Long touched his bitten lip, then looked at Li Lin with resentful eyes and said, "How should I explain this to them later..."

"I don't care about it!" Li Lin said nonchalantly, and then said with a cold and arrogant expression: "Okay, save the nonsense until after the business is done, the opportunity is rare, let's tame that Darkley first .”

Long pursed his lips bitten by Li Lin, and said helplessly, "I'll cooperate as you say, what do you want me to do?"

"Originally, I was going to visit the ancestral hall with Cresselia, but since I met you, it will be easy." Li Lin smiled and said to Long: "Now I will borrow your Darkley." Once it is used, it can feel the breath of the same kind, so it is not too difficult to find this nightmare god that caused a commotion in Shuimai City, right?"

Li Linlong could almost guess what Li Lin was thinking, and immediately said with some embarrassment: "However, this is considered an act of betraying the same kind, so Darkley may not agree to us... Is there any other practical way! "

Under Li Lin's staring gaze, Long had no choice but to bite the bullet and take out the purple master ball from his body, but after pressing the button, Long didn't expect that the elf ball didn't respond at all. The gesture shown is clearly unwilling to cooperate.Seeing Lilin's increasingly cold face, Long couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. Pokemon are rarely cowardly like humans. Even if he is Darkrai's trainer, he can't force Nightmare God to flatter him. Harm the same kind.

"Forget it, I didn't count on you. Let's go to Full Moon Island according to the original plan." Li Lin shook his hair and snorted disdainfully, while Long Ze breathed a sigh of relief and followed suit. .

Because of the arrival of the nightmare god, the port of Shuimai City came to a standstill, while Li Lin took the dragon and jumped onto a white luxury yacht. After turning on the automatic cruise mode, the yacht drove through a wave of water. Carry two people and drive directly towards Full Moon Island.But what Long didn't expect was that Li Lin would pull him directly into the cabin bedroom to play a game called undressing... Looking at the sexy goddess riding on him like a queen, emotional Li Lin's revenge is in the Here it is!

When the yacht sailed to Full Moon Island, Long asked if it was time to get up and work, but Li Lin directly said, "It's not dark yet, so what's the hurry... Sure enough, in terms of combat effectiveness in this respect, those of Long Among the confidante, Li Lin is the strongest, and this goblin is simply not too good at playing, so men can't stop loving him!

When the night fell completely, Long finally got up from the gentle village with some reluctance.Although the fighting power of Lilin Bed is already super-class and powerful among all the women in the dragon, it is still not the opponent of the dragon after all. The red, green and blue three-color orbs and the body fused with the platinum jade soul are just like hanging. After a few rounds of courteousness, Long resolutely dominated the subsequent battles. Until now, Li Lin was like a puddle of soft mud, but he was still unsatisfied.

Looking at the full moon hanging high in the night sky outside the window, Long hurriedly took off a lotus root arm that Li Lin was wearing on his body, "Don't lie down, it's already dark, you won't forget the business, right?" , do you still want to find Darkley?"

"Hmm..." The lazy image of the sexy goddess of the alliance is extremely rare. If Li Lin's loyal fans know that the goddess of their dreams was actually slept by Long, who is almost a public enemy, then But it's really fun!

With Darkley's protection, Long and Lilin were not worried about being disturbed by nightmares, that's why Lilin was able to sleep so soundly at this moment.It's just that now is not the time to sleep. The sexy goddess who was so anxious and vowed to catch Da Kelai is now stuck on the bed and can't get up. Hey Pi, what a delay!

Helpless, Long, who has always been advertised as a warm man, can only withdraw from the gentleness, and he has to bear part of the responsibility for Li Lin being harmed into what he is now.Therefore, at this moment, Long naturally has to work harder. It is a man's due consciousness to stand up and share the worries for his women.

After placing the master ball on the head of the bed in the bedroom and confirming that Li Lin could have a sweet dream, Long jumped from the cabin to Full Moon Island alone.This small island not far from Shuimai City is just a bare rocky mountain. The waves are constantly beating on the reef, and there is no one living on the Full Moon Island, which only has a ancestral hall.Ten years ago, the Dream God and the Nightmare God who plagued Watermaid City hadn't appeared after a battle here, so Long doubted whether Cresselia would visit Full Moon Island. If Darkrai didn't If it appears, then the dragon's trip today will be in vain.

"Storm salamander!" The dragon threw the elf ball with his hands, and then jumped onto the broad back of the blood-winged dragon and flew towards the island. On the top of the full moon island, there is a crescent-shaped ancestral hall made entirely of rocks .Just when Long was thinking that this might be the ancestral hall of the Dream God, he didn't want to hear a huge roar from above his head at this moment.

