"...It is Kotomine Kirei who came."

Compared to this, what surprised Irisviel even more was the change in Maiya's expression when she told the news.

A woman who is as expressionless as ice at all times, making it impossible for people to see all emotions.

I thought she must be as cold as ice in her heart to the end.

The expression on Maiya's expression that Irisviel saw for the first time now was an absolute cautiousness that detected a sense of crisis.

What she was afraid of should not be Kirei's mission, but the situation where Kirei appeared here at this time.

Aware of this, Irisviel smiled at Maiya.

"Kirei will be stopped by the two of us here, can you, Maiya-san?"

According to Irisviel's speculation, the current Emiya Kiritsugu should have faced off against Tohsaka Tokiomi, and if the character Kotomine Kirei joins in again, the situation will be directly one-sided.

After a moment of hesitation, Maiya nodded with a strange expression.

"I'm sorry, but please make up your mind, ma'am."

"It's okay, don't worry about me, you perform your duties, not an order from Kiritsugu, but what you think is necessary."


In retrospect, maybe I have already noticed something, so I am afraid to confirm it.

Now Irisviel understood that the reason for avoiding Maiya... was not because she was afraid of her, but because she was afraid of knowing her heart.

Irisviel couldn't help laughing amidst the exhilaration of approaching a deathmatch.

Maiya, who took out her Carrick, glanced at her with a surprised expression.

"……What's wrong?"

"The human heart is amazing."

Irisviel smiled, slightly dispelling the tension in Maiya's heart before the upcoming battle, making her feel relieved for a moment.


For Kotomine Kirei, it was not very difficult to speculate on the next course of action for the Einzbern camp.

After Assassin released a provocative aura and hid in the forest and successfully lured Saber away, everything after that was already under Kirei's control.

Although Berserker is still a variable...

But since Berserker has already started fighting with Saber, there should be no way for Saber to rush back in a short time.

As for Emiya Kiritsugu, now he should stay in the position and make complete preparations for the attack, waiting for the enemy's attack is the best strategy.

Thinking about it like this, there is no need to search for it at all, the Einzbern Forest on the outskirts of Fuyuki City should not be unused, and Emiya Kiritsugu can't be wrong if it is still there.

Of course, Kirei had no intention of throwing himself into the battle at all.

The east of the forest has a high chance of becoming a battle location.

Because generally speaking, enemies coming from Fuyuki's side would invade from that direction.

So, Kirei waited on the western edge of the forest until the battle started, and by the way released the rest of the Assassins to observe Irisviel and the others by using "breath shielding", and if the battle started in the east as he expected, then Then he attacked from the opposite side and stopped Irisviel and the others who were trying to escape from this side.

If people like Irisviel could be killed as quickly as possible, then he would have a chance to go to the castle as soon as possible.

After all, if Emiya Kiritsugu was killed by Tohsaka Tokiomi, Kirei's goal would not be achieved.

In order to face Kiritsugu face to face, Kirei prepared himself to confront Tokiomi in the worst case, and quickly advanced in the forest.

But just in case, Kirei had already made preparations for the battle in advance, and because of this, he was able to respond sensitively to the unexpected murderous aura.

Sighing, he leaned over to avoid the rain of bullets that exploded like thunder above his head.

Unexpected machine gun fire can sometimes demoralize even skilled veterans.

But it is an exception for the representatives of the Church of the Holy Church.

Kirei didn't even shed a drop of cold sweat, and calmly deduced the situation.

The enemy is a person, judging from the gunshots, it is a short submachine gun with a caliber below 9mm.

Because pistol bullets that lack penetrating power do not have the power to penetrate tree trunks, they are less threatening in the forest than sniper rifles.

Kirei judged the enemy's position from the direction of the gunfire, and threw two black keys.

But contrary to the expected reaction, only the sound of the blade piercing the tree trunk was heard.


On the side of the surprised Kirei, a murderous edge struck again.

There was another gunshot from the left hand direction. Although he dodged it at the nick of time, this time it was more dangerous than the previous gunshot.

The previous judgment that the enemy is alone has delayed his reaction a little.

The location of the second shot was completely different, and it was too fast to move.

However, if there were two gunners from the beginning, the Cross Vitality should be able to solve Kirei with a good timing.

When he was puzzled, this time he sensed four auras, Kirei quickly held two black keys in one hand and put them in a stance, a new intuition flashed in his head.

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