Tou Zijiang raised his fists and said excitedly, "Haha, this game is so interesting. In the first round, Chino Chinchilla used applause to make the old man Xiu Xiu suffer a dark loss. In the second round, the uncle reciprocated the opponent's challenge. Inspector Mongoose lost his mind due to anger and can only use offensive moves~ At the same time, he also declared that the squatting strategy was completely bankrupt.

"Sure enough, Mr. Long saw through it." Qie Lian spread his hands helplessly, and kept his usual smile and said in a concentrated voice: "In this case, I will show you our duel. Detective Mongoose, go berserk!"

"Yo ow^" Trump was so provoked and belittled by a migrant worker, he was completely outraged.Inspector Mongoose was shrouded in a golden aura, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body exuded an incomparably fierce and daunting aura.The trembling ground cracked several cracks and spread, and the roaring sound in the ears became louder and louder, as if a trapped beast was about to come out of its cage.It just wants to vent the hostility in its body, make a big fuss in this arena, and prove that the name of the archipelago's head snake is by no means in vain!

Chapter 043

"Yo ouch^" the mongoose inspector roared loudly, a pair of fierce and murderous eyes fixed on the figure of the old man repairing, and the violent breath was continuously released outward like a substance.The dragon's heart twitched, this was the precursor to the start of the runaway mode. The terrifying and ferocious appearance really made the young students in the auditorium tremble with fear. It seems that Trump is going to be serious now!Inspector Mongoose clasped his arms and fists, swiped his three sharp toes vigorously on the field, and his body standing on two feet was shot out like a fired shell. This incomparable speed and air shock produced a violent sonic boom.

Mei and the others were shocked by the sudden burst of speed of Inspector Mongoose. By the time the girls reacted, Trump had already shot at the migrant worker brothers, chasing him with powerful forelimbs. A concrete stone pillar blocks the front to resist the opponent's offensive.The berserk Trump pushed back the whole body of the repairing old man by nearly ten meters against the defense of the concrete pillar, and he barely stopped until the pillar rubbed sparks on the ground.

"Li...awesome, what an amazing power!" Tou Zijiang said with a smack of his tongue: "With the blessing of the squatting feature, the previous move might have knocked down the uncle's repairing old man. Qielian is still so good at making decisions at critical moments." Decisive." Inspector Mongoose's attack was extremely powerful, and it exploded with tyrannical strength at the extreme speed.

In fact, it is not only Tou Zijiang who is not at peace in his heart, Long also can't believe his eyes, Qielian's tactics are aimed at him everywhere.From yelling, killing the front teeth, to the current state of rampage, this Trump has been performing this kind of routine without stopping, and has to deal with the wheel battle of the dragon in the middle. How can its physical strength support it?In the end, Long still underestimated the endurance of the mongoose detective. You must know that this guy can squat for a long time even if he does not eat or drink while waiting for his prey.

"Lu ^" Repairing the old man slowly climbed up with one palm, and from the twitching of the muscles of the migrant worker brother, he knew that although he could block the violent attack of the runaway state, it was not unscathed.Although the Pokemon of the fighting type has a strong body, as the saying goes, the old man was beaten to death with random punches. Even the old man who was repaired was greatly hurt by the mongoose inspector's fierce offensive just now.

Long looked a bit embarrassed, and originally planned to use provocations to restrain the mongoose detective's squatting strategy, and catch the opponent by surprise.However, expectations and reality are completely reversed.On the contrary, it was Long and the migrant brothers who were beaten to the north by Qie Lian's sudden runaway state.

"The repairing old man is probably reaching his limit. If we continue this stalemate, we will be the ones to fall first! Are we going to use the 'Seven Injuries Fist' to match the mongoose inspector's rampage?" Long had this thought in his heart, However, he has great concerns, because he understands that if Trump cannot be solved in a short time, then the old man will be unable to resist until the last repair.Changing the elf just happened to fulfill Qielian's wishful thinking, and happened to fall into the trap set by the opponent.The current situation really put Long in an embarrassing situation.

Looking at Long's solemn expression, Chelian couldn't help but smile and said, "Is there a time when Mr. Long is helpless? Since you don't know what to do, then I will continue to do it." "Oh ^" Inspector Mongoose twirled and jumped up from the ground. Trump, who had jumped into the air, stretched out his body, and the pair of hooks and claws standing behind his back were shining with an extremely cold light.Inspector Mongoose swooped down and charged straight at the repairing old man. In the blink of an eye, Inspector Mongoose flew over the opponent's head.

