all the way to the inside of the broadcasting building.

"This big ghost seems very angry."

Kojiro was a little frightened when he saw the dragon that looked like a destroying god.

"Now that guy Amado looks good."

Musashi was very excited, hoping that the dragon would get angrier and angry.

Kamizlei, on the other hand, was shocked that Suicune's elegant and handsome appearance contained such a huge destructive power, and quickly asked Xiaogang who was closely following her, "What kind of Pokemon is that?"

"Yes, beautiful lady."

Xiaogang didn't know Kamizrei's name yet, so he had to call it like this, "It's the legendary water-type Pokemon North Wind's incarnation, Isui-kun, the emissary of the Phoenix King."

Kamizrei is from the Ixiu area, and he doesn't know much about the Pokemon here, but after hearing the waiter's words, even if he doesn't know, he has a basic understanding of Suicune.

Inside the broadcasting building, Almado and Kosaburo, who learned about the situation through the monitor, had been waiting for a long time. Almado sneered at Musashi and Kojiro, "You are really going back, and even brought the police here. If Let the boss know that he must be very disappointed with you."

Musashi said disdainfully, "You should take care of yourselves now."

Junsha took out the handcuffs and said, "I am now formally arresting you on charges of illegal theft!"

"Hehe, you should read this before talking."

The lights inside the Amado clapping radio building suddenly turned on, and dozens of Pokemon stared fiercely at the dragon's side.



"My baby electric zebra!"

Long stretched out his arms to stop Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Kamizrei and said in a deep voice: "Don't go there, they are under control now, they won't recognize you at all. Leave this to me, damn Team Rocket If you dare to provoke me, I think you are in a bad position!"

"What an arrogant guy."

Amado looked at Suicune and said, "I didn't expect you to have the legendary Pokemon, so it's just right, let's accept it together this time."

Amado clapped his palms, and at this time two lights gathered behind the dozens of Pokemon in the building, and a Sulip with several wires stuck in his head slowly fell down.

Long looked at Bi Diao and said, "So that's it, you are using this Pokemon to send hypnotic waves to the entire island, so those Pokemons staying outside will be controlled by you."

Long pointed to the group of dozens of Pokemon and said, "Are these the results of your two days? The harvest is quite good!"

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