Chapter 253 Shuimai City, the Flower of Evil Pear

Seeing Mr. Police who snored and fell asleep within a few minutes, seeing the satisfied expression on the other party's face as if he hadn't slept for many years, everyone didn't want to disturb people's dreams at this time.Xiao Guang turned his head helplessly and asked in a low voice: "What should we do now, there is actually another Darkrai in this city, and just one Pokemon has brought Shuimai City into such chaos?"

Long turned around and looked at Darkley and said in a condensed voice: "Don't you all like to wander around the Sinnoh Continent? It is the same kind you mentioned just now. This is already the third Nightmare God. A population of more than 500 The super city of ten thousand people has now turned into a ghost town in a short period of time, no wonder you people are so unpopular."

Darkley couldn't help turning his eyeballs at what the dragon said, and the Nightmare God disdainfully said with a cold voice: "Humans are really fragile creatures, and because they are weak, they complain about the strength of others. , is this the sorrow of the weak?"

"You guys are so unpopular when you talk..." The leader touched his forehead in pain and said, "It seems that you don't realize how serious the current situation is. In this situation in Shuimai City, what do you think the Elf Alliance is doing?" Will you just let one go? Watch it, the person from the same race who came to clean you up should be on his way, and you will know how powerful humans are when the Four Heavenly Kings come to clean up the mess!"

Just after Long finished speaking, the door of the police station was kicked open with a slam... This is impossible, but according to the tone of Darkley's words just now, Long felt that with his violent temper at the moment, it was absolutely impossible. Will this guy who despises human beings take a good look at it in such a violent way, even if it is the truth, he didn't throw it out in front of people like this?

She has long silver wavy hair, and her sexy and enchanting figure like a water snake can really catch people's eyes.Wearing a navel-baring outfit with a pair of cropped trousers, the curve of her calf is perfect, and a pair of golden high heels on her feet are really enchanting. The woman in front of her makes people wonder whether her half body from the waist down is a mermaid tail. ! 363

A group of women headed by Xiao Meiyan were shocked and stunned when they saw the person coming, but Long was even more unbearable, and his whole body had already fallen into a state of petrification.After being stunned for a long time, Long opened his mouth and said in disbelief: "Evil, evil mother?"

The corners of Li Lin's eyes twitched, and then a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Only then did Long realize that he had made a slip of the tongue just now. The impatient guy covered his mouth as soon as he realized it. It's too late.

If the gaze could be transformed into a knife, then the dragon must have been stabbed several holes in his body now.Fortunately, at this moment, Qiu Ye beside him uttered a sound to help Long save the siege, "Aren't you Master Li Lin of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance?"

Li Lin pulled her long, wavy silver hair, and the Four Heavenly Kings, known as the sexy goddess, shook her head and said to the crowd with a charming smile that could kill men and women: "Hi, I'm Li Lin... very happy I met you here, especially you!"

The girls followed Master Li Lin's eyes and looked over. Long looked embarrassed, so he scratched his head embarrassingly and then took the initiative to change the subject: "We have just arrived in this city not long ago, you are here for Did what happened in Water City come from here?"

Li Lin's eyes slowly turned from the sleeping Mr. Policeman back to Long's body, and then said: "It seems that you have a general understanding of the situation in Shuimai City. This is really a coincidence. I heard Millions of people in Shuimai City had nightmares and rumors about the legendary Pokemon Darkrai, so they came here to investigate the situation. So, this Darkrai, could it be The Nightmare God who caused the huge Shuimian City to fall into chaos!"

Seeing Li Lin's gaze staring at Darkley, Long couldn't help but suddenly felt a sudden burst of emotion, and then quickly hugged the Nightmare God beside him and said anxiously: "Don't be joking, let the citizens of Shuimai City have nightmares!" It’s another Darkley. When we came to the police station, we saw how the policeman was tortured by nightmares, so I kindly asked Darkley to help him sleep peacefully. .”

Hearing what Long said, Li Lin couldn't help but nodded, and then said again: "It seems that the rumors about the Nightmare God circulating in Shuimai City are true?"

At this moment, Xiaoguang, who just woke up from the infinite feminine charm of Lilin, said in a daze: "What do you mean by this? Could it be that Darkrai haunted this city before?" ?”

When the girl opened her mouth, Li Lin glanced at her with meaningful eyes. The Four Heavenly Kings, known as the sexiest goddess in the league, looked at her like this, and Xiao Guang subconsciously felt ashamed.Compared with Li Lin's perfect mermaid figure, any woman will feel inexplicable pressure, especially for a young girl like Xiaoguang who is still in the development stage, and the same-sex repulsion is too strong!

Seeing Xiaoguang's slightly flinching eyes, Li Lin turned his face and said with a smile: "Actually, just ten years ago, there was a record of Darkley coming to this island. The situation at that time was the same as it is now. Millions of people in the entire city were caught in an endless cycle of nightmares every day. The people in Watermaid City were unbearable, and finally fled to the islands in the sea to seek refuge. A city becomes like a ghost town in just two or three days."

