As if to verify the girl's conjecture, Qie Lian stared at the repairing old man on the field with a serious face, and threw out his second elf ball with a sudden wave of his hand, the red light flashed, "Roar^" followed by an ear-splitting roar The sound came, and I saw a little elf with brown fur and a long flat tail jumping out of the elf ball in style.

"What the hell is this?" Seeing the mongoose-like contestant sent by Chelian, Long and the students sitting in the stands watching the battle were stunned, and Long immediately took out the elf illustration book to look at it. Information about this new breed of Pokemon.

"The information confirms that the mongoose inspector is a Pokemon guard. Its attributes are normal. It has strong teeth and jaws. After finding the trace of the prey, it will insist on squatting at that place. It is diurnal and will faint in the evening. Sleepy. A little elf who prides herself on her endurance."

After reading the feedback information on the illustrated book, Long secretly wondered: "This is the mongoose detective with less evolved mongoose. It's really strange, and it's the first time I've seen it. It seems very difficult to mess with. But I am a little puzzled, how does this guy look exactly like the president of a big country."

When Qilian took out the Pokemon in the Alola area that he had never seen before, Long felt a sense of hunting in his heart.Pokémon in the Alola Islands are rare in other regions, so it is very interesting to be lucky enough to meet such an opponent.Now he just wants to go all out and enjoy this match to the fullest.

"Huh? Chelian went to Alola for two months of training last year, and he tamed this little elf? Damn, he didn't say a word to Miss Ben." Tou Zijiang gritted her silver teeth, and fanned her hat on the seat. stomp.

"We are not familiar with the specific situation of this mongoose inspector, although the combat department still occupies an advantageous position against the ordinary department." Luo La pointed to the two sides posing on the field and said, "But the old man who repaired after the first After a tough battle, the state has declined significantly, and according to the description in the illustrated book, the opponent is good at offense and endurance, I am worried that it will be difficult to sustain the old man's physical strength in the middle of the battle."

Turning his eyes back to the playing field, Long saw Inspector Mongoose appearing on the stage, and there was a moment of calculation in his mind.Qielian was planning to send out a surprise soldier, with the intention of disrupting his original tactical arrangement, but Long was a person who responded to all changes without change, and there was no reason to panic just because he met a strange opponent.

"You seem to mean that you don't plan to change shifts. That's okay..." Long looked at the confident old repair man on the field, and after some thought, he made a decision, "Let us the working class stand up and defeat 'capitalism', migrant worker brothers , Continue to work, continuous punching!" "Lu dong^" Xiu Xiu's old man struck out with heavy punches continuously, the punches he staggered with both hands pierced through a thousand junctures, and suppressed all the way to the front court with small steps.This is like a green field. For players who perform well, the head coach will naturally give more playing time.

Once bitten by a snake, regardless of whether the dragon has a back move or not, let's avoid its edge for now, Qie Lian raised his arm high and said loudly: "Disrupt the action of the repairing old man, use the terrain to use flying sand feet! "Yo ouch^" The mongoose inspector stood with his hands behind his hands half-closed eyes, and dug out a pile of dust from the potholes. With a twist of his sharp toes, it flew into the eyes of the migrant workers.

"Not good, the line of sight is blocked." Long hurriedly waved his hands and shouted to the migrant workers in the center of the field: "Use the rock avalanche trick that covers the whole field!" , A series of densely packed giant rocks emerged above the site.In the trend of five mountains moving peaks, a series of more than a dozen huge rocks rolled down from the sky and hit 'Trump'.

"Yo ouch^" the mongoose inspector was angry again and again. Under the full-screen map gun of the migrant workers, its clumsy figure could only be exhausted. After smashing through several flying rocks, it was already out of breath.Chelian also saw the predicament faced by Inspector Mongoose. The scale of the rockslide summoned by the repairing old man was astonishing, and it was impossible to avoid it with Trump's reflexes.

"Hiding like this is not the way to go." Chelian's face darkened and he said in a concentrated voice: "Detective mongoose, use the trick of roaring!" The roaring sound spread to the surroundings like a temple bell.

