Everyone was frightened by the dragon's sudden anger. They didn't know why the dragon was so angry all of a sudden.In fact, no one understands the resentment that Long has been hiding in his heart for many years.

Long is a typical pocket fan and elf fan. As a die-hard elf fan, he has faithfully accompanied Xiaozhi and Pikachu all the way from Kanto to Chengdu, then to Fangyuan, and then to Sinnoh. In the end, Yixiu did not finish his journey. The dragon crossed over and came to the real Pokemon world.

But in the days when he grew up with Xiaozhi in the anime, he completely substituted himself into the role of Xiaozhi. He admired Xiaozhi's spirit of not giving up easily and expressed his admiration for Xiaozhi's peaceful and just heart. .These two points are the indisputable performance of Xiaozhi very well, but Xiaozhi's strength has always made Long and the elf fans who watch anime very uncomfortable. Watching Xiaozhi defeat Yulong and everyone in various alliances Pocket fans have mixed feelings.Always carrying the elves in the initial form, such as the seed of the frog, the squirrel, the fireball mouse, and the little giant crocodile, and then being defeated by others really made the dragon panic.

Long wondered why it was so difficult for Xiaozhi's elves to evolve?They are obviously high-level, and they should have enough experience to evolve after defeating many gymnasiums to obtain badges, but according to Xiaozhi's training method, it is really difficult for his elves to evolve.

Pikachu is unwilling to evolve, probably because the dragon is too big to continue to lie on Xiaozhi's backpack and shoulders after evolving into Raichu. It is inconvenient to have to go back into the poke ball, so the dragon is unwilling to enter him.And the frog seeds are unwilling to evolve and the Jenny turtles have not evolved. The dragon does not know why, but these are not considered by the dragon.

Evolution means a substantial increase in strength. If a fire-breathing dragon faces a Frog Seed, what are the odds of this Frog Seed winning?Even if the Frog Seed is unfavorable in terms of attributes, what if the Frog Flower is against the Charizard?Undoubtedly, the elves after evolution can learn more and more powerful skills, physical strength and other aspects have made great progress, even if there are some minor flaws after evolution. The benefit ratio is nothing at all, just like Pikachu will never use the destroying death light.

It is true that elves that do not evolve can perform well through cultivation, but they will definitely be even better after evolution. Take Xiaozhi's Charmander and Fire Monkey for example. These two eventually evolved into Charmander and Flame Monkey. They evolve The strength of the latter is obvious to all.

For example, Xiaozhi's baby earth dragon was once easily defeated by Jianwu's steel emperor penguin, but what if the baby earth dragon was replaced by its final evolution?Therefore, evolution is the kingly way, this is the law of nature, and it is an inevitable choice for this elf group to gain stronger adaptability in the face of the natural environment, just like the apes eventually evolved into humans.

The carp king is known as the most useless elf, but once it evolves into a Gyarados, it is a very powerful existence. The same goes for the clownfish. If these two cannot evolve into Gyarados and Menus, they will not be able to adapt In the end, the world may be completely extinct.Therefore, no matter how good an elf is, as long as it has the possibility of evolution, its potential will not be fully developed, and no matter how good the aptitude is, it may easily lose to its evolutionary form with mediocre aptitude.

All the elves in this world, except for those beasts that have become one with nature and even surpassed nature, all elves can only leap through the dragon gate if they evolve!

Long looked at Xiaozhi calmly, patted him on the shoulder and said, "If you want to become the world's number one elf trainer, you can't do it without fully exerting the potential of elves. Remember my words, the carp jumps over the dragon's gate and evolves." That's the kingly way!"

Seeing the back of the dragon leaving, Xiaozhi was stunned, and kept muttering, "Is evolution the kingly way?"

But for Xiaozhi, forcing his will on the elves is really not in line with his character, Miao Frog Seed, why don't you want to evolve?

At night, because there is no big hotel in this small town, Long and the others live in the elf center with Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia.Because of the things that happened in the morning, the dragon left the elf center and sat on the grass looking up at the bright moonlight and said to himself, "Is my idea right or wrong? Let the elf gain a stronger power." power to force them to evolve."

"What? Are you still thinking about what happened in the morning?"

