Murong Xue, who stared blankly at Tang Xing's running away figure, suddenly lost his mind for a moment, shook his head, put the money back in the book and said to himself: "What's wrong with me, I'm actually entangled in a dream , Haha, could it be that the recent study pressure is too great?"

"But... 7" Murong Xue frowned and said in a low voice: "If it is a dream, then why is that face so clear, everything seems to have happened yesterday. Who are you, Tang Xing [-]" has already run away Tang Xing has no way of knowing the psychological activities of the school belle at this time. Even if he really heard the dreams Murong Xue said, it would be useless. To him, today's experience is like a dream. Xing never imagined that one day he would have such a wonderful encounter with the goddess in the hearts of boys in a middle school.

In the next few days, life returned to normal. Like a group of students who were making the final sprint for the college entrance examination, Tang Xing lived a miserable life that seemed like hell.There are no weekends, a small test every day, a big test every week, and endless exercise sets and various mock test papers.Under such a fiery learning atmosphere, even students who have long been idle about not reporting any expectations for the college entrance examination have no choice but to calm down and join this huge wave of learning.

The last 24 days before the college entrance examination is a watershed. On the one hand, it spurs good students who are trying to get closer to the threshold of a better university. On the other hand, it basically sentences some students who joined the college entrance examination to death.For example, students whose grades are not even [-] on weekdays, even if they spend [-] hours a day in the last [-] days, what will happen?This hundred-world history is to tell them that their fate is already doomed at this moment, and they can only resign themselves to their fate in the future.

Tang Xing is very clear about how much he has, but he has been resigned to his fate for a while, but he has devoted his energy to studying these days.It seems that there is a strong motivation in his heart driving him, wanting to take one step closer and then one step closer. The source of all these motivations is the girl he met a few days ago. Of course, Tang Xing would not expect to raise his grades to the level of Yanyuan Tsinghua University after three months of hard work.But to make a second choice, even if they are not in the same school, even if they are in the same city, it is good. At least this way, the two sides will not completely distance themselves from each other after a few months.The threshold for each school in the capital is as high as the capital's status in domestic cities.

A young man in the blooming season can do his best to hide the pure love deep in his heart.Because I have done my best to give, so this yearning is increasing day by day, which is even more commendable!

004 The mysterious man in the space of consciousness A month of arduous study makes people physically and mentally exhausted. In addition to the exams and quizzes, they also do exercises crazily.Although he really wanted to see Murong Xue again, Tang Xing still couldn't muster up the courage to see her. All he could do every day was wait at the stairs at noon and afternoon when school was over, watching that beautiful figure embrace her from afar. leave with a book.

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy may not understand what love is, and he doesn't even dare to expect to be admired by this boy's dream lover in Quanyi Middle School.Perhaps this is just the hope and desire of adolescents for the opposite sex. No matter how you look at it, Murong Xue is a very good girl. Perhaps this kind of liking for teenagers is no different from fans' liking for celebrities.

This is the first time in his life that Tang Xing is so worried about a girl. When he stares out the window during class and when he is lying in a daze on the bed at night, he can't help but think of that beautiful figure in his mind, the one who broke into his heart. And then the girl who stayed far away in the dimly lit place.

"" A loud horn sounded, awakening Tang Xing's thoughts from his deep thoughts.Grabbing her schoolbag and jumping out of the car, the mother was already waiting at home, and when she saw her son coming back, she went out to greet her son with a smile, as if she had a distinguished guest at home.There are only three days of vacation in a month to go home, so every time the monthly vacation comes, my mother will watch the bus at noon.In the tough senior year of high school, every time I come back, I feel deeply. For Tang Xing, a month seems like a year.It's not that time passes too slowly, but that repeating the same life every day makes him lose the sense of time, and seems to be a little numb.

"Xiao Xing, you're tired from the car ride, put down your schoolbag quickly, the meal is ready, and I'll be waiting for you when you come back!"