The body of the repairing old man, who was showing off his prowess on the field, suddenly froze, and then turned into a red light and flew straight back into the elf ball on the dragon's waist.Seeing this scene, Ah Xiu's classmate lost his voice: "Teacher, this is a forced move. Yelling is a unique way to force the trainer to replace the elves on the field. Although the opponent's rock avalanche is interrupted, But before it was hard to weaken the ability and change, it will return to initialization accordingly.”

"Nephew's words are wrong!" Tou Zijiang waved his hands and said with a smile: "Young man~ you have to think from the standpoint of gym trainers, they can't exchange elves on the field at will like challengers, Therefore, it can be regarded as a disguised form to alleviate the unfavorable situation, Qie Lian is quite a guy." The girl pretended to be an old senior in front of the newcomers again.

"Oh, the migrant workers haven't had their best time yet..." Long frowned, and finally took out another poke ball from his body and threw it out, "Use all your strength, go!" "Balu^" A huge figure howled and stomped heavily on the ground. It was a bagosaurus over two meters tall!

Chapter 041: Squatting Strategy, Grieving Mongoose Detective

"It's Taurusurya, a Pokemon that was once endangered as a protected animal, and I only read it in textbooks." Classmate Mei asked Touzi curiously: "Master must know the identity of this little elf." Come on."

"When Uncle NO tamed this marsupial, I hadn't officially traveled with him yet." Tou Zijiang shook his head and said meaningfully: "I heard that it was because I was caught by Bangira on the way to Manjin City in Chengdu. It was accidentally injured, and it was subdued by accident, and it was the first time I saw uncle use it to fight."

What the girl said was true, mainly because the number of elves tamed by the dragon was increasing year by year, and one person did not have enough energy to take care of all the targets.Individual elite generals such as Big Brother and Lizard King can still maintain a very high appearance rate, but such as the marsupial dragon and the toucan basically rarely have the opportunity to appear on the stage.Right now, there is plenty of time at the beginning of the trip, so Long plans to recruit those partners in the manor who have been out of battle for a long time to exercise.Yesterday, when he borrowed the teleportation device from the school building, Bangira still looked reluctant, and Long finally persuaded the fella in love to reluctantly "contribute" the dragon.

"It turned out to be a marsupial, which really surprised people." Qie Lian gracefully rested his chin on his hand, and with a wave of his finger, he decided to deal with the marsupial before making targeted deployments, "First find out the opponent's routine, use bite Make a probing attack!" "Roar^" The mongoose inspector hissed and roared, showing two rows of sharp sawtooths, and the sharp fangs protruded and swelled a foot long and were embedded in the mouth.At this time, the ferocious and terrifying expression was like a gluttonous beast, stepping on heavy steps, rumbling and rumbling towards the marsupial dragon to bite, bite and eat.

"Look, the daughter-in-law of 'Death Penalty Strike' is not the little Lada that you can bully." The dragon chuckled, snapped his fingers and said, "Go to the dragon, get off your horse!" "Balu^" the dragon roared angrily With a sound, before Inspector Mongoose burst into strength, he clapped his palms lightly.The space was filled with an invisible force pressing towards the opponent, the grinning 'Trump' stopped as if by magic, looked around in cold sweat, subconsciously took a few steps back.

A little loli in the front row of the auditorium asked in surprise: "Obviously the teacher gave the order first, but the opponent easily countered it. The trick of the marsupial dragon is not fancy, and the mongoose inspector should be able to see it." Let’s understand the other party’s movements, Mei-senpai, what’s going on here?”

Mei-san looked at the competition field quietly and explained with a smile: "The way to get off the horse is to make a surprise attack by approaching the opponent with high fives, so that the opponent will feel fear in his heart and fall into a state of cowering. This trick will only take effect at the beginning of the battle. For you now It's still too early to say, but everyone is walking slowly step by step, and you will understand when you have learned something!"

"Yo ow^" 'Trump', who made the Dragon's sneak attack, immediately became angry, his momentum continued to rise, his whole body exuded a high-spirited atmosphere, and the whole body of Inspector Mongoose was shrouded in a frenzied red glow.

