"By the way, Qielian. Is this the ordinary Z you used in the battle before? It hasn't disappeared. Could it be that this pure Z crystal is it!?" Touzi vaguely noticed something, and his bright eyes flashed with amazement , pointing to the intact pure white crystal in the palm of his best friend, as if discovering a new continent, and said.

"Touzi, you guessed right. During my training in the Alola region, I met a like-minded trainer on Melomele Island. His name is Ilima. We talked happily during the exchange and study for more than a month, and finally passed the test of the lush cave together under the guidance of Mr. Hara, the king of the island, and he stayed in the local area as the captain, so this Z pure crystal is It can be used forever." Qie Lian straightened his tie and took out another crystal with a slightly darker luster and continued: "Look at my memory, I almost forgot something important. This year, Yixiu's Gym will give extra rewards to challengers. Although it is a consumable artificial crystal, its power is no less than that of the real product, Mr. Long, you and the bag dragon are completely worthy of its performance." The dragon took the pure white crystal granted by Qilian, and took the pure white crystal he had obtained in the Yixiu area. Earn your first badge and regular Z's solemnly included in the badge box.

"The confrontation just now was so exciting, it made my heart beat faster. Both of you have performed at a super high level." The beauty inspector praised the two of them, and then asked Qie Lian in a deep voice: " So let’s get down to business, how many points will our newly promoted Hinoki Shan Gym trainer plan to score for his first Gym battle?”

"I'm sorry, Miss Laura. Even though it was a public demonstration match, I still lost the match. This kind of performance can only be said to be unsatisfactory." Chelian shrugged helplessly.

"The answer you want is in this group of young students." Luo La was overjoyed when she heard Qilian's answer, changed her previous seriousness, pointed to the auditorium and said cheerfully: "Just now, these children look down on you. I feel a lot of things from the back of my body, and the gains in actual combat are far more effective than daily lectures. I think that what gym trainers need is this kind of rare sense of responsibility, and you have passed without a doubt!"

"Ultimate Invincible Clash is too powerful, I want to become a great elf trainer like you, and then challenge Teacher Qilian!"

"Reconsideration, I must also get the badge of this gymnasium."

"Students... Uh, it seems that I am too troubled, I will show more confidence, and strive to become a gym trainer that best suits my own style!" Qie Lian looked at his eyes full of hope I swore secretly in my heart, "Besides, I think traveling alone is worse than traveling with friends. Not only will it add a lot of fun to the journey, but also if many like-minded companions are together, there will be a support along the way, which can help each other. "

Classmate Mei poked her finger and said embarrassedly: "Yes, yes, if Uncle Long doesn't mind, I sincerely hope that everyone can accompany me through this journey in the future."

Long asked suspiciously: "Yeah, so 0.9, Mei, are you determined to go on the road with us?"

Chelian smiled knowingly, "It's okay, Mei's basic skills are solid, but she is still inexperienced, and occasionally she will get confused when doing things. I would be a little worried if I let her go on a trip alone. Mr. Long, Touzi and Miss Luo La are all trustworthy People, I think she can not only have a good take care of you with you, but also enrich your experience and master knowledge that cannot be learned in textbooks."

"Touzi is not much older than me, is she?" Mei said a little bit, but the little girl was quite unconvinced.

"So, my student, please take care of me from now on!" Chelian bowed to express his thanks, slowly took out a pair of glasses from his jacket pocket and put them on the bridge of his nose, and reincarnated as the hard-working strict teacher, "Student Yai... get out of class is over !"

Chapter 052

At the fork in the outskirts of Huishan Town, a group of trainees from the Trainer School and two friends of Mei, led by Mr. Qilian, waved goodbye to Long and his party.Their current goal is Lichong City, where the second gym is located. Originally, Tou Zijiang planned to go back to Sanyao City by the same route, and get a fire Z from there, but recalled the rolling mountain road along the way, Xiao Nizi still retreated from the bottom of her heart, so she had to obediently pack her bags and set off on the journey again with everyone.

