Tang Xing was completely stunned by Long's burst of shouting, even a little inexplicable. Now it is obvious that the other party wants to occupy his body, but why is he even more angry than himself?

Long suddenly let go of his arms and threw Tang Xing to the ground, then said with a low face, "I was going to spend a lot of time explaining to you, but seeing you just now, I feel that I don't need it. Now I I am not interested in introducing my origin to you, and I am not interested in devouring your thoughts and taking your body as my own, for me, your current body is useless at all!"

Long stood with his hands behind his back, turned his back to look at Tang Xing and said, "Because of irresistible factors, my thoughts have to stay in this body. Therefore, we can only maintain the current situation until we find a fundamental solution to the problem. This balance relationship, that's all for now, I will explain the following things to you at the right time. Now, you coward, get out of here immediately!"

After Long finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the darkness, but Tang Xing, who hadn't fully reacted yet, suddenly felt a dazzling light shooting in front of his eyes, and his whole consciousness spun and passed out again.

"Little Xing... What the hell is going on with you, why is it like this... My child, you must not have anything to do, don't scare your mother...--" When Tang Xing regained consciousness again, he heard the sound before he opened his eyes. This burst of low sobs came from around.

Tang Xing struggled to open his eyes, and after getting used to the harsh lighting in the room, he finally opened his mouth and said slowly, "Mom... [-]" "Xiao Xing, Xiao Xing... have you woke up, you really scared mom to death!"

As soon as Tang Xing uttered a word, his mother Jiang Yuxia, who had been paying attention to his subtle movements, immediately noticed it. She was taken aback, and her eyes filled with tears showed an inexplicable expression of surprise.The worries he had been worrying about just now can finally be let go, and he immediately threw himself on his son, this time weeping with joy.

Looking at her mother's red and swollen eyes from crying, she moved, grinned and said with all her strength, "Mom, it's okay..." Tang Xing felt a deep feeling in his heart, don't cry, I haven't seen Tang Xing Struggling to sit up, Jiang Yuxia pressed him lightly and hurriedly said, "Xiao Xing, don't move in a hurry, I'll call the doctor right away and ask him to come and have a look... Don't move for 1000 million!"

The mother's small and careful behavior was full of deep concern, Tang Xing had no choice but to smile helplessly, obediently obeyed and lay down again.Looking at the layout of the surrounding rooms, and the smell of medicine from his nostrils, he realized that he had been sent to the hospital, and there was even a needle stuck in the back of his left hand.Ci Ao, such a damned quack doctor, they just put me on an IV if they knew what disease my young master had!

Seeing that there was only half a bottle of potion left and he didn't know what it was or what it was, Tang Xing only felt that he had the urge to scold his mother now.Compared to thinking about how long he was in a coma just now, he was more concerned about what happened to him in the conscious space after he was unconscious.

"Gongsun Long, what is the origin of this guy?"

Tang Xing turned his eyes to the room, and muttered to himself: "Is this a dream, or I have read too many online novels and got paranoid..." Before Tang Xing could figure it out, the mother who had gone and returned He hurried back with a doctor in a white coat and a stethoscope.Jiang Yuxia hurriedly said: "Doctor, my son has just woken up, please help to see if he needs it?"

The young doctor hung up the stethoscope and began to check immediately, checking the heartbeat and measuring the body temperature, and asked Tang Xing to open his mouth to check his tongue, and rolled his eyes. After a lot of work, he finally came to a conclusion.

The young doctor put down his stethoscope and said aloud: "Ms. Jiang, your son's body is normal and there is nothing serious, so you don't have to worry."

"Is it really?"

Jiang Yuxia said worriedly: "Then why did Xiaoxing suddenly pass out when he came home, and it took several hours to wake up, is it really all right?"

After hearing this, the young doctor smiled and said: "You don't need to be careful about this, your son may be under too much study pressure, too heavy academic burden, lack of rest and poor nutrition, which led to his fainting state. After this bottle of glucose is filled, you can go back. Ms. Jiang, please tell Mr. Ling to pay more attention to rest in the future. You should not be too tired. Then you should pay attention to your diet and let Mr. Ling supplement some nutrition! "

005 During the three-day vacation of the Champion Venerable from Elven Star, Tang Xing rarely enjoyed the national treasure-level treatment. He never thought that it would be a blessing in disguise for him to faint once.This is the first time that Tang Xing was not urged to study during the vacation. On the contrary, in addition to giving him great nutritional supplements in food, his mother kept persuading him to combine work with rest. The body broke down and so on.Even his always serious father rarely gave him routine education. Usually at this time, he would definitely be forced to ask him about his recent studies and his test scores.