Li Lin looked at the surprised faces and then continued: "However, at that time, there was an island called Full Moon Island not far from the coast of Shuimai City. Cresselia landed on the island. In the ancestral hall of the Dream God worshiped by the people above, and with its special ability to help the people of Watermai City resist the invasion of nightmares. Not only that, with the assistance of human trainers, everyone drove Darkrai away After leaving Watervein City, the Nightmare God has never visited this city since then."

After Li Lin finished speaking, the beauty coordinator couldn't help but wondered: "However, after ten years, the Nightmare God visited Shuimai City again. Could it be that it came for revenge?"

Looking at the eyes of everyone gathered, Darkley said in a muffled voice: "I have never come to this city, and even if I am of the same race, I don't know what other people think. I was still in Alamos Town ten years ago. I've never been out before!"

"Is Cresselia also a Pokemon? She can resist Darkrai!" Xiaoguang took out his pink illustrated book in surprise, and quickly found the name of this elf. Relevant information.

"Cresselia, the crescent moon Pokemon, the attribute is superpower. It is called the incarnation of the crescent moon. When flying, the bell-like feathers will emit light particles. The closer the new moon is, The longer and more beautiful the aurora extending from the tail. Cresselia has the ability to drive away nightmares, including those caused by Darkrai, but it can also create beautiful dreams. If it is People who suffer from nightmares look at it, and it can even heal their spiritual wounds, and some people who worship Cresselia think it is the Sandman of the Pokemon world."

Seeing the information given in the illustrated book, Xiaoguang couldn't help but sighed sincerely: "Unexpectedly, there are Pokemon that can make people dream. With such abilities, it's no wonder that Cresselia will be killed by Pokemon." People call it the Sandman!"

Long laughed, and then said, "Otherwise, there would be no such thing as daydreaming, but whether it's a nightmare or a sweet dream, these are illusory and floating clouds after all."

Long said, then turned his eyes to Darkley beside him and said: "I have a problem, nightmare and sweet dream, it is easy to remind people that you and Cresselia are in opposition to each other. Otherwise, you and us Tell me, if you were the Nightmare God who visited Waterline City ten years ago, would you want to come back for revenge?"

"Human's thinking is really weird..." Darkley looked at Long inexplicably, and then said, "I'm not afraid to tell you, although my sense of human beings is not very good, but if I don't understand people If you are welcome, I will choose to leave by myself. Taking revenge on the weak is a sign of cowardice, even if you want to come back, then the target should be Cresselia."

Da Kelaiyi's words made everyone like the dragon silent, and the beauty breeder asked at this time: "Master Lilin is one of the four heavenly kings of the evil department in Chengdu. The use of it can be regarded as a master level, I don't know how you plan to deal with the current situation in the water vein city, do you want to expel that Darkrai?"

There was a confident smile on Li Lin's face, and after shaking her long silver hair, she said in a natural tone: "The purpose of my coming is to subdue that Darkley, as long as it is a pet of the evil department I like elves, and Darkrai, who can cause nightmares and troubles, seems to me to have a very unique personality."

Long wasn't surprised to hear Li Lin said that he wanted to subdue Darkley, but Xiao Meiyan and the others couldn't help being a little surprised.And the Nightmare God turned a pair of scarlet eyes to look at the alliance's sexy goddess again. Although he is a legendary Pokemon, Darkrai can definitely be excluded even if he is not the least popular. It's the top three.I don’t know if Lilin’s words will make Darkrai feel like he’s hard to find a close friend. Since the Nightmare God was forced to leave Alamos Town and traveled with the dragons, he has found more and more that he is still Someone is waiting to see it!

Encountering Lilin here is indeed a pleasant surprise for everyone like Long, especially for Xiaoguang who is addicted to collecting autographed photos of the Four Heavenly Kings. She unexpectedly met another Master of the Four Heavenly Kings who is rare to see on weekdays. She is really a girl favored by the goddess of luck.

Since even the Four Heavenly Kings of the Elf Alliance have come forward, everyone like Long will undoubtedly follow Li Lin's lead, and Long is also fully prepared mentally. In this case, he is still an errand boy Bar.Long, who knew he had made a slip of the tongue, naturally knew that what he said just now would definitely make Li Lin feel unhappy. Among all the women in Long, no one could compare to the one in front of him if they were to say the most vengeful!

Headed by Xiaomeiyan, the four women Saori, Qiuye, and Xiaoguang introduced themselves to the four heavenly kings of the alliance one by one. For these companions who traveled with the dragon, Lilin, the concubine of the dragon, gave a lot of face He did not put on the airs of the Four Heavenly Kings.Looking at the sexy goddess of the Alliance who put down her airs, Miss Xiaomeiyan and the others were a little surprised. It is rumored that the Four Heavenly King Zhong Lilin of the Fairy Alliance is not a good-tempered person. spell.