"Self-motivation? No matter what unknown abilities the Mongoose Inspector has, the attributes have not changed." The dragon shouted and raised his arms and shouted at the dragon: "How to attack or how to attack, let's go , Boost your punches!" "Balu^" the bag dragon clenched its fists tightly, and a violent wind blew instantly, and the bag dragon roared angrily and swung its heavy fists straight to the mongoose Tan~chang's face.

Qie Lian waved his hands with a pale face and shouted loudly: "Fight with the killer front teeth!"A row of front teeth erupted into a dazzling Bai Yao, and the killer front teeth met the Zengli fist, the sharp protruding teeth collided with the golden fighting energy and then scattered in all directions - bursting and splashing.

After a head-to-head confrontation, the analosaur and the mongoose inspector each retreated. The two elves stared fiercely at each other, and the analosaurus shook his slightly numb arm.This fist was hurt by the front teeth of 'Trump'. Fortunately, it was withdrawn in time just now, otherwise it would have been bitten by the opponent.Go back and let Bangira find out, so you have to demolish the house.

With the strength displayed by the marsupial dragon, it shouldn't be a disadvantage, and I don't know if it's an illusion. After the dragon noticed that the elf was replaced, the mongoose detective's offensive was obviously sharper than before.

Chelian waved his hands and laughed and shouted loudly: "Very good, keep the rhythm just now, let's do another roaring trick!" The bomb exploded on the field.The bag dragon tried to resist the intimidating roar of 'Trump', but the effect of the roar still forced the bag dragon to retreat back into the poke ball hanging on the dragon's waist.With a bang, another red light bounced off, and the migrant workers unexpectedly appeared on the playing field with a dazed expression on their faces.

"Oh my god, what is Chelian doing? He should know that this trick has little effect on the challenger, right? Uncle can change the Pokemon on the field at any time. If you passively delay the progress of the game, you won't be afraid of being detained by Sister Laura. Points..." Tou Zijiang outside the arena covered his head and muttered.

"Continue to suppress it with moves, and use tile cutting!" Long didn't want to leave any room for the opponent to breathe, and with a wave of his arm, he directed the migrant workers to launch a counterattack in an instant.Every trick has its own priority, and shouting has a serious lag.Long didn't believe that this 'Trump' was made of iron, and could withstand the repeated impacts of the repairing old man and the bag dragon.

Chelian said in a slightly deep voice: "My intention is to hope that Mr. Long will continue to replace the elves, because I will decide the winner in one breath in the next period of time! Inspector Mongoose, slam!" Yo ow^" Trump roared angrily, trampling heavily on the ground with both feet, blasting several cracks, and galloping towards the repairing old man with a flash of white light.

"噗咚^" The migrant worker brothers first jumped up from the field with a concrete stone pillar in their arms, and swung the powerful tiles towards the mongoose inspector head-on. Taking a small step back, this guy less than one meter relied on his own body to completely withstand the violent attack of the repairing old man. What is even more surprising is that the mongoose inspector then used his arm to pick up the migrant workers. The belt pillar flew up.

Chapter 042: The Mystery of Substitution

"This... is deceiving, the old man repairing lost in the confrontation of pure strength! Did Qie Lian use superpowers?" Tou Zijiang looked at Qie Lian standing behind the mongoose inspector with his hands behind his hands in astonishment. His eyes were full of horror.At this moment, not only the girls, but Gonghei, Ashura, and Mei who were on the sidelines all lost their voices.

Long stood on the edge of the playing field, staring in disbelief at the migrant worker brothers who were being manipulated by 'Trump'.If this scene were not actually staged in the public demonstration class, everyone would even wonder if they watched a fake battle. It is really hard to imagine that a Pokemon less than one meter tall can be so cruel. It's too unbelievable.

Before Long could figure out the key point, Chelian interrupted his contemplation with a loud shout, "Mongoose Inspector, Angry Front Teeth!" Looking at the migrant workers, as if they were enjoying a huge serving of hot dogs, the huge mouth of the basin suddenly opened, and the sharp rodent teeth gave off a chill, and it hurts just to look at it.The opponent is expected to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned to fight against the migrant workers, and they are going to use fixed-damage tricks to forcibly cut and repair the old man's 'blood line'.