"Come on, everyone." Fiddled with the navigator in her hand, Laura said with a smile: "The next town is less than 25 kilometers away, it seems that we don't have to sleep in the wild tonight, which is really a big plus News!" The beautiful inspector's words undoubtedly boosted everyone's morale, and the joyful three people immediately quickened their pace.After nearly four hours of trekking, a group of people finally saw the town of champions located in the mountains - Suanmu Town.

"It's such a quiet and remote town. It's completely different from the feeling of Hinoki Shan Town." Mei pointed to the clock tower in the center of the town and said, "I read in the "County Chronicles" that counting trees was used by the ancients. A wooden stick for divination and calculation, this town was famous for elf divination before Venerable Adek made his debut." The girl who made up her mind to join the group for a long time is in a good state of mind at the moment.

"Oh my god, little nephew, why do you still have the energy to introduce the place names..." Tou Zijiang, who had already reached the parched mouth, sat down on the ground and teased weakly: "If we didn't travel together, I wouldn't believe it if I was killed. Mei, you are a rookie trainer going out for the first time, tell me honestly, did you secretly drink a 1 yuan bottle of physical enhancer."

"Huh? In my impression, isn't that 9800 yuan a bottle?" Long, who had been following silently, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You lived in last year~" Touzi stuck out her tongue mischievously, and complained in front of the dragon like a child: "The price of Yixiu has skyrocketed recently, and the price of a bottle of enhancer this year is almost worth two gold pearls. After a while, it is estimated that even the price of wound medicine will increase. I think uncle might as well sell the inventory hoarded by the dark gymnasium to Yixiu, and he will definitely make a lot of money."

"You want to lie to me and sell it here and there. I'm afraid that Guandong Yixiu will not be enough for travel expenses. Last time, there were rumors that people who went to Fangyuan to beg for a million dollars a month would believe it!" Long said dumbfoundingly. , while stretching out his arms to pull the girl up from the ground.

"Yeah!" Tou Zijiang screamed and slapped the dragon's palm away, jumped up like a frightened deer, covered her round buttocks and looked at the dragon, her small face was swollen like a steamed stuffed bun Di said to Long: "Bad uncle, do you want to take the opportunity to eat my tofu again!"

"Shh!" Suddenly Laura raised a finger and winked at the others, "Hold down, there seems to be something moving in the other side of the bush, and it is approaching in our direction." The two frolicking immediately fell silent, and after a while There was another sound of sound like the rustling of leaves.

At the same time, in the secret research base deep in the back mountain of Suanmu Town, a blond man with a strange satellite-shaped hairstyle and half-moon glasses stared excitedly at the big screen in front of him.Several assistants in white coats around are busy in an orderly manner, while the computer is constantly refreshing real-time data and displaying various image materials page by page.In the middle of the laboratory, there are four huge cylindrical transparent glass containers arranged horizontally together, in which different types of Pokemon are detained, and the eyes without exception reveal hesitation and fear.

"Oh, oh, are you afraid, cuties? You are the organic body that I have carefully selected, you should maintain full confidence." The man's sharp eyes glanced over, as if he was concerned about the body crawling in the container. The trembling elves were very satisfied with their fearful expressions.After thinking for a while, he locked his target on a golden pokemon with patterned chelicerae on its abdomen and two pairs of compound eyes.

At this moment, an orange-haired woman wearing a black mask walked into the hall surrounded by a group of minions, tapped the buttons with both hands, and said slowly in front of a super-large computer, skillfully manipulating the 'satellite head': "Dr. Akromar, are you going to make the electric tarantula the first choice for the experiment? I don't know how far the electrical energy can be amplified. I'm really looking forward to it." The woman who spoke came from a few weeks ago Anjie, who was thinking of Kuiqisi giving a lecture tour in Tangcao Town.

"Is this little thing worth talking about? The information collected at the moment is not perfect enough. It is necessary to collect and recycle the samples and increase the total number of organic bodies, so that I can use the surveyed data as a blueprint. Create radio waves that are effective for all Pokemon, and realize Queches' so-called 'liberation' plan." Akromar pushed his nose and put on his glasses and said: "I want to understand thoroughly, how can the power of Pokemon be? What factors are used to stimulate it."