Looking at his mother's happy expression, Tang Xing suddenly felt like he couldn't help crying.Suddenly there was a colic in his heart as if someone was pinching him hard, as if it was trembling from the depths of his soul, Tang Xing's eyes suddenly went dark, and the schoolbag in his hand fell to the ground with a slap, his body tilted and his whole body was in a mess. He fell down in a whirl and passed out completely.

In the end, the only residual consciousness left was the mother's terrified cry, "Xiao Xing... Xiao Xing, what's wrong with you, son... don't scare mom!"

Vast and empty, Tang Xing, who was in a coma, suddenly felt as if he was in a dark and empty space. Above his head and under his feet, there was an endless blackness that could not be seen.

"Mom, mom...--" Tang Xing yelled loudly, looking around to search, but there was no answer in the entire empty space, as if he was the only one left in the world at this moment.At this moment, there was a sound of slight footsteps in the distance, and a young man walked slowly in the darkness.

Tang Xing carefully looked at the man in front of him, he was almost a head taller than him, and his height was about 1.8 meters five.Possesses a graceful and handsome face, with a sharp-edged chin without a trace of beard.He was dressed in a well-tailored black tuxedo, with a traditional Chinese character "Zip" engraved in gilt seal on the chest, and a blue and red-bottomed elegant cloak was draped behind him.

However, what is more eye-catching than the men is that the noble temperament seems to be overshadowed. Facing this man standing quietly in front of him without saying a word, Tang Xingqian deeply felt that he was like an emperor. The temperament of the King's Landing seems to be in my hands to control the whole world.

"Who are you, this place?"

Tang Xing asked in amazement, the obvious frightened expression made him unable to stop a series of speculations about the identity of the man in front of him.The surrounding environment made him feel terrible, and there was such a mysterious man in front of him.This scene that didn't look like a dream at all actually appeared in front of him, like a different dimension, weird and depressing, Tang Xing didn't even dare to take a breath.

The mysterious man who appeared in front of him supported his right elbow with his left hand, and while pinching his chin, he looked at Tang Xing carefully and said: "I almost thought I was dead, but thanks to you, I finally retained complete consciousness Really... If I remember correctly, this should be the youthful face in high school, as if I was flipping through a photo of myself in the past."

The mysterious man in front of him said something he didn't understand, and Tang Xing, who was in a fog, had no choice but to stop asking. He guessed in his heart whether everything he encountered was related to this mysterious man, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why he would. Appeared in such a strange place.

The mysterious man seemed to be troubled by a very troublesome problem. After speaking, he held his forehead and thought deeply for a long time.Tang Xing had guessed countless possibilities in his heart, and since he couldn't get confirmation from the other party on the 1st, he had no choice but to suppress the trepidation in his heart and continue to ask: "Excuse me, what is this place, and why did I appear here?"

The mysterious man who was interrupted by Tang Xing's question regained his composure, and looked up at the cautious young man with an indescribable expression.

It seemed complicated and inexplicable, and finally, after a long sigh, the mysterious man stretched out his hand and said: "Since you know me, it seems that I have to introduce myself again. My surname is Gongsun and my name is a dragon. You can call me a dragon." !"


Tang Xing's first reaction was that this name was very domineering, it was just a name, but he felt that the person in front of him was extraordinary, could it be because he was affected by the powerful aura of the opponent's gestures?

Looking at the young dragon in front of him who lowered his head and chewed his name, he couldn't help chuckling, then turned around and said as if recalling: "The name is just a code name, and it doesn't matter what I am called. Compared with the problem that is in front of me right now, this is nothing at all. Nothing."

Hearing the words of the mysterious man who claimed to be a dragon, Tang Xing subconsciously asked, "What problem?"

"I used to want to go back to my hometown countless times before, missing my relatives..."

Long Yi said sadly: "But at the beginning, I made that difficult choice for ideals and love. From then on, my hometown and relatives can only be an increasingly precious memory to me..."