At this critical juncture, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in the dragon's head, and he clenched his fists and shouted to the migrant workers: "Pour the force of the fist into your fingers and stuff it into its mouth!" From top to bottom, stretch out a finger shining with a green halo to meet the angry front teeth of the mongoose detective, risking injury, and punch hard into the opponent's mouth, don't you want to bite, let you eat one at a time? enough.

'Trump''s eyes bulged suddenly, obviously his teeth ached from the 'absorbing finger' from the migrant worker brother, but the more exciting thing was yet to come.The suction force from the fingertips caused Inspector Mongoose's bloated body to shrink rapidly, like an obese patient undergoing liposuction. Even his straight belly was quietly shriveled, and his strength and energy were rapidly losing strength.

Looking from a distance, the mongoose inspector kept swinging his hands, and then landed lightly on the ground. Tou Zijiang couldn't help laughing. Considering his image in front of the younger generation, Tou Zi carefully covered his mouth with his hat and lightly He smiled and said, "It's thanks to uncle's wit that he even figured out such a strange trick. can't be stomach hurts from laughing."

"Excellent! Inspector Mongoose's physical strength has been drawn by the absorption punch, and I'm afraid he will be unable to fight back." Mei, who was in the audience, said happily: "The old man repaired the move just right. Turned the situation around again!"

Hearing the girl's words, the expression on the beautiful Inspector's face gradually eased, "Have you been paying attention, the Mongoose Detective usually only plays a smooth offensive rhythm when the dragon replaces the elf. But after a while, he will attack again." It's becoming normal, we didn't pay attention to it before, but now it seems that the characteristic of this elf is undoubtedly squatting!"

"Squat guard?" Classmate Mei asked curiously: "What kind of characteristic is this, and what does it have to do with Uncle Long's replacement of the elf?"

Lola explained with a smile: "Before I left for the trip, I had read a research report on Alola's newly discovered characteristics. It was introduced in detail that the Pokemon with the squatting characteristic can, for a period of time, be able to Give it double damage. That's why Qielian frequently uses roaring tactics to force the dragon to replace the elf on the field, trying to harvest the game through the triggering of the characteristics!"

Now everyone has finally figured out the reason why Inspector Mongoose had such a huge difference in performance before and after, but then there was another hidden worry in their hearts. As far as Chelian is concerned, the longer 'Trump' delays the round, the better his chances of winning.

On the playing field, the mongoose inspector, who felt his body was hollowed out, grinned and tried to regain his footing.Seeing 'Trump' selling such a big flaw, Dragon naturally wouldn't miss the golden opportunity, he clenched his fists and roared loudly: "Migration brothers, take advantage of this moment, and work hard!"

"噗咚^" Repairing the old man's palm close to the opponent's head and bursting out an invisible and powerful shock wave. "Roar^" was hit by a zero-distance strike from the migrant worker brothers, and the mongoose detective's head suddenly became heavy, his body became more and more sluggish, and it was difficult for him to even move.The mongoose inspector seems a little strange. The attack that repaired the old man just now not only hit it directly, but also added an additional effect. The opponent is in an abnormal state of paralysis!Migrant worker brother, you are smuggled from Europe.

Trump faltered under Fa Jin's blow, and seeing that he couldn't hold on for long, Chelian waved his hands decisively and shouted loudly: "Mongoose Inspector, roar!" At the moment, Chelian can only hope that the squatting characteristic can help him recover from the decline.

"It's not easy for you to get your way so easily, don't think about it again and again!" Long pointed at the old man repairing Qielian slightly and raised his hand and shouted: "Brother migrant workers, provoke!" "Lu^" the old man repairing lazily erected a concrete stone pillar , looked contemptuously at Trump in the opposite half of the court, spread out one palm and gently hooked his fingers one by one, as if letting the horse come over, with an extremely provocative expression.

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