Therefore, Saori and Qiuye showed a hesitant look when they saw Lilin just now, which was obviously very different from when they faced Sirona and Kangnai.For Li Lin's stinky temper, Long really knows best. He was beating drums in his heart just now, for fear that this thorn would cause trouble for him... But it seems that something is wrong now, and Long doubts the woman in front of him. Is it Lilin or Kona?

However, at a place where Xiao Meiyan and the others couldn't see, the dragon who felt Li Lin's cold gaze couldn't help but shuddered, and shook his head. Now he was finally sure that he didn't admit the wrong person, Li Lin

How can Lin have the ordinary city mansion of Kona!

Li Lin's character is that of a vigorous and resolute person. As the highest person in charge sent by the Elf Alliance to deal with the incident in Shuimai City, the Master of the Four Heavenly Kings directly recruited a group of five people including Long as helpers.Not only that, Li Lin even divided Xiaomeiyan and Xiaoguang, as well as Saori and Akiba into two groups, and everyone dispersed to search for Darkley in Suimai City.

In the end, Long, whose reaction was half a beat slow, still felt a little unbelievable when he saw Li Lin throwing his gaze at him. Facing Li Lin who kept waving at him, Long said a little timidly: " don't know what to do. You want me to form a pair with you, isn't that scientific?"

"Oh..." Li Lin dragged on a long tone, then looked at Long with a sneer and said with a playful look: "It seems that you have doubts about my arrangement, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Chapter 254 Full Moon Island, conflict is approaching

Li Lin is a typical use of power for personal gain. It is too obvious to issue orders directly as the Four Heavenly Kings and tie the dragon by his side.As the core of this travel team, Long's combat effectiveness is absolutely beyond doubt, and there are countless elite soldiers under him. Therefore, from the perspective of resource rationality, it would be too wasteful for Long and Li Lin to form a team.

With the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings, even the legendary Pokemon Darkrai is not enough to resist, so if Li Lin has the idea of ​​subduing the Nightmare God, then the dragon can only play a soy sauce role.After Long hooked up with Xiao Meiyan, the character of the second lady of the Qianhe family became a little suspicious, so the seemingly unreasonable arrangement of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu Alliance inevitably made her suspicious.

What's more, Long has a lot of criminal records. From Sirona to Kona, the two most popular champions in the Elven Alliance have been hooked up by him.Even Kangnai from the Carlos Alliance gave his first screen kiss, plus the super queen Nazi who has not yet been made public, and the league's most sexy goddess in front of her, even if this guy is given the title of a goddess killer. Absolutely not too much!

Xiao Meiyan had to wonder whether it was selfish for Lilin to divide everyone into three groups to look for Darkley, but this was just a guess in the mind of Miss Qianhe.After all, the underground love affair between Long and Li Lin has not been confirmed yet, and the attitude of this sexy goddess towards Long does not seem to be favored, so Xiao Meiyan can't find it even if she wants to catch the wind. related leads.

Besides, the second Miss Xiaomeiyan didn't think that something would happen between Long and Lilin... Who didn't know that the evil king of the Chengdu Alliance and the Ice Queen were very close girlfriends, and the rabbit didn't eat the nest As for the grass, is the dragon so courageous?

Even the second lady of the Chiwa family, who is very smart, sometimes misunderstands, so don't underestimate the ability of a man, especially a lawless guy like Long, who has become the public enemy of Kanto, Sinnoh, and Carlos at the same time. What is impossible to happen to this guy, what else is he afraid to do!

Leaving aside Xiao Meiyan's suspicion for the time being, no one publicly raised any objections to Li Lin's arrangement.In this case, Long can only keep his mouth shut. He should be glad that Sirona, who is preparing for the Shenao Champions League, is not around at this time, otherwise Qian Yu's mother will bump into Li Lin, and there may be a lot of fun.

Driven by Li Lin's resolute and resolute character, Long and his party were divided into three groups, Saori, Akiba, Akami Homura and Xiaoguang were divided into two groups. Search in the city.Looking at the storm salamander and the million-dollar eagle flying into the sky, Long couldn't help turning his head to Li Lin with a bitter face and said, "Is it really possible to search and reach Clay in this way? Small, this kind of blanket search doesn't seem to have much effect!"

Seeing Saori and Xiao Meiyan fly away, Li Lin turned around with a smile and said, "Don't worry, it's almost impossible for them to find the Nightmare God~"

Hearing this, Long immediately rolled his eyes, but soon he felt a gust of fragrant wind rushing towards his face, and felt his lips being bitten hard. Long saw Li Lin who was about to break apart, and he was almost not stunned. Lose.Is there any mistake? In broad daylight, this is too bold. Although there are no people on the street at present, but they are the four kings of the alliance anyway. Don't you pay attention to the influence?

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