At this moment, Inspector Mongoose's attack frequency simply cannot accommodate repairing the old man's distracted defense. If he insists on two or three rounds, it will be a dead end.Long's eyes suddenly flickered, and he waved his hands and shouted: "Brothers of migrant workers are fighting hard! Use the Seven Injuries Fist!" The brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road, and the repairing old man who is forced to a desperate situation can only be possible if he shows stronger fighting spirit and courage than his opponent Win this battle.

"噗咚^" the repairing old man roared and punched a burst of energy into his left shoulder. Under the influence of his roots, he raised his invincible fist high to gather a gray-brown luster, and resolutely waved a powerful heavy-arm hammer to meet the mongoose inspector. His back was hit hard.The sudden increase in power of the punch made Trump, who was in a state of rampage, a little overwhelmed.There was a bang, and dust and sand flew up.

A huge pothole was hammered open on the ground by the brothers of migrant workers. The mongoose inspector crawled out staggering from left to right. After such a long period of high-intensity fighting, his body was already exhausted. After the runaway, it turned out to be the battle field. As an opponent, grabbing Dier with the head there, such a crazy move is almost the same as knowing that he has been impeached by the House of Representatives.

"Uncle won the bet~ Persevere until the runaway is over, the mongoose detective is in a state of confusion, now is a great opportunity to counterattack!" Tou Zijiang yelled loudly, shaking his hat.

"It's so simple, do you want to defeat me? It's still too early!" Chelian snorted coldly, "Mongoose Inspector, use your sleep trick!" He accurately calculated the duration of provocation and rampage, just to make Trump Restoring stamina as a foreshadowing, if Inspector Mongoose really uses it successfully, you can also stagger the effect of chaos. When Trump wakes up, he will be revived with full blood, and the effects of paralysis and confusion should disappear. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Good plan!After hearing the trainer's order, Inspector Mongoose calmed down, prostrated on the ground and curled up into a ball. As soon as he closed his eyes, he began to feel drowsy and snore.

"Oops, stop it quickly, or our hard work will be in vain." Long waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Brother Migrant Workers, before the opponent recovers completely, beat it with all strength, sober slap!"

"噚咚^0.8" the repairing old man roared loudly, striding forward with strides and rushing towards the sleeping Trump, the muscles all over his body swelled, his palms were covered with a layer of white light, and he hit the mongoose like a watermelon On the inspector's head.An invisible force surged, and with a crackling sound, the mongoose inspector, who woke up from his sleep, let out a mournful howl, fell down and turned his belly up, this time he couldn't get up again!

"Detective Mongoose loses his ability to fight, and the old man who repairs wins!" Mr. Principal announced the result of the competition loudly with a wave of the banner. The physical fitness of the migrant workers was evident in this competition. He didn't fall under the circumstances, and he won two cities with tenacious perseverance!

Chapter 044

The more brutal and difficult the fierce battle, the more it can stimulate the potential of the pokemon, and only when they are forced into a desperate situation will they break through!The students at the scene may not understand the tactical intention of the 'Seven Injury Boxing', but they still did not hesitate and gave warm cheers to the winning side.

Gong Ping lay on the seat with his head in his hands and murmured, "A slap while awake will cause huge damage to the sleeping elf, and the mongoose inspector is really sad, he happened to hit the opponent's muzzle. The teacher has to win a game again Lose the game decently, otherwise the first show in the gymnasium will become the background version of that strange uncle, don’t you think so, Xiu?”

"As expected of Mr. Long, under adversity, he did not hesitate to choose a strong man to break his wrist and fight back successfully. It really is a remarkable courage!" Ah Xiu shook his head. Although he expressed sigh and helplessness at his teacher's failure, he had to feel sorry for Long He applauded for his outstanding performance, "Although it is difficult for the repairing old man to persevere in the next game, but it is already a sure-fire deal to be able to fight off the mongoose inspector who relies on his squatting characteristics to explode."

"Come back, Inspector Mongoose, I'm really sorry for you. Long, being famous is not as good as seeing you. Only when you really fight can you feel your strength." Che Lian took out the last poke ball, pursed his mouth and looked at Long Ning Sheng said: "It seems that the situation is hopeless now, but even if there is only a last chance of winning, we will not give up lightly. This is the truth I am pursuing! As a gym trainer, I must go beyond Go, my best friend!" "Wow^" A mighty and loyal dog elf jumped out of the ball, the light yellow fur on its face extended into a long beard , most of the body is covered with dark blue fur.