It can be said that this month's vacation is the most relaxing one month's vacation that Tang Xing has ever had, but he is not happy at all. Anyone who knows that there are two thoughts in his body will panic.However, Tang Xing didn't mention this matter to anyone. Even when his mother asked him why he seemed restless these days, he prevaricated by saying that he was unwell.It wasn't that Tang Xing concealed it on purpose, but that this incident was too unbelievable. If he really wanted to say such absurd words, he might be sent to the hospital by his mother again.And even if they believe it, it's still powerless and will only increase troubles in the end.

Long hasn't appeared since Tang Xing fainted at home last time, as if he just disappeared. Tang Xing spent a troubled vacation in anxiety.Although the father's idea was to ask Tang Xing to take two more days off and rest at home for a few more days, it seems that he has seen his son's anxious expression these days, so he took the initiative to ask Tang Xing to ask the school for help. .

However, Tang Xing politely rejected the rare olive branch that his father threw at him. Staying at home during school hours would only make him more anxious.Although Long once said that he was not interested in his body at all, Tang Xing was skeptical of his words. This guy who appeared mysteriously should not be a consciousness that appeared in his body. Tang Xing What kind of ulterior secret does he have?

Tang Xing returned to school with a tired body, but the moment he got off the car, he saw someone, Murong Xue with long hair fluttering and a graceful figure, and the other party seemed to have just arrived at school.Tang Xing was stunned, and Murong Xiaohua just turned her gaze.Since the last book-buying turmoil, Tang Xing has never been able to speak to Murong Xue again. Although he has been secretly thinking about this girl, no one knows his feelings so far.

Murong Xue nodded to Tang Xing with a smile, then held a thick pile of books and walked towards the girls' dormitory, but Tang Xing could only smile wryly and watch the girl he had always cared about gradually go away back.He sighed helplessly, feeling a little lost in his heart.

Just when Tang Xing withdrew his eyes and sighed, Long's voice suddenly sounded in his heart, and he said with a mocking smile: "Hehe, it seems that you like that girl very much, is it because Feeling sad because of the other party's cold attitude?"

Tang Xing was startled, and turned his head to look around, but there was no one he wanted to find besides a few returning students.Immediately, Tang Xing's face was terrified, and he shouted in shock: "Where are you, what do you want to do when you suddenly come out to speak?"

Tang Xing's abrupt cry startled the three or two students around, and they all turned to look at this guy who was talking to himself in a panic.And the voice of the dragon appeared at this time, as if narrating deep in Tang Xing's heart, "I exist in the depths of your consciousness and mind, so you don't need to shout out loud when you talk to me , as long as you recite it silently in your heart. This will also prevent others from making you an idiot, and I will be the one who will lose face together!"

Long's words reminded Tang Xing. Turning his head and looking at the surprised eyes around him, Tang Xing slowly calmed down, pretending to be calm and walking towards the dormitory while grabbing his schoolbag, while asking anxiously in his heart: "What the hell is going on? What happened, why did you suddenly appear and talk to me. Didn’t you say that you are not interested in my body before, now what is going to happen?”

"Don't be nervous, of course I won't easily go back on what I said, but it's too boring to stay in your consciousness space all the time, just come out occasionally to get some air."

Long said unhurriedly: "The right to control the body is still yours, I just want to miss my homeland... Sigh, the environmental pollution on the earth is too serious, look at the gray sky , and the roads of the city. And although Luzhou City is the provincial capital, its level of economic development is far from being comparable to that of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. After speaking, I looked up subconsciously, the sky was blue on the 1st, and I checked the weather forecast when I went out today, the air pollution index was 1.Thinking of this, Tang Xing couldn't help pursing his mouth and said: "It's not as bad as you said, I think the air today is pretty good, which is already rare for a provincial capital city."

"Hehe..." Long couldn't help but sneered when he heard Tang Xing's words, "This is the greatest tragedy of human beings. When faced with things that they can't change, they only hope to make the best of it, and they have no choice but to compromise and even have to succumb to reality. Man, how pathetic this should be!"

Tang Xing was very upset when he heard Long's obviously mocking tone. He dared to refute the other party, but suddenly realized that he was not from the Environmental Protection Bureau, and now was not the time to discuss this issue.Damn, I was almost confused by this guy!

