"Thank you, Xiaoxue."

Long waved his hands helplessly and said, "This guy still has some problems now, even more troublesome than the flame monkey back then."

Sundae, Lan, and Sakura Nas came to the Elf Center training place together and saw the wryly smiling dragon and the frowning Hironalan asking, "What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"This guy is not just a matter of disobedience, but attacks the trainer as soon as he is released."

The dragon smiled wryly and took out the Poké Ball of the fossil flying dragon. "I'm having a headache right now what to do with this guy."

Sakura said, "Then it's better not to bring the ferocious elf with you, I think it is more terrifying than the Gyarados."

Long laughed and said, "Hehe, I must subdue it. If I want to become the world's number one trainer, I have to overcome all difficulties. In the future, there will be more difficult ones waiting for me to overcome. How can I be afraid of one now?" Little fossil dragon."

Na Si said happily, "I didn't expect you to be quite confident."

Long hehe took out a poke ball and showed a smirk, "Every time before I call it out, I will ask Bangira and Kuailong to put on a posture. As long as this guy dares to be disobedient and has nothing to say, he will beat him up." , three meals a day and three meals a day to see how long it lasts."

All the girls are amazing, but the headache of this fossil flying dragon is beyond the dragon's expectation. The dragon originally expected Suicune to suppress it, but he didn't buy it at all, even Suicune didn't give him any face. But the beast, and the messenger of the phoenix is ​​a bridge to communicate whether humans and phoenixes can get along well. Simply put, it is the messenger of the phoenix country as described in most materials now.

It may be that this guy is an ancient elf who has been sleeping for too long and doesn't even know Suicune's existence. Opening his mouth to Suicune is a destructive death light, and Suicune let this guy know what it means to be afraid of being young. This arrogant fossil flying dragon gave a painful meal.

The dragon also tried to let Gui Si communicate with the fossil flying dragon. Good guy, this guy is really more violent than the wild three-headed dragon mentioned in the textbook.Although Guisi is a bit mischievous, he has the best personality and the least aggressive character among all the dragon elves. It may be that this Guisi has lived for more than 1000 years and has a relatively indifferent view of fighting.But the good Mr. Guisi finally became furious after being hit by a trick, and immediately beat the fossil flying dragon fiercely while yelling at the evil dragon as an old man.

After trying all methods to no avail, Long decided to send the fossil flying dragon back to Dr. Oki's Institute to cool down for a period of time, but he didn't think that the fossil flying dragon was looking for bad luck by himself, and it offended Sundae's three-headed dragon during a meal.This is really asking for trouble. Before the three-headed dragon was subdued, the personality of the three-headed dragon was notoriously tyrannical in the elf world. Basically, no elves would dare to set foot in the place where the three-headed dragon lived within a few kilometers of the surrounding area.

Although the three-headed dragon Sundae has been subdued, it is still the worst-tempered one in this elf team. The three-headed dragon Nilin was touched by the fossil flying dragon. I have long seen this guy who is chattering all day long and making noise all day. up.Although the strength of the fossil flying dragon is not weak, it is still not as good as the three-headed dragon, and the instinctive fighting awareness of the fossil flying dragon is extremely poor, and the battle is usually messy with its mouth.How could such a fighting instinct be the opponent of the three-headed dragon?This time the fossil flying dragon was almost not killed by the three-headed dragon Jiao, but after coming out of the elf center that time, the fossil flying dragon became much more honest, and became much more docile when it was released from the elf ball. , his temper is as close as that of the good old Guisi.

On this day, Long and his party, who were resting in the Elf Center, unexpectedly met Xiaozhi and his party. It is no wonder that Xiaozhi and his party are not as rich as Long. They all live in the spirit center.

"Miss Joy, take a look for me, what's wrong with my frog seed?"

Xiaozhi rushed into the elf center with a swollen bag of frog seeds on his head.

"Ah, Miss Joy. Oh, no, it's Miss Xiaoxue."