"Wang woo^" the long-haired dog suddenly opened his eyes, and the aura of his body changed suddenly. Accompanied by a burst of barking, the incomparably furious and frighteningly powerful aura instantly spread, sweeping across the entire campus.The long-haired dog roared to the sky, like a mastiff waking up from sleep, exuding a fearsome aura of overlord.Repairing the old man was unconsciously forced back by the intimidating characteristics emitted by the opponent, his expression was a little uncomfortable, and his body instinctively resisted the oppression of this aura.

Classmate Mei took out the illustration book and said in a dumb voice: " Teacher Qielian's last trump card? Just by looking at the appearance and this powerful aura, it makes people feel very powerful!"

"Long-haired dog, big and wide Pokemon, the attribute is normal. It will enter the mountain blocked by the snowstorm to rescue the victims. The long hair can resist the cold. If you are wrapped in its long body hair, you will feel warm and comfortable. Comfortable, you can spend a night calmly even in the mountains in winter. Smart, gentle and brave. It is a trustworthy and good partner of the rescue team members.”

"Hi, long time no see, John!" I noticed from a long distance that the long-haired dog's Tou Zijiang waved happily towards the direction of the field, "You are really getting more and more powerful." "Wow~" the long-haired dog He lowered his body and called out to the girl affectionately, his attitude was extremely docile, not at all the vicious aura and majesty just now, and Touzi seemed to be quite familiar with this long-haired dog.

Seeing the puzzled expression of classmate Mei next to him, Touzi took the initiative to explain: "I guessed yesterday that Chelian might put the strongest Pokemon as the trump card at the end, but I didn't expect the last one to be John. This long-haired dog evolved from the little Yorkie that Chelian took in during his travels. Its level is beyond your imagination. Its canine teeth can easily tear apart a steel plate several centimeters thick. In the whole world, Yixiu can't find a long-haired dog stronger than John!"

Mei couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear after hearing the words of the little uncle. The long-haired dog on the competition field was about the same length as an adult, far surpassing the well-trained police dogs in the police station.The girl has no doubts about the authenticity of Touzi's remarks. What amazing explosive power is hidden under this body!

Long's face became serious, and the long-haired dog in front of him was definitely a super powerful enemy.Although the illustrated book says that the long-haired dog has a gentle temperament and is harmless to humans and animals, but it is merciless in battle and usually takes violent attacks. The previous intimidating characteristics further confirm this point.The two hard-fought rounds of the migrant workers' brothers are almost at the end of their battles, and whether the Long-haired dog can be defeated in the battle of Dailong Jiushu still has to be questioned. It is indeed a safe way to send the Lizard King to fight, but if you really want to do this, you will violate this principle. The original intention of the training arrangement.It is a process of self-growth for trainers to participate in alliance competitions to challenge various gyms, and the elves are the same. If they do not experience various harsh environments, it is meaningless.

Long's heart was flat, and he decided to leave the opportunity to exercise to other partners, and then waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Aim at the opponent, use continuous empty energy!" There was an angry roar from the direction of the dog, and the palms were pushed continuously, and several compressed air bombs were bombarded directly at the long-haired dog.John carefully observed every move of the migrant workers from the corner of his eye, shuttled back and forth between the venues, and waited for an opportunity to approach his opponent while avoiding the old man's fire with an extremely flexible figure.

"The air energy of the ordinary type can double the power of the trick when it is in an abnormal state such as poisoning, burns, and paralysis." The beautiful inspector looked at the repairing old man in the center of the field and said in a deep voice: "The dragon has made up his mind. Do you want to use this method to implement comprehensive suppression?"

"Increase the attack range, don't let it get close!" Long kept urging the migrant workers to maintain a strong firepower output.With the strengthening of the root characteristics, the damage of each air bullet repaired by the old man is very considerable!

Chelian subconsciously pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Sure enough, it's scary enough, so we need to get rid of that repairing old man first. John, revenge!" "Wang woo^" the long-haired dog A thick snort was blown out from the nostrils, and the two front paws trampled heavily on the ground, letting out bursts of roars, and several cracks opened on the ground.With a sudden agitation, he rushed out from the enveloping net of intertwined air bombs, his bulged body was covered with a layer of crimson light, and he stared fiercely at the repairing old man.