"If this system is completed, it will further increase the weight of our organization to conquer the Yixiu area." An Jie glanced at the equipment thoughtfully, "I am very puzzled that the P2 laboratory has better equipment, why? Don’t put the experiment site there? By the way, Master Queches asked me to tell you to save the use of those organic bodies, after all, it is quite troublesome to lobby the trainers to release the elves!”

"Pay attention to your wording, Anjie!" The big screen switched to the map around Suanmu Town, and the satellite's pupils flickered with frightening eyes, staring coldly at the female cadres aside and said: "Except for Kui Qisi and His Highness N have no right to interfere with me. The P2 laboratory is preparing a more significant transformation plan, and the only experimental subject worthy of that great palace is the prehistoric weapon that existed [-] million years ago. Do less nonsense and do more, you just need to guard the door for me, understand?"

"Sorry, I'm the one talking too much." An Jie was shocked by Akromar's aura and didn't even dare to meet his eyes. "Doctor, you don't have to worry too much about this. I just received a call from the headquarters. Your Excellency is very satisfied with the current progress of the work here. Not only did he personally issue an edict to reward us, but he also specially appointed Lord Asra, one of the Seven Sages, to assist us in our in-depth research. According to the time, that Lord should be about to Arrived."

"Assisting in research, putting that guy together with this word is an insult to science!" Akromar immediately snorted when he heard the words, "I remember that Asra was in charge of many missions in the past but ended in failure, especially not long ago. The action at the Dream Ruins actually alarmed the lingonberry of the Four Heavenly Kings, and in the end they had to rely on the coffin of death to get back to the castle. Have you all forgotten it?"

"So, don't make me laugh. To be honest, I'm not targeting certain people..." 'Satellite Head' paused for a while, briefly brewing emotions and mockingly said: "The so-called seven sages of the plasma group are not worthy of their name at all. Not only Asra, but Vio, Smra, and Gero are just a bunch of dying old men. What the Plasma Corps needs are talents who study high-tech. The old-fashioned way of fighting elves It is completely inapplicable to the organization. If we want to fight against the Yixiu Alliance, we will never have an advantage in terms of the number and quality of elite trainers, and science is the key to success or failure!"

"What the hell, I'm not a little scientist yet..." Seeing Akromar talking nonsense here, An Jie, who turned his back to him, was clearly displeased, and the expression on his face immediately restrained, and he muttered softly.Where did Lord Queches find such a freak? If she had known this was the result, she should have reported in advance to investigate the whereabouts of the legendary third dragon with Lord Rhodes, even though the old man usually liked Nagging, that's better than running to this hellish place to get angry.

Chapter 053 Distress

It took a long time for the grass to gradually return to calm. Long let out a long breath, and hurriedly urged the girls to say, "This place is not suitable for staying for a long time. Let's hurry to the elf center in the town. Judging from my past experience, that person The 'uninvited guest' should still be entrenched nearby. Wait, everyone try to avoid the high haystacks that affect the vision, choose a flat and open road, and don't touch any plants along the way!"

Long's suggestion immediately got the response of all the girls. In line with the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less, Touzi, Mei and Lola all thought of quitting in their hearts.However, just as the group was about to speed up their pace to leave the forest, an unknown object that seemed to be an elf ball rustled out from the grass beside the road, obviously with a hint of deliberate provocation. The guy with the ball arm just walked straight across in front of everyone, and it was hard not to attract attention with such a blatant move.

"Ah, this Pokémon is..." Classmate Mei screamed and took out her pink illustration book from her satchel, "Bailu Ball Mushroom, a mushroom Pokemon with attributes of Grass and Poison. Using both arms The mushroom umbrella resembles a Pokeball, dances to lure prey, and likes dark and humid places."

"Huh?" Looking at the information on the illustrated book, Mei-student said in surprise, "Bailu Ball Mushroom, like the Lightning Ball family, is often mistaken by trainers for Poké Balls..." "Suo Gu^" the girl said Before he finished speaking, the Bailu ball mushroom suddenly made an attack with a low growl, violently shook the huge mushroom cap on its head, and involuntarily sprayed a cloud of purple venom bombs from the pink nozzle, heading straight for the crowd.