After a pause for a while, Long, who seemed to be immersed in the memories of the past, sighed deeply, "Life is like this, it cannot be perfect. After I have harvested a happy love and realized my ideals, I have become more and more fond of immersing myself in the past. In the memories of the past. However, despite this, I have not regretted the choice I made at the beginning. Even if God gave me 1 chances to start over, the answer to my choice will not change for a day .”

"Originally, I thought that I would carry this shortcoming with me as time went by, but God just made me return to my hometown and meet my relatives in a joking way."

When Long said this, he looked up at Tang Xing and said: "This was originally a gratifying and congratulatory event, but this joke made by God is really too big. All the causal relationships were planted by myself at the beginning. Now Harvesting such a dumbfounding situation can only be self-inflicted."

Listening to Phoebe's inexplicable words of memory, choice, and causality, Tang Xing only felt that he had one head and two big heads.The other party said a lot, but Tang Xing didn't understand a single word at all, he simply didn't know what it meant.Obviously, the softness mentioned by this mysterious man has something to do with his mysterious experience, but Tang Xing didn't know what kind of twists and turns the other party had experienced. Fog water is so strange!

And Long didn't seem to care whether Tang Xing understood what he said, maybe his original intention was just to find a suitable partner to talk about.After venting his unventilated emotions, he turned his head and looked at Tang Xing with a serious face and said, "Young man, I must tell you a very serious problem, which may affect our life and death! "

"Life and death?"

Tang Xing was taken aback by Long's words, and immediately asked in panic: "What do you mean by saying that, and, where are we now?"

Seeing Tang Xing's anxious and frightened face, Long folded his hands and said solemnly: "The place we exist now is your consciousness space, it should be said to be the consciousness space of this body."

"Consciousness space?"

Tang Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then turned to look at Long and asked: "Since it is my consciousness space, why do you appear here?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

Long Huan clasped his hands and continued: "This is what I just said, the big problem we are facing now. There are two thoughts in your body, namely me—Gongsun Long, and you—Tang Xing. Our two consciousnesses want to occupy the dominance of your body, so you should understand!"

"Two minds occupy one body..." Tang Xing was taken aback when he heard Long's words, and suddenly remembered some online novels he usually read.Among them, there are many examples where the master dies and then his soul travels to another world and then takes over other people's bodies and is reborn. Could it be that he also encountered such nonsense things that only appear in novels?

Thinking of this, Tang Xing showed a horrified expression on his face, and asked with fear and anger: "Why did this happen, who are you, and why did your thoughts appear in my consciousness space? Are you trying to occupy my body? No, you can't do this, go away, go away, get out of my consciousness space!"

The young man in front of him was a little hysterical, as if he was crazy, as if he knew that he was facing the threat of death.Tang Xing's performance is like this. For him, the dragon is a strong man from another world whose body has died and whose soul has traveled through. His weak thoughts may be swallowed by the other party at any time, and then his soul will disappear completely.In the end, there is no such person as Tang Xing in this world anymore, only Gongsunlong occupying his body is replaced!

Tang Xing felt a burst of fear when he thought that he might be reduced to the end where his soul would be wiped out. This damned guy was even crueler than a killer. He not only wanted to devour his mind but also occupied his body.From now on, everything about Tang Xing will no longer belong to him, his father, mother, and the love of other relatives...

"I beg you, don't kill me..."

Tang Xing looked at Long pleadingly, his expression full of sadness and helplessness clearly revealed his inner fear.

"You... one..." Long didn't expect that his words would cause the other party to be so frightened. Such a result was something he hadn't thought of beforehand.Immediately, the dark-faced dragon yelled angrily: "Look at what you look like now, I really didn't expect you to be so greedy for life and afraid of death, arresting is simply embarrassing me, you bastard!"

Long grabbed Tang Xing's collar, lifted his whole body up with one hand, and cursed in a low voice as if he hated iron and steel: "A man is a man, rich and noble cannot be prostitutes, poor and humble cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be subdued. Look at your stinking virtue like a bastard, you haven't reached the age of being greedy for life and fearing death, you unbelievable guy, I really want to kick you to death!"

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