Chapter 045 A Blow to the Enemy, Pet Dog John's Revenge

The dragon's face was concentrating and he waved his hands and shouted: "Brother migrant workers, stop it and use your energy to join the bomb!" With a sudden flick of the arm, the Qihe bomb was ejected towards the long-haired dog.John took advantage of the opportunity to make a hole with a spirit dog, and quickly dug a gap in the ground with his front paws and plunged in. The gas-heavy bullet barely passed the hole.

"Wang woo^" the long-haired dog came out from the ground with a roar, turned over and rolled up afterimages of flower petals flying in the sky, and at the same time, rows of phantoms of thousands of torii gates appeared around the old man. The momentum of fighting against the enemy turned into an unsheathed sharp sword, barking and rushing down, piercing through the old man repairing, and suddenly the violent wind swept over the entire competition field like a substance, and the migrant workers had no time to howl After making a sound, he hit the ground heavily and couldn't move. He was severely injured and defeated by revenge in one move.

This blow was very fierce, and the victory was decided in less than a minute from suppression to stalemate to counterattack. Mr. Principal looked at the migrant workers who fell to the ground and confirmed again and again, and announced loudly with a wave of the flag Said: "The repairing old man loses 1% of his fighting ability, and the long-haired dog wins!"

Classmate Mei covered her mouth in surprise, "This... what kind of trick is this? Uncle Long's old repairman was knocked down in one fell swoop. The power of this trick is comparable to billions of shock waves, right?"

"Of course, this level of power cannot be caused by a single effect, but relies on the accumulation of anger." Tou Zijiang clenched his fists excitedly and stood up and said: "Due to the defeat of Inspector Mongoose, the damage of revenge has reached the extreme. This set of tactics appeared in the semi-finals of the Higaki Conference six years ago. At that time, my only remaining Yan Wu Wang knocked down Chelian's Gaia Rock and Huaya Ape in succession by virtue of his fierce fire characteristics. This poured a basin of cold water on my head, and every time I think about it, I feel depressed!"

"Your performance has greatly exceeded my expectations, so take a good rest." Long took back the old man who had lost his fighting ability and repaired it, clapped his palms and said in admiration to Qilian: "This long-haired dog has indeed been bred very well by you, unexpectedly Even the air energy of crossfire can't do anything to it. Yixiu Continent is really strong, and he can learn a lot of experience from every game. I regret not knowing you earlier. It seems that I will find you in another day Open your posture and come to a six-on-six all-hands battle with real knives and real guns."

"I am willing to accompany you, but it must be when the students are on vacation." Chelian smiled knowingly and then said sincerely: "Mr. Long is right, elf trainers have to fight different people and learn the essence of each other's tactics." For example He said that he learned the revenge just now from Auntie Lui, the trainer of Qibao City Gymnasium.

"Although I let you win back a victory, the next battle may not be so simple." Long threw the second poke ball vigorously, and it bounced away with a bang, and the bag dragon, which was shouted back by Trump before, reappeared.

"Uncle Long still decided to send out the bag dragon," Mei student objected, "in the situation where the teacher has only one elf left, wouldn't it be safer to let the lizard king take over the game?"

"Little nephew, you are not very experienced in the world, and you don't know the little Jiujiu hidden in uncle's heart." Touzi analyzed and said: "Based on what I know about him, I probably won't let Lizard King play easily unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Don't be careless, this long-haired dog is good at making extremely effective counterattacks when the opponent is inadvertent." The dragon who was placed in a row reminded the bag dragon, and the bag dragon turned slowly and pointed at its trainer Nodding, a little bag dragon waiting for breastfeeding in the breast pocket crawled and poked its head out, as if complaining to the mother for not allowing it to sleep for a while.

"Yo Xi, let's take the lead this time, let's get down on the horse!" Long shouted and waved his arm, directly kicking off the prelude to the violent attack. "Balu^" immediately moved after the trainer gave the order, rushed to the enemy's half at a very fast speed, and slapped the long-haired dog heavily with a slap.

Cutting the sideburns by his ears, he said with a light smile: "I guessed that you would do this. Disarming Mawei has the highest priority among all offensive preemptive moves, but this does not mean that there are no flaws. It is really not a big deal to choose to attack rashly at the beginning. A wise decision, repeated use of the same move is a big taboo. John, use protection quickly!" "Wow ^" the long-haired dog roared, and instantly circled a green protective shield in front of him. The bag dragon's high-five surprise attack failed Breaking through the defense was bounced back by John's protective trick.

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