With a look of surprise on his face, Long quickly looked up, only to see a huge dark ship slowly driving towards Full Moon Island through the night, and Long, who was no longer familiar with this space battleship, recognized it at a glance. This is a battleship organized by Skynet!

"Hunter J or Shirley?" Looking up at the space battleship slowly sailing to the sky above Full Moon Island, Long couldn't help frowning.

Accompanied by a humming roar, the space battleship organized by Skynet stopped completely at a height of about 100 meters, and several white beams shone down. The woman slowly fell to the ground from the reduced gravity area created by the spaceship.And behind Shirley, one of the women with long water-blue wavy hair turned out to be the second in command of the destroyed Yuanshui Fleet in the Fangyuan area. It is obvious that she is now under Shirley's command.

Long Yi squinted his eyes involuntarily, and met Xue Li's gaze without any weakness and asked in a concentrated voice: "This is really a coincidence, the Skynet organization has always been unprofitable, and this time it ran to this bare It’s really surprising to come to such a desolate island.”

Looking away from the ancestral hall of Cresselia behind the dragon, Shirley said coldly: "Are you just waiting for a rabbit, or is this just another chance to be bumped into by you?"

A row of black lines involuntarily appeared on Long's forehead. Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but it really doesn't make sense to use coincidence to prevaricate it several times.However, Shirley's eyes didn't hide from Long just now. Facing this woman who made him extremely entangled, Long sighed and said in a low voice: "Tell me, what is the goal of your Skynet organization this time, Creselli?" Ya or Darkrai?"

Seeing Long's expression, Shirley suddenly understood. It seems that Long didn't know about the action news of Skynet organization in advance, so she was here waiting for her visit, otherwise Shirley should investigate whether there is an undercover agent lurking around her. .That being the case, why the dragon appeared here is not Shirley's concern.

And when Long saw Xue Li's two fingers stretched out, his face turned black. It seemed that he really underestimated this woman's ambition, she wanted both of them!

"Listen to my piece of advice, turn your head and be right, these two Pokemon are not something that your Skynet organization can get your hands on." Long's face turned serious, and he restrained his usual unserious expression and said: "You know my What is your position, so your plan organized by Skynet will not succeed!"

Long's loud words immediately made the four subordinates behind Xue Li tense up, but Xue Li didn't show any unexpected expression on her face.Slowly took a few steps forward and said with a sneer:

"Do you really think of yourself as the savior of this world?

Really as persistent as ever. "

"Oh..." The violent newt narrowed its eyes slightly, and the big blood-winged dragon snorted heavily, wary of Xue Li who was approaching the dragon step by step.

And Long smelled the scent of Shirley's body getting closer and closer, until the other party was only [-] centimeters away from him, and the four eyes of the two of them looked directly at each other like this.An inexplicable and charming atmosphere is actually lingering. Seeing Xue Li's beautiful face so close, Long should feel lucky. If he hadn't been squeezed dry by Li Lin just now, he would still be here now. It might be a little unbearable.

Long is not good at trying to figure out women's minds, and among the women he has a relationship with, the one in front of him is the most difficult for him to figure out.Seeing the more obvious smile on the corner of Xue Li's mouth, Long couldn't help wondering suspiciously whether this woman had set up some kind of trap to deal with him, right?

Although Long had already spoken before, Shirley is a very resourceful woman!

Chapter 255

"Papa..." The sudden burst of applause shocked everyone on the top of the mountain. When everyone turned their eyes to the direction of the applause, they saw a sneer on their faces. Li Lin came pacing, and beside her was an Absolu following her step by step. No wonder no one heard the high-heeled footsteps just now.

"This must be the head behind the Skynet organization. It's really lucky to meet you here today." Facing Shirley's cold gaze, Li Lin looked calm, even above her head. There was a dark space battleship floating, but the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance seemed to turn a blind eye to it.

Facing Li Lin's extremely provocative remarks, the expression on Shirley's face became more and more cold, and her eyes had completely withdrawn and focused on the evil department who had been holding the seat of the number one sexy goddess of the Elven Alliance. On the king of heaven.Shirley, who has silver hair of the same color as Li Lin, suddenly sneered and said, "If Kona, Sirona, or the Venerable Kang Nai said such a thing, I would still think about it. People who are too self-righteous often don't There will be a good ending, so this kind of person should weigh himself more."