Sirona quietly walked over to the dragon, "Elves will gain more powerful abilities after evolution, but there will be such a part of elves in this world who are unwilling to evolve for various reasons. If these elves are wild, then It’s easy, they can choose their own lives according to the way they like. But if these elves have trainers, then in general, the trainers force their elves to evolve in order to make their elves gain powerful abilities, and those who disagree with the trainers The elves will be abandoned. And very few trainers can let the elves respect the wishes of the elves like the child today, this pure idea is very commendable."

"So Sirona?"

Long asked curiously, "If it were you, how would you choose?"

Sirona was silent for a while and said slowly, "My Tyrannosaurus was the same as the frog seed when it was a baby earth dragon."

The dragon was shocked, and he didn't expect that Sirona, a powerful and outrageous Tyrannosaurus, would have that kind of thought.

Sirona smiled at the dragon, "If it were now, I would have made the completely opposite choice, and Tyrannosaurus would have changed my original intention."


Long was surprised.

"Because I am a champion, people who don't understand and understand the heart of elves cannot become champions."

Sirona put her hands on her chest, "Compare your heart to your heart. If you can't even do this, even if you can get powerful power, the most important thing for an elf trainer is to establish a good tacit understanding with the elves."

"Compare your heart to your heart?"

Long suddenly realized, and couldn't help admiring Sirona, "Sirona, you are the most beautiful champion!"

Sirona smiled and stood up, stretched her waist and said, "Okay, go back to sleep, lack of sleep is the biggest enemy of a woman's beauty."

"Seed, seed, seed... [-]" At this time, groups of Miao Frog Seeds not far away shouted and marched forward as they lined up neatly like a pilgrimage.

Long stood up and smiled at Sirona, "I have a job, it seems that I can't go back to sleep for the time being."

Sirona looked at the groups of Blissful Frog Seeds and said, "I heard from Joey that the Brilliant Frog Seeds here will gather in a mysterious place to evolve collectively at this season every year. Do you want to..." "Shh..." The index finger was placed on Sirona's mouth to signal her to whisper, but the dragon's finger touched Sirona's lips lightly inadvertently, and suddenly, a feeling of electric shock spread throughout the dragon's body.Although Long usually looks very sloppy, but at this moment facing the character he liked in the previous life and now the object of love, Sirona, he was still nervous. Long withdrew his arms in embarrassment and kept rubbing his hands back and forth, and kept peeking at Sirona with his eyes. , with a very worried expression.

However, Sirona was very calm and pointed at the back of the dragon and exhaled like a land, "If you don't keep up with the group of wonderful frog seeds, you will go away."

"Oh, good, good."

Long reacted in a hurry but then paused, took out the elf ball under Sirona's puzzled eyes, and with a "bang", Guisi was released.

"Night, I like it."

Guisi nodded in satisfaction and then said to Long, "What's the matter with calling me out?"

Long pointed to the group of Frog Seeds not far away and said, "Guisi, we have to secretly follow the group of Frog Seeds. Can you use your hypnotism to prevent them from finding us?"

Gui Si smiled slyly, "This is simple, well, watch my hypnotism."

With a "bang", after a puff of smoke, Long looked at himself curiously and was taken aback, "Have I become a frog seed?"

Then subconsciously looked at Sirona next to her, and almost didn't cry out, there was a figure of Sirona beside her, there was only one Frog Seed, wouldn't Sirona also become a Frog Seed.

"Hey, are you satisfied with my masterpiece?"

Gui Si laughed and said, and then it turned into a mirror, and the figures of the two wonderful frog seeds were reflected impressively.

"Guess, is this your hypnotism?"

Sirona, it should be Sirona who turned into a frog seed, said, "You are such an amazing ghost."

The mirror that Guisi turned into suddenly reflected Guisi's big laughing face, "Thank you for your praise, I have another title after the kind Guisi, great Guisi, I like it very much."

"And add a mischievous ghost."

The dragon who turned into the seed of Miao Frog said unhappily, "We will change back, right?"

"rest assured."

With a bang, Guisi changed back to his original face from the mirror and said, "This is just my hypnotic trick, you are not turning into real frog seeds."

"That is not bad."

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