"Oops, everyone, get down!" Long roared quickly, and there was a loud bang. The powerful poisonous explosive bomb hit the top of everyone's heads, and bombarded the forest area at the turn. The towering giant trees were visible to the naked eye. The speed quickly withered and withered, the trunk broke into several pieces, and the sawdust sputtered and rotted and collapsed.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Long and the other three women were at a loss.It seems that the mushroom has decided that they are the enemy, but why... Everyone obviously did nothing. If it is attributed to invading its territory, this reason is too far-fetched.

"I can't help it." Tou Zichan took off the hat on his head and took out an elf ball, and put it in front of Mei, saying: "Little nephew, you hide first, and I will deal with this guy. Please." You, little raccoon, disperse it with magic flames!" "Chirp ^" the elf ball bounced off, and under the rendering of the campfire fox, a beautiful fox demon wearing a priestess sacrificial attire jumped out of it , it is the final evolution form of the Yan-eared Fox.I saw the demon flaming red fox waving the torch in his hand, like a magician manipulating the fire element, the tinder at the front of the stick suddenly burned as if it had been given life, and then turned into a strange ring of fire and galloped towards the mushroom and go.

With a "boom", the fire burst out, and the huge explosion set off a wave of air that spread to the surroundings, and the branches and leaves on the treetops blew and swished.Like a kite with a broken string, the body of the mushroom fell more than ten meters away, and immediately let out a mournful cry. At this time, several mushrooms rushed out from both sides of the tree and swarmed towards the demon fire red fox.

"No matter how many mobs come, I'm not afraid." Tou Zijiang scolded with disdain, "Little raccoon, show these guys some color, it's a mental shock!" Elegantly raised the gorgeous skirt made of fiery red fur, leaped to the blind area where the venom could not reach, raised the cane high and shot a red-purple colorful light that seemed to be real at the target.The whole body of the mushroom group hit by the mental shock fell limply to the ground as if they had been shocked by electricity.

Long picked up a leaf on the ground and said with emotion: "Touzi, the Yan-eared fox has been bred for you very well." As expected of Carlos Yusanjia who has both superpower attributes, the fallen leaves around are wilting and not burning.On the premise of not affecting the forest, the demon fire red fox can skillfully control the flames and severely injure the opponent. I really didn't expect that the little fox who was afraid of life at the beginning has grown to this level.

"Don't flatter me~ Uncle, among the three elves distributed by the doctor, your Koga Ninja Frog is the most popular." Hearing Long's words, Toko-chan took Mei's hand and snorted proudly, but felt a little bit of anger in her heart. Unavoidably a little complacent, "Okay, little raccoon, let's stop, teach them a lesson and stop."

The demon fire red fox blew the torch in its hand warningly, but these few mushrooms ignored the other party's warning at all.The lead mushroom pointed at the little raccoon and yelled at it repeatedly. It seemed that they didn't want to let it go, while the other mushrooms scattered to gather their companions.The entire forest completely lost its tranquility because of the riot, and there were trembling sounds in the depths, and it didn't take a moment for the mushrooms to gather in groups, gathering as many as a hundred.

"Uh... Uncle, I think it would be better to take back what I said before, the situation seems to be not good." Tou Zijiang took Yai's classmate Sa Yazi and ran away, "When we entered the boundary of Suanmu Town just now, we never saw a small Elf, why did such an army of mushrooms appear out of nowhere and suddenly attack us?"

"The data show that the Bulbium mushroom can only trap prey, and will not actively attack humans." Mei-san yelled as she ran furiously while holding the illustrated book, "Even if they want to protect the territory, there is no reason to attack us. , not to mention that we didn't do anything to harm them at all!"

The beautiful inspector said suspiciously: "It's too strange. These elves usually act alone at night, and it is very rare for such a phenomenon to come out of the nest. The dew mushrooms in this area are really abnormal."

"Now is not the time to pursue this. We must get rid of these annoying guys as soon as possible." At this time, Long pointed to the distance with surprise on his face: "Look, there is a car on the side road... Hey, hey , someone here needs help!"

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