Scared... Long was really stunned by Shirley's words, especially when he saw Li Lin's face that became more and more ugly, he was afraid that this violent woman would hold back He couldn't hold back his anger and directly asked Shirley to stage a real-life PK. Among the Four Heavenly Kings, there really wasn't any outrageous thing that Li Lin didn't dare to do!

Li Lin squinted a pair of phoenix eyes. Although the volcano did not erupt immediately, it was obviously more terrifying to suppress the anger with her character.Long Ke really had a headache, and he blamed Xueli secretly in his heart. You said you had nothing to do to tease Li Lin. This one is not as good-tempered as Sirona. The words just now were obviously intended to provoke her and You don't stop dying, Li Lin will definitely clean up Xue Li by then, so Long Ke will be in trouble, is it possible that he really wants to bring Xue Li to justice with his own hands?

"Ah boo..." In the dark night, Absol suddenly raised his neck without any warning and let out a high-pitched long hissing sound. A burst of dazzling light flowed, and Absolu grew a pair of white wings. Lu actually evolved directly into a million form.

"Lusuo^" Absolu yelled angrily, and his body flew out towards the people of the Skynet organization headed by Shirley. The vacuum blade forced the frightened five people to flee in embarrassment.With a bang, a burst of dust flew up from the ground, gravel splashed everywhere, and the powerful trick directly tore a long and narrow crack in the ground.

"Hey, who would launch a sneak attack without saying hello, isn't that bad?" Long said anxiously: "You are the Four Heavenly Kings, representing the image of the Elven Alliance!"

Li Lin turned her head and glanced at Long with disdain, and then said inexplicably: "You are very sympathetic, and you just talked with others for a long time. If you don't want to make a move, just keep your mouth shut , otherwise you will wonder if you have an affair with this woman!"

"Uh..." The rest of Long's words were choked back by Li Lin's last sentence, the woman's intuition was really terrifying, it was absolutely accurate!

Long secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and decided to stand back and wait and see what happened. He didn't know whether Li Lin said it casually or noticed something.Whether it was Na Zi or Li Lin, Long was not afraid of exposing their relationship, but what happened between him and Shirley was the worst.If Sirona and Kona know... Oh my God, this is definitely the end of the world for dragons, and even the Frozen Throne, who has always supported dragons, will not forgive him by then!

Five bangs were heard, and members of the Skynet organization headed by Shirley threw five elf balls one after another. Water arrow turtles, iron claw lobsters, giant swamp monsters, giant crocodiles, and giant claw crabs lined up in three rows. .Captain Quanmei, the second member of the Yuanshui Fleet who had met Lilin in the Fangyuan area, said coldly: "As a trainer, he disregarded even the most basic code of conduct, what Lilin Tianwang did just now is really embarrassing. "

"Hmph!" Li Lin shook her long silver wavy hair, and said in a proud tone: "Stop talking nonsense, you are not qualified to talk to me about the trainer's code of conduct, hello I have already fought, and then I will use all the real skills, I don't have time to toss with you people."

"Millions of evolutions!" Hearing Shirley's cold snort, the water arrow tortoise at the top immediately yelled angrily, and the body with the thick tortoise shell shone brightly, and its powerful hind legs were With a heavy stomp on the ground, the million-shaped water arrow turtle made a strong appearance with a mighty cannon on its back.

Shirley is the kind of character who doesn't talk much, she just waved her hand, and her four subordinates behind her immediately understood, the iron claw lobster and giant claw crab attacked with foam light, while the crocodile and giant marsh monster roared in unison With a sound, he flew towards Absolu.Although Quanmei accused Lilin of not obeying the trainer's rules just now, the villain organization staged a gang fight in a blink of an eye. As expected, mouths grow on people's bodies. Open your mouth!

"Lusuo^" Absolu yelled angrily, swung his head, and the one horn on his forehead suddenly grew a layer of black light about three feet long.Even though it was one against five, Absolu put on a posture of fearlessness, his body flew out suddenly, and Absolu, who used the test knife as the entry point, directly resisted the iron claw lobster and giant claw crab The double bubble light, the black scimitar pierced diagonally and slashed out towards the swooping crocodile.

"Aww^" The long and tall crocodile gathered two dragon claws that spit out green light, and confronted Absolu's sword-testing trick head-on in a head-to-head manner.The scene where the two Pokemon fought instantly was quite shocking, a burst of dust flew up under the strong wind, and the green light of the dragon's claw was cut and split by the soaring test knife of the black light at the moment of the fight Come.

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