Tang Xing cursed secretly in his heart, quickly brought the topic back and asked in his heart: "You haven't answered my question just now, why did your consciousness suddenly come out to talk to me again. In fact, I don't want whatever you want No matter, you said that your consciousness will temporarily reside in my body, and I have no choice but to be forced to accept it when I have no ability to drive you away. But, since it is under the fence of others, can you cherish other people's consciousness? privacy?"

"You have the guts today. You dare to talk to me like this. Has your attitude become tough?"

Long smiled and said: "What do you mean by privacy? Oh... One is, do you like the girl just now? If it's just this, then forget it, because the little shit in your heart before the age of 22 is very important to me. For example, when did you learn to masturbate for the first time, your favorite AV actress & actress is Riko Tachibana, your favorite singer is Ayumi Hamasaki, and there are even some who often use Lin Chiling as their sex & fantasizing about masturbation I know!"

"Ci'ao, you fucking don't talk anymore!"

Tang Xing's face was flushed red, he really had the urge to pull out that nasty guy and beat him up.Although the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not directly proportional, Shi Ke can kill and cannot be humiliated. When the little secrets in his heart are revealed little by little, he can't help it, and he wants to go berserk desperately.

With a bang, Tang Xing, who returned to the dormitory, threw his schoolbag on the bed and ran over to close the door heavily.Although the conversation between the two of them in their hearts would not be heard at all, but Tang Xing felt like being pulled out and exposed to the sun, he was really ashamed and irritable!

Tang Xing, who was so angry that he was mad, could only slam his fist on the bed and said angrily: "Damn guy, how dare you spy on the privacy of my heart, Ma Tu, get out of my body. You want to go I don't care whoever's body is taken by force, even if it's to swallow his thoughts and occupy his body completely. But, you leave now. Immediately! Immediately!"

Tang Xing's furious reaction was expected by Long, but he said indifferently: "Still talking childishly, do you think I am willing to live in your body in this way? You are thin and short, It’s not enough to lack physical fitness, but fortunately you are past the age of acne, if it was two years ago, it would be even more horrible.”

Hearing Long's unceremonious words, Tang Xing deliberately refuted, but then remembered the appearance of the object he saw in the consciousness space before.At the moment, I had no choice but to swallow this breath back unwillingly, no matter in appearance or temperament, he was far from the other party... However, this guy named Gongsun Long, why did he look very familiar? Could it be that he was somewhere before? Have you seen it?

After hitting Tang Xing hard, Long sighed when he heard that he didn't speak, and said, "Oh, even though I was talking about you just now, I had the urge to slap myself... that's all, the past is unbearable Looking back, I feel like I'm looking in a mirror when I see your current, useless and decadent appearance. I was so unlucky in the past, but unfortunately I never realized it. "

Tang Xing listened to Long's inexplicable sigh that the monk who was a little over two feet couldn't figure it out. This guy, he said that he was so miserable, but what kind of sadness was he playing? Was he playing with himself?

After the two were silent for a long time at the same time, Long said again: "Tang Xing, do you have any ideals that you want to realize, and I will help you achieve them!"


Tang Xing asked in amazement after hearing the other party's abrupt words: "What do you mean, I am so pitiful that I am full of sympathy and want to give me alms? Moreover, since you said to stop a lot of my privacy , don’t you know my ideal again this time!”

Hearing Tang Xing's words, Long seemed to sigh and said: "For me, ideals are just the goals I have striven for, but sometimes the difference between ideals and dreams and even fantasies is just a word. It can be said that living so much Over the past few years, the only ideal I have used as a goal and strive to achieve is to become a Pokemon master!"

Long said that the whole person seemed to be taken aback, "It took me several years to strive unremittingly for this ideal. Even though I failed more than once, my determination has never wavered. Only the true The goal that has been fought can be called an ideal, so for me, only this one meets the definition of my ideal in life!"

"Pokemon Master?"

After hearing Long's words, Tang Xing's whole spirit was lifted, and he asked excitedly, "So, are you from Pokemon Planet?"

Tang Xing's words silenced Long. After a long time, he finally sighed and said, "What you said is not wrong at all. Ever since I made that difficult decision, I have always regarded myself as a part of the Pokemon world. Hehe, It turns out that fate was already doomed when the old man came to me, especially now..." Long said with a sense of comprehension: "I finally know why I am here today, and even in this form with you Meet. Destiny, it wants me to understand one thing, I am a dragon, the unique champion of the Pokemon world!"

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