This guy Xiaogang ran towards Xiaoxue excitedly, but Xiaoxia grabbed his ears, "Hey, you are so happy that Miao Moth is injured like this."

"Miss Joy just went out, Xiao Zhi, what happened to the Bulgaria Seed, can you let me have a look?"

Sirona and Xiaozhi are also familiar, and took the initiative to walk over to look at the wonderful frog seed in Xiaozhi's arms and asked.

"Just now when we were fighting the armored rhinoceros, the frog seed was hit by a slam attack, and this bag grew on the top of its head. It has not been able to reduce the swelling, and the spirit of the frog seed has been sluggish, and it has become what it is now. "

Xiaozhi carried the Miao Frog Seed to Sirona and said with a worried face.


Sirona checked and said, "Don't worry, the top of the frog seed's head is just a skin trauma, as long as you do some treatment on the wound."

As Sirona spoke, she took out the golden medicine and carefully wiped the wound for the frog seed, disinfected it, then put on the OK bandage, and looked at it carefully. "I know the reason for this mental problem. This season is the season for the evolution of the Frog Seeds, so congratulations, your Frog Seeds are about to evolve."

"is that true?"

Xiaozhi hugged the Frog Seed happily, "Great, you are finally going to evolve the Frog Seed."

Looking at Xiaozhi's expression, Long knew that his wish was about to come true. His Frog Seed hadn't evolved. Long remembered that when he watched the TV version of this episode, he heard Joey say that the Frog Seed would evolve. I was also very excited, but seeing that this guy didn't evolve in the end, it made Long hate Xiaozhi's wonderful frog seed since then.

The idea and concept of the dragon is only the theory of evolution, and only through evolution can Pokemon realize its greatest potential.In this world, those who do not evolve are those awesome beasts, because they have the capital, and the faerie dragon who is unwilling to evolve feels that its growth will be greatly restricted. The TV version of Xiaozhi is often criticized One of the biggest reasons is that only a few of the elves he subdued have evolved, and the elves that Xiao Zhi had subdued in Kanto, such as Squirtle and Bulbasaur, are still the same after he went to Yixiu.Is this still an elf cultivated by a trainer?Even if it has been wild for such a long time, it should complete the second stage of evolution.

So Long was embarrassed to pour cold water on Xiaozhi when he saw Xiaozhi's excited appearance, but just let out a cold snort to express his displeasure. "Xiaoxia, I really don't understand why you keep following me when you have so many routes to choose from."

Sakura said to Xiaoxia.

"what the hell,"

Xiaoxia said angrily, "I didn't deliberately follow behind you, sister."

"Ah, Miss Xiaoxue, meeting you here is arranged by the heavens. My love has already sprouted in this season of the evolution of the wonderful frog seed, and it will evolve into Xiaosheng's eternal love..."

Before Xiaogang finished speaking, he was dragged away by the angry Xiaoxia, "If you want to evolve, you can evolve alone outside and don't hinder others here."

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoda..." Although it wasn't the first time the girls had seen Xiaogang's appearance, they still felt very ashamed.

"Dragon, my wonderful frog seed is about to evolve."

Xiaozhi proudly showed off to the dragon.

"Little kid,"

Long said, "You are too happy."

"What do you mean?"

Lan saw Long's uncomfortable expression just now and heard Long's strange voice now and couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, Xiaozhi, judging by the appearance of your Frog Seed, he doesn't seem to want to evolve very much."

Xiaoxue stroked the Miao Frog Seed and said gently.

"Ah, the wonderful frog seed doesn't want to evolve?"

Although Xiaozhi was a little frustrated, he looked at Miaowazi and said, "If this is its decision, then I respect his choice."

"Don't you think it's too pampering for them?"

Finally, Long couldn't help but angrily said to Xiaozhi with an expression of hating iron but not steel.

Chapter 051: The Incredible Garden of the